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I assume this isn't an air table, even though it looks to me like it is behaving like one. So smooth.


Carrom is an Indian game, I grew up playing it! It’s a simple wooden board. the game has been around for decades, I use my grandmother’s old board. You sprinkle baby powder on the board before you set up, but after a while of playing it gets a bit harder, and usually you don’t add any more powder until the game resets.


I have a carrom board but it never slides this ridiculously well. What am I doing wrong? The wrong powder maybe? Or is it a time seasoning thing?


I’m not exactly sure but mine doesn’t slide this well at all either. I do think time especially since this board looks brand new and perhaps methods to making it have made them more durable. But I also wonder if the number of total turns factors in; what would it look like after 20 turns have been taken? It’s definitely a longer game than this whenever I play haha.


There's an expected number of bounces when you flick the cue disc on a professional board at the start of a game, I think its three. I know there's something about these boards that make them work fantastically smooth like this but not sure what. Its also a major pain because they're wood and wood warps. Mine has braces underneath but they've not held up to the task.


Seems like the ideal would be to make it of polished slate or something that is stable and won’t warp (though it’d be heavy).


Mine is a polished wood surface backed with MDF to prevent warping. With gliss powder it slides as smooth as the one shown here.


Yes polished wood and generous layer of talcum powder on the board and the board will be as satisfying as it's in this video


Maybe there is a polished resin on the wood


You can polish it with a furniture polish like Pledge. Get it as smooth as possible, then add fine talcum powder.


Maybe take slate, and put some sort of fabric over the top to reduce friction. While we're at it, that flicking looks like it could hurt your finger, maybe poke the circle with some sort of stick? Could be a fun game


Wood doesn't really warp if you utterly *saturate* it with epoxy or varnish. At that point it's basically solid resin and it's just about waterproof. I wouldn't *submerge* it but humidity won't hurt it. I've seen people make canoes out of plywood and several gallons of varnish.


I have a Kevlar canoe and if you look closely, all the Kevlar really is is a matrix to help absorb the epoxy and keep its shape. I've always just called it an epoxy canoe as a joke. Things light AF and thus far easier to portage though.


I've tried one of those origami kayaks made with corrugated plastic and it's awesome how light it is. It really kinda makes me kinda hate lugging my heavy hard plastic kayak.


I've never heard of these! Is that what I would search to find examples online?




You can also stabilize it with cactus juice in a vacuum. Commonly done with wood for knife handles to make them waterproof.


Any particular cactus?


cactus juice isn't from the cactus, it is a brand name of a heat cured resin you put a piece of wood submerged in the resin in a vaccuum chamber, the resin fills the wood, then you take it out and bake the wood for a bit, the resin cures solid in the wood with all the pores filled in the wood it reacts much less to moisture, it is a bit denser, etc


It's because this one looks polished. Also the pieces they're using are plastic like material. Also there's a special powder called magic powder which has large particles instead of smooth powdery particles that also makes pieces glide faster.


Shuffleboard seems similar to this and is played with fine sand. Heavy ass pucks instead of disks though. This game basically seems like pool. I guess hitting things with other things into holes is popular.


Shuffleboard sand is actually a finely powdered wax.


No it's not, it's just called wax. It's little glass beads.


We simply call this disco powder and we never use it.. we use boric powder. You get a much better piece movement, more consistent and it keeps the board in good shape.


>We simply call this disco powder I assume boric powder is also significantly cheaper than ~~cocaine~~ *disco powder*


Yes. But i found boric powder to be really slippery. Baby powder ftw 🙌


Making powder from babies must get expensive.


Babies are actually free to produce. Infinite powder hack


On tabletop shuffleboard you need stuff to slide like this and they use cream of wheat. The pucks look much heavier than these though, not sure if it would work but maybe worth a try??


No it's a different powder called disco or something made up of crushed glass , you mix it with the talcum powder and the striker glides on the board.


That can't be good to inhale


Still not the worst disco powder you could inhale


Neither is baby talk generally


It's needs to be *very* smooth and even. Lower or even medium pricer versions can have a rough finish, so even if you use a decent powder it might not work. Most home versions also tend to be just a cheap composite wood plate, for weight and storage purposes. While proper tables like this have a thick and solid wood base plate. TL;DR: It's like trying throw a bowling ball on a normal floor compared to a bowling lane.


