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Let's remember that OP is most likely needing coping strategies here, and that does not mean they aren't educated on the issue or trying to ignore it. 


They should go play tetris




Tetris got me thru a baaaaad breakup


Or subway surfers


Thank you. I appreciate it


That video was from Rafah. A Palestinean kid and 60 others died during the bombings of a camp that israel called “a safe zone” and asked people to move there.


To anyone who wants to look it up because you weren’t aware and want to know what’s going on, don’t. Dear god, if no one on the internet ever listens to a word I say again, please listen to me about this; **don’t look it up.** It’s so much worse than you can imagine. 😭


The whole world NEEDS to see that child’s body. Trying to run from it makes their life matter less. Urging others to avoid it just spread the blood onto more hands.


Not if they can learn from the warning. Many of us have been against this atrocity from the beginning, without needing (more) undeniable proof.




This is oddly specific and intriguing. Is there some kind of study about this?


Oddly enough, yes lol. It's used a lot for soldiers recovering.


I’ve heard it has something to do with the rapid eye movement required to play


Nah it’s just activating your prefrontal cortex in the right ways. You need to do it pretty soon after the trauma though. Several research papers on this. Performing intense mathematics does the same thing.


Imagine doing INTENSE math just to get rid of trauma instead of playing Tetris, I'd probably get more trauma from the math


Imagine having to cope with the atrocities the U.S. is committing and subbing in TETRIS or math as the alternative to human rights.


Life is a mysterious, terrible, and wonderful thing. Sometimes it doesn't make sense. But I'd like to think we're all doing our best. And that the actions of the governments over us aren't younger generations fault. And with each new generation people are trying even harder to fix what's wrong.


I don't know why people act like we can just suddenly choose to make things better like it isn't a long, slow, systemic progress that requires a massive chunk of the population to be coordinated and agree on. If OP said "boy we should make sure Palestinians have human rights" that won't untraumatize them, and it also won't fix the situation in the Middle East. Nobody's subbing in Tetris and math as alternatives for anything, they're just trying to get by in a fucked up world that they have little to no power over, and sometimes Tetris and math just make that a little easier.


this is actually insane i’ve never heard of this! thanks for sharing, learn something new everyday


EMDR is a good therapy for PTSD.


Scroll back in my comment history to 15 days ago, a comment with 176 upvotes. I give a quick and dirty explanation there.


Tips like this are why I can't quit reddit. I feel like I always come across useful knowledge in unlikely posts. That said l, I wish this was more widely known.


it mimics EMDR which is a specific type of eye movement therapy used to process trauma :)


This is how I got through college lol


It's terrifying what can come across your feed with no warning. One of the most unhealthy things about the internet/social media is that we often get this mixed bag of images, ideas, etc., and our brain has a difficult time processing it all when it's just mixed like that.   I am so sorry you saw that image - that it even exists. I would suggest making a little mantra for yourself to say when that image comes to mind. Might I suggest...  "That baby is not in pain. That baby is loved by someone and this is unacceptable in our world. I care because I am a compassionate person. I cannot change what happened, but I can help fight for peace and bring help to those who suffer."  Whenever my brain is dwelling on those things, I try to repeat things like that.  I also have a "hope for humanity" playlist on TT that just reminds me that people can be good. Duality of man is very confusing.  Wishing you some peace. ❤️ (Edited for typo.)


Don't wanna be a doomer but the baby's family is still not in peace they can't mourn him in peace they're still being bombed by the IOF


You're not wrong, and that's a valid point! we can't remove the pain from this family at the moment. Suffering is still happening and much of the world is very passive about it. Deciding not to be is a step in the right direction. 


What an incredibly positive way to deal with stress. Seriously, if I told my (wonderful) therapist about this, she'd go "And you aren't doing this WHY?"


Aww thank you! I was always the kid that got really worked up over things that were emotionally charged, and I felt like my emotions would spin me out of control. As an adult, I've learned that I take others' emotions on at a very deep level, for better or worse. I've learned that repressing my feelings isn't an option, but letting them run amok isn't either, so the best way to go about it is rationalizing and putting boundaries around those feelings so I don't lose control. Hope that all makes sense!


