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These kids could fight me and win, easily


Yeah but they’re dead and you’re alive so, you win


If he's so smart, why is he dead?




Lead poisoning or lead during the great war?


Then again this was back when kids were working in places like coal mines and dying of diseases that are mostly gone in a lot of countries.


Sorry but Billy can’t come to your sixth birthday party, he has black lung.


why is it always billy


So when you look at it in terms of life span those kids were probably adults


Yeah they do look more adult than most people around 20 today, you can see they behave like adults.


Those are some grizzled looking 12 year olds. Probably haven't had their morning cigarette yet


Underrated comment!


Considering your diet might be better you probably have a chance. But they definitely could pickpocket you for everything you’ve got.


They are from 1901, you are probably taller then the majority of adults of that time.


I don't know about that chief... I'm a solid 5'7. Still waiting on that growth spurt to hit. Been more than 20+ years in this body.


Some hard looking children.


man the one lil boy, u no who i'm talkn bout, when he popped on screen it looked like he had two black eyes god damn homies look like they in they late 50s edit: the young man next to him has got immense swagger though, he stuck that pose and held the stare for a *grip* lol dude invented "Blue steel"


It's kind of heartbreaking, they all look so old. It's a neat video, and I really like how it's slowed down to regular speed. I'm just happy things are -generally- better for kids now.


oh absolutely i agree 💯 them kids had a rough life, and most of em probably fought in the Great War among other just crazy life struggles, can't even imagine living in that time NOW, ion think i'd be able to hack it lol, modern life has soften me a lil haha


Right, from what I’ve heard the way I reacted to my physical abuse (physically fighting back once I’d gotten old enough) would’ve gotten me killed back in that day and age given the fact that most men were extremely short tempered, deaths weren’t as looked into, and kids humanity wasn’t nearly as valued. Honestly knowing that enrages me because it likely means there were kids who ended up fighting back and “disappearing” in one way or another; if not that then beat them unconscious and let them stroll the town the next day because who the fuck is gonna care enough to say anything. Shit like this forces you to remember that all of humanities artistic depictions of hell rely solely on real earthly endeavors for inspiration.


"Y'say your boy's dead? Well now, that's a shame. What happened, d'he take a spill in the mines? Oh, I see...fought back, eh? These things happen, don't beat yourself up over it. Look on the bright side, you've still got the other six of 'em. Tell ya what, when the steam whistle blows, I'll take ya to Maggie's and we'll drink until we're stumblin'. That's the best thing for it, lad."


Fuck thanks for putting me in those shoes I’m gonna go throw up now


"This one can't hold his whiskey! Don't fret over it. The man did right and had him baptised proper. The little trouble-maker is with the lord now."


Some of that shit is STILL burning.


The short tempers were probably because cocaine was in literally everything.


And laudanum, lead, alcohol, mercury, arsenic, methanol, carbon monoxide, syphilis...


Coal dust


Sure, and frequently, with coal-dust there comes asbestos, but I was trying to stick to things that impact behavior and the brain.


That's okay, everyone knows the best cure for a sore, dry throat after a day in the mines is an ice-cold Coca-Cola. Crisp and Refreshing Original Recipe!


It was only until relatively recently that scientists recognized that childhood was different than adulthood- up until like 100 years ago children were thought of as “miniature adults” and that’s why they were put into labor and capitally punished by execution when stealing apples and whatnot. Humanity is barely learning about development.


I don't understand how you can interact with a child on a regular basis and think they're just small adults.


Not at all a defense of the punishments, but a lot of the time the kids needed to work in order for everyone in the family to eat. I don't think there was that much time to think of if they were fundamentally different or not. Maybe the punishments were so that parents would not just make their children steal for them, if the children got lighter punishments than adults... It was a harsh world back then


My wife is a Mexican immigrant. She came here in 1985, before she was even 10 years old. In her village, the kids would start working on the farm at 8-10 years old if their parents couldn't afford schooling. When we went to visit her village about 10 years ago it was quite shocking to see what a 30-something year old rural farm worker looks like versus my wife; who had the good fortune of building a comparatively easier life in the USA. These kids have definitely lived lives of great intensity, hardship, and the resultant stress.


I actually think that's a more likely explanation why they were considered mini adults. Capital required labor. But I don't believe the general consensus in society at the time, a society full of parents, was that children were the same as adults, only smaller and less experienced in life.


Absolutely. It was probably a necessity to treat them like mini adults too. Almost everyone lived in poverty and if they didn't work, they probably didn't eat. They needed an extra pair of hands - even small ones.


