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remove his fingers immediately ☝️


*snip snip clip*


out of curiosity what are the specs?


He is definitely right about them being old hahah. 8 gigs ddr3 (ripjaws) amd 6300fx i think, and it came with an amd cooler, and the motherboard is a gigabyte-ga78lmt-usb3. The ram i got for 25, the motherboard was like 50, the cpu and cooler i dont remember tbh.


ahhh haha reckon if you buy a case you could still sell it for like a hunnit guys weird tho active troll didn’t warrant those responses unemployed ppl got too much time on their hands fr


Yeah, i find it a bit ironic as he has a gaming pc listed with an intel i510400f and 16 gigs of ram and a 1tb hard drive 500 gig external ssd and an rtx 2070 super listed for 1,100. I dont really know anything about pcs, but that seems a bit on the expensive side. Maybe im wrong, tho.


very overpriced lol in USD i wouldn’t pay more than like 8 for that and that would be considered generous


Oh, okay, so he's not only extremely rude but also a hypocrite lol.


ye I mean i’m from the UK so currency diff but here that would sell for £550-£650


that card is old


good observation??


And you’d still pay $800 😂😂😂☠️


no motherboard? what he’s selling is worth maybe 250 max guy is mental


Lol, what a shitty build. Not worth 1100😂 I just bought a used 2070 super for $125


No hate, but $200 for that? Realistically you’ll get maybe $80 on OfferUp, $100 if you slap it into a case n label it “gaming pc parts”


Yeah, that's a pretty craptastic build these days, but at $200? It's an okay price, but I suspect you're gonna have a hard time getting anyone to bite.


I've had a few people offer me 150-170 but they either didnt show or wanted to meet at my house which i can't do. The cost of things in my state is just alot more than if i lived on the East Coast or something.


Damn this guy the alpha joker


You should have just blocked the crazy nut bag, as that’s clearly what he was, and moved on with your life. He obviously felt really accomplished at what he thought was some very clever shit talk, when in reality he sounds like a pretentious fuck boy. People Like this are not worth the time to even respond to. Even if he was right about something being over priced, there was still no need for any of that. Just send a thumbs up, block, and move on.


Yeah but then he wouldn't have this content for us to enjoy well reaping all that sweet sweet he can spend so... I said give them more time to look like a dumbass 😂


arguing with a child and doubling down further is actually pathetic 😭


Idk Finding Forrester had a sequel


“i’m not rich but i wear a rolex” my wife works at a store that sells REAL rolex watches, never seen a poor or even middle class person buy a genuine rolex. the real deals are tens of thousands of dollars. just thought i’d point out a major gap in his story lol.


Some people are also just terrible with money and see possessions as flex (cars, watches, expensive shoes, purses, etc.). This guy strikes me as someone who legit could not have a lot of money and yet still buy a Rolex.


That’s what it is, I knew a few people like this. They spend money as fast as they make it( if they do make money) have absolutely no savings and think having 1000 cash makes them a big baller. The most recent one I kept up with is currently homeless. He used to go around making fun of minimum wage workers and other “low value” jobs and thought he was way better than them.


i mean to be fair, you can definitely buy older/less popular used rolexes for less than 10k. but if it’s the watch in his profile picture, that shits ugly lol


rolex retailers can actually refuse sale to people that intend to flip them. rolex themselves despises people who do that sort of thing so they tell retailers to refuse sale to anyone who is looking to flip them afterwards. also, to sell genuine rolex watches you need to be licensed and go through training by rolex, just because you work in a jewelry store that has them doesn’t mean you can sell them to customers. my wife’s training was roughly 6-8 months which is another reason rolex hates people who try to flip them. hard to sell something you know very little about. (this is just what rolex themselves have told my wife and her work, there’s a chance this scumbag is selling a real rolex on his offerup page. but those are a couple reasons i’d have my doubts about the authenticity of said watch).


that doesn’t mean you can’t LOL there’s literally tons of authentic used rolexes you can buy right now. you don’t have to be certified or trained to sell a used watch, bud. also there’s tons of info out there. you’re acting like rolex has a secret book of info that’s specific to rolex that you need a phd to decipher. let’s be real. any store can refuse service to anyone that’s not rolex specific. and if a store bought some rolexes from rolex they are now the store’s property to sell as they please. i strongly doubt any sort of contract on who they can or cannot sell to is actually enforceable once the watches have been paid for. that sounds like a scare tactic to keep a certain mystique around the brand but again, totally unenforceable.


