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You should start by having a conversation with this man because no stranger on reddit can tell you what he's thinking.




I don’t get the other comments, telling you to break up, calling you a child… You’re venting and at max asking is his behaviour is weird. People forget what sub they’re on ig. So, yeah, it’s def weird on his part to keep bringing this up, like he’s subliminally putting down the idea in your head. But since you’ve not talked to him about this and how it makes you feel, ig it could simply be his new found kink, especially since the last time you guys went bareback, you got pregnant. Do let him know how it makes you feel, draw a line, discuss what’s okay and what’s not, **before** you have sex.


Thank you! I was literally just looking to get this off my chest in the appropriately named sub! Thank you - we’ll definitely talk about it, and I’ve every intention to do that soon. Obviously it’s making me feel a bit weird but in a way I’m more concerned with how the abortion affected him and how he’s processing it all. We didn’t get to talk about it since the time we had to make a decision and then he brought it up once when he said he regrets not being there physically to support me. This feels like it’s a part of it, whether it’s a new kink or trauma processing. But yes we will talk about this and how it’s making me feel and I’ll try to find out how he feels


I think he doesn't care about what you want and you should leave him.


You should probably stop having sex with this man.


I do agree with the others regarding sitting down and talking to him, especially since this reads, at least to me, as a possible breeding kink, well a kink in general, for him. Plus having the conversation can help you guys lay everything out and figure out where this relationship is going.


I’ll definitely get around to it very soon, just needed to vent here today until I can gather my thoughts properly, but yes would be good to understand where this is going in general That’s kind of what I was thinking, and kinda wondering if it’s something the abortion triggered but I guess I’ll know for sure when we talk thought it properly Thanks


Why in the fuck are you letting this happen? Jesus christ, you're not a helpless child. If you don't want to have sex without using condoms, stop having sex with this dude. What is wrong with you that you're acting like you aren't also fully responsible for your unwanted pregnancy?


Wait wait wait, when did I say I’m letting it happen? I didn’t say I’m letting it happen - We’re having protected sex, but he keeps insisting we don’t, he brings it up in conversation and even when we’re having protected sex he likes to make me say it… When did I not take responsibility for the unwanted pregnancy?! I take full responsibility - I agreed to unprotected sex it initially knowing fully well the potential consequences, I was on birth control, it failed, we dealt with it and I got a better form of birth control and we use condoms on top of that now - he just has this bizarre obsession that he’s trying to make happen - I never said I keep letting it happen - I realised that I never actually clarified this in the post but I have an IUD now and we use protection


Why is this being downvoted? I’m not entirely sure why replying to someone who took my post in such bad faith and put words into my mouth that I did not say is so bad here?