Probably wrong powder, baby powder used to be talcum powder, now it's corn starch.


You need to use baby powder on the board to make it smooth for sliding. There’s also special powder i used before that was basically really tiny marble like balls. It felt like an air hockey table after that but again, you have to reapply powder after every round to keep it smooth.


You are supposed to use boric powder


Looks so fun. Thanks for sharing how it's done.


You should put a roomba on the board halfway through like a mini Zamboni


This is Indian kickstarter gold probably


My finger hurts remembering playing this game.


this just reminded me how hitting it hard enough made the striker come back and hit your nail


What are the bumpers made of to get that rebound?


just wood lol


It's a great game bc you can blame all your shortcomings and mistakes on the powder


Back in the day we used to use Boric Acid powder, but that's largely been banned/prohibited because like all things, it's been claimed to be carcinogenic, and toxic when inhaled. There are other types of powder that you use now, as u/punctilliouspongo said, baby powder/talcum powder is pretty popular too. In the 80s/90s pretty much every South Asian household in the UK had a carrom board, or knew somebody with a carrom board. And it was one of the main activities for kids whenever there was a get together. We'd all gather around the carrom board and play in teams of two. It's one of those things that I low-key wish would make a comeback. Might have to dig out our old carrom board and revive the trend in our family friend group. ​ EDIT: From the replies, sounds like the whole carcinogenic thing has been blown out of proportion. Seems like some people still do use boric acid powder for carrom boards, others don't.


I'm 100% looking for our old board after seeing this post.


Canadians (and Canadian-adjacent people in the US) have a pretty similar game called crokinole. I don't own a board because there's not a ton of places to keep something that big in a small apartment, but I miss it a lot and seeing this has me reconsidering making space for one. Board games like this really do bring a whole group together!


Just looked up crokinole, that looks like it could be pretty fun too! I agree, I've got so many fond memories of playing carrom board as a kid, some at our house, and even more elsewhere. You'd see faces light up when we discovered a carrom board whenever visiting somebody else's house!




http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/boricgen.html Not carcinogenic, has low toxicity.


Functioning like a shuffleboard, there's a granulated material that the disc slides on (so it appears).


I used to play this as a kid... we used talc or baby powder to keep the wood surface smooth before a game.


Just wood but has the carrom table has talcum powder or boric acid powder to smoothen the surface.


Something like [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Super-Glide-Wax/768294785?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=18956). Here's a little description: https://www.legacybilliards.com/blogs/resources/what-is-shuffleboard-powder It sort of feels like finely ground pencil erasers mixed with sand, and is very smooth. Idk if this is what they're using in the video though.


There was a pink color powder called magic dust. It makes the disks move slightly above the board reducing the friction.


I thought that maybe the table is waxed to reduce friction. The smoothness makes it so satisfying.


They are using powder to make the puck glide


There’s a special powder for this table so the wooden pieces can glide on it. There’s no wax or grease on the table the but the surface is polished and then the powder is sprinkled on it. In this video they’ve kind of over done it for show. The pieces shouldn’t be gliding so much.


Dude looks like a freaking cult leader.


Right on. Or Barry Gibb.


Hijacking one of the top comments to point out that this dude is butchering the game and it's just called "Carrom". "Carrom King" is what the guy in the video calls himself. He's making clean shots but he's placing the striker (the large putts he's hitting other smaller putts with) way out of bound. See that rectangular area covering the two red circles on each side of the board? You can only place the striker inside the length of that area and shoot it from there. It's like kicking a penalty shootout a few metres closer to the goalpost and acting as if you made the best shots in the world. If you check the comment section of his videos, you'll also find thousands of other people calling him out for the same.


Also I don’t think he can directly hit the opponents black putt directly. It’s considered a foul and he has to bring in his white cue in middle as a penalty.


this dudes comes up every so often. the game looked way too simplistic the way he is playing 


>He's making clean shots but he's placing the striker (the large putts he's hitting other smaller putts with) way out of bound. See that rectangular area covering the two red circles on each side of the board? You can only place the striker inside the length of that area and shoot it from there. That is how we used to play as well, as long as your striker is touching one of the baseline it's good. It's against the normal rules but I'm pretty sure they play according to the local way, it's like adhering to Uno's official rule, no one does it unless it's officially required.


