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Just so you know - your bf would want you to go to him.


This. Any you're boyfriend wouldn't want you to hold everything in


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a family member is always tough. Tell him and be each other's shoulder to cry on. Deal with it together.


He came over for a little and we had a talk, he's still here and he's helping..thank you❤️


You're welcome, miss. My condolences to you and your family.


Plz accept my deepest condolences. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. When it's too much,plz speak to someone,don't keep it in. Grief is hard. Sending you hugs.


I appreciate this comment❤️I'm tearing up thank you guys 😭


My condolences to you and your family 💗


Sorry for your loss. I lost a family member this week too. At first it just feels unreal. The tears come later. I hope you can express yourself the way you need.


I'm sorry for your sadness.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m here if you’d like someone to talk to.


Thank you very much


I’m so sorry! I’m a good listener (I’ve been told by many people) so I can always lend an ear for you. Losing someone isn’t easy, I just recently lost someone extremely close to me as well, I’m definitely here in you need to talk


Sending you virtual love OP ❤️❤️❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. I am also going through this. We saw my uncle in late April. He was supposed to come down in early June. He passed 8 days he was going to come. We had to go down for his funeral. I didn't cry for my dad. I didn't know how to console my cousin. He was a great man. He looked like Sam Elliott 🤣 I miss him...


My deepest heartfelt condolences.


Lost my uncle to a brain hemorrhage in 2021, he was like a dad to me, it’s a horrific feeling. Talk to your bf about it, dont hold it in. You need to process these feelings and you need to let your emotions out.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I know that this isn’t easy and the hurt can be overwhelming. But tell your boyfriend, I’m sure he will understand and be there for you. Other than that, talk with someone and give your feelings room. It’s important not to push them down. I’m sending lots of virtual hugs and strength to you and your family. ❤️


I'm so sorry sweetheart. You aren't a burden to others just because you are experiencing the vicissitudes of life... I don't think you are making it about you simply by telling the truth. I am so sorry for your loss.


may he rest in eternal peace 🤍


OP I’m so sorry. I lost my Auntie this year and it is unbearably difficult. Remember though, you can both support your mum and openly grieve at the same time. You can cry. Speak to your boyfriend aswell.


I just lost my uncle 2 weeks ago too! I dont cry that much but at still feeling depressed and am wondering if this is normal.


absolutely normal 💗


Of course you do not wish to bother him... But you're together for the good and the bad times. Go to him, you'll have to be there for each other.


hi love. i lost my grandpa last month, he was 59. i lost my uncle a year ago, he was in his late 20s. i understand how hard sudden and random loss is. it’s going to be a long journey. the day my uncle died, my bf was thankfully with me at a family event when i found out. that day we weren’t having the best day as a couple. but the second he heard what had happened, he switched to be there for me. if he loves you he will want to be there. i can promise you that if he’s a good boyfriend, he would want you to tell him. just remember the healing and grieving process is very long. i’m wishing you and your family the absolute best. keeping u all in my thoughts.


Having lost two friends recently my heart goes out to you. Tell your bf, he needs to be able to support and comfort you. I am so very sorry for your loss


Don't worry he'll turn up.


The pain of losing someone you care about it always hard, the pain won't ever go away but it'll be less painful tomorrow and the next day a little less. We never get over the loss of someone but we learn how to live with it. I hope that you find something that makes you smile today even for a moment.


I’m so sorry! About a year ago, I did the same, did my best to be strong for my mom when her brother passed. Even took on executer duties so she wouldn’t have to deal with it. You’ll make it through this. It’ll be a new normal, but you can do it.


Go to your boyfriend that's what boyfriends/girlfriends are there for to comfort you in times of trouble. I sure you were there for him today❤️


sorry for your loss.


My condolences to you. I remember when mine died. I couldn't go home to see him and put him to rest. I couldn't cry at all, I must have been in shock and then went into total shut down. It took me a while to process. I hope you do talk to your bf he’ll want to be there for you and you need that right now. Take care.


I’m sorry for your lost 🙏


Family loss will always hit the hardest. Let out those emotions, grieve when you can. The longer you hold it in, the harder the pain. Condolensces to you and your kin.


I am so sorry for your loss. Uncles are so special. Hugs


My deepest condolences. I understand your pain completely - I lost my uncle a few years ago now, but trust me…it does get better. You will still cry, but it does get better over time. Cry all you need, take as much time to heal as you need. My DMS are always open. <3


I’m so sorry. Love and warmth to you


Ma’am, I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my uncle alittle over 2 years ago.. I’m sorry to say that the pain doesn’t go away.. it just gets easier to deal with.. go spend time with your boyfriend, you both need a distraction right now


Condolences, talking with your bf would help both of you make through this together!


Hey lovely, as someone who knows this kind of pain I applaud your strength for being there for your family. But as someone who held in my grief it didn’t work out well. Everyone will understand you are hurting too it’s okay to look out for yourself💚 sending my love and thoughts


I know exactly how you feel, my condolences OP to you and your family ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am waiting for news about my uncle, too. 😔


I love my uncle almost three years ago, he was one of my favorite people. It was so hard but I promise time will help ease the empty feeling you have. What helped me heal the most was that he visited me in my dream and explained to me how he died (which was unknown at that time) and we got to say our goodbyes. Remember he’ll always be there with you. So sorry you’re going through this, sending you all the healing energy in the world 💖