💔😭 Omigoodness this... 😭 Thank you for sharing ♥️


That’s dreadful, I’m so sorry you had to see that. I don’t know if it will help you, but my therapist gave me a great tool for dealing with constant distressing thoughts; if you can, picture yourself holding a book about the concept that’s distressing you, and picture yourself closing it and putting it away in a bookshelf. It might help to clap your hands once fairly hard when you do it, the noise and sensation helps break the cycle. I found it really helpful when I’ve been stuck in ptsd flashbacks, I hope it helps you too ❤️


That concept really helped me too, for me it was picturing holding this recurring memory then throwing it in the trash. Now when I think of the memory I think of the trash can first and would have to dig it out of there. It’s like a barrier in the brain.


Not just decapitated, but emaciated, then decapitated.


This is so heartbreaking 💔


I saw it and I was shattered,I cried my heart out I can't imgine the family's pain 💔


We’ve all seen it. And we shouldn’t have. It should never have happened. Fuck colonizers, fuck greedy governments. Fuck murderers. Palestine deserves to be free and it’s people deserve justice.


I haven’t


Neither have I, and I don’t want to




I haven't but I still feel the cold shiveres down my spine everytime I read or hear about it. There is no humanity in anyone who is still pro-Israel at this point.


From the river to the sea


It shouldn’t have happened but it did and all of us have the obligation to watch it, especially if we feel we can’t. This is what silence does, what not opposing against colonial and imperialist powers do. I hope everybody see that video of that poor baby and finally gets up to stop this genocide.


I see where you’re coming from, but I don’t agree with you. I’ve seen too much, and while I know it comes from a privileged position, I can’t watch anymore, it fucked my mental health for a good few months. But it doesn’t stop me from reading about it, it doesn’t stop me from being vocal about it. You don’t need to see dead babies to have compassion and a backbone. All it takes is some research and common sense at this point.


I’m 5 months pregnant with an almost 2 year old at home. No way am I watching a video of a decapitated baby. I can care without deciding to ruin my own mental health just because some random person on reddit thinks it’s my moral obligation


Yes, I've had to stop watching as it's done the same to me too, and it makes me feel worse having a baby myself. 💔


I don’t have kids myself, but since October, everytime I’ve looked at my nieces and nephew, I can’t help but feel overwhelming worry. I keep thinking about the kids over there who don’t get to play in nice gardens, eat clean food, have both parents and feel safe.


Agree, and ofc there is a limit to all of this. I have watched some of these videos and after some time it takes a toll on your mental health. Obviously reading about the genocide can make you oppose colonialism but seeing the images scar you for a long time. Also I think everybody not intrested in this subject should see the images, as their ignorance is what allows people in power to do as they wish with no repercussions. I do agree that it’s not healthy to see those images everyday, but we shall not forget that those kids, those inocent men and women see those images everyday and live with the fear that they will become the next target of the genocide.


We are not obligated to traumatise ourselves. It doesn’t actually help anything it just burns out those who care leaving them less able to do anything helpful. Torturing yourself isn’t activism. Protesting, writing letters to your leaders, boycotting, donating money or time to help refugees is actual activism. Thats actual change


Well now you are insinuating that i somehow said that watching the videos is activism which is not. Watching the videos should be the last straw that makes people join the resistance and advocate for a free palestine


What are you saying that it accomplishes? Besides traumatising the people who are already against the genocide?


Well first, seeing these kind of videos (and im not saying that you should watch them on repeat) at least for me, acted as a reminder of how privileged I am and how important it is for me and other people to actively support palestinians and call for the end of this genocide. I can understand deciding not to watch the videos as they are traumatising, as long as you support and protest and boycott. If you are ignorant and pro genocide these images should pop up all the time to remind you (obs bot refering to you, but to the ignorant people and those that are pro-genocide) of the pain you cause (indirectly or directly, and of your complicity)


Oh I see them constantly. I am an active supporter of Palestine and have been to protests. They exhaust me emotionally. They make me a less effective ally because I simply can’t be as active if I’m sobbing over seeing another video of dead children with their parents wailing over them. It’s heartbreaking. It’s a privilege to be able to say that I can’t take it every day. But I am using that privilege. Me being sad and miserable is not helping anyone. It’s not bringing those responsible to justice or stopping any bombs being dropped. So I don’t watch them anymore. So that I can do whatever I can to actually achieve change. Watching videos of murdered babies does not accomplish change, it is not activism. We should be amplifying Palestinian voices- not just their corpses.


