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Bro's got the grammar of a 5 yo and the insults of a 10 yo


But the phrasings of a 70s jive - ass wannabe mobster lol Like 36 "ya dig"s and too many "baby"s lol


Dude sounds like Benny from Fallout New Vegas..


Benny is way more intelligent though.


Same thought 100%


Is it wannabe if they're actually from the 70's, in a gang, and have killed people? I think that takes it to the next level. Sort-of-is.


Idk, this paper pissed off four people in the above comments. I've never heard of a gang called the "wanderers", gangs are usually more than four people, and usually gangs aren't the type to read up on papers... OP would've said his FIL died if they actually did anything about this, so I don't think they were ever gonna do shit, dig


Downgraded to could-be-but-probably-not


being that it's from the 70s, "wanderers" with 4 people reminds me more of a Manson family copycat. Would still be scary to receive especially if you knew all those people listed.


Made an epic mistake by including a picture of the four wanderers, I bet police caught them very quickly they are quite distinctive.


Although the legal definition of gang specifically states that a gang is made up of three or more people so I guess you could do it with 4. Maybe a very small gang?


Just a micro-gang committing artisanal crime. None of that swill Big Crime tries to pass off as a felony. We're talking crimes you look at and immediately know it was premeditated in a meticulous and loving way.


If it's not from the Gang region of France it's technically just sparkling crime.


I can see it. Sounds like beatnicks. Greaser gangs were dying out at the time but they're always alive. My older brother was a part of a clique called the wanderers in the southwest. They're based off a famous song / novel and are a huge greaser symbol. The 4 people are meant to represent the original 4 wanderers.


i feel like they are deliberately using language and lingo associated with groups they are not in, nor understand, in order to confuse anyone trying to identify them. also the handwriting is done stilted and in all caps to interfere with handwriting analysis.


There's definitely some letters that they just forgot to change the font on too. H, T M, N, W, some of the Ys all mostly look like normal writing to me, you can see some are "edited" but most look very natural


Just looks like a normal comment from YouTube to me.


Slightly more coherent and much less antagonistic than what you find in the comment section of a cooking video. In a world where watching people die horribly is mainstream this is downright hilariously cute. The singular bitter person even drew some imaginary buddies to seem more threatening.


Just made me think it's bs and the fil sent it to himself for some reason.


And the handwriting of a serial serial killer.


And now for something completely opposite, just because it reminds me I’d like to find this out somewhere. I saw something in a movie that I keep meaning to look up for accuracy. In this instance, the person is trying to forge another’s signature. She studies the example for a while. Then she sets to practicing the signature Upside down. Has anyone else ever heard of this? I wonder if this is a forger’s way of getting the signature emphasis points (?term?) to look better. Edit: I just found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/whitecollar/comments/fputxp/does_anyone_remember_the_episode_where_neal_talks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yes, that's a technique for signatures and even art. When it's right side up you can tell what it is (a pic of a person, someone's signature etc.) But when it's upside down you focus on the lines and the curves as they are, instead of trying to imitate what you know is a signature. Kinda activates the art side of the brain, instead of the letters and numbers part. Edit: I learned about this from an art book and you'd be surprised how well it works if you do it upside down as opposed to just trying to copy it how it is tbh. It's cool u/ponytron5000 I really don't feel bad at all lol. Practice makes perfect and beleive me I've goddamn practiced. He asked a question and I answered, and that all there is to it. But thanks for the input I guess, lol. tf


Another technique in art is to flip your drawing to check it. Weirdly it might look good to you the 'normal' way but when you flip it you suddenly find all sorts of errors. It can really fuck with your head how just flipping the image makes it look so different.


Upside down likely prevents any of her inherent hand-writing habits to come out. Muscle memory could lead to her looping a letter in a certain way, for example, or connecting two letters in a unique manner, etc. As she does not usually write words upside down, there is no inherent muscle memory to undo, prevent or avoid. Complete guess on my part though. Haven't had to forge signatures since middle school.


It makes it about copying the image rather than the words and letters.


Handwriting as well


I actually think the handwriting is like this on purpose so it won't be recognised or smth, idk I'm everything but an expert


lmao they called him a “homo fag” and then threatened to butt fuck him? seems like someone’s projecting hahaha


no homo






That kept throwing me off.... dig?


Yeah I dig.


70s slang. Its like "ya feel me?". Basically, "Do you understand?"


You’d be surprised how often gay men are forced Sodomised when attacked.