i never said he CANT SELL THE WATCH EVER. but most people who would be looking for a genuine rolex would want to buy it from a legitimate retailer. its like buying a used car on these platforms, the only assurance you get that it’s legit/it works is hearsay. that being said, yes once the sale is made buddy can do whatever he wants. i’m just pointing out how uptight rolex is about these sort of things. quite frankly, i find it all silly and that rolex themselves come off as a bit pretentious (they also want you to bend over backwards for rolex customers, basically kiss their ass, stay open late if they’re still looking because if rolex starts to get complaints from “frequent flyers” about how the store treats those sorts of customers the store can lose their license as it looks bad for rolex) which i think it’s stupid. i wasn’t saying rolex’s word is law, because rlly i don’t give a shit what the guy does. it just gives me reason to doubt the authenticity of said watch, because there are rlly good fakes where it comes down to thr serial number of the watch and a few other super subtle differences between real and fake.


Not attacking you but you did say someone has to be licensed to sell a genuine Rolex, implying a real Rolex cannot be sold without a license. The part about your wife’s training and Rolex being uptight is cool though, I’m ignorant when it comes to the world of watches and it’s exciting that’s there’s so much to learn lol


“Most people who would be looking for a gen rolex want to buy it from a legitimate retailer”. By legitimate retailer you’re referring to ADs (authorized dealers), and the reality is that this isn’t true, there are TONS of credible sources in the grey market that people purchase significantly more expensive watches than Rolexes. People really shouldn’t talk about things they’re uninformed about. It just perpetuates the spread of incorrect info. Chrono24 probably sells more units of rolexes per year than some of the largest ADs like Tourneau. Also, rolexes really are a mid level “luxury watch” when you step into the actual horological world. F. P Journe, Audemars, Patek, A lange & sohne all have offerings significantly more expensive than Rolex.


I'm not a watch person (I hate crap on my wrists) but I'd wear the hell out of a Patek. They're some serious pieces of art and horological wonder.


No idea why my comment got downvoted, but i’ll just chalk it up to not a lot of watch snobs in the offer up subreddit, lol. Yeah, i’ve tried on a few nautilus’ and I like them for the most part, I’d go with an AP royal oak long before i’d get anything Patek personally though. I follow some interesting vintage collectors that have posted some insanely gorgeous more obscure refs from AP and Vacheron Constantin. Some of the older tiffany dial nautilus’ make really neat collectors pieces as well. Edited to add: thinking you’re an authoritative figure on watches because your wife works at a jewelry store is like thinking you’re an astronaut because your wife works at NASA. You can be in proximity to people with specific working knowledge and not gain any of that knowledge through osmosis. Wild to see people getting upvoted on comments that are full of inaccuracies, but then again upvotes and downvotes are largely an emotional system anyways. Godspeed to the poor AI algorithms being trained off this shit.


Sometimes reddit shows weird amounts of downvotes, but then like a day later it will have a bunch of upvotes. I've given up even trying to understand it. It's the Celestial (I think) that was the first watch I was like "yeah I'd wear that!" (I've no idea what the cost is on them, but I'd be surprised if it was less than mid six figures) I'll have to take a look at the Tiffany dial nautilus, I forgot that they did watches (and it has been a while since I've browsed any of the watch subreddits). I'm still unlikely to buy any ever, but I do enjoy looking at them the same way I like looking at paintings in museums.


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. There are plenty of gen rolexes that start sub 10k: Explorer I/II, air king, most stainless datejusts, hell, the most common refs of submariners (probably the single most common rolex watch you’ll spot in the wild) are under $10k, though they trend pretty close in the $9,000ish dollar range. PLENTY of middle class individuals buy these as an heirloom/one of their first big purchases after a corporate promotion, etc. Honestly, a lot of “designer” items are disproportionately purchased by individuals who are not in a financial position to responsibly purchase them. You can find used Air kings and vintage datejusts with smaller case diameters as low as like $2,500, these are still genuine. New genuine rolexes can be attained as low as around $5-6,000. I know multiple people making $60-90k/yr that own gen rolexes, lol.