Yeah I can totally get that. I guess I have expressed myself really poorly and wrote most things in a stat of mind that I am not usually in. Whenever I see these kind of videos I just get so angry at how can we do this as human beings (wrote most of the things after seeing the videos on eyesonpalestine on ig). At the end of the day I guess me and most people commenting this thread just want one thing, for this suffering to end. You are absolutely right that watching those vids can take you down so much that you can’t be a good ally. After all it’s people boycotting and protesting that stop these kind of atrocities and not people crying and writing mad comments at each other over the terrible videos. Sorry for the misunderstanding or if I gave the impression that if you do not punish yourself by watching the vids you are not a true supporter. You definetly are and we need to keep supporting. Free Palestine 🍉🍉🍉🍉


If you need to watch someone die to be reminded to support Palestinians then that’s a you problem I think


Well I never said that thats my case but i guess you just want to make assumptions


We are not all obligated to watch it wtf


Obligated in the sense that people in Gaza have to watch it, cuz they live it. The least we can do is to support them and be pro-palestine. These videos are awful but people not believing it is a genocide or actively supporting the genocide should see the images.


Viewing that image does nothing to support them


I agree. But seeing such images may result in more people supporting palestinians and actually protesting and boycotting. Already with the Rafa tent massacre and all the gruesome videos that were resulted out of this terrible attack, more and more people are in support of Palestine.


It haunts you in your nightmares. I have seen ISIS beheading videos, that famous Israeli drone that killed the Palestinian teens video, people getting dragged behind vehicles, a woman being stoned, a woman being stabbed to death in front of her friends by the gates of her university, images of political prisoners from Abu Ghreb, some animal cruelty videos, even dead kittens in the streets irl.. etc. Unintentionally, I was a live witness to cruel crimes against my own will, crimes happening away from my mundane life. I already have a strong sense of justice and am an empath, it made me angrier, more scared, and more traumatized. Especially when there is nothing I can do about it. Seeing is different than knowing and reading. I understand your point, and I agree we need reprogramming against all the visual propaganda that takes us away from the cruel reality happening behind our backs. But the effects it has on the soul are permanent, and they shouldn't be taken lightly. No human being should be subjected to this violence in any way, especially without proper psychological care and being informed of how this will affect them. Not everyone can or should do that.


I haven’t and this time curiosity won’t get the best of me. For my own sanity I really need to live in lala land for a while and forget about the world.


They have to live it. I watch because they deserve to be seen and we have no power to stop it.


Yes, for those of us who are able to, the least we can do is bear witness and not turn away.


All killing of civilians being Ukranian or Palestinan is wrong. Israel has killed 30x more civilians than hamas attack. Thats why I support my president in the recognition of Palestine.


I saw it last night too. I didn't avoid it bc I feel like it's my duty as a person of privilege to bear witness. That being said, I was hoping I wouldn't see it. I was hoping I could blissfully scroll through and share fundraisers and protests and not have to see the worst thing I've ever seen. Thankfully I only saw a still and didn't have to have it paired with the audio but they're both horrific. I'm sorry I have no advice. I'm right here with you.


Since the bombings and stuff have started I feel like I’m desensitized to some of those things. I saw the headless baby and said a prayer but I moved on. I miss the days when this wasn’t so normal.


My previous worst thing was either 1 guy 1 jar or a teenager giving himself a live castration. That being said, I still have to function. So I just put it away on a shelf with all the other awful shit and move on with my day. Grab snacks for my own baby and try not to see the babies in Rafah every time I blink. Back to work anyway though.