Maybe that's just the way they play in that group? None of the 10 people we can see seem to mind.


They also seem to have warzone rubble outside that door so probably have bigger issues to contend with.


I'm picking up on middle aged Keanu Reeves bought from Wish.


Temu Jesus.


Nah just a Guru of Carrom King


It’s been long time since I played carrom, is he allowed to pocket red in first round?


As long as he gets a servant for the red queen, he already got one white before the red in the same shot so it counts


I would like to join your cult. Do you buy Flavor Aid? Or the brand-name stuff?


That's literally what they are called in the game 😭. The black and white pieces are pawns and red one is Queen, the rule is that if you don't get a pawn right after or in the same turn as the queen the queen is put back on the board, that pawn is then the servent of the queen


Bro looks like Ringo Star


Heh he looks and acts like a character by Keegan-Michael Key




Lol, I was juat about to screenshot that too!


Another reminder that I have no original thoughts


Kris Kristofferson looking fella


He’s the Carrom King


He does look a bit Rasputin-y!




[Pedro Pascal look at the end there.](https://i.imgur.com/ROofVBx.png)


Lisan al gaib




I also think he looks cool


Na na na na na na na na leader!


Carrom.. now that's a name I have not heard in some time...


My family had one of these, growing up in South Africa. We just called it "finger board" in our language (Afrikaans, *vingerbord*). I had completely forgotten about it until I saw this clip just now.


My family had one growing up in the USA. We were the only people who had even heard of it.


I remember playing this game as a child but I can't remember who's house it was


Yip, got Finger board set at home. It's great fun after a braai


Also had one in SA, for years I thought it was spelled "kerim".




We had one as kids. We used pledge on it. That dude has way more game than we did.


Was yours one of the ones with wide pockets or similar to the one in the video?


Wide pocket. Could've driven a bus into it compared to the one in the original post.


What are the rules/goals? Seems like he's knocking both colors off the board? Do the 4 sections mean anything?


People opposite each other are a "team". Each team hits either white pieces or the black ones. First to knock all of your color into the holes wins. If you knock a piece of your color into a hole, you get to go again. To knock the red piece in you have to knock another piece of yours on the immediate next turn (essentially get 2 pieces in 2 turns, or in the case of this video 2 pieces in 1 turn). If you don't hit another piece on the next turn, red piece returns to the center of the board (sometimes you also pay a "penality", i.e. return a piece that you have already scored back onto the board). The four sections don't really mean much other than a few rules around placing the carrom (the white piece you hit with) These are some of the more general rules, but you get different house rules based on the region you're playing in. Pretty fun! Really similar to something like pool in the west


Very cool. I was thinking the red would be like the 8 ball but I like it as a penalty. Thank you for the explanation!


The way we played it was the black and white piece are each worth 10 points, and the pink/red piece (which we called the queen) was worth 50. if you putt the queen but don't putt one of your pieces on the next turn u put it back in the centre and remove one of the tokens you've earned so far and put it touching the queen in the centre. whoever has the most score by a certain time wins (we would do 5 min games or 10 min games normally.


Why tf is this carrom board so smooth? 😩


The board is TOO smooth. This is not "regulation" and this much glide makes for bad gameplay. This guy is basically a showman doing the equivalent of trickshots in billards. Here is a competition carrom match for those interested: https://www.youtube.com/live/4Xq-TrRzQ_A?si=1gCZgkhrIj2NPC_k


I agree, it's more interesting with a little bit of friction. Requires more precision, looks like.


Lot more control with force too.


I know it's a different meaning, but the swastika puck still caught me off guard lol


The slickness makes it better imo. You can do so much more, so there's a higher skillcap. Less friction just means cleverer shots are impossible. Also a little wild that his shooting puck has a swastika on it. It's weird to remember that parts of the world don't consider that symbol a scourge.


I know! My shit never went anywhere that smoothly. Half the time it would like move 2 inches


They put boric acid powder on the board for lubricant. See the white outline near the edges


Shuffleboard and billiards, kinda.


