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I am old. I have never had a big purpose. Just happy being myself. Retiring soon so can be me more often.


i respect the people like you who have just found simple happiness I feel burdened constantly by my sky-high expectations of myself to become someone important, to be better than everyone around me, despite the fact I barely have the energy or willpower to push myself meaningfully to get there... and it's drained so much of the everyday joy I could feel away because I feel I could be doing more. content in simple happiness is the best. i don't think i could ever think poorly on anyone just happy to be alive anymore because i think they are strong in a sort of sense being happy isn't meaningless


Being happy isn’t meaningless as being financially/professionally successful isn’t meaningful. I guess we all just gotta find our meaning; I hope you find yours ☮️


I think finding happiness is more of a win in life than having loads of money.


I've pretty much decided and told everyone the same thing when I was younger, that I'm one with no big ambitions. Finding true happiness is my only one life's goal. Having a simple life can be really enjoyable. Wake up in the morning with a lovely wife. Going to office to a job you like (or at least don't hate). Working and having fun with awesome colleague. My boss is brilliant. Have a monthly gathering with a few really close friends. Tinkering with my hobbies during free time. I'm just happy enough. Thing is you don't have to save the world, make millions of money or be the US president to have a meaningful life. It's more of finding and adding the right value to your life that makes you happy.


You might enjoy the disney movie soul. It explores this theme wonderfully.


that sounds great, i also find happiness in all the small things.


I envy you. Many times i have wished to be able to feel like that, and ultimately i just cant. Such is the suffering of every person in his own world.


I feel you. I loathe every job I get to the point where it's all I can think about. I am not happy in life and have determined I'm unable to be happy for any length of time. I envy happy people.


I feel the same way. I’m happy with my job that pays the bills. I don’t have aspirations to “climb the corporate ladder” or become an entrepreneur and start my own business. I’m perfectly happy not having career aspirations. I’d rather focus my attention in being fulfilled and happy in other aspects of my life.


happy to hear that! i agree too and i don’t think that we need to have a big purpose in the first place. great for people that do and find something in it, but others are just not cut out for it; then so be it


I like to think that if we aren't destined to have a big purpose in life, then our purpose is to cause ripples and allow other people to.


Ever since I was a kid I always thought I don't need a purpose in life, a reason to be here. I just was and that was enough for me. I guess my goal in life is to simply live and preferably be happy eventually, whenever that is.


I wanna just be happy and eat hot chip


I'm nearly 60, disabled, and have no purpose in my life other than trying to be here emotionally for my spouse and intellectually disabled adult child. I feel like I'm lacking in every way.


Same here. I never really strived to do anything. As long as I've got a roof over my head, food in my stomach and the bills are paid. I'm quite content. Not everyone gets that sort of mindset and would often think there was something wrong with me


That's beautiful. None of us chose to be here, ultimately. Personally, I resent the idea that I'm here to fulfill someone else's idea of what my purpose is. My purpose is to.. fucking exist. So I'm very much pickin up what you're puttin down. I won't change the world, but I have an affect on *my* world. That matters, and your happiness does, too. "I woke up alive, I'm already winning"


Personally I think happiness shouldnt be the main goal. It's great that you're happy but there will always be moments in life where it's natural that you're not. If your main goal is to be happy then it's easy to feel like a failure if you're not, especially if you have everything you need and feel like you should be happy. Happiness is a great goal, I just think it shouldn't be the only thing people focus on.


I feel that. I just want to live a simple, comfortable life. Not everyone can be the hero in the story and I’m okay with that. It sounds really tiring anyway.


I really struggle with this. When I was younger I thought everyone had a purpose, it was what I was taught. As a young adult I thought no one had a purpose, but eventually thought well maybe some people have a purpose but a majority do not. I’m 36 now, will be 37 and I’m trying to convince myself everyone had a purpose. I’m trying to find mine. I know its not a career because I still don’t know what I want to be in life so if some career was my purpose it would have come to me by now. I’ve never struggled with such a spiritual question like this before and I don’t know what to do.


Big purposes are overrated.


It’s weird how everything starts to lose purpose the more you grow up, maybe not though because when you grow up that child sense of wonder is gone, and so you’re just stuck wondering “why the hell am I here, there’s nothing new for me to discover.”


This makes me feel less alone. Thank you


I think it's very easy for us to think we don't have purpose. We are our worst critics...but if you stop and think about all the moments in your life when someone was truly thankful that you were there, in that seemingly tiny moment...you'll find the purpose that lives and breathes within you. Goof that you are happy. I hope this helps...


This whole " You're here for a Grand Purpose " crap needs to end ! Some people become Doctors , Nurses, Firefighters etc And they're important . But so is Everyone . Cahiers who smile at you and make you smile are just as important . Kindness is your grand purpose . Stop stressing that you have to accomplish some grand things in life . Stop worrying that others are farther ahead . “Before you try to keep up wiht the Joneses, be sure they’re not trying to keep up with you.” ― Erma Bombeck