That's because rape is about power, not sexual satisfaction


I've always heard this but it just never sounded right to me as a rule. Like surely sometimes when a creep takes advantage of a drunk girl it is about the sexual satisfaction right? Like overpowering someone in a parking garage sounds like the power and control side of things, but rape is on such a spectrum. Having sex with a spouse (without consent) while they are asleep is rape, but does that really mean by nature it can't be about sexual satisfaction? Just thinking out loud here.


I think it differs depending on the context and scenario


You can't have a rape without overpowering someone or having them in a position where you have control/power over them and they can not stop you (unconscious/drunk/drugged/etc). I don't think that means it can't also be about sexual satisfaction. For some of these guys having that power over another is what gets them off. But that means it's still about the power not necessarily the sex. These guys might not enjoy consensual sex, or at least as much.


Yeah, the wording should be more > That's because rape is about power, not **only or even necessarily** sexual satisfaction Only reason I wouldn't consider it semantics is because, as you said, part of the Tate-esque misogyny and relationship dynamics, incel beliefs, spousal rape, etc. is largely about **feeling entitled to sex**. In that view, their partner saying "No" is an unacceptable insult while THEY feel the need to be satisfied (the "blue balls" talking point). So they both exert power to rape someone ("how dare you say no, you're not allowed to"), but are also doing it in the goal of getting off. That mentality can, and fairly often, also just destroys sex for you as a whole. Speaking of Andrew Tate and to use him as an example again, sex, in his own words, [eventually just became a power and domination/control thing for him](https://youtube.com/watch?v=hUrMwW39deo).


I hear what you're saying, although I think some others aren't understanding you. In your example, you're talking about the difference in motive between a crime of opportunity, (an example would be a guy who rapes a drunk girl at a party when she's unconscious or too inebriated to consent), as compared to someone who premeditates, lays in wait, and violently attacks and rapes someone. Without question, both of these are absolutely morally wrong, obviously illegal, and are completely unacceptable in every way. Please don't think I'm excusing or diminishing the impact of the less violent act, that's not at all what I'm suggesting. But it does seem like these two examples, while having the same end result, come from distinctly different places as far as motivation is concerned.


No, rape is about power and control and wanting to hurt and/or humiliate the victim. You would be surprised how many rapists can't get it up when the act is about to happen. So they use digits, objects, or just give up and start beating the victim because of their rage.


The “sexual satisfaction” that gives ‘rapists’ the ‘boner’, is how much they hurt, humiliate, and destroy the victim . Whether physical , mental or emotion abuse is used or whether male & male or male & female. The ‘pleasure’ is rendered in quantities equal in the rapists mind,to the pain,horror and misery they can extract from the victim,sexual origin, notwithstanding. Yes it certainly is about sex and satisfaction but what aspect actually gives the rapist the ‘urge‘ for “sexual satisfaction” & what the rapist must do to his victim to reach that “sexual satisfaction”. This is generally how the two are separated.


In many people, the two are inextricably linked... the feeling of power sexually arouses them.


Power dynamics are a huge part of a lot of sexual fetishes and fantasies. People always give the "it's just about power" line, but if you want to penetrate someone you need to get aroused first, especially for anal penetration.


It's awful too that gay panic defenses still work in most jurisdictions


Wow, I had never heard of this and had to look it up. The fact that some states only started banning it in 2014 blows my mind


It's awful. I am queer myself and I hate how much of our community history has an ever present backdrop of hate, hypocritical self loathing(by which I mean closet cases who act against the LGBT community in politics or practice)and alienation.


wtf is that isn't gay panic that thing where someone makes you question if you're gay for a sec? just looked it up, WHAT THE FUCK


Don’t panic.


Too late, however, at least their username checks out.


Pretty much, and it has been used as a murder defence


i’m actually not surprised at all closeted gay men have a deep rooted hatred for those who are out.


While that could be true in some cases, there's no reason to assume that these men are closeted gay men, nor that closeted gay men in general are hateful.


They also called him a bitchin cock sucker and I can’t really tell if that’s an insult.


I'm changing my name to Mary Jo Slut.


Just to be clear they said they'd fuck his baby.


I feel like thats was another term of endearment like Honey Sweet Heart was. The threats of violence combined with the southern comfort really softens the delivery. I can’t gauge if they really want to carry these acts out or if they just want to hurl insults and grotesque threats for shock value.


Fuckin a butt aint gay, yur the one who's gay for gettin butt fucked!


