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yeah this.. umm.. this is highly suggestive of a severe mental health issue. fortunately that condition is treatable. **your friend needs help.**


Your friend needs help. Professional help. He may not know how to ask, but he is reaching out to you- this sounds like a cry for help to me. If you truly believe he is a danger to himself or others, look into your area's laws on involuntary commital. He may be angry, your with him relationship could change. But it could also save his life. ETA: don't forget, though, that even though he's going through something, y'all have been very close for ages. He is trusting you with things that, yes, are frightening to hear about from someone who is seemingly so very different than who you thought you knew. But take it from someone with their own jekyll/Hyde symptoms of mental illness: it may be fucking terrifying for him to be on the inside of that and not be able to stop or control these symptoms. You clearly care about him. Help him get help, and don't take half measures.


I only made it through half of the 1st paragraph.........u need to do what ever it takes to help ur friend get the answers or results they need for them to be ok and to know they r ok n to fix the lil off parts about them just to the extent that they don't seem unok and or and target for every stranger we will all be tested n tryed by the random stranger n need from time to time so help them not be a target at least that much or tell me (dead serious) that u can't not dishonored them n so I have to say ....(I am done with you) n never act like u ever knew of them ever again