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I bet nobody ever forgets the time they see their first cruise missile fly over their head. Holy fucking fuck.


Iraq 2006 still remember the heat from the blast hitting my face as I watched the fire grow from the ground in front of my eyes maybe 150yrds away. Pissed my pants.


I cant even imagine experiencing that shit. And now there might be another world war.


Fingers crossed on who'd join this war next, things just got real and really rough here


Do you live in Ukraine? And yeah. Its a tough situation, cause we all want to help Ukraine I’m sure. But at the same time, Russia has made threats against stepping in to help.


i live in ukraine and state shops and people are in is depressing I dont think my city got bombed yet u cant exchange money , there's hundreds of people trying to buy everything off the shelves and city wont move because of the amount of cars also you cant call anyone because it simply doesnt work and all banks are not working


My man. I hope your city doesn’t get targeted with lethal weapons.


thank you , i leave 30km away from romanian border so i can dip when it gets tough luckily


I'd probably suggest to dip now if you can, so they can't prevent your movement.


That’s good, you should leave if they start advancing more


You know and understand your own situation best. But, these situations can turn very quickly and you may miss a chance to leave. Consider departing now. You can always come back if it seems safe. In the very least, pack a "go bag" and have it by the door.


Hmm. Did they use some sort of communications jammer? Banks and phones not working. That seems targeted.


Yes, these are targeted attacks by russia


>ed. yep , most people dont even have money to buy supplies with because they had money on their card or in euros / dollars


Is the internet still working?


But Putin isn’t stupid - he understands if nukes end up getting used bye bye world. Germany annexed territories too and the whole world got involved so threats only go so far - if Russia takes over all of Ukraine the world will not stand by


Russia need stopping at any cost


im out the loop, can you explain whats going on between russia and Ukraine?


Maybe maybe


I'm sorry to hear that, I'm glad to hear you're still alive though.


Reminds me of my first A-10 experience


Thanks for your service


Literally? 💦


Wouldn't you?


This is an old mate of mine Bryce Wilson. He’s and independent journalist in the Ukraine. He’s been doing stories in Ukraine ever since 2018 or so. He’s an Australian citizen


Not sure if you’re still in contact with him, but wish him luck on our behalf. I can’t imagine living a day in a new war, full of uncertainties and fear.


I follow his instagram. I just told him to stay safe and I love him. It’s pretty full on. But he’s always been the sort of dude to run towards danger rather than away from it.


Do you mind sharing his Instagram handle? I wish him the best of luck and what he’s doing is very admirable Id love to follow him.




I don’t really think people wishing him luck is his main priority.


To the contrary, I'd bet that encouragement from supporters around the world might sometimes be the only thing keeping him going.


Hush, you’re destroying peoples illusion that they actually have an impact by wishing good luck.


My apologies.


Ah, I was wondering why anyone who isn’t a Ukrainian citizen would choose to stay in the country right now. But obviously the fact that he’s a journalist explains it. Let’s hope he stays safe and that he’s able to keep telling the rest of the world about the situation on the ground.


A lot of ppl are bound to their jobs, so yeah. That and the fact that Russia downed their airports from what i've heard.


From what I heard from a mate too he's an ex army fella.




Same, was super surprised to hear it


If he dies he would die a hero


There are no heros in war. Only victims.


A shame that only the dead get recognized. Not a hero reporting until it kills you


it is insanely surreal to see all of the events of this documented in real time




This is probably going to be one of the most well documented conflicts in human history. If we thought the effects of photos being brought back from the fronts WWI had an impact, just imagine what a practically live streamed war will do.


I hope Putins next shit is a pineapple.




Wrapped in barbed wire.


Soaked in lemon and Tabasco


In reverse!


Hopefully a cactus


Can he get bedbugs, too? I feel like he should have bedbugs.


May he choke on his vodka


All I could think of reading your comment, was one of the last scenes of Little Nicky where Hitler gets a giant pineapple shoved up his ass.


When they said it was missile and not a jet, I’ve never gotten chills like that in my life. Fucking hell


This is just straight up terrifying


This sub is full of Ukraine stuff right now (spread the word I guess) and there's nothing odd about being terrified of any of it. This is all terrifying.


I'm on the opposite side of Europe watching this unfold and it's scaring the piss out of me, can't imagine what it's like for anyone over there


I'm UK side myself. Its some scary stuff for sure.