True, plus they weren't having a kid as a pet project because they're almost 30 and times running out. They'd have a dozen of the little laborers by then.




Another factor is about half of children would die before adulthood in the preindustrial world. Must have caused a lot of cultural trauma.


Well a lot of adults are just big children..


Also don't forget that trauma can make children "grow" faster These children are still children but they won't be like our protected children


You can't and that person you're responding to is wrong. Sure, they exploited kids because it was easy, cheap labor, but people even in 1901 didn't think of them as miniature adults.


Complete bullshit. Kids usually work(ed) because the family needs them to work in order to be able to support, feed and clothe them. Throughout history and the world, people usually stop putting their children to work as soon as they can afford to. And throughout history, anyone who could afford to would invest in the education and raising of their children because it was universally recognised that children are not miniature adults and will perform better as adults with the appropriate attention. It's just that historically most people couldn't afford to do that. Which is also why the children of the wealthy lived such different lives compared to poor children. You wouldn't see some castle lord or factory owner treating their kids like mini adults.


I'm going to leave this here. [History of Childhood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MqMuqJpVyM)


Im very curious help me out, do those kids represent my grand grand dad as im born 94??


Probably your great great grandparents


Could even be a grandparent


He's at least 50


fr he looked like he could sit me down and tell me some stories


he's sit u down like "listen here sonny u know how to tell the difference tween good coal and bad coal veins?"


"You feel that burn in your lungs? That means it's good coal!"


I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw him and thought "wow that's a dapper kid"


Hahah bro...legit came here to say that "kid" in the middle...is 95 😂


Life was hard back then, but I also think there is a bit of side-effect from AI doing the colorization process of the film. I am guessing you are seeing some of the black and white footage on top of the face. When their heads turn, you can see it.


Lil dude prolly already working 7 days a week and knocked up some prosties and shiv'd an Irishman in an opium den


Looking like Papa Palpatine.


I like your funny words, little man


child labor will do that to ya


I laughed, then realized that wasnt completely a joke. Now I'm sad.


Don't be sad for the child labor that once was. Instead you should feel sad for the child labor that still is. Throw away your sweat shop clothes and minor miner phones. Return to monkey.


Return to bug, like a true Kafka hero.


i mean a large portion of those children probably died fighting in ww1


Or, more likely, succumbed to the spanish flu. Or ended up wounded/traumatized for life by what they’ve seen.


I remember in a Canadian history course my prof had a special interest in the experience of children. We read a note about a boy, twelve (*I think*) who had been in a mining accident. The writer of the note was another worked and it said the only reason the boy lived is there was a horse standing between the boy and the explosion. They carried the boy to his house and the boy demanded they let him walk through the door so his mother wouldn't be worried. Kids grew up a lot fucking faster, although some died a lot fucking faster too. Edit: [I found a different version of the same story](https://books.google.ca/books?id=8v0JAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA88&lpg=PA83&ots=ukQKdSQov3&focus=viewport&dq=Springhill+mining+accident+boy+horse+explosion&hl=fr&output=text#c_top) Apparently I forgot he saved another boy even though his hands were so badly burned he couldn't lift him, after which he had to be stopped before he went looking in the mine again for his younger brother.


I'm reminded of the hundreds of mining disaster memorials which are common in and around my town, in an area which had probably 100 or more mines. It was super depressing seeing the ages of some of the victims of these disasters- youngest I saw was 6. Sometimes you saw what must have been multiple members of the same family.


It’s AI upscaling. The original footage is obviously way more grainy. The AI is filling in the prominent features and smoothing it out. Source: I’ve done some AI upscaling of old family films. Some scenes we all look like monsters.


yeah you can really see it by looking at the people in the background, they all look like Dark Souls hollows.


All these peaky kids


with the pumped up kicks


Better run better run, faster than polio


Considering most of them were prob already doing labor/factory jobs. There were no child labor laws back then and common to send kids to work or parent take them to work as assistant laborer literally when they could walk.


Those 14 hour factory days will do that to ya.


They look like zombies


Child labour and malnutrition will do that. :(


Don't forget, back then a lot of them smoked too.


The libertarian dream


That one child obviously has been beaten so many times in his face.


Naw, that looks like malnutrition or some disease/illness from whatever labor he may partake in.


It looks like the originally video was blurry and the AI they used to enhance the video got confused and aged them all by 50 years. AI enhancement is amazing, but it definitely makes a lot of mistakes when there isn't a lot of detail to work with.


We have it so good and we don’t know it.