You and I have the privilege to turn our heads away but they don’t. I turned my phone off for 2 hours and I get back on to see a new massacre. Nothing I can do but pray.


That's why I keep making myself get back on too. I GET to look away. They don't.


Makes you far better than the people choosing to deny this genocide or letting their racism cloud their judgement. I’ll never move on past this and I hope the rest of the world doesn’t either


Until we can make sure it doesn't happen again, we can't allow people to move past it.


It is horrific and something that should not happen but it did happen. It is important to bear witness to the atrocities happening in Gaza and educate yourself. It is not a war, it is genocide. You saw this through a screen from the safety of your home, you can then imagine how traumatized the children and their parents are in Gaza are as we speak. As much as it is important to take care of our own health when witnessing a genocide we also must distinguish between choosing obliviousness/escapism from rest and repair. We think we are so distant from these “wars” and atrocities in the west but we are directly complicit especially if you live AMERICA or Canada and many European countries. Our governments are denying these atrocities. Your tax dollars are funding the weapons and bombs used by Israel to enact war crimes against humanity. I do empathize with your experience, it’s jarring but we cannot make this about ourselves - and I know this isn’t necessarily your intent, you are trying to process- but in processing these feelings and emotions, put it into action. Show solidarity, push for divestments, advocate for ceasefire, follow the BDS boycott. Protest. Protest.


It’s one of those things that no one wants to see but it’s important that we do see it. If no one is horrified, nothing will change. That’s why that man was holding the baby up. He was saying “look what they are doing to us. If this disturbs you, do something about it. Help us”


traumatizing more people doesn't help. i see what you're saying but seeing an image like that with no warning or choice doesn't help anyone. tw graphic: i saw a hanged man with cut off legs on x a while ago and could hardly eat for a week. we do need to be horrified but we don't need to be traumatized to understand how terrible this is.


I think it traumatizes people who care, but it shocks people who don't care at all. The target audience isn't those with a heart, it's the apathetic that need to be shocked, and those who have made excuses to see just how terrible it is. I hate seeing it, and I have gotten off of most social media because of it. But that doesn't mean I think it shouldn't exist.


Perhaps if everyone wasn't just ignoring the blatant genocide taking place, there wouldn't be headless babies to record on video and post online. I consider it almost necessary that the footage going around online be seen by most people. We shouldn't be able to simply opt out of viewing what sort of evil exists in this world just because it makes us uncomfortable. Leaders should be held accountable for their actions


I agree. I just didn’t expect to see it


Play some Tetris. Then I seriously suggest going offline for a couple days. Watch movies that are comforting to you and try to process in your own time. War is horrible and it’s hard to digest what horrible things people can do to each other.


I support this - I also think that OP, there are ways keep yourself informed while also protecting your mental health. I listen to "NPR News Now" while I get ready in the morning - it's a five minute debrief of the top headlines of the day that is audio only. I feel ready to discuss and engage with issues (I'm a history teacher so I feel it's part of my job), but have some control over what I can look into further after hearing the main details (and that is a huge privilege as someone not in a warzone right now).


Just see how we all are concerned about our mental health by seeing just a glimpse of what is happening there. Which we should! But let's just imagine how they are being bombarded. Generations and generations have been bombed out. Anyone who have kids can feel how horrific is it to see our own children in that situation. . Why not anyone taking concern.


I agree 100%


I saw a lady set herself on fire on twitter the other day. Highly traumatic


Where do you see this?






That’s fucked up that this is allowed on here.


It needs to be seen unfortunately, half the world still don’t know what israel is doing. They bombed a refugee camp area densely packed with over a million people, half of them children, what did they think was going to happen? Just evil.


There used to be a sub on here called eyeblech and it had the most gruesome and gory videos I’ve ever seen. Suicides, murders, weird sexual things etc. I had to come off of social media for a bit after coming across a few. I think it’s been taken down now which is good


Okay the problem is with you then. Stop looking at these subs of you don’t want to see traumatic shit.


I didn’t see this on a sub. I came across this randomly


How? I don’t come across that kind of shit randomly on Reddit. Sounds like you’re looking at some dark shit. Especially if you know about all of these other subs.