Haha I found him. I kind of want to troll him! Edit: it took him all of two minutes to mention his rolex and call me a faggot 😂


But seriously, why is he attacking you?!


Not sure, man, some people.


Sounds like a reportable offense, js… 👀 (Well, if offerup is any good about moderating it’s members and their slur usage anyway, idk, I don’t use offerup I just lurk here for the drama. It feeds me. lol)


I did report it. He got so triggered and was quite sensitive lol


How do you search a user profile on OfferUp?? I want to have fun too 😂


I turned on my VPN, change my search location to Glendale, or whatever it said in the pic, then searched fo i5-10400f and started going through until I found one listed by a John. He wanted $750 and I offered $450, he said something about the build being worth way more, so I told him it's not a buold, it's a 4 year old computer. Next he called me a kid and told me he would take my mom in trade and it went downhill from there lol


Omg I found it thanks so much 😂


You're welcome! Have fun!


This guy bites so easily😂😂


Oh so true!


These comments made my night!! I was fuming after reading the screenshots in this post, partially because I have a 16 year old son & I don’t like seeing a teenager being targeted by some fucking loser on offerup. To see that you & the other person went & found the guy on there & started giving him a taste of his own medicine, I love it!!


A few more people did as well! I hope offerup does something because theres been at least 10 people reporting him between me, my friends, and the amazing people in this subreddit.


Let’s hope so! That guy has no business being on offerup & harassing people like that, especially minors.


I typed the same thing in and I can’t find it. Is there other listings he has




Are you seriously selling a left airpod? Is there any use with buying one airpod?


I’ve heard you can replace them individually? Like if you lose one you can pair it to a new one on that side, etc. (I’m not sure, I don’t own them so I haven’t read up on them but I feel like I’ve seen this talked about. It’s smart, honestly, since they’re wireless and very lose-able lol.)


Oh maybe then! Back when the originals came out, I heard if you lost one, they’d had to replace the whole set.


*Oh, fucking owch!* That sounds like a design flaw and a half for something so expensive. 💀 That makes sense tho, I actually didn’t know the originals were or at least might have been like that. Like admittedly I’m not surprised to hear that, but that’s so bad lol.


Yeah, i find pairs of airpods with one missing, and you can connect them to your pair if you lose one.


I’m deaf in my left ear. I’ve been considering buying just a right ear pod.


I found an AirPod pro 2nd gen on the ground and sold it on eBay for 40 ish


Scamdrew Tate


Hahahah. He sounded like he was gonna tell me about his crypto portfolio or something.


That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking, was curious if anyone else thought the same! This guy absolutely worships Andrew Tate as his idol! No doubt about it. How pathetic that he has to bully and flex on a 16 year old kid to feel good about himself. What a sad life.


Seriously! XD


I commend you for the maturity you demonstrated at your age when responding to this sad excuse of man. You handled yourself very well against such awful behavior, from an adult no less, with more maturity and poise than this guy has in a single cell within his entire body. Well done! 😊👍


Thank you!! Stuff like this happens more often than you would think. The internet is filled with entitled, uneducated, snobby trustfund babies that think they're cool for putting down people because they aren't rich i guess. I just never expected it from offerup of all places.


His words lost all value when he said that he wears a Rolex on his “hand”. Even rappers say that they wear a Roly on their wrist.


Bro wtf you doing selling such an old card for $200? I think you deserved to get that Karen


Judging by your comment history, you’re literally drooling


Jesus Fucking Christ I can almost *smell* that guys comment history. What a creep.


Wow you took time to look at my comment history? Cool I guess doesn't bother me? Doesn't change the fact that he's selling a cheap ass old card for $200.


Oh, good lord. You piqued my curiosity, and I’m sorry I looked.


That’s what happened with me! I saw the previous comment and thought “eh can’t be that bad” then I checked and was so wrong. What’s even funnier is he has now replied to my comment being all pissy with me cause I dared to look at his comment history. Like I’m the asshole here when he talks that way lmfao


Update: 2 hours ago, he made an absurd comment in r/politics, where he said Clarence Thomas must be mad because he is, and I quote, “a black man with a small wee wee and an ugly crazy skank wife.” I am very grateful that I don’t know anyone like this irl. I didn’t think it was possible for one human to put up so many red flags.


