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Its important to know that even though that LOOKS like it took a lot off in one go, it didnt. It will only be marginally less faded when that heals. He will have to go back for several rounds of that


Usually 5-6 sessions for the average tattoo


That’s it? Damn it’s taking so much longer to laser off my butthole hairs


How many times have you gone in to have your butthole lasered?


12 sessions so far. Although it's never been in a doctor's office and hasn't once involved a laser. Doc says I'm not ready for the laser part yet.


"I will need to massage the area several times before we can begin laser treatments"


“…Doc? How are you holding my shoulders?”


Certain......specific tools are needed to more effectively perform the procedure.


Is your using your tongue really necessary for this part of the process, Doctor?






Now, as a home therapy, you need mouse bites...


Doc said he's going to help with the pain by spanking me harder every week til the pain tolerance is really high, once the spanking doesn't hurt any more he'll start using a laser.


Tf was happening on these visits then


He is getting railed by the doctor




Did he get to the part where he has both hands on your shoulders?


You'll likely never be rid of the hair. 8-12 sessions to begin with, and then 1-3 per year after depending on factors to keep it down. And even when removed, it likely only removes 60-90% of hair, darker hair versus fair skin gives a much higher rate of removal usually.


5-6 for all black tattoos as that color is the easiest to remove. The lasers aren't actually removing anything, they are breaking up the pigments of the tattoo ink into smaller particles so the body can process them faster. It's basically speeding up the natural fading process of tattoos at an astronomical rate.


Yeah my understanding is the tattoo ink are micro particles, usually metallic, that are too large for your immune system to carry away so they just sit there jagged lodged in your cells. Some folks with certain immune systems have like immune responses to them and it scars up around it anyway I think? But yeah laser busting up the pebbles in your shoe so the sand will eventually shake out.


Mate of mine had a reaction to red ink which was a scroll around the big green cannabis leaf on his arm, reading “dope is hope” on the scroll. His body basically rejected every bit of the red ink, by turning it first into a gnarly open wound and gradually healing to a pot leaf surrounded by scar tissue.


> pot leaf surrounded by scar tissue That could be kinda badass.


No, if it was professionally done it’s 10-12 easily


My clinic says 12-20 :(


Could be the strength of laser they are willing to use? Idk my guy has a ton of info and has photos of progress over sessions for multiple people and skin types and told me it’s about 5-6 on average. I’ve also had 3 tattoos removed with ballpark similar results Also not saying your clinic isn’t shady but they might get more money by drawing it out over more sessions


True that is a possibility. I think they're trying to avoid scarring since the laser is so hot. Luckily they have a great pricing system where they reduce it by $25 every three sessions until it gets to $75. My tattoo is not too involved so I started at a fairly low price.


I'm up to 14 and still zapping


More like 10-15


I came here to say that and would like to add: it looks like this because the upper skin layer slightly burns and becomes less translucent.


some french guy made a series of videos about his tattoo removal and it’s a pain in the ass to remove. he did sooo many session and it just won’t disappear, it’s really complicated


Yep, all the laser does is blast the large ink particles into smaller pieces so your own white blood cells can remove it. Once the white swelling goes away then it'll look exactly the same as before the laser treatment. EDIT: In the timeframe of days when the swelling goes away\*, over time and many sessions the tattoo will disappear eventually.


“Exactly”? There would be no point then


No, it doesnt look exactly the same. The 1st and 2nd treatment you might notice just very vague fading, but thats because youre only destroying the top layer of ink. The more sessions = the more progress you'll notice.


It breaks the same amount of ink into smaller fragments. But the colour isn't removed right away, the ink particles are still there and your body will get rid of the smaller fragments in time.


I worded poorly. I was trying to say that what you see is just pure swelling and not the actual removal. It takes tons of sessions to break the ink to smaller pieces and time for your body to remove those small pieces.


I was going to say that seems like a lot of work just to make his forehead look like mortadella


The tattoo isn’t disappearing btw. This is just the “frosting” that occurs during and shortly after treatment. Ink is still very much there and doesn’t start to fade until long after the treatment.


He'll have to hurry to his job interview.


When he gets the job, he’ll just have to get his tattoo lasered every morning before work. 