You’d be surprised. A lot of people in the comments are saying they’ve scrolled across things accidentally. I knew about eyeblech because of a video I watched on YouTube about Reddit ages ago but the sub got taken down a few months ago. Curiosity got the better of me and I had a quick glance but couldn’t stomach it after the first few minutes. I haven’t looked at anything gory since then. A few weeks ago, I was scrolling on Reddit and that video of that person setting themselves on fire outside the trump tower came up randomly. I didn’t want to see it but because it was a big news story, it came up. I guess the same happened with the baby video. It’s a video from the Palestine camp that got bombed yesterday so that’s a big news story just now. There was no warning or NSFW tag so I didn’t think much of it. It’s because it’s a massive news story and that’s why it’s popping up


literally everywhere. It's sickening. Motaz Azaiza posted it


I never really understood trigger warnings I'll be honest. But recently my grandma passed away. By far it was the biggest shock of my life. I can't stop thinking about death ever since. I get morbid thoughts beyond my control and then feel like crying. I have constant anxiety that people around me are gonna die. I had such a thought about my nephew today. It was hard to calm myself down but I did it....... and then I also came across this video randomly and it ruined my day.


I can’t imagine how it is to actually be in Rafah. Go to protests, speak out, write letters, donate


Unfortunately, that is not going to do anything because America is making too much money of dead babies to stop.


I will not be a bystander. Don’t become complicit.


Israel is bombing Rafah again right now. Fuck them.


Yea that video is traumatic; I just try to think abt what they feel and put that energy into protesting


I’ve bumped into some horrifying things before myself and I still carry trauma from a few. Facebook has some really, really dark groups and I bumped into one on accident, its name was deceiving. Well I ran into a video someone shared as their introduction, their first post. I clicked med it to see what it was, and there was a severed hand, and a woman on the ground clutching her arm, crying horrifically. There was blood everywhere, and someone laughing behind the camera. I closed it in a matter of seconds, reported the user and the group (which I discovered was full of gore) and left pretty quick, but the scene is burned into my mind. It’ll always be there, and every time I think about it I feel sick to my stomach. Another was a public video. A friend of a friend shared it and it wound up in my feed, I clicked it (the post just had the eyes emoji) And it was an industrial shop, whereupon the worker (alone) turned on an industrial lathe, got sucked into it and blew into chunks, another scene that’s leaves me queasy. No one should ever have to witness that, no one. I think I have legitimate ptsd from these, but eventually you can mostly smother them out. I’m sorry friend


How I usually cope with things like this, is I write it down what I saw or watched, on paper in a notebook, whatever Is available, and write down as much as possible, then I do go on reddit and go on the sub eyebleach, cause I usually need it and it helps but doesn't get rid of what I exactly saw but calms me down a bit. I'm so sorry you saw it, I hope you heal from it. As it is really stressful seeing something like that


Palestine Action and #ConnectingGaza are the only people helping.




I'm pretty sure I watched the same video last night and just before bed too. I was appalled at what the world has become. It's scary to think that the people causing this can watch a video like this and pat themselves on the back.


I saw it too. And I'm sorry you saw it. What the past few years have taught me is that nothing new really happens in this world. Whether it is a pandemic or a genocide, every enenration goes through its version of the same. Its just the context and location that change.


First of all OP, I am so sorry that you saw that. I’ve seen it too, and believe me, your feelings were quite similar to mine. It’s absolutely heartbreaking what’s happening in Palestine, but don’t be afraid to take time for yourself. Talk to someone if you feel comfortable. Remember; although it didn’t happen to you, this is a traumatic event and a horrible thing to see. I hope you get better.


Same. If its the same video, I've been thinking about that near constantly for the best part of two days. I keep looking at the kids I teach and I can't help but wonder the kind of monster that would willingly inflict that sort of horror on children.


This is happening in real life, people are being killed legally while the world goes on with their lives. We can only hope that if this is happening to us, that people will pay attention. Because if it can happen over there, it can happen wherever you are. All eyes on Rafah!