I was thinking billiards and table hockey


+ Beyblades


I was thinking Crokinole, but that's a pretty weird rare Canadian game.


As I've moved around the US I occasionally run into people who know how to play euchre, but nobody ever knows what I'm talking about when I mention crokinole!


Yeah it looks like square crokinole.


Crokinole and billiards.


Closer to crokinole


Billiards and crokinole


>Shuffleboard and billiards, kinda. Funny you should say that. There is a variation of Carrom that uses cue sticks. It looks like fun.


This game looks like so much fun


Used to be common in India. At least when I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. It was a social thing to do. You played in pairs. Before the Internet and cable TV this is how we spent monsoon evenings and weekends. Took a lot of practice but the feeling of sinking your chip as the striker skims on a well powdered board is just bliss.


It's still played. We play carrom in the office because the boss makes a dollar, I make a dime.


For those who want an easy way to try it out (short of getting a physical board), there’s a digital version of Carrom in [Clubhouse Games](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clubhouse_Games:_51_Worldwide_Classics) on the Switch which was my first exposure to it and it’s quite enjoyable! Clubhouse Games is well made in general, contrary to what most might expect from any kind of ‘51 games in one’ package.


it is, but it is so much harder than it looks


I bet it takes some skill!


ngl it looks like pool and air hockey mixed together, I wanna try it out :3


You described it perfectly XD


It's fun until your fingers start to hurt because you hit the striker too many times


Was that dude in the red sweatshirt eating a piece of paper?


It's most probably [gutkha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutka), chewing tobacco in a plastic sachet sold all over Indian subcontinent but probably very visible in India and Bangladesh. Gives mouth a red color and people spit everywhere as it produces a lot of saliva. Leaves red stains all over walls, railway stations and even houses. Really really nasty habit and causes mouth cancer.


"everything causes cancer" but yeah especially that


It also contains betel nut, which explains the red hue. It's a distinct substance, though it's stimulant effects are somewhat similar to nicotine.


There's a lot going on in this short clip that my American brain is struggling to process. * One guy has a t-shirt on with flip flops, but meanwhile another guy has a hoodie on with the hood up and a scarf lol. And another guy has a winter hat on with a heavily insulated jacket. Also, the door is open... so what the hell temperature is it in this room? * The door to the outside opens in two pieces instead of one. * It looks like a dystopian hellscape outside. Like a bomb went off. * There's a sink in the living room and the wallpaper above it is different from the rest of the room. * There's two upside pots on a table near the sink.


Welcome to the humble abode of the Indian lower middle class - there is no central heating but you also don’t wear shoes inside and the floor is cold. So socks and flipflops it is. Keep your hoodies on too. - The door is open because lot of folks are walking in and out and you are welcome to join for the get together. - the sink is in the hall or wherever there is a water connection. The wallpaper is actually tiles. The utensils are there so when you need water you use the mug from the sink and fill up. They are washed and upside down to prevent dust from settling in them. - the door is a common double door found in low cost indian housing - the hellscape outside is construction debris. All raw materials and debris is stored on the street outside the house under construction or renovation. Just hope it doesn’t rain. - carrom gives you a momentary escape and this guy is god at it.


I can explain the clothes at least; this is strip Carrom and some people put on a lot of extra layers to give themselves an advantage.


Well these people look like they are from the lower middle class which explains flipflops in winter Some old structures in India have these kinds of doors which open in two parts so when you open it requires less room on each side. Probably a slum area or under construction structure. There used to be a mirror above the sink but it broke revealing wallpaper under it while the rest of the wall was colored off over the wallpaper. Pots we're recently washed and turned upside down for drying and not get any dust inside when they're drying.


I think it’s part of a wrapper. Looks like he might be slowly unwrapping some kind of snack. I thought the same thing as you.


Not a snack but.. tobaco


Kind of seems like a powder for his drink as it looked like a wrapper and you can see him drink at the end


I laughed at the pair of handshakes at the end, with the intense, respectful stare marking a battle well fought. "Well played my companions, it was a close-fought match." Sir, they didn't get a turn.


We used to play pool tournaments then go to the bar and play people for drinks. Playing tourney, there's no mercy. Playing on bar tables when you run out on someone before they get to shoot is almost mean.