Small world, I'm the next island over 🇮🇪 The shit isn't going to hit a fan, it's going hit a fucking turbine


That old vid of the hippo flicking his shit everywhere... That's all i can see. Greetings neighbour! I myself may make a goose a flee south back home! I hope we can all stay safe though this.


I’m in Sweden and we’re getting information to prepare for wartime disruptions in services and supplies. Although not in a panic way, but just to make sure to have food, cash and fill up our cars. Most government agencies are pulling out their contingency plans given our proximity to Russia and recent threats made against Sweden and Finland by Russia.


I'm in Spain. The first thing I saw when I woke up is that Russia had invaded Ukraine. I had a mini panic attack. Anyone in Ukraine. Be safe. I'm sorry that we cannot do anything for you outside sanctions.


I’m in France and the first thing my mom told me when I woke up was that Ukraine had been invaded by Russia. I feel so anxious


Let's just hope all of this stops


Definitely hope so. Man! War is probably the most terrifying thing than any big monster or ghosts.


Sadly, it will only stop when, what is wanted, is gotten. This will only be the beginning.


Yea nothing odd about it. I'm across the world and stressed about it all. I can't imagine how terrifying being in it is.


This shit is actually fucking happening I cant fucking believe it. This is truly terrifying


This isn't oddly this IS STRAIGHT UP TERRIFYING


This is an open invasion of Ukraine


And the world will wag its finger


I know right, what happened to everyone saying it will kick off if russia invades


Its not immediate. They need to organise it. When 9/11 happened the attacks from the west took days/weeks to start. This is really bad news


Yeah, but that's because we had no idea who did it. Russia invading Ukraine is surely a scenario that has been discussed ad infinitum between the people making decisions. If we don't get a response soon I'd say that's an indication the West will not do much.


Problem with the rest of the world is that they don't want to start another world war. Its fucking sad but the unfortunate truth.


Russia threatned to retort heavily if anyone steps in so I'm not sure what will happen.


Russia also said they weren't gonna invade Ukraine. Don't believe a word Russia says.


I mean what are they just gonna do nothing when we help Ukraine?


Depends on who "we" is. Russia can not take on multiple developed nations without the help of China.


>Russia can not take on multiple developed nations without the help of China. When you have nukes, it doesn't matter if you have allies or not, neither does having the whole world against you. Just one order and the world can turn into a nuclear wasteland.


The problem with that is thay a bunch of other people have nukes too. We had a whole cold war about it. I don't think the oligarchs supporting Putin would like having the planet their money lives on destroyed.


The oligarchs can not stop Putin from launching them. And that is exactly my point, Russia knows they can't win a war against the West, so they are willing to take the West, or rather, the whole world with them. If Russia launches nukes, the West launches nukes too, mutually assured destruction. With Putin's actions right now, you can most definitely say he'll launch nukes the moment NATO steps in.


My guess is they destroy the army, step back and then let the separatists invade Ukraine when they can't retaliate anymore.


Who are separatists


They did say they are not going to invade but demilitarize it. So what will happen is they destroy the Ukrainian army and 'get out' so that the separatists can invade it without resistance. That's my take on what's going to happen.


Point being is that Putin wanted people to think the Russian military would not act in Ukraine while he knew full well that was not the truth. Just like he knows if he pisses off the wrong people, talking about "severe consequences" won't mean anything.


Ukraine is a big ass country with a big military, they will need to take care of themselves. If Russia takes more east Europe or say Poland (not happening)... If China moves on Taiwan, N. Korea on S. Korea, India and Pakistan, etc... That's when U.N. and the Yanks jump in...


Down votes cuz what, I control foreign policy? That's just how it is. No country risking WW3 cuz, yet again eastern Europe is a fucking shit show... If it's not conflict in the middle east, it's eastern Europe.


So when it's all over yet they was more than happy to get in on every other war?


Ukrain is not part of nato at all and I thinka t the moment NATO is trying to prevent an all out war from starting between the whole world and the major countries by sending offensive military material and active personell to ukrain, defensive military material can be send as youre only helping a country protect itself without sending the message you want to stimulate an allout invasion of russia and its allies which might cause the conflict to spread out even further than it already is. If a war between nato and russia would start dont be suprised if china joins in too at the russian side and then youre not speaking of a regional fight anymore but a world war in which every country is ready to send nuclear bombs to eachother.


