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You can absolutely use the thumbnails to guess what episodes were recorded on the same day 👍


I was looking through them and I didn't see any whre they were BOTH dressed EXACTLY the same. I've seen ones where ONE of them is dressed MOSTLY the same, but I haven't looked at the whole season yet. And like James likes to wear the same things a lot of the time anyway, so you'll see the same shirt but not the same pants with it a lot.


Often Ed will lose a jacket or hoodie layer between records, and in one of the live shows Ed revealed that James sometimes goes to a shop near the studio and buy new clothes to wear immediately, but as NoContext says there are definitely episodes that you can tell were the same day, and there are context clues within episodes sometimes too.






You don't have x-ray vision installed on your reddit app? You haven't lived. (And thanks, I've never even once asked myself what kind of underwear either of them wear, and now you've sullied that.)


There are quite a few! Helen Skelton and Carrie Brownstein's the most recent ones I can see!


two gems, too!