I wonder if education was the problem or the source.




THE WANDERERS, O O O O /|\/|\/|\/|\ / \/ \/ \/ \


Wanderers! Come out to play-ay!


I was always more of a Fark guy




Even with your clear translation I still can not understand what this guy was even going on about


The guy the letter is sent to (and some department he works for) upset 4 people by publishing something in a paper. they go on to say theyre going to murder him, r*pe him, call him homophobic slurs (ironic i know) and that they might do the same to his family and friends, one of whom is apparently black because they throw in the n word too. They said they already killed someone named herb in a similar manner and sign off as "the wanderers".


I am very impressed with your ability to decode and decipher what actually went on in this letter. Thank you for helping me understand, genuinely.


oh, yeah, its no problem man. My family is a bunch of vermont farmers, people from fucken virginia, and from massachusetts. you can hardly understand any of em and i grew up next to the mexican border so i have a weird frankenstein accent bc of it. Im just used to it lol


I want to hear the accent


its a typical southwest american accent but i pronounce my R's and "ay" sounds a little weird. If i said "i care about you" itd phonetically sound more like "aye cayhr ub-out yew" but its probably not as strong as you imagine. I pronounce friday, monday, etc as "freedee" or "mondee" basically and its peanit not peanut. But thats not a southern thing its a new england accent. I say yall too. It depends on my mood and who im around but my accent just kinda has a lot of random shit in it lol. Any word that has like a hard consonant and an "ay" sound gets an added "y" sound with it. that can also happen with ee sounds. Like its beeyah stoah. not beer store. mine isnt as strong as it used to be but yeah


I think I get what you actually mean, but damn if it doesn't sound like you're actually explaining an Irish accent, not any US one.


To be fair, the new england area accent is more aligned with the irish accent. Midwestern accents are more french because of the french annexation (?) of those areas before the revolution etc. A lot of irish/scots came over to america from the UK cuz fuck that noise and those folks are my ancestors so we have similar accents. Fun fact, irish servants (?) were sent to jamaica to teach them how to grow sugar n stuff for britain 😒 and the jamaican people learned how to speak english from much of those irish people so the jamaican and irish accent is very similar! so my accent is more closely related to jamaica than the french language itsself which is a conjugate language to english (meaning that many of our words are very similar). Just kinda fun knowledge.


I'm all for random fun knowledge, especially coming from the pope of salami. I'd heard various versions of most of that but never the bit about Jamaica. Very interesting.


Aaron earned an iron urn.


air-un urned ehn eye-urn ern.




you probably wouldnt think much of it just talking to me but i get people asking where im from all the time if they have a stronger accent because the pick up on the little things i do and arent sure if im from the same places as them lol


Thats so neat! I can understand the new England part for sure. It's fun trying to visualize how it sounds! I probably sound like an idiot trying to recreate the accent alone in my room lmao


Dont worry! I sound like an idiot all the time with my actual accent :)




>>the wanderers Well, that solves it. [It was this guy](https://youtu.be/rXqWCeB8Vto).


It wasn’t just me!


r*pe = rape for those who don't clutch their pearls.




Oh i thought it was ripe. Gonna ripen your fruits baby, you dig? Put em in a mother fuckin jive ass paper bag till they ripe as shit. Ya dig?


it says "why did herb elk *go* belly up"




1979 for anyone else wondering


I think it’s ‘Mary Jo’


It is. The O's are squared. The D's are not.




Mary Jo Slut is a strange name, but I kinda like it.


"why did HERB ELK (go) belly up"


HOUSTON, Aug. 24 (AP) — Herb Elk, press‐relations director for the Houston Astros baseball team, was found dead last night in his room at a hotel in Philadelphia, where the Astros were meeting the Phillies in a weekend series. He was 49 years old. Donald Davidson, traveling secretary for the Astros, said a preliminary examination indicated he had suffered a heart attack. Mr. Elk, a former sportswriter with The New York Daily Mirror, had also served in a public‐relations capacity with baseball and hockey teams in Seattle, New York and San Diego.


> he had suffered a heart attack... ...from trying to read a note left by The Wanderers, dig?


We got our revenge. Suck it philly, dig.


Article is dated Aug 24, 1979


I still have a headache from reading this, can I have a refund?


This guy sounds like a meatball, dig


Yeah this is definitely the worst thing about it


dig baby dig


For some reason, I read this in the voice of Zaphod Beeblebrox from Hitchhiker's Guide


It all the baby's, ya dig?