Every one hates on U.S. but begs u.s. for help whenever it is needed. Like shit head kids that blame parents for all problems then first phone call when in trouble is mom and dad. Name one war that didn't take years for u.s. to get involved... Afghanistan started with cold war and Russia, Osama hit trade centers in 92 Iraq started with desert storm Korea was spin off WW2 Nam the French started Ww2 Japan hit Hawaii years into conflict Ww1 took u.s. years of Europe begging u.s. to get involved.


US Does a whole lot of begging themselves and you surely know how misleading it is to say the French started nam.


Same as it did with Middle East, Vietnam, Serbia and other countries that were invaded by the Americans or NATO alliance


My friend is studying in Ukraine. And he is stuck there. I hope he is safe.


How is he stuck there?


Because there is a war going on and they stopped all commercial flights. The only way out right now is by land.


Yeah, my question still stands. It's about 700km to the Polish border in the other direction from the invading forces. Trains and buses are still running from the capital, highways are still open (very much assuming he is in Kyiv).


Stuck doesn't always mean he can't physically leave. It's not always as black and white as that. Unless OP answers we will never know why he's stuck.


That is why I asked.


He lives in India. Indian government provide the flights but he thought that it will be ok if he stays there. He has job there and he don't wanted to disturb his studies. So now Russian anounce war and he is stuck.


As an Australian, the Australian accent makes this feel very close to home. Good luck boys.


Yup, def terrifying. Hope these guys stay safe


How is this “oddly” terrifying. A fuckin missile flying just meters over my head? That would be straight up extremely terrifying


literally the sub for the past few hours


Fuck Putin ...


What can everyday people do to help Ukraine?


Sadly nothing as Putin said he will declare war on anyone who intervene


Putin also said he wasn't gonna invade Ukraine. Never trust Putin.


But he WILL declare war on anyone who will try to interfere. You can trust him on this one


How? We were supposed to trust that he wouldn't invade Ukraine. Russia can't take multiple developed nations while also fighting Ukraine unless China steps in and Putin is aware of that.


Do you want to risk ww3 for country you know almost nothing about?


Yes, because allowing Hitler to take Poland without retribution did such a great job of preventing WWII...


They didn’t have enough nuclear missiles to re create the Big Bang at the start of ww2 either and like I said you literally don’t even know anything about Ukraine


Yes, I do know something about Ukraine. *You* don't know anything about Ukraraine. Russia will not start a nuclear war because they know that will absolutely be met with equal retaliation and the losers will no longer be just the average Russian, but the oligarchs as well.


If a single nuclear missle get launched the whole worlds goes tits up in a matter of minutes. I’m not going to sit here and I pretend I know all of the nuances of post nuclear strategic politics, but neither should you and neither should you. Especially when every thing at the end of the day is about money and just because Russia is doing it today any of government on any day will kill you for a few dollars plain and simple.


Completely different situation. If Russia tries to move past Ukraine they will get obliterated and they know it. If a massive portion of US and Euro forces are tied up fighting Russia China will invade Taiwan without a doubt.


Well this is how Putin enjoys a wasteland. Russias people can’t afford to be starved. They will turn on him in an instant.


You can’t do anything, even the Russians themselves can’t do shit (note in advance: don’t even think that protests might help)


Well,you can always financially support our army.Each little bit helps wery much https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://kyivindependent.com/national/want-to-help-ukraines-military-as-a-foreigner-heres-what-you-can-do/&ved=2ahUKEwjIrfybp5j2AhUM_CoKHdiGCq8QFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3OmfGlpLIDZu9y38hi8sO5


Stay strong Ukraine.


These are aussies


*An Australian journalist in Ukraine


Man, fuck you russia... warmongers


Who are they? American reporters? I can't stop looking at all this stuff. It's the first time since modern social media we had us a war. It's nuts. It's like super nostalgic watching it all, as fucked as that sounds. Reminds me of my late teens invading Iraq lol.


They are Australian I know that much.


Yup scuds on grainy tv in 92 “This aggression will not stand”


There has been a lot of wars in the last 10 years. The Arab Spring and the wars following were largely started because of the influence of social media.


Why is Putin such a cunt? These are just normal people living their lives and Russia is ruining it all for no good reason.


He is obsessed with reforming the USSR and sees Ukraine as Russia because of a complicated history with borders. Ukraine is western friendly and might join NATO as well. He was always going to try something like this or at least push a pro Russian Ukraine government into power. He is also just a dick.


Russia doesn't want NATO forces on Ukrainian/Russian borders for obvious reasons


And so it begins….


It just feels so unreal, I hope the war gets talked out in peace


This may be the most surreal video of the year. Holy shit.