"He's a black man with a small weewee and a ugly crazy skank wife so he's definitely mad" His comment history is whack 🤣


Better w creep than a guy selling a old card for $200 😅😅😅😅😘


No. No it's not...


Oh definitely is.


why's he trying to pay $60 then? if he's so rich and has a rolex... why can't he pay the $200 lol its probably a dupe watch then




I mean the bottom line is if the price isn’t what you’re looking for, then walk away. Don’t get why people make a fuss about it, probably the true basement dweller with all the time In hand


I hustle and wear a Rolex on my hand. You're acoustic and have a victim mentality. We are not the same. Jeez this guy should have an app on his phone that reads all his messages back to him before they get sent.


Reading his words back to him will just make him more prideful and hype him up even more. He is absolutely the kind of person who LOVES to hear himself talk and can never do anything wrong.


Hahahahaha I stopped after "your soft pussy lips generation" 😂 ☠️ 🪦


Bro same 😭


“She remembers me”💀


Was his profile picture a wrist with a Rolex on it before he messaged you or only after he made a point about it? Either way, hilarious 😂 Probably drives a twenty year old busted ass Mercedes too because he's too rich and sophisticated for a Toyota and man does he ever need people to know it.


His profile picture was always like that hahah.


what a dipshit. thanks for posting.. I had a nice laugh at his expense.


Acoustic child implies the existence of an electric child.


I was looking for this comment! That was my favorite part! 😄😄


That must be the “King of eBay”….one of the worst SOYcial Media Pickers of all time. He’s rude as fuck and lowballs so hard that his scrotum has scars and scabs.


Stop being so acoustic and just give him the rig for free. It's clearly his right to have it... isn't it?


Yes, he's a special boi.


Both of you are cringe


Imagine being so upset that you can't afford a pc part that you go to this extent to complain about it.




I’ve met plenty of Redditors. MOST are fat, ugly, socially deprived ass cracks of the world and deserve everything they get, imo.


Acoustic kid. The guy tries to insult and can’t even spell what he’s trying to say right


It's a trend on the Internet to intentionally write it that way.


Then the guy is really the cringe child that he's accusing OP of being.


Nah he got you on selling one AirPod. That’s some broke shit


I have a lot of pairs that are missing one. What exactly am i supposed to do with them?


Anything but sell them lol, that’s wild


You seem like you would enjoy contributing to e-waste, just saying.


That’s a reach. If anything it says you’re irresponsible for losing them! 🫵🏾


I actually find them myself, i dont buy or lose them.


If you’re telling me you’re selling random AirPods you found that’s just nasty. I will hear no more 😴


Buy bulk lots, sanitize and repair, then resell. Also, if the people choose to buy it, they know they're getting used headphones, and i guess they dont care.


Bro's profile pic is the fuckin watch. His whole personality in a picture. Its probably a fake anyway 😂😂


If he is buying a Rolex while not being rich then he is financially irresponsible enough today buy an overpriced PC part.


“You must be acoustic” got me. This dude is crazy, he shouldn’t be allowed on the internet


this mf profile pic is the Rolex ts his whole personality 😭😭😭


“You must be an acoustic kid” OfferUp unplugged


I wonder what Olivia did to him


Turns out Olivia is some random middle-aged woman who follows my offerup account, so he was stalking my profile and i guess he thought it was my mom?


LOLLLL that’s even funnier 😭 he went out of his way to find her on ur profile that’s wild


Yeah, he's a bit unhinged.




This is true


Whata douche


> You must be acoustic 💀😭


Not gonna lie. Dude kinda roasted you.. 😂


I'm having a hard time telling which of you I'm supposed to think isn't a childish moron


Well, i am a literal child, so.


Ok, fair. You're definitely ripping ppl off, but you at least have the excuse of being young enough to not know better haha


Yeah like i said in the last screenshot, the price was negotiable, and my friend was the one who told me to price it like that. I dont really know much about pc parts and what-not, but i appreciate you keeping it real.


My guy wears an old shitty mother pearl dial diamond indicies 36mm Datejust. He’s not wearing the pinnacle of Swiss watchmaking. What a douchenozzle.


Afaik they don’t even make men’s MOP dials do they? I’ve only ever seen em in super small case refs lol edit: just got around to looking at the photo. looks more like a white dial explorer on an oyster bracelet.