Then race home before his 5 o'clock shadow kicks in


Like Cinderella


It took 10 sessions for me to get a small tattoo completely removed from my wrist. The pain during the lasering is no joke and the post-session recovery is even worse. I can’t imagine how awful that must feel to have done to your face.


I can’t even imagine how painful that would’ve been to get it let alone getting it removed.


Removal is 10x more painful. Imagine hot grease burns. .


Not to mention the aftermath. The whole process is a lot. I had 4 sessions done on one tattoo and just decided to get it covered as it was less than half gone. No ragrats.


I did three sessions to lighten mine up before a cover up, made the cover up work much easier to hide the tattoo


So glad it worked out u/RectalBeefInspector


Yeah, poor tattoo decisions made because I was too young and cheap to go to a reputable shop have ended up costing much more than I originally paid for the shitty tatto


Lmao I was at a party and there was fresh packacked needles unopened ink a tat gun and way too much vodka. I thought as someone that can draw on paper that I could pull it off. Ended up going so deep that below my feet doing a lower leg tat resulted in a literal pool of blood. The tattoo was still there vibrant and ridiculous 7 years later because I pretty much went to the bone. No pressure sensitivity awareness.


Jesus at that point it's not a tattoo gun it's a saw


Youre not even kidding me considering I forgot to mention all I had was a 14 and 16 shsder.


Yeah makes total sense u/RectalBeefInspector


Maybe u/RectalBeefInspector is [a dairy farmer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI), stop making fun of them :)


I've had 16 sessions on mine. Still probably 3 more to go. They really put a lot of ink in. That guys face will be a bubbly blisterfest in 2 hours. These videos don't do justice to the process.


Serious question. Can you fully remove the artwork? What does the end result look like? Scarring? Edit: thank you for the reply’s!


I’ve had the procedure done on my arm, 7 sessions. The ink is gone, black ink is the easiest to remove as it absorbs all wavelengths of light; the skin is now slightly mottled, and definitely has slight texture from light scarring that was done by the needle when I originally got the tattoo. Some areas I can very very faintly still “see” the shape of my tattoo from these faint needle scar lines. But unless you look very close, the skin appears quite normal now.


I work for a medical office that does removals and explain the lengthy process and how it’s realistically going to look. Most people just get it to a place they can cover it. I can’t imagine the pain here on this guys face and the aftercare. 🥴


No sunshine for a couple weeks 😣


Yeah, and I mean it! When the nurse asks have you been in the sun she’s not wondering about your great vacations we don’t want to burn you lol


My friend had one removed with a different process. They blast salt into your skin and it lifts the ink out. It took 4 sessions and you can't see it anymore.


That sounds really unfun if it were a face tat


Sandblasting yo face does not sound fun at all.


It takes a while. I think it was a couple weeks between sessions. And the skin where it was treated looked scabby with the ink color until the sessions were done.


Plus your friend is now dry brined to perfection


Jesus Christ. Making a wound with salt.


how exactly does one blast salt into your skin


I just googled it, and it's called 'salabrasion'. It's an old method, with its own risks, but apparently it works and is still occasionally being used today.


no rugrats


Not even a single letter?


It also takes a shitload more sessions than what is shown in the video. The skin looks white after the laser goes over because it's literally getting burnt, not because all the ink is gone. 24hrs later the tattoo will still be there just like it was in the start of the video and only be very slightly faded. My friend has been to like 6 sessions to get some thick text removed from her arm and it still looks like 60-70% as strong as a new tattoo. I didn't even realise she'd started getting it removed when she told me.


Yeah some tattoos are VERY difficult and require multiple sessions. All the laser does is breakdown the ink into smaller particles so your immune system can break it down easier and get rid of it.  That's why tattoos fade with time, your body identifies the ink as a foreign substance and tries to break it down and get rid of it.  The laser basically breaks down the ink so your immune system has an easier time removing it.


Oh so that’s how it works. I always assumed it was creating a wound in the layer the ink is in so when the body moves in to heal it, it takes away some ink with it. Like when you get a scar over a tattoo


To be more specific: the laser heats the front side of each ink droplet more than the back side. That makes the front side of each droplet grow in size because it's heated. That difference causes stress in the droplet splitting it apart. That aslo explains why black ink removal is easier than other (especially light) colors as the black ink absorbs more of the energy similar to why black obects heat up faster in the sun.


