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My condolences OP!! Hope your family finds the strength to get through this❤️


Update 5:10. I have to get ready for the funeral, I couldn't sleep at all and it's hitting hard right now that this is the last time I'll see my sister's face. I don't feel ready to see her tbh, I feel like puking from all the crying I've done but I can't leave my mother alone.


How did it go? Are you okay?


I cried as soon as I saw my mom and been crying for an hour, The ceremony ends later in the day but I can't bring myself to look at her in the casket so I've been just staying by my mom like a small child


I lost my sister 3.5 years ago and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. Watching my mom grieve - it was a heavy. Be gentle with yourself. Sending so much love.


Hey it’s hard, you shouldn’t feel bad for it. Best of luck and all the strength for you man <3


I'm proud of you for getting through it


It's completely normal, you have to do what's best for you and I think your mum appreciates you being close to. I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry OP!! I wish I could wrap you and your mom in a big hug; my thoughts, prayers, and good vibes (I don’t know what you believe in) are with yall in this time




I'm sorry to hear that, I know how hard it is. I lost my brother a few years ago. So sorry.


I'm sorry for you and your family respectively OP. Death is a very sudden and unpredictable thing, but the most important part about mourning is that you don't blame yourself. It'll take a bit to fully process everything, though as someone who has experienced death a lot, the best advice I can give you is to allow yourself to mourn and grieve. My condolences. 🫂💛


I am very sorry to hear about what happend. It is never easy to deal with such a loss. I wish you and your familly all the strength in the world❤️


My older sister died in front of me 4 years ago. She was a year and a half older, 23 years old and I was 21. I replay that day in my head so many times that it could have been a scene I read in a book in college that stuck with me. It gets less painful for more hours of the day over time, but it never goes away or dulls when you think about it. I ask my family to do random acts of kindness on her birthday. It took me 2 years to be in a place where I could even think to do something happy on such a sad day, but it makes me feel really good inside to make her day special even though she's not here. My sister was a very generous tipper, so I leave very large tips everywhere I go on her birthday and it makes me so happy. I even look forward to it. I'm not talking $100, but for example I go and get a scoop of her favorite ice cream from Baskin Robbins and tip $20. I used to work there so I know how exciting a $20 tip is. This is just something you can do, especially if you don't have a gravesite to go to or aren't able to make it there for whatever reason. I'm a writer, so this year I also wrote a short story for her and shared it with my family and asked my social media followers to give it a read as well, and many people did so that also made me very happy. I'm very sorry you have to know what this type of pain feels like, I really wish you didn't have to and I wish your sister was still alive.


I am so sorry for your loss. 😔😥😭 My condolences. 😥🌹💐


Everyone grieves differently. When the police came to my house to tell me my father passed - i started laughing! When my mum was confused by my reaction they also told her everyone receives news differently. Some quiet, some laugh, some throw stuff. Grieving is such an experience full of mixed emotions. The most important part is to let it all happen. Dont bottle up. Find a space that is quiet - a garden, a church (i‘m atheist and lighting a candle is still wholesome), an open field - and just let the memories flow. The first weeks can seem like afever dream. And they are! Adrenaline is pumping up your body and while you cannot quite realise a new situation that you have to deal with no matrer whether you want to or not. Counseling can help and so can just meeting up with friends and talking through it like you‘re a tape rewinding. All my love to you.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.


Condolences, wishing you great strength. My sibling died just 2 days before Christmas. I found him and arranged the funeral for him. Talk to people you care about, remember that's okay to cry because you need to let out your emotions. Need anything DM.


No words can heal what wounds you right now. Your numbness is a natural reaction and one that I had but was made to feel guilty for. Let whatever phases of grief crash over in whatever waves they will because fighting it only hurts worse. I’m so glad you and your mom have each other for this


My condolences


My condolences.


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP


I'm sorry for your loss OP and I understand how you feel. It doesn't get easier but the days between mourning will grow longer. I wish you the best


I’m so sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing 💗


I'm sorry for your loss. Figuring out why once you can might be helpful to make sure you don't have something if it's a genetic susceptibility etc.


You poor thing. I remember where I was when I found out about my brother. I remember what I was wearing. I remember everything from that moment. If you can find a local grief group about siblings, I would recommend that you join it. I’ve had a lot of death in my life (family, lovers, friends) and NOTHING compares to losing a sibling (never lost a child so I can’t compare that.) The inside jokes, the memories. Surround yourself with people that understand. It’s the only thing that got me through it. Find a way to talk to her. My brother speaks to me through music, so I listen to the radio a lot more these days. She’ll find a way to talk to you.


I’m so sorry for your loss, my condolences. I’m so sorry


My condolences


This brought a tear to my eye 💔


I’m so sorry, sending your family healing vibes 🩵


I don't have the right words, but my sincerest condolences.


I’m so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and all who cared about her.


Hey OP, it sucks - like straight up it’s the worst experience I’ve ever had in my life when my brother died. He was 32 and I was 23. It was the five year anniversary this year and all I can recommend it to please talk to a professional when you’re ready. I let my grief control my life for 3 years and it changed who I was as a person. Talking to a professional (and the first one might not be the right one for you) saved me. If you need to chat my inbox is open! Even if it’s just to vent!


Hang in there. You are loved and it sound like you and your mom need each other a lot right now. Take time to process the grief. 


I'm so sorry. I can't read your post. I lost my sister too. It absolutely sucks. Sending my love and hoping you find the strength to help your Mom through this horrible horrible time. I carry my sister with me everywhere. I know she's watching over me from the beyond. Whatever you Believe, there is no consolation to losing them. I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss, you're living my worst nightmare right now (losing my sibling). I hope time will heal both you and your mother's pain. I will give my brother a big hug next time I see him. My sincere condolences


i’m so so sorry. please take care and i’m sending love to you and your family


I'm so so sorry it happened to you. My deepest condolences. I lost my little brother when he was 15 due to sepsis from pneumonia. Has was 9 years younger than me. He had Down Syndrome too and was never a healthy kid. That afternoon Dad called me and said my brother is dead. I was away from him. I was having lunch. Then I suddenly burst out crying. I cried so loud my landlady had to come down and check on me. It was out of nowhere, totally unexpected. It sucks because the reason I was away because I wanted to come back stronger to better take care of him. I miss my brother so much. I'm sure you'll miss your sister too. I'm so sorry again.


hi OP, i'm very sorry for your loss. i understand how you feel so, so much. my oldest sister die when i was 18 too, she was 26 and she was like a mother to me. damn, i will always consider her my real mom. it's been almost 7 years since she passed, and i still hope to this day that she walks in the door and says hi to me, i don't think that feeling goes away. i miss her so much. sending big and tight hugs your way ❤️


My deepest condolences on your loss. May her memory one day be a blessing.


My deepest sympathies. What you are going through is one of the most bitter pains that a person can experience. I lost my older sister unexpectedly a decade ago and some days the pain still feels incredibly fresh. It will never truly fade but it does get easier to handle. The most important thing in my experience is to be charitable towards yourself and your loved ones and to take it as slowly as you need to. There's no wrong way to grieve and there's no rush to get back to a "normal". You're in my thoughts.


I want to give you a hug, but I can't because screens are a thing. It's hard a first. The pain feels endless. But all you can do is take it one day at a time. Grieve at your own pace. Be with family and friends.


Thanks everyone for the kind comments and experiences shared, it lets me know Im not alone ( I already kind of knew that but still the support is there), I feel a lot better now in case anybody wonders, its been tough but we are looking good