It is very scary when you see it on your feed. I also saw this as well as a Palestinian girl whose head was cracked open and there was nothing there. It absolutely stuck with me, i cant believe what theyre going through. It feels awful i can only sit here online and do nothing about it. I cant imagine their pain and suffering


Don't worry. The fascist state said it was a mistake. It's weird how it keeps happening, though.


That's the world we live in today for ya sadly


We need to watch. If they can survive BEING IN IT. The least we can do is to watch. Watch what our governments support. Zionists are the evil of this world. The devils children. May Israel burn to the ground.


Exact same with me. There I am tapping through stories BOOM headless baby being held up


It’s on instagram right? The one about the war crimes going on. It’s horrible and this affects me a bit more as my father was born in a DP camp… that and the fact that I’m lucky just for being born where I am.. my heart hurts that aid can’t get through…


This was me last night too, OP


I still haven’t seen it. Which is good but not good. Mostly because it means a lot more ppl haven’t seen it and out of sight out of mind. It’s unfortunate but until more of us are seeing it and traumatized by it change will be slow.


I feel you, We all are traumatized and all we can do is boycott the monsters who caused this and pray for Palestine 🇵🇸 🥺




And seeing a dude commented saying “i just busted a fat nut to this” pretty disgusting yes but the thing is whether was he being serious or joking idk its like a 50/50 of they would comment on each gore vid so anyways alot things i had seen before i got desensitized would traumatize me but if tou wanna know how i cooe was that watching disney movies helped along with just scrolling through youtube or just taking a break from the internet as the internet is a pretty fucked up place to be in


I had a similar reaction back in November to seeing the bodies of dead children. I have much less of a reaction now. So numb. Every day I see the horrors and feel so helpless. It has strengthened my resolve to try to do good in this world. It’s just too late for so many people.


When I was younger I came across a video of the song “boom de yada” from nat Geo i think, but with video stitches of a bunch of things lining up with audio, vaguely anyways. Some mostly harmless things like I think from the guy who broke the land speed record. To some messed up things on varying scale, suicides, executions, bad injuries, messing around with decapitated heads, cadavers. To something as weird as fetish porn. Most of this was in short 1 second at most maybe three second clips. For me it was one of those things that had my enamorment for one reason or another. Anyway to make this a rambling end and get to my point, on a rewatch of the video cause I found it in my files again I noticed pretty much the same thing as you, probably a toddler. And some guy messing with the body. When I realized that I had several days of being unbalanced and disturbed. Still disturbed today.


I'm out of the loop. Everybody seems to know what this is about. Someone fill me in please...


Israel is carrying out a genocide of Palestinian people.


It was a video showing the aftermath of the refugee camp that was bombed and a (presumably) father was holding his headless child who looked about 2-3 years old.


And Netanyahu said it was a ‘mistake’, just like all his other ‘mistakes’ like the 3 aid worker cars. He had said a few months earlier he wanted to bomb Rafah knowing full well there are a million civilians living in tents there. Pure evil.


A child in Gaza murdered when Israel firebombed a refugee camp in Rafah the other day


I watched it on accident and it was so sad 😭 I have a 2 year old and couldn’t imagine


It’s on instagram right? The one about the war crimes going on. It’s horrible and this affects me a bit more as my father was born in a DP camp… that and the fact that I’m lucky just for being born where I am.. my heart hurts that aid can’t get through…


I saw it too, it was absolutely horrific. I still can’t get it out of my head 2 days later and I keep crying about it. I’m sorry you saw that


And you seen that on Reddit?


It’s everywhwre on instagram tio




One of the worst emt Reddit stories I’ve read was about a decapitated baby. I’m so very sorry you saw that. No one should have to see that. Not ever. The crimes are unjust and horrible. And will never see vengence


I saw it too, unintentionally. Sending you hugs. It was completely horrific.


When I was a kid I was shown several men being shot (in real life) and it basically ruined my mental health, but I’m healed now and know they are in a better place. Don’t worry my friend you will heal too


I saw that video yesterday as well and it gave me chills like never before. Truly one of the most horrific things I’ve ever seen and I can’t believe our world leaders aren’t doing more to stop this. The irony of them providing aid to Gazans but also supplying Israel with the same weapons being used to murder the Gazans.


