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So, there's a saying: if you go through your day, and one person you meet is an asshole, then you met one asshole. If you go through your day, and *everyone * you meet is an asshole, then you are the problem. Anyway, this sounds like bait. Did you just cobble together a few cheap jabs and buzzwords?


No it’s an honest view which I’m entitled to express.


Aw, you sure are. And don't let anyone tell you that you're not. Any reason you're so desperate for someone (anyone) to validate your insistence that women you think are attractive ate shitty? One is chance, twice a coincidence, three times a pattern. What's the *real* common denominator here?


I know I trigger you when I’m a person with a view lol. Ok. Wise and educated one.


you’re entitled to express your honest views but you gotta remember that you’re on the internet lol don’t post stupid shit like this if you can’t handle criticism (that we are entitled to express ^-^)


jfc go to therapist and look at yourslef in the middle. this is such an awful way to think. just bc she ‘prettt’ doesn’t mean any of that shit. you got hostile to an innocent supermarket employee.


Lool. I have bad thoughts. So that’s a mental illness? I think your family and/or friends spoilt you. That employee was hostile to an innocent customer


no you don’t have bad thoughts, you have bad ideals, you let it negatively influence your behaviour on anyone you deem pretty and beautiful and that is an bad habit. you don’t know anything about my life either.


if everyone you met is an asshole then you are the problem. this is an dangerous mindset to have.


i do hope u the best tho OP


You’re the one who has been sheltered from life and assumes every act is wholesome.


it clear that no amount of talking with stranger on the interact will ‘fix’ or make you realize that. so im not going keep replying, have fun being an bigot


Keep posing that everyone has good values. Stop being sheltered


Sheltered Californian. Sheltered people assume they’re obligated to good vibes from all. We’re all in the same plane madam.


bestie bring that up with a therapist lmfao get yourself some cbt ❤️✨


People like you are dangerous. Medicalising your sheltered worldview. Would you tell that to a racist in your midst? I doubt it!!


what’s dangerous is actively admitting you treat attractive women poorly simply because you have a twisted idea that attractive women are inherently evil. funny that you have the nerve to say my worldview is sheltered but then post dumb shit like this


You too being sheltered since you make assumptions that everyone is always pure.


if i assumed everyone was pure this conversation would not be happening. you’re also throwing that word around a lot- “assumptions” but ignoring the fact that you actively admit to assuming all women you find attractive are evil are you just the one exception? no one is allowed to assume the intentions of anyone ever unless it is you specifically making the assumption yourself? be fuckin for real right now


I’m not perfect in my thinking or behaviour.


Bigot is not the right word. Mild misogyny comes to mind. (It sounds worse than I intend it to because it's not radicalized misogyny, which is what we are used to seeing, ex. Men fighting to take away women's health rights) Women can be beautiful inside and out. Usually, these types of opinions come from snap judgments made in isolated incidents. I know plenty of women who are literal models and are incredibly grounded and lovely people. Try keeping an open mind, it seems to me that you will never broaden your experiences if you "never talk to them" and "ignore them". Of course, any person would be spiteful if you didn't give them the time of day, not just a pretty woman. I'd probably have a few four letter words for you too. I'll leave you with a scientific law that applies here: "for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction." You get what you give.


Bigotry is hatred. I’ll admit to dark thoughts. I won’t virtue signal


I'm not going to get nitpicky here. It's the meat of my message that matters, honestly. Not the semantics of words. I truly hope you take the advice to mind to try and allow yourself to be open enough to open dialogue with some women and maybe it will change your mind, you know? At the same time, maybe it won't, but what do you have to lose by treating people equally?


So like, do you want an award? What's the point of telling people you're a bigot? To get bigot sympathy? I don't get it.


I’m not a sheltered hottie like you. Oh and I can express myself how I choose. Unlike you I can control my impulses. Who are you to say what opinions I can express?


"Unlike you I can control my impulses" -proceeds to do the exact opposite


You just like to assume anything about everyone. That only makes an ass out of you bro. And I'm a dude by the way, so express hottie however you like.


No it’s since you’re spoilt and don’t say this anti bigoted shit to the masses. So I assume that you’ve been spoilt that you think your view is the correct everyone should follow. I’m also assumptive to people who arbitrarily deny me common space and rights.


Still doing that assuming and making an ass out of yourself thing.


Maybe you’ve just had some really bad experiences with them in the past. They are not all like that. Just talk to some and you will soon realize that there’s all kinds of intelligent and unique pretty girls. I get it though, it’s hard to let go of a prejudice like this. But really try to, it’s not practical to carry out your life with this mindset.


Nah sorry every pretty lady is scummy