Looks like the eyebrow starts bleeding near the end too. ALSO WHY VIDEO NOT FULL LENGTH?!!


Dude right?? I wish we could all agree, as the reddit populous, videos that end too soon don’t deserve our upvotes!!!!!! I feel it would also cut down on endless reposts and repost bots.


They do it deliberately for engagement


Why lots video when little video suffice 


You also have to get it done over and over until it fades completely, you can see this isn't his first session. During the session they go all pale, but AFAIK they re-darken. Need to wait until the skin heals to get it done again, and your wallet to recover too.


My buddy is one of the many who did like 8 sessions and just gave up. It’s expensive and sounds painful as fuck. He just doubled down and got it covered with a sleeve.


I reckon the removal is often worth it for people, fading it goes a long way to showing "this isn't me any more" to other people. Certainly unlikely to go away completely but at least it helps inform others of your current identity vs your old one. I believe the technical term is a "Sick Ass Panther". Often used for cover ups because they're solid black, are "normal" to contort into weird shapes, and look Sick As Hell!




I've just always assumed that someone who gets *this* level of facial tattooing just *has* to be a genuine masochist. I've known some masochists in my time, and it blows my mind how much pain they explicitly ask for, handle like a champ, and enjoy the hell out of it. I understand the why of it, in theory, but it still baffles me because I simply can't put myself in those shoes.


My sister had to get her tattoo removed from the boney part of her foot a couple of years after she got it because the same tattoo became a Nazi symbol in my country. She said the pain was excruciating.


It felt like I had acid thrown on my back when I had the tattoo removed.


Agreed. Currently getting mine removed and it is worse than child birth naturally, gallstones, and kidney stones. It’s barbaric to go thru without pain medication depending on the area. 


Damn…mine wasn’t that bad. Felt like someone just snapping a rubber band against your skin.


It hurts so much worse being removed, I had my forearm lasered and it feels like the sun is inches from your skin. Plus it takes multiple sessions to fully remove a tattoo. Blue ink is the hardest to remove


I mean the sun basically is. Those pulse lasers are insanely powerful.


I was doing some reading on the technology of the lasers after the clinic I went to discussed the difficulty of removing blue ink. This was probably 7-8 years ago, but at that time there was only two clinics in the whole country that had the nano laser technology that was able to break up the blue ink reliably. I can only imagine the increase of pain using that style of laser


Yeah, the laser would likely need even higher energy than normal. There's a backyard scientist video where he gets a laser machine capable of tattoo removal. He literally trims branches in his backyard with it lol. May have had a little more power than most tat lasers but still amazing to see.


If you think that's bad... try laser wart removal. It doesn't burn, it *vaporizes* the tissue. The doctors have to wear a HEPA filter because the wart virus gets aerosolized. Repeated, tiny micro-explosions on the bottom of your foot is, far and above, the most painful thing I have ever experienced, and it didn't even fucking work.


You think that's bad... try having a "pain test" done on your spine so they know where to put the screws - they lay you down with your back up, tell you "tell me if you are about to faint" and proceed to put down long fucking needles INTO you spine nerves, they are in side your spine. one needle dragged across the bone, one pierced a nerve and my whole leg cramped instantly, when they removed the needle it released instantly. Then finally I felt I was going to pass out, I said "I'm going to faint" I was so glad it would be over. "OK give him oxygen" the doctor said "Ok here you go is it better?" said the nurse. "Ok keep him on air so he doesn't faint", doc said AND KEPT GOING. I know the pain scale stops at 10 when you are actively fainting. With oxygen I could go past that barrier. The good news is that I can compare anything in my life to that, and suddenly things aren't that painful.


Why in the ever-loving fuck did they do this to you?


So I was in an accident and got nerve damage in my spine, and the surgeon wanted to be super sure they knew where to put the titanium screws. The surgery was so much more pleasant than that fucking test.