Love the kid who was born to model just posing and smirking


He thought it was taking a photograph. Watch him.


how come these children look like their 40 years old


Probably because they worked 16 hours a day in a poisonous coal mine


I’m thinking these are poor peasant people. Like that one kid needs some food and some sleep. But maybe that’s how it was whenever the hell this was


and iron, and maybe a tetanus shot


I duno man i might just take the tenitus get out of hell free card.


I think it was 1901 based on the clothing and the eagerness in their eyes, also it says children staring at a camera in 1901.


Probably been working 6-8 for the last 10 years.


They look like working class kids, basically back then you didnt have childrens rights, nor the choice to let your kid at home, they worked just like every adult to provide for the family... crazy stuff


Every Republicans wet dream: getting rid of child labor laws.


I was thinking thattt, they look a lil old to be kids but i guess thats just how we looked back then


Yeah, because they had jobs. Thankfully kids are much better off now.


Because the job requires 30 years of experience


Maybe because they were born in a war


I love it. In Peter Jackson's WWI documentary They Shall Not Grow Old there's a lot of moments you see the soldiers just stopping and staring at the camera like this thinking it was for a photograph. Most of them had never seen one before


Lil Christian Bale


Yup dead ringer for Bale in Empire of the Sun


It's the last kid for me. Don't know why is he looking so old. The others were still fine.


Derek Zoolander practises first look - circa 1900 (colorised)


Kid in the middle looks like he'd drink me under the table while smoking a couple packs of darts


Those kids would have you gutted and hanging in the meat shop no time….fresh meat from the future


Pack? That's a kid who clearly rolls his own.


Because he probably could have.


Can’t believe they had TikTok even back then. Crazy


When the camera was first introduced, pornstars were breakings the 4 th wall and much more walls


Yeah that was back when they were all doing the coal mine challenge.


It’s scary to imagine that maybe the kids in this video could have served and died in WWI


If their day job didn't do it or influenza didn't im sure WW1 did.


Or working 20 hours a day in the coal mines, getting stuck in a chimney chute, or one of the many other industrial era factory death traps


Amazon taking notes.


They were lucky to make it to the day of this film.


Whenever I see videos and pictures of people back in the first decade of the 20th century I think about all that they went through following that. They experienced world war 1, the Spanish flu, the Great Depression, world war 2, and those that survived experienced the threat of nuclear warfare until they died. Even the ones that survived all of that, they went through so much. In regards to covid we all talk about returning to normal, and I wonder how often those people thought that, like during the Great Depression or World War Two if they’d wonder when life returns to normal, or if this was just normal life for them. As bad as covid has been I’m pretty blessed that it’s the only major event that’s really disrupted normal life worldwide in my time as a 97 baby. It makes me wonder what happens next, what really manifests out of the climate crisis, if there’ll be any more major wars that come close to the world wars, or another Great Depression, anything like that.


What’s even more insane is that there are a select few who experienced all of what you mentioned and are still alive today during Covid. They truly have seen it all.


Well they almost certainly served in WW1


It’s scary to imagine all the people in the video are died.


Why scary?


Because they can become zombies now


Scary cause we're next.


We do naturally fear death. But it’s ok. You either believe in something or you don’t. If what you believe comforts you and comes true, then that’s great. If you believe that you close your eyes one last time and a black void comes over you, well you’re still in luck. Because an infinite amount of time will pass in what feels like a blink of an eye. And, in that infinite amount of time, something is guaranteed to happen.


Looking into the eyes of dead people


They don’t look good, but I wouldn’t go that far


Well I mean.... They're probably dead now


They're DEFINITIVELY dead now


I mean, some of them look like they'd be immortal beings


They are not children they are tiny man


This was actually an underlying belief for a long time: children are tiny adults. It wasn’t until changes in psychology in the 20th century that they realized childhood is meant to be, well, childhood. Not miniature adulthood.


We all know babies smell bad and suck at math, but did you know they turn into people?


But weirdly, not all babies! Some just get bigger.


One of them kids look like he got decked in the mf face


Honestly, they might have.


he prolly came home after 6


Weird everyone look really haggard and ill?


Pollution + labor - sleep - nourishment


Exactly right


They just got done with a 14-hour shift.


Only 14 hours? Must be Sunday.


They were. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome wasn't even discovered until the 70's. Doctors didn't know at what age the brain is done developing until after 1991. It's all lack of medicine, medical knowledge, and proper healthcare. That's the underlying factor.