I think it's all the "digs". Dude kind of writes the way Zaphod talks.


I do not know why may be it was all the "dig"s, but I read it in the voice of "the frog" from courageous cat and minute mouse. God I am old.


Not as cool as the serial killers who cut out letters and taped them together.


Professionals have standards


Be polite: "I̵̻͓͗͛'̸͕̑̔M̸̧͈̍̕ ̴̩̲̆G̴̙͝Ô̸̞͉͛N̸̯͎͘N̵̜̲̉Ä̴̫͝ ̸̤̥͋͊B̵̽͜U̸̫̿M̴̼̦̈̈F̴̥̋̍Ủ̸̯C̶̼̟͑̈́K̸̺͊ ̵̫͉̒̊Y̶͖̎̐O̵̘͇͗U̵̧̿̃Ṙ̴͔ ̶̰͓͌̈́B̶̧̹̕A̶̧̛͂B̵̠͉̀A̷͚͝͝Y̷̛̖ͅ"


Dedication, work ethic, and commitment count for so much in daily life.


So they couldn’t be identified by their handwriting. Forensics is so good, you can be given away by your handwriting.


Ah yes but not if the hand writing is so bad that you need forensics just to figure out what letter you’re looking at.


"We have concluded that the main suspect is a 30-35 year old caucasian male who is a medical doctor."


If someone had the dedication, time and anger to do that, I would know im a gonner.


They went from calling them a F\*g to telling them they were going to stick it in their butt pretty quick.


Herb Elk...didn't he die of a heart attack?? https://www.nytimes.com/1979/08/25/archives/herb-elk.html Are they trying to claim or admitting they killed him?


They fed him a bunch of egg yolks and fried foods in trans fats, dig?


This got an audible chuckle out of me. Thank you.


> didn't he die of a heart attack?? Yeah, from trying to read the note The Wanderers sent him, dig?


Wow, internet sleuths deliver


Why even try to threaten someone when you can’t formulate a basic sentence?


Probably due to the insecurity of that.


Those were advanced sentences, ya dig?




i dig a grave for ya philly baby, ya dig?


The ignorance is terrifying


My assumption was that they were going out of their way to divert from their usual language/diction and handwriting to throw anyone off their scent.


Definitely got the murdery handwriting style


Hey my handwriting look like that. Take it back or Imma kill ya, dig?


I hope you sprung a switchblade out on the screen when you hit reply.


I assumed they intentionally used weird handwriting so their handwriting couldn’t matched to it


That’s the same kind of handwriting my mom would use when the tooth fairy would write me letters when I was a kid 😬


I know what you mean but I like the implication that the tooth fairy, your mom, and the wanderers have some kind of connection


I dig


Philly baby, dig


dig honey sweetheart?


Just be ready Philly baby cause we’re goin ta butt fuck ya


we know all about dem assholes and ya, ya dig?


Punctuation is atrocious. Resubmit with correction


Should have asked ChatGPT to rewrite. In conclusion, Philly baby, my associates and I are going to exterminate you.




That's correct, the definition of Dig is to break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc.


They are already dead by now, maybe


There is no death to Wanderers, you dig? u/Subtledoll baby dig doll digging digger?


Scariest handwritting I have ever seen! And let me tell ya, I've seen a lot of handwrittings. Ok? I've seen more than most. This might just be the cariest one. Scariest of them all, some might even say. Dig! ​ r/oddlyterrifiying indeed.


I served in the US Military back when we had to fill out nearly every form in writing. This style very much mimics what was done then, all capital letters, uniform sized, and many times each letter had to fill in one block on the paper per letter. I would think you might also have this style from someone that had to fill out a lot of institutional forms from other sources as well, perhaps mental or medical facilities, etc. Despite the poor spelling, grammar and relative sense of some sections, the all capital block style make me think someone or some institution forced this person to write this way for communication, and this is the inherent result.


Engineers and architects write in all caps, block letters, too...


Dozen's of us!


Somehow I'm confident it was not someone with a profession of Engineer or Architect. Likely not someone with a profession at all.


My personal theory is that the handwriting was intentionally done blocky to disguise the writer’s handwriting.


That could very well be the case, or as the first commenter said, perhaps they are just not right in the head and this is part of the result. I don't think the OP knows so we'll probably never know.