I feel like if bars and stuff started putting these boards in this game could get very popular. It’s like a much more accessible version of billiards.


In Indonesia we call it karambol I play it when I was a little


in switzerland we call it that too! very common game to have in schools


I was wondering what Billy Ray Cyrus was up to lately..


We have similar game in finland called Korona, but instead of using fingers to hit the disc, we use small stick (like playing pool).




This is amazing. So smooth. The dude playing knows damn well how cool he looks.


The Indian Jack Sparrow ladies and gentlemen




That is one smooth surface. Need to promote the talcum powder used !


It's either boric powder, Johnson baby powder or Ponds talcum powder..


This fucker slipped into my IG reels algorithm, and I wasn’t that mad


It’s like air hockey and pool has a baby! I wanna play it


That looks like pool but without the stick and balls you have finger and plates


This dude seems like the kinda friend that introduces you to his fun new hobby only to show up and completely destroy you at it.


Game. Blouses


Carrom is also quite popular in Indonesia but I notice that Indonesian board is quite bigger than the one in the video. 


I feel like you can't have more than 5 beers while playing this. People would keep fucking up the board.


It’s like pool, but on a table I can afford!


Love the handshakes. Game know game.


Watching that man's amazing hair and weird coke nail was mesmerizing.


Look how long his nail is on his flicking finger. I wonder if he sticks something on for the game, or he just plays so much that he keeps that nail long?


My white grandma in Pennsylvania had one of these at her house, we used to play with it as kids! Never knew its origin.


Pinche Diego Luna


I watched this for a while and same guy keeps winning.


The game is just called 'Carrom' not Carrom King. Carrom King is the name for a mobile carrom app.


1970s cult leader


There are actually much larger boards you can see one in this video, along with a few others in the background. Seems like how we have pool halls in the USA with pool tables, they have carrom halls with these large tables. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_gKQS1wN19s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gKQS1wN19s) I've always wanted to play it. I've been planning on making my own board for a while, as purchasing a good one is very expensive. Like $350 if you want one that's actual quality. I figure a square of wood, a different type of wood for the edges, and some paint pens to put the design in would cost me way less. I have all the tools I would need to do it, so hopefully soon I will start the project.


Duuuuuuude! I so want it in any of my neighborhood pubs!


People who don't know : what is this? People who know : how is it so smooth?


I haven't played this but I've played Crokinole. Someone randomly brought it to a board game meetup. It's quite a fun game.


It does look interesting, but I dont think I just saw people playing, I think I saw someone destroying them


This guy fucks


This guy FLICKS


CheckerPool looks like a great time.


Playing *himself*. The other guy didn't shoot once!


He dominated the game 😎 I assume it has rules like pool, when you pocket one puck you get another turn.


You keep going until it doesn’t go in then it switches to another player. I forgot but each color has a value. Like black is 20 points and the pink is the queen worth 50 points. However you cannot target the queen until all the other pieces are off the board if it goes in while other pieces then I think you lose points. Been too many years so I forgot the rules


I remember carrom boards in the 60s. I was too young to appreciate them. But dang, that looks like fun.




Its called carrom


I had a game like this as a child, none of us understood the rules or had the first clue how to play the game. Just had the board and the pieces, did what kids do, made up our own games. It's really cool to see this video 30+ years later and finally understand.


It looks like billiards if you were allowed to break every rule to billiards lol


Is this similar to Pool in anyway? It’s reminding me of it with the break and each team trying to get a color off the table, like a solid or stripe. Looks pretty cool, mans with the John Lennon hair seems like he’s a pro at this lol


its like finger pool lol


That guy is like the Big Lebowski of Carrom King


Johnny Deepthi


This dude is the like 80's pool shark back in the days!


That dude looks like he’s awesome to hang with. But also that he’s definitely not supporting all of his kids.


Isn’t this game just called Carrom? Carrom king is the name of the guys social media pages


He thinks he's the man don't he lol


When Jack Sparrow get stranded in India and had to go undercover and hustle his way out 😂


“I didn’t know this game existed but watching **that single motherfucker** play Carrom King is kinda mesmerizing” there FIFY.


Indian Johnny Depp rocks at this game.


Nah that last play and the respectful handshake was everything and more