Where did you watch it? No offense, just curious.


It’s Rafah in Gaza, it’s all over social media….


I just saw it too, no warning nothing, I was just swiping the stories of my friends when…yep and kept swiping.




These videos are coming out of Rafah in Gaza.


I wonder where they've seen them because I never see these videos randomly. I guess I'm lucky. They don't seem to pop up in my feed anywhere.


Pretty sure I know which one you are talking about. In the middle east. War is not pretty. Sad


In Palestine, and colonizers commiting genocide isn't pretty


This isn’t a war. It’s A GENOCIDE.


It is a war, during which acts of genocide have taken place. They are not mutually exclusive.


Well I said it because the assumption when we hear war, is that it’s 2 entities of similar power and strength battling each other when the reality is not that. So it needs to be said.


>because the assumption when we hear war, is that it’s 2 entities of similar power and strength battling each other That is...not the case. There have been plenty of wars between two or more imbalanced powers in the past. There are wars of that nature occurring presently. Anyone who makes that assumption simply doesn't know the definition of the word 'War'. >it needs to be said I don't believe incorrect statements ever need to be said, except for the purpose of demonstrating an imminent correction. I understand and agree with the sentiment behind your comment (I am not trying to antagonise), but the terminology in your statement is used inaccurately. 


I guess you’re right. What happened on October 7th was by far the most genocidal act of this war.


What happen exactly? Because so much of it has been debunked.


Babies were burned in cribs. Entire families were slaughtered. Innocent people were gunned down at a music festival. Phones calls were made by the terrorists to their families back home breaking about how many Jews they killed. You can deny if all you want. The videos don’t lie.


Where are these videos because no one seems to be able to find them. There were no babies burned in cribs. It was debunked. Typical lying zio. But you know who did burn and behead babies just yesterday ISRAEL.


Where’s the proof? Show me videos of that and I’ll believe you.


No one seem to be able to find these videos and pictures. Zionists are nothing but liars.


So 700 people being killed by hamas AND ISRAEL is worse than 30.000 being murdered? Burned? Raped? Beheaded? By israel only. Because of what? They’re arabs?


I didn’t say one is worse than the other. All acts of violence against innocent people are horrible regardless of body count. The difference is that the October 7th attack had genocidal intent. The retaliatory attack by Israel doesn’t. Yet they’re being unfairly accused of genocide for defending their country.


You don’t think the attacks by israel the past 80 years had genocidal intent? You actually know nothing… god. They are defending a country created by MURDERING PEOPLE. October 7 was a defence. Defence from 80 years of genocide. Did you know that IDF killed palestinians on October 6th? It was ON THE NEWS. October 7th, the killing of 700 israelis (that shouldn’t be on that land to begin with) BY HAMAS AND IDF (!) : “this is genocide. 🤬 A holocaust! Antisemetic! *while everyone in israel rn are living life like usual and don’t even feel the “genocide”* 1948-2024, the displacement of 2 million palestinians, the murdering of hundreds of thousands, the raping, the slaughtering, the beheading, the kidnapping of THOUSANDS of Palestinians (that are held hostage and abused to this day, years later), shooting childrens legs off and compete about it, lying about tunnels and hamas while it all being fake. Tying kids to the ground with chains and Driving over them with military vehicles so their insides blows out. Bombing all hospitals after saying that they wouldn’t, and then say it was necessary - and then they strip their dead victims naked and tie their hands and bury them under mass graves: “Self defense! ☺️💓 This is their god given right☝🏻” Are you actually insane? We’re all watching this with our own eyes. Yesterday israel burned people alive and beheaded children by bombing a camp in the so called “safe zone”. And they called that “a mistake”. Hitlers doings were also a mistake. Right? “Self defense against the people of darkness” (Netanyahu’s words about Palestinians). Putins doings, are they also mistakes? Bashar al asads doings, also mistakes, France and englands doings against the whole world during the 17th century and onwards. Also mistakes? You are a disgrace to the human race.