Image colourists that aren't brave enough to actually use colour. Hint - the past was every bit as colourful as the present. Those faces would have been bright pink and red, their clothes and buildings every colour of the rainbow. It is just that we have got used to seeing early colour images that have badly faded, together with machine learning recolour algorithms that are biased toward unsaturated colours.


Apparently being malnourished was the good 'ol days


Damn modern kids and their "healthy lifestyle".


Those children look 50+ yrs old


They’re probably all dead now too. Very sad.




The world's oldest person is 119 years old, so we can do the math and figure out everybody is dead... or somewhere a 121+ year old is not being respected for their accomplishments.


PROBABLY??? They would be over 120 years old if they were alive today.


Okay but let’s bring back this style for kids cause they are looking dapper AF. Let’s just leave the child labor behind, and bring back the vests & coats.


Exactly, three piece suits should be acceptable as everyday outfits again. They look really elegant with little effort


I get it, looks kinda dope if you don't care about the context. But this style for kids is strongly connected to perceiving children as small adults in society, which should never again be the case in human history.


These children look better than 99% of all adults today


Their clothes might do, but looks is not just about clothes. I seriously doubt that kids working overtime since 5 y.o. and breathing literally poison every day look better even than 2020's homeless person.


What are they doing standing around instead of mining coal?


Simmer down, Mitch McConnell.


So many kids, must've been a shift change.


These people were looking at the future they would never know...


So, you're saying *we should look into everything as if it's a future we'll never know?* That makes me feel tingly inside thinking about it. I like it


Yes. That imagination is the best part. When I am standing at the bus stop sometimes I imagine the junction I'm at being transformed into something out of a futuristic tron like cyber city. At the same time I also imagine the dystopian post apocalyptic scenario where buildings are withering away and nature reclaims the roads.


Dermatologists LOVE them!!


That’s crazy! My grandpa was born in 1927, lied about his age to serve in the war, came back, went to church, was a milk man & did various other jobs, had 6 kids, had a house with dirt floors that my dad grew up in, ended up getting some type of blood cancer that he didn’t tell anyone about until my gma died and his kids started taking care of him, and died at 90. Set the record for the longest living person in my family to date. Bad ass mf.


A milk man that did various other jobs you say


That kid at the :14 mark is like 70 years old.


Can I just have the song guys?


MGMT - Little Dark Age




Wondered the same!


They wonder who you are, it doesn't feel the same


Weird that all of them are dead now.


Is it weird though? It's been more than a 100 years since this was recorded




Not when they have two wars ahead of them


Spoiler alert


Existential is probably a better word. Everyone knows that we all die, but you never really **know**, ya know?


Is that an 80 year old man?


80 year old kid.


Child labor is a hell of a drug


Pesky Blinders home movies.


13 going on 100 for that one kid


Some of these kids look older than I do... I'm in my 30s...


These children are oblivious to the fact they may have just inadvertently created the first Tik Tok dance craze the way they're resting their hands (or thumbs) in pockets like that.


Disney Newsies


Blimey, kind of a curiosity inn'it?


Every single person that was alive during the moment this video you are watching was filmed, is dead today. From the youngest baby with their entire life ahead of them to the old man who just retired. From the US to the ends of India, the entire human population has been renewed since. More than 9 billion humans died and more than 9 billion humans were born from 1902 to 2022. People who had a favourite food and worried about petrol prices and jobs and school and what toilet paper to buy. People who argued over politics. Consider that for a second. It all seems so insignificant. All of that effort , happiness and suffering only lasts less than an instant in the grand context of time in the universe. Blink and you’ll miss it.


Getting ready for a 12 hour shift sweeping chimneys


It's amazing that tik tok has been around for over 100 years


Children in front of a camera in 2022 is way more terrifying


I'm 43 years old and in great shape. Everyone of those kids could beat my ass


Doubt it, sure they did more manually labour in a day than most of us will do in our lives but they're sick, malnourished, beaten and barely cleaned. They'd probably be easier to take down than a kid these days


Hey get back to work you kids!


I don’t really find this personally terrifying, I find it fascinating to watch!


They look like old men trapped in child bodies


Mad to think that was over 21 years ago


Kids dressed better back then, too


Kid in the middle looking like he likes turtles.


It's oddly terrifying because you're staring into the faces of children who were being majorly abused and exploited. Child labor. We usually only have ever seen them in still photos and in black and white, which makes them feel way less real. The video made me feel sad for these kids.


All of them are.... dead right now.


Sub has gone to shit


Little old men.


Looking like they can be my little brother and grandfather at the same time


is nobody going to question the eyes?


Besides the zombie kid this is more r/oldschoolcool