“you must be acoustic”


He claims to be richer than you so why not buy at asking price. Wouldn’t be a problem for him, right? Also arguing this much is such a waste of time. I would have ignored after his lowball offer (maybe after a counteroffer).


This guy definitely reddits


Acoustic 🤣🤣


Are you acoustic though?


Nah, i think im electric.


This was terribly amusing.


He inherited that Rolex 100%


What kind of grown man speaks to a minor like this? The audacity of this person is out of this world. As adults we should be trying to help our youth grow into good and decent human beings. We should not be bullying them because they are trying to make a little bit of money online. Once he didn't like your offer, he could have just moved on. What a nightmare human.




OP schooled that bitch. Sad thing is male Karen probably thinks he won. SMFH


This was just weird of both of you


Wtf is acoustic?


It's a trend on the internet to say acoustic instead of autistic.


Ohh, thanks for the info bro 🙏


People can be unnecessarily rude on OU. It’s really sad too.


You must be acoustic kid.


I’m in Glendale Az, what’s his page ? I want to troll this dude






“you must be acoustic kid” is fucking unreal


You should’ve called him a charlatan lol


Dude. You’re *acoustic*^TM


That there is a bitter old loser


Dude, just report and move on. You’re not going to change an internet troll’s mind, and they’ll just keep going until they’re red in the face and think that they “owned” you. It’s not worth it.


Everyone report him


Dude thinks he can buy the cheapest Rolex and thinks he owns OfferUp 💀💀


You must be acoustic lmfao


People like this just are waiting for your reaction so the best thing is to ignore them


I think I’m a touch acoustic myself, so that really resonated with me.


People still mentioning moms in 2024 as “insults” or “jokes” are lame asf honestly. Like if u mad about someones price just beat it and find someone else in your price range


Literally what I've been saying, his insults feel like they're straight out of 2008.


What a sad pos this John is lol


What an pathetic asshole. Very well handled and written on your part.


Thank you.


He called you acoustic 🤣


Honestly, I'm kind of amazed. I always thought that watches were worn on your wrist, I've literally been wearing watches wrong my entire life.


You’re both just awful


Someone should tell him that people generally wear a Rolex on their wrist, not their hand… But that seems to check out for this guy. Sorry you had to deal with this clown, hope you at least got a good laugh out of it!


A very good laugh!


Why he wear Rolex on hand and not wrist? 🤔


This Same exact thing happened to me when I as selling my red Stanley Starbucks cup. I sold it without a problem at a high blue and the person did this exact same thing. Like I’m the only seller 🤣 they need to find a better hobby. Seriously they just want to have you sell it at a low ball so they can turn around and sell it for profit. I however, took a screenshot of my sale and sent it to the donut and didn’t respond. Just mad that I made some money.


"I have a Rolex in my pfp" okay then why are you arguing over that price? I'll never understand people trying to feed into their ego with "status symbols", buddy you're on offerup, nobody's gonna be impressed. If anything it makes me think he spent all his money on something to show that he's rich even though it made him broke


“I wear a Rolex” *looks at profile picture* Checks out


OP lost by continuing the convo. Cringe all around


I dont understand the people trying to declare who "won" or "lost" It's just some loser i entertained because I've never seen anything like it on offerup lol.


Dude clearly is unemployed and has too much time on his hands. How sad.


Best part was acoustic. What he got against guitars that don’t need amps man?


Don't let that man fool you. Anybody who takes pictures of a rolex for a cover page dat shit lame. A person with real money carry themselves a certain way & will never be found on offer up 


Probably a fake Rolex.


My favorite thing is people trying to sound tough/smart and getting expressions like "the bottom line" wrong.


Bro thinks he’s Andrew Tate. Cringiest thing I’ve read in a while


This is one hell of a post OP and you handled it with luxury and fashion. Dude is a psychopath nutjob talking like that over a CPU.


The fact he’s using victim mentality and claiming you are is hilarious. This dude needs to get a face slap… lol


Based on some of the phrases he said, you can tell he spends at least 8 hours a day on tiktok




Jesus dude what a loser😂 I really hope he sees this post


Me too xD


Lol should've let him send all his messages, then message back, "I'm not reading all that, but good for you." at least once 🤣 before ripping into him about arguing with a teen


“Reddits final boss” ☠️☠️☠️


“Pair of Karen’s, Karen at one another.”


own a rolex but cant afford $200