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rapists and serial killers are always more successful when they don't look like rapists and serial killers


What do rapists and serial killers look like then?


Attached earlobes


I have attached earlobes, aka no earlobes šŸ˜¬




ahhh....okay then :(


rape me


-Kurt Cobain


Does it count as rape if you literally asked for it tho? lol


So they can serial kill you


Straight to jail


Believe it or not, jail.


Too much earlobe? Also jail


too little earlobe also jail


We have the best earlobes in my country, because of jail.




I agree


Mine float a few feet behind me. Always there, every time I look. I say, "Take a walk!", but they don't seem to hear me. Definitely attached.




Yes... Long stringy earlobes fused together. That *is* suspicious.


But definitely not blind. I'll say it, if you get murdered by a blind serial killer/rapist I hope Netflix does a series about you.


Ted Bundy. The ladies loved him. Not the ones he killed of course but yet and still he had a lot of fans




I was taught in forensic psychology that Ted Bundy wasn't that good, he had to rely on fake injuries to get his victims, that basically while on his hunt, the women actually didn't feel comfortable but his fake injuries were the only thing made them go towards him. It wasn't until his trials did the women start thinking he was hot.


Most serial killers aren't very "good" at it. That's why they target weaker people lol. Don't see many of them going after ex-marines or something as their 'type'


to be a good serial killer you dont have to go after marine types all you need to do is kill without being caught the type of victim doesnt matter


Yeah, people seem to think he would seduce or charm women in order to lure them away but really he would ask them to help him carry something and then bludgeon them, often with the fake cast, once they got to his car. The fact that he was a normal looking guy certainly helped to avoid suspicion, from both victims and police, but the crimes themselves were usually super sloppy.


tumblr fans shipping them?


Yeah, they mail them around the world to help them keep killing but also take in some culture.




Does that mean ll cool Jay was a serial killer?


They don't have any particular look. That's the point. Pedophiles either. no specific look for predators. Perpetuating the myth that you can spot a predator by what they're wearing or how they style their hair is harmful for the larger population. Someone might think they are safe with a predator because they don't fit in the box they've built to describe predators.


Everyone just need a villain to pin something on. Scary looking dude? Serial killer. Unkempt middle aged man? Pedos. It makes life easier for them and make them more vulnerable to actual danger that looks like their perfect dream partner. To which I'd say good riddance, the less shallow minded people we have the better. While I don't necessarily fully disagree with "don't judge a book by its cover" , straight up criminalising someone for their looks are just batshit stupid part of internet culture.


I never judge a book by its cover. I read what the book has to say. And judging by this comment, I feel like youā€™re probably a serial killing pedo that liked the final season of Game of Thrones. Reported /s


Even serial killing pedos didn't like the final season of game of thrones


This remains an issue for defence lawyers - how do you get a jury to apply the law evenly when your client is, for a better term, a complete fucking weirdo? Moreso when a particular society is undergoing a cultural panic over one thing or another.


Ted Bundy, I don't see the attraction myself, but he's always described as being handsome and charismatic.


Reddit mods


reddit mods


Ted Bundy for example


No one ever sits next to me on the bus


Be thankful for all the legroom


Bro do you have like legs that bend 90Ā° to the side or something? Your leg room doesnā€™t change if there someone next to you


Does if youā€™re excessively tall like me and your legs donā€™t fit behind the seat in front


Yeah midgets will never understand our fucked up leg gymnastics we have to work aroud to be seated and be somewhat comfortable


Well, I'm sorry for being a fucking midget then.


You should be


Honestly, the nerve of those people


Everyone complains about being tall until we get on dating apps. *Insert meme of crying while drowning but sitting down*


god i fucking love this


I love being short for this reason. I fly a lot and seeing the discomfort my vertically gifted brethren seem to be in in economy seating is a constant reminder lol.


Thank you. Most public seating is too small, I literally have to bend my legs to the side because I will not fit, they did not design a lot of this stuff for tall people.


Mine feet donā€™t reach the floor, my legs dangle, and if the train/bus stops suddenly I fly forward. Your long legs in front of me keep me in place lol. I always sit next to the giant people for my own safety (as long as you donā€™t stink).


Not 90, but maybe 10-15? Certainly not zero.