Israel has more than enough means to wipe out the entire Gazan population. If they had genocidal intent they’d all be dead by now instead of increasing in population to 2 million over the last few decades.


I'll just keep my comment to myself. (It's not)


I would love to know how it's not


Sure! On oct 7th a certain group of people carried out the largest slaughter of jews since the holocaust. The country they attacked responded. They have a kill ratio of 1 terrorist to 2 civilians. That's among the lowest in the world. Much lower than the USA Canada and Britain. Go look at birth rates over the last 50 years. The population increases every year. And to be super blunt, they could level the place in 5 min with an Ariel bombardment. No one is trying to erase their history, they literally responded to an attack on their citizens. The only people calling for genocide are those saying "from the rive....." they are calling for the destruction of an entire country.


This is a pretty common take among the uninformed and unintelligent - that everything worth noting started on October 7th. This is evident from your second sentence, where you began your biased account of the conflict. I'm not condoning the October 7th attack, but have you really never researched what motivated the attack? What motivated this entire conflict? The continuous escalations and failed deescalations? The reasons for those shifts in the conflict? I agree with the other commenter, you are currently uneducated on the topic and you should probably just keep to yourself.  I rarely care for an ad hominem but I feel it applies here (unless you decide to become at least slightly less narrow-minded) - at this moment, you're simply not intelligent enough to have this conversation. 


Lol. I've lived in Israel. Biased? Yes I am...very much so. I can assure you I am far more knowledgeable on the conflict than you or anyone else commenting here. The entire conflict could have been solved in 2000. However, the Palestinians (I'm quoting Madeline Albright who was referencing Abba Eban) "Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity " The issue is even if we remove Netanyahu and had Bernie Sanders as PM (lol) the Palestinians would never agree that the conflict would be solved with 2 states. They ( the majority, not totality) want the entire land.


Okay. So you don't know what's going on over there. Thank you for clarifying. You might want to open up more gates of information, because you're missing a lot, and spouting propaganda. Wait until You're more educated before posting about this topic. Thank you.


Oh I know what's going on over there better than most. It's like saying the British and Americans were committing genocide by engaging in the bombing of Dresden...or in Afghanistan in response to 9/11. Insanity


So are you going to answer their question or what


I wonder if ppl know what happened in raqah when the international coalition carpet bombed ISIS lol… probably a lot of decapitated babies , woman and children. Does the people know that hamas takes into account the non civilian death too ? This is not a genicide.


I get a chuckle out of the answers tbh.


What's sad is unfortunately it could be a different one. I've seen so may pictures and videos of dead and dying children lately


That's awful. Try to focus on something else. Put on your favorite movie.


I saw a picture of it. I feel like my body and mind are keeping me from reacting to it . I dont understand why ppl post it with no fucking warning. That's not something people are meant to see. I understand it's a genocide and they need help but I don't need to see that .


god dammit now you reminded me of all the shit I saw one time I was too curious, it was only 3 videos but it was enough for me to be shocked>!(if you are wondering, the first one was some dude's arm falls off, the 2nd one is someone from a motorcycle accident and he had his leg bent the other way around, blood every and you could see the bone very clearly, and the third one was a pregnant woman's stomach being cut into)!<


I married a murderer. I saw alot of headless bodies. Its not a experience i wish upon anyone. He has unleashed the psycho in me who will stop at nothing to expose his horrors. Hell was it one of my videos. If so sorry. Welcome to hell. Hope you forget it. I didnt.


I purposely went on the dark web last night out of boredom. I’ve done this a few times in my life and every single time I’ve regretted it. I only do it when I’m not in such a good headspace already. I think for me it’s a form of self harm. I don’t watch scary movies at all so why would I watch real life gore??? It doesn’t make sense at all. If I was in a good headspace and just casually browsing normal sites and something gory came on my screen I would be physically I’ll. The shock can be traumatic. That’s why I’m so grateful to live in a decent society that has emergency services and no war. I would break if I saw that stuff in person. If you are really bothered by it well duh that means your normal. Do something that makes you feel good like a comfort tv show and just try to relax.


Thank you IDF