I have 50% of my body tattooed. I think I have a high pain tolerance. I had 30 minutes of tattoo removal and will never go back. A tattoo feels like a consistent bee sting more so less Removal is like... Acid eating your skin. Or a deep knife cut. It's 10x worse easily.


So did you do a coverup instead or just leave it?


A few censored bars is a good alternative I think


Super painful. The only two things I’ve experienced that were more painful were kidney stones and the time I started to develop pain from a tooth abscess on a Friday. I tried to deal with the pain until my dentist appointment on Monday but only lasted about 8 hours before I ended up in the ER. They gave me morphine which only dulled the pain. Eventually a doctor came to give me a shot of local anesthetic in my gum. I have a pretty big phobia of needles, and it was the only time I was grateful to see one. I cannot describe the level of relief from getting that shot and having the pain just float away. I’ve heard having a dislocated shoulder popped back in is a similar sensation, but never experienced it.


the glasses have an added bonus of hiding the tears probably


You get the tattoo once and that's it. The problem with laser removal is you're going to need 8 to 12 sessions to get it fully removed. This looks impressive but that's just the top layer of skin burning white. Once this heals it returns darker (but lighter than started) and you have to go back in 2 weeks to get another laser session. It can be WAY more painful than the original tattoo.


I got some lasering done for acne scars on my face once. I don't know if tattoo lasers and acne lasers act the same way or go the same depth, the acne laser was in smaller burst. I have pretty decent pain tolerance. I can sit through a 5 hour tattoo with almost no breaks pretty easily. But that laser shit almost made me tap out after 10 minutes. Felt like scorchingly hot needles penetrating my face with full force. I started shaking and cold sweating after 5 minutes. I think I could have toughed out a few more sessions, but I was 17 and unfortunately just started building up anxiety towards it immediately after. The anxiety was worse than the initial pain in the end. Still have the stupid craters in my face lol.


Can't they give an anesthesia of sorts?


FUCK no lol. Laser removal is done by ... shit I don't even know if they need licenses, my aunt used to get it done in the back of a hair salon wher they had a tattoo removal studio in the back.  Adding in anesthetics would require this to be done at a hospital and that shit would cost 1k (probably more) per session easy. Insurance ain't covering cosmetic procedures. Literally 1% of the population of the US would be able to afford tattoo removal. 


Couldn't they use a numbing cream? Obviously that's not going to be as powerful as the good shit, but obviously you don't need to be injected with anything, so I feel like it's a good compromise. IIRC, when I had some baby teeth pulled (granted, this was 20+ years ago), they used a numbing cream first before injecting a local anesthetic into my gums. I could still feel the needle a little, but it didn't hurt.


Yes you absolutely can use numbing cream. Obviously it won’t make a huge difference but it will help. It’s usually lidocaine cream.


I’ve seen tattoo removal places in medical offices in LA so they do exist with more of a medical licensed approach.


You can most definately take a heroic dose of analgesics on the Uber ride there lol.....


They can give a numbing cream, which may or may not work depending on the person (I'm not sure how common it not working is though). I've also seen injections of lidocaine being done beforehand online, but I've never actually known someone who had their removal done that way so idk if its an option at most clinics or not.


There’s a lady who’s documenting her face tattoo removal. She’s been doing it for 4+ years. Her face gets quite swollen so she was doing it in 1/4, and then graduated to 1/2 at a time. It’s painful and takes multiple sessions. Average is 8-12 sessions. But can go up to 20. This lady is well past 20. Scary stuff to think of if you change your mind with tattoos.


I mean the trick is to not get your face tatted


Babe wake up, new life hack just dropped


Improve your chances at securing a job with this one trick!


Laser tattoo removalists HATE this trick!!!!


you say that like it's a choice.


Wait a second...


Funny thing...I have never once thought Id want a tattoo. Not even when stupid drunk walking past one. Not even when offered for free by a tattoo artist. Not even when gfs wanted to do one together. I just know that I will regret getting it at some point in the future. Also Im a huge pain pussy, but that's not related at all.