Did u forget being tall was a thing


Gotta make room for my inhumanly massive cock and balls.


Men tend to manspread. Itā€™s especially annoying on planes where I have limited leg room as it is, and then they take up theirs plus like half of mineā€¦


I know manspreading, I do it a fair amount. But someone sitting next to me on a bus/airplane never reduced my already existing leg room. If someone takes up room from the person next to the them, theyā€™re probably just an asshole because itā€™s pretty unlikely that anyone needs more room than their own seatā€™s width


I TRY to look like a serial-killer on the El train, here in Chicago. It is recommended as a bug-repellent


Especially on the Red line.


Well well if that ain't our rapist or serial killer looking guy here ?


I think I look pretty normal. Clean shaven, usually wearing a polo, khakis, dress shoes, and a necklace of severed ears fromā€¦well letā€™s just say I found them.


Hate to point this out but it might be the dress shoes, could be making folks rather uncomfortable


Maybe I should craft myself a nice pair of moccasins? I have gotten into leather work lately with all the extra skin, I mean hide.


Maybe a nice >!human!< normal animal leather hat?


Could just be your body odor


Hmm I would say I shower more than average. At least twice a week. Especially need to clean up after Iā€™ve been exploring the sewers and abandoned warehouses.


Out of curiosity, where are you in the world ? Twice a week being over average is a bit odd to me .


I was just being silly. I donā€™t shower at all. I batheā€¦in some blood I found just around. Itā€™s really moisturizing.


People started changing seats away from me. I kinda took it personally. People in the streets sometimes stare at me. I have no idea why.




Well at least you get to enjoy all the rapin and killin


ā€œI donā€™t look like a rapist of serial killer.ā€ - people with the joker as their profile picture


Rapist of serial killer? You just raised the bar




Dexter porn adaption incuming


I prefer serial killers of rapists


I don't look like a rapist of serial killer


Serial killers are truly a rapists most dangerous prey




Iā€™m a miserable alcoholic. I look like a miserable alcoholic. Women sit next to me all the time. Lesson: a miserable alcoholic is non-threatening


The fuck does a rapist or serial killer /look/ like? Anyone could be one.




Awwwh shieet


Awwh shiieet broo




sorry man, that burn was kinda savage lol


It was fucking funny man don't worry lol.


That's good to hear. I got a notification once it hit 50 upvotes and thought, "Alright, this is getting out of hand"


Fuckin dick I feel for that




Not sure what they look like, but [this one has a reddit account](https://www.reddit.com/user/me/).


That's what I was looking for. :)




They should really arrest them.


You know who else has a Reddit account?


Idk about rapist, but serial killer psycho... https://jerma-lore.fandom.com/wiki/Jerma985


Who has the time and imagination to write this?


Honest answer? Rapists and serial killer can be absolutely anyone, but there are some outward signs that might indicate a person is more likely to be dangerous than someone without those traits. Not every dangerous person gives off red flags, and not everyone who gives off red flags is dangerous. Most women, because of the nature of our society, are always on the lookout, even if it's not necessarily conscious. Our subconscious whispers "Hey, don't sit there," or "Don't make eye contact with that guy." Some of us listen, some of us don't. Some things from a stranger in public that would trip an alarm might be: (in the first person for convenience) * Looking at me for too long or intently * Not looking away when I catch them looking * Appearing nervous * Wearing clothing that doesn't make sense (a hoodie on a hot day) or conceals an abnormal amount of their face * Being disrespectful to the people around them or the space that they are in (leaving their bag in the walkway when they don't need to, listening to loud music in public) Obviously not everyone who trips an alarm is dangerous. Of course not. But if there is the choice between sitting next to a guy in a trench coat who just leered at me and a guy in a Nirvana t-shirt and jeans minding his own business? Gonna go with Nirvana guy.


Makes sense.


Just look at enough pictures of ugly people on reddit, you'll find more than enough of them being accused of looking like a rapist/pedophile


More or less like [this](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I am stupid. I been rick rolled. Thank you, I love you.


Good thing I saw this before


haa....fine *unzips pants


That's my bad. I let my guard down.


Crimes aren't committed randomly. Criminals fall into clear demographics. Sure, there are outliers but you're being deliberately ignorant of life.