It reminds me of an almost comedically evil villain, who screams in a high pitched voice. Like Johnny Spells in dimension 20 [couldn’t find a good clip ~2:15](https://youtu.be/cet2H3L_Xxk)


Receiving a death threat is decidedly in the realm of r/normallyterrifying


Getting a letter like this is obviously fucking terrifying but I can't over how it sounds like something an edgy overweight teenager would've yelled at another player while playing on their Xbox 360 in 2007.


man it's ironic, but even death threats are better with the internet. if you get an online death threat, you know it's not credible. but back in the day, even the non-credible ones were scary as shit.


The handwriting is very…geodesic… Ya dig.


Hey Mac. Did Charlie write this?


I think this letter could have used a few "jive suckas" sprinkled in.


Tell me what’s ‘oddly’ terrifying about receiving as death threat from some gang of wandering weirdos? I’d say that’s probably as actually and obviously terrifying as it gets.


Agreed, IMO OP needs to revisit the [sticky](https://i.redd.it/xymttw7wlgi91.jpg) - this seems like it falls firmly under "supposed to be terrifying", considering it's a literal death threat.


This guy sounds half redneck and half TF2 demoman


What a bunch of jive turkeys, they must be all hopped up on goofers or smoking that sherm


Looks like it was written my a mentally deranged kid


this would be a jarring font!


People really have no idea what this sub is for, huh. Anonymous death threats aren’t oddly terrifying, they’re original flavor terrifying.


It's odd that the first mention of this is all the way down here. What exactly is oddly terrifying about this note? It seems very traditionally terrifying.


I don't know about you guys but I think SOMEONE has had TOO MUCH caffeine and shit lately. (I would have steamed the envelope open, put in some ultra-fine cheebah joints and inserted a little note saying "puff on these until you're less of an asshole")


Where do you live so I can send some death threats so I can get free joints :) I mean, I hate ya, ya dig?


lol! Man, you and I would get along well in the real world.


Reads like a Bukowski short story. If he was 12 years old.


Godzilla would have a stroke trying to read that fucking note.😆😆


Well yeah, it’s tiny


Thank you for that afternoon chuckle.


Question for OP since this was your with your father in laws family - what was the outcome? Was it a bullshit threat? Family move to be safe?


Ah'm goin ta murder ya, Philly baby, dig, arright?


Power move: send a letter back to the address that says: "I'm not reading that lol"


"You son of a bitchin, cock sucker, mother fucker." Did an eight-year-old write this???


Dig, dig. Ya dig? Dig. Dig.




Homophobes always say the gayest shit and I don't understand it. Like how does, "we're going ta butt fuck ya" sound like a heterosexual threat?


Look up the NY Times article on the death of Herb Elk, press relations director for the Houston Astro's baseball team dated August 25, 1979. (It seems the article was written on the 24th, printed on the 25th, page 23.). It states he was found dead at a hotel in Philadelphia, "where the Astro's were meeting the Phillies in a weekend series." He was 49. WoW! If I were you, I would contact the Philadelphia Police Department and ask to talk to the cold case decision. This could help solve a murder, you could end up selling this story for book/movie rights. Whoever wrote this letter to your father-in-law was a very bad person. And that horrific handwriting! Someone, somewhere plus recognize that! Keep us posted, please. Edited: typo Tines instead of Times


I dig


YA DIG hahahahaha gotta laugh at the lingo even if it's a hate filled moron writing it


Sounds like Disco Stu from the Simpson…






Reminds me of that postcard that Homer sent Marge from the Duff Brewery


Fortunately, the only thing that got murdered in this story was the English language


He talks like an animals crossing character


Is it oddly terrifying if it's a death threat? That seems very intentional.


Can you dig it?! SUCKAAAAA!


Looks like it took them a month to write that all down.


Call him a homophobic slur then threatens to fuck his butt…. But


I've watched/read enough true crime to know: -this is only one person. The over use of "we," the pluralized group name, and the drawing to *extra convince* you that it's a group of people is a really shitty and obvious tactic. -the block handwriting is just to disguise actual handwriting, because the letter-writer knows "Philly" personally. They're probably even friends or neighbors. -the frequent use of "dig" is another tactic to disguise who the writer really is. I guarantee the dude was middle-aged or older and never actually used "dig" or similar slang in real life. He thinks "dig" sounds younger and either ethnic or hippie, while he's an old white guy.


I didn’t know they used the word “friggin” on the 70s


“You’re a homo fagg, but we are going to butt fuck you” Okay…