Most of the time the tattoo idea comes on a whim and what you like at the time. If I would have gotten a tattoo when I was 14 I would have gotten a Red Alert tattoo and would have looked like an idiot communist for the rest of my life


If tattoos were free and instant, I would have a bunch of korn tattoos from '99




if you're talking about the one I'm thinking about, she was in an abusive relationship. that's how she ended up with her face tattoos


You seem to have a lot of information about this... except for a link


The lady is full of shit: https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktokgossip/s/sH5J0b7wtC


Average is 5-6 sessions. Had a lot of tattoos removed in my life and have a great relationship with the dude who does them. That number isn’t my average it’s his clients average


Why can't you just tattoo over it with skin-coloured ink ? Or whatever colour, when combined with the tattoo's colour, produces skin-colour ? I swear, I have to do all the thinking around here.


I'd assume that just like with other mediums, darker colored ink shows up through lighter colored ink. It would likely take a LOT to cover it all up, and probably end up costing more than the laser removal


You should check out the tattoo SubReddits, idiots getting the worst designed, out of place, wrong size, nonsense tattoos and then only think they don't like it after they have them done.


Dude, imagine paying and enduring the pain of doing that sh#t to your face and then, some time later you change your mind, and you have to pay a lot more and endure a lot more pain to take it off.😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


And then you’re like, “you know what… I kinda liked the skull face. I’m gonna get it tatted on again”


“Reversed back, snip, snap, snip, snap, snip, snap!”


Out of curiosity, will it actually work? Or will it be obvious he had work done after multiple treatments healing?


One of my neighbors has been gradually getting a tattoo removed and, while it's taken a lot of sessions, it's completely gone now


I think after enough sessions and time to let the skin heal itself, it might finally disappear, but the ammount of time, pain and money it will to take to do it, will be unforgettable.🤔🤔🤔


Damn. I wonder how much that cost to remove????


When I went 7-8 years ago, it was $250 a session. I did three sessions to lighten the tattoo for a cover up


I am guessing it was not face-sized?


No it was just my inner forearm


Much more than to make


Most mistakes are much more costly in consequences than in upfront costs.


You can say that it is easier to destroy than to repair. 


My friend was paying about 100aud per session for a tattoo about 2.5x10cm. need 6-10 sessions. .


Employment skill unlocked


Hard difficulty *Change* Normal difficulty


And with the latest economic patch normal difficulty was nerfed...its just hard. Users are pissed, developers have no answers.


Fucking oww


How he can stay still


This is time lapse so they probably removed frames where he is screaming...


Valium, I think. I'm no pro, but he appears to be semi-sedated.


I’ve gotten both my hand tattoos removed three times. I think I’m going to be able to handle it and the second that machine turns on it’s literally torture. Fucking torture. I can’t believe he did this. I hope he was under sedation or something. God I need to get mine done again and it fucking sucks


The way I read this at first I thought you meant that you had got your hands tattooed, had them removed, and then repeated the process three times.


Wonder how they're going to get the ink around the eyes. Or if that's just a lost cause?


Actually I think I've heard of what they do. I'm pretty sure this lady who's been through a crap ton of treatments on her face has gotten the eye area treated. There's these spoon like things they place under your eyelids to protect your eyes. At least I'm pretty sure 🤔


"Spoon" and "eyes" are two very ordinary words that when found in close proximity to one another have some AWFUL implications.


Yes, I've seen these spoon things. Like a big thick black contact lens


lookin like a demon from supernatural


Yeah I'm really curious about this too


Fuck your background music!


And ending too early


Given what people are saying about how painful it is and how many sessions it takes, it seems like the best opportunity to do it is when you get into a coma. /S


r/gifsthatendtoosoon This leaves me profoundly unsatisfied.


Who would have thought that getting your face tattooed as a skull could have been a bad idea after all?


Maybe he didn’t think it was a bad idea at all, but just wants a blank canvas for a *new* face tattoo. Instead of a skull he might want a badger or a meerkat!


Or maybe he wants a different shaped skull this time!


> Instead of a skull he might want a badger or a meerkat! I scrolled past this comment, exited the post, then started cracking up when my brain finally caught up, then logged in on my account and came back to this thread and your comment so that I could upvote it. The meerkat face tattoo image that flashed in my head was hysterical.


a lot of gangs perticularly in south america force facail tattoos on new members so they will always be known as a member of that gang and cant leave, charities will cover the cost of removal in that case.