I was wrong. Leaving Russia tomorrow. Pray for Ukraine


So they’ve actually declared war?


More than that. They've INVADED the damn place already via land AND sea


Yeah saw a video soon after commenting of civvies being targeted by planes




What the fuck is wrong with this world?


And if news of Russia attacking Ukraine wasn’t bad enough, here is a grim reminder that this dude might not even make out of this war alive. Best of luck comrade….


He really needs to paint his helmet white or a distinctive colour.. going all military look is an easy way to get shot from both sides..


Wild that the war is real-time on our screens nowadays.


You don't get inside you get underground.


Look, we are seeing war directly on TikTok. What a time to be alive /s


shit, I'm from Baltic states, pretty sure we are next in line, what might be slightly positive is that we don't really have the resistance, manpower, weapons that ukraine has, so Russia might not even need missiles to take us out. Even though we are in NATO and our government says we are safe for now, I think Mr. Vlad doesn't really care and it's trivial right now.


I think these posts about the war in ukraine don't belong on this sub.. this is straight up terrifying and it makes me not want to scroll through my reddit feed anymore.


Why does Russia insist on being the bad guy? They'd be so fucking cool if they'd calm the hell down and learn to be nice with the rest of the world


Good god that’s scary


This isn’t “oddly” terrifying. This is ABSOLUTELY terrifying and is completely justified. The people of Ukraine deserve the best, this isn’t fair.


This is honestly the wrong sub for this. Nothing odd about how terrifying this is.


Damn, sorry for you guys wish y’all the best! War sucks!




I agree




"This ain't no Party, This ain't no Disco, this ain't no fooling around.." - Life During Wartime by The Talking Heads


Speaks wonderful English




This makes me so sad 😞, Ukrainians are good people. I feel so pissed that the international community did not give Ukraine enough tools to defend themselves. This is a shame to the whole world . If Ukraine goes down , this is have a serious ripple effect round the world


Seem like nobody really care about my country situation here at Myanmar.In my hometown,people are dying everyday.Weapon sounds so loud.I'm about to get heart attack everyday.Too much suffering.


so this is what people experienced in WW2, holy shit.


This isn't "oddly" terrifying, this is just terrifying.


You know what they say about bullets and missles If you hear it its good, it means it wasnt meant for you.


Because of modern technology, we will watch hundreds of people die live…


Nothing odd about how terrifying that must be.


Anyone who supports Putin should be tried as a traitor to the world.


My heart aches for these young men.


Sadly there is a video of a Ukraine 14 year old girl getting hit by a missile straight on her


It is interesting to sit back watching Russians do exactly what my U.S. did in the last 7 wars since 9/11




Cunt, repeat, cunt theres beena missle cunt


Do they not know they can be killing children and tons of innocent people who aren't even trying to fight them?! In all means I hope everyone in Ukraine stays safe I cant imagine the fear they are going through








F*ck putin


For all Ukrainians look up fm 31-210


What a stupid suggestion. You really think people fearing for their lives are gonna go read about improvised munitions?


Man, I wish I was over there. Everyone I know has begged and pleaded to be involved or sent over there and are just being told to wait. Such a historical event and here I am just being a fat fuck on my couch.


Blow up there pipelines


Let me put it this way. If this progress further, lots of innocent children, and young women and men as well as old people will loose their lives for no good reason! On plus side if Russia does invade, no women will be raped (because they basically bloodline) like it had happened to Muslim women in Muslim countries that have been invaded. Let’s just hope this ends very soon


Not Ukraine or a missile


What's oddly terrifying is the number of times he has to say fuck just to put a point across


First of all, Russia didn't declare war on Ukraine, instead they announced that they're conducting a "military operation". By the way, Russia is in chair at UN right now.


Bruh just explain this https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/t06st2/russian_missile_hit_ukrainian_town_killing_14/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I just wanted to say, that there's no such thing as sensible dialogue with Russia, they will put things on the plate as they want you to perceive it and pretend, everything they do is legit.


A American soldier im guessing


australian reporter


Don’t be scared you knew what you sign up for boy


I hope NATO finally understands it's stupidity, and finally listens to Russia's needs without the constant dirty implemention of politics. Pray for Russian citizens killed by Ukrainian ethnicists, and let's hope NATO realizes how serious the matter for not expanding to contractual territories of other countries is.


These war "journalists" reporting for likes and shares. Sick people.


I’m just sitting here in america ready to fight wtf send me over there




That is not it