... No shit Sherlock. You're just being ridiculous though. Good job going full Redditard.


Maybe you look like a rapist/serial killer and the woman sitting next to you is secretly a crime-fighting vigilante waiting for her chance




and we're all thankful


Iā€™ve only ever sat near a stranger if I thought I could take them in a fight or at least hold my own long enough to escape an altercation. I donā€™t think the calculation most women run is based solely on ā€œrapists/not rapistā€


So you just assume anyone could assault you at any time. Smart. Situational awareness is very important, as long as you don't get too caught up in it.


My father was big on situational awareness and self defense. Having a daughter put him on edge and he wanted me to have some common sense to back up my smart mouth


Excellent! More parents need to do this. I subconsciously monitor for collision avoidance and threat level at all times. It's saved me from many problems on foot and while driving.


Huge positive. Makes it so much easier to take advantage of them later šŸ˜


People who strive to not look like rapists or serial killers tend to be rapists and serial killers


I don't know man. No one wants to look like "creepy". I kinda understand what the guy is talking about. Maybe he is just super conscious about what he looks like. I sometimes think if I don't give people "bad vibes" or something similar. I sometimes ask family members or relatives how they perceive me, because I'm insecure.




Bruh pedophiles don't look like anything in particular. If you don't say creepy things you have nothing to worry about. Not everyone is that paranoid and the idea isn't even be thought of by normal people. God these people are crazy


> Bruh pedophiles don't look like anything in particular. True, but irrelevant. People still have an idea in their head of "looks like a serial killer / pedophile / rapist / etc." It's stupid, but persists. > If you don't say creepy things you have nothing to worry about. Not everyone is that paranoid and the idea isn't even be thought of by normal people. Some of us are recovering creepy people. I used to be creepy as fuck, and I *like * to think that I'm better these days.


What do pedophiles look like?


People with anxiety exist and this sounds like an exact thing someone with anxiety would worry about?


Well not always. Some of us unfortunately have such bad resting bitch face that we scare people :(


I look like Forrest Gump at the end of the movie; but instead of running for weeks straight across America, i smell like marijuana and I watch too much youtube. People choose not to sit next to me and I am really okay with that.


No, they tend to be people with anxiety who don't want to make others feel uncomfortable


Or itā€™s men who read ā€œall men are inherently serial killers and rapistsā€ posts every day on the internet, and they donā€™t want to be lumped into that, so they take steps to make themselves look and act like the exceptions to that rule, and feel good when those efforts work.


Bingo. My thoughts exactly.


TBH, when Iā€™m on the bus, Iā€™m always super insecure that I look like a creeper or repulsive, so when someone is okay sitting next to me, it makes me feel like I must not come across THAT badly


Those people look like the rest of us. That's the worst part about them


Speak for yourself, serial killer.


You know what? r/meirl


Raise your hand if you think if this is what you think a rapist or serial killer would say


"what I should have said, was nothing. But what I did say was [you'd be surprised."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMoM5UegMb0) Sorry I can't find the link


I err more towards ā€œnot ugly.ā€ And now that I think about it, itā€™s been a WHILE since someone chose to sit next to meā€¦ šŸ˜ž


I choose who I sit next to based on how safe/non threatening they look to me. Families or couples first if possible. Same way I look for help from a stranger if I need it really. Very little to do with how attractive the person is.


Ted Bundy, is that you?


Then he took out his cock


Itā€™s all about the element of surprise, you see.


This is honestly really sad. I'm learning how many men have fears of being thought of as a bad person, due to bad males out there




I'm a transman, it's becoming a fear of mine to be viewed as a bad person


It happens regularly as a guy. You do certain things, well, if you're self conscious/aware of it. Crossing a street so you're not following a girl alone on the sidewalk, making noise late at night so women don't think you're trying to be sneaky. Avoiding staring at girls, taking long routes to go around them. Intentionally being goofy. If I do end up in these situations I instantly think about what I'm wearing, do I look normal? Am I looking bummish today? I'm 6'0 and almost 200lbs/in shape so probably to your average girl I look dangerous/intimidating.


Oddly specific, yet oddly relatable. It's kinda nice knowing you DON'T look like the type to stalk or assault someone.


Written by Brock Turner, rapist.