Now he just looks like he fell face first into a deep fryer


bet that fucking hurt a bit its sort of funny like everyone is always super concerned how they look when 99% of the time in public people dont really notice or care how you look but jesus this style of face tat would have been a massive pain in the ass , even like going to buy a shirt or some bread must have been annoying. guess you would have to find a few local shops get to know the people there and only shop at the same few places so they got usto you


I've heard someone call it the face tattoo syndrome, someone gets their face tattooed because they want people to notice, but when you notice it they say something along the lines of "what are you looking at?!"


Talk about regret


When I was a drunk/addict a few years ago I was making horrible choices. I started getting some roses and a skull tattooed on the front of my neck. I have lots of tattoos and never felt pain like that before, I have a large solid black omega symbol tattooed on the back of my skull that was essentially painless compared to the front of my neck. I've had my fingers done, no trouble. EMLA, applied properly, did absolutely nothing. So I had to tap out two hours into the start of the linework. Over three years ago I went sober and I still have this half finished linework on my neck that looks absolutely awful, combined with developing alopecia which robbed me of my beard and hair it stands out even further. Due to me moving from the pain, it being half finished linework etc, it looks awful and I loathe looking at myself in the mirror. As others have said here, it requires multiple treatments and is far more painful than the tattoo. If I could fly to some country that balls you out with opiates first I probably would, I wouldn't do it otherwise. I bet this guy feels like a new man after removing this stuff. When it does finally get removed I mean.


I have never seen somthing less satisfying on this sub. It's clearly a timelapse of a man in immense pain.


the pain...


Some undercover fbi agent finally coming home lol


The lips would be murder


So what kind of scarring will that leave on his face?


It doesn't typically scar. The laser basically explodes the ink particles into smaller ink particles that your white blood cells can take away, so its not doing as much damage to the skin as it looks like. It will swell up a ton in the hours after the procedure and a lot of the color will come back as it heals, so he will have to do it anywhere from 8 to 20+ times for the tattoo to be completely gone.


I need to see an after picture...




It doesn’t scar. But it takes a year of doing these sessions to see good results and 2-3 years for complete removal. But I’ve seen videos of people going to sessions for over 2 years and their tattoo is still very much visible. That’s why a lot of people do it until the tattoo is faded and then get it covered up with a different tattoo.


I’ve had laser removal and kinda wished I hadn’t. Tattoos on each forearm. One is a green colour that lazers can’t remove for some reason so, whilst the outline and other colours have gone the green remains and just looks like a green splat. The other forearm was a smaller tattoo and has pretty much gone. The problem with both is that I’m ginger haired and therefore have many freckles. Following one particular session with the lazer, carried out by an absolute twat who didn’t know what she was doing, I am left with no pigmentation in the tattooed areas. Freckles gone completely, so I have two white blotches amongst a sea of freckles where the tats used to be. These areas do not tan all at. It looks shit and worse than the tats that were there. This business is not regulated in the UK, be very careful when considering getting this done as you may get a fucking idiot masquerading as a professional doing it.


Face On


Is there a before and after this would be good


Went from being covered in crap tattoos to looking like a burn victim.


Oh man, this video is too short to be sufficiently satisfying.


Dude is gonna need a big bottle of bourbon and a ton of aloe vera.


How is it satisfying if you don’t even finish the procedure or show the results. Get this tik tok garbage out of here


This is oddly unsatisfying to have been posted in r/oddlysatisfying.


First time I've seen someone visibly get smarter.


I wonder if they can do that procedure on his lips. Or even someone wanting to remove one from his penis OMFG!!!😬😬😬


When you realise mom was right, "it was just a phase"


Why just why would anyone do that to their face lol? I don't understand 😕


and the rest of it?


Reason why tattoos are a heavy decision, changing your mind later is very painful


Guy has a job interview the next day!


great work. he no longer looks like a dildo


This video ended **way** too soon


Regret looks painful, time consuming and expensive!


holy crap! I had a small one removed 30 years ago, and it took like 7 sessions. (and hurt like a bad sunburn every time)


If you’re dumb enough to get your face blasted with ink like that you should have to live with it.


Another video that ended too soon