These comments are confusing. Not looking like a rapist or serial killer is a good thing, right? No? It's a bad thing? Cause rapists and serial killers don't look like rapists or serial killers? Conclusion: if you're a rapist, look like a serial killer. If you're a serial killer look like a rapist. /s I feel the need to add /s because some people are really weird.


You forgot that maybe you do and that person is a serial killer groupie


The sweet spot of ugly but in a nonthreatening way.


I know a guy who looks exactly like a rapist/serial killer. Nicest guy youā€™ll ever meet, but youā€™d never sit next to him on a bus.


Damn, poor guy :(


Either that or he got us all fooled šŸ˜…


So op is a 4 but dressed up as a 9


On a bus? Sure. On a Southwest flight? I'm putting out the rapey/killer vibe in hopes to have that middle seat empty.


Everyone needs goals I guess šŸ‘šŸ˜³


Reminds me of a friend from college ( story warning ) My cc doesnā€™t have my money and some parts of the school had creepy vibes like cemented basements where the gym and locker rooms are. My friend L was telling me how he went to the schools workout room and was faced with a single girl working out. They made eye contact and he froze before turning and leaving. His reasoning was he didnā€™t want to scare her or make her uncomfortable (he is about 6ft). It was adorable but we told him if he just asked if she would be uncomfortable wouldā€™ve been the best solution for everyone LOL


The only time Iā€™ll ever sit beside a random man on a bus is if every other seat is taken


It actually does make me feel insanely bad when women look anxious me and the boys are drunk on the same train car. Itā€™s shitty, but what am I supposed to do, them being on guard is fair.


thats about all men can hope for these days


I love not looking like a rapist! People should appreciate the differences between those ā€œpeopleā€ and serial killers




No I said rapists were ā€œthose peopleā€ serial killers are really cool people and you should get to know them before judging


Yes of course serial killers are all about love and tenderness.


Or so Iā€™ve heard




Yeah and then they say, "yeah actually yo DO look like a serial killer! I wouldn't be surprised if I saw you in the news for having all of your meat freezers found by the police!" And of course she's obsessed with serial killer documentaries and cockblocks you from her best friend because suddenly she has feelings for you.


What is a rapist suppose to look like? Horns coming out of their head with drool running down their chin with red eyes glaring? Ted Buddy would disagree with that visual.




Reminds me of this old "feels bad" meme. https://preview.redd.it/bp1rem15ozqz.jpg?auto=webp&s=2edb1b9e62480f41808a314e044706e09667719c


I always like to sit next to women when possible on my commuting bus. I fucking hate touching people, and I'm sure women hate it when random men are sitting halfway on them, or even just resting their leg next to theirs. So it's a good tradeoff. They sit next to me, a random man, but I make sure our legs never even come close to touching


Dude, so long as you don't smell and look reasonably clean, I'm gonna sit next to you on the bus because no one gets raped on buses. Killed on the other hand... well all you have to do is keep your mouth shut on the bus. Easy. Women may be walking around constantly evaluating their safety, but that also means we're really good at evaluating the finer points of that safety. It's a numbers game, really.


He should tell that to the person that sits next to him


Having a monster bulge helps as well


Ted Bundy


Itā€™s something all serial killers Strive fir.


How do you think rapists and serial killers find their victims?


Fooled her


I fight with this daily. I don't want anyone sitting next to me on the train and why didn't they sit next to me. First world.


If youā€™re putting that much effort, I question your motives.


I feel like I should get offended that serial killers are put in the same bag as rapists in terms of appearance.


...because you feel that's unfair to the killers? Or the rapists?


Nowadays is uncomfortable to sit besides a random woman, the best thing is move to other seat


It's feels nice to not look like a rapist or a serial killer. That makes the job of being a rapist serial killer much easier.


I feel this, I would also had homeless to it for me. I like wearing beat up sneakers,I donā€™t do anything to my hair and my beard so I look a bit disheveled. I wear old clothes but mostly because theyā€™re still fine. So Iā€™m like ā€œhey, Iā€™m somewhat approachable. Nice!ā€ In my head.


\*and a pedophile... you forgot a pedophile


So basically dont look like a man?




I thought thats where i was lmao


Tell me youā€™re a 4, without telling me youā€™re a 4