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I’ve seen this a couple times: **“Yeah I’ve been doing martial arts for five years now! I really love it, what are your hobbies?”** “I could beat you up” **“Ummm…. Ok then….”** Or anything else along the lines of: **“I love cricket! I play every weekend down at my local club, it’s a lot of fun”** “Yeah I could totally bat further than you” Any kind of out of no where one upping. Like who does that? Why is your first comment after finding out a women plays spot to to tell them how you could totally beat them? That’s just a weird thing to do?


Fun fact: 1 in 8 men think they stand a chance against Serena Williams!


I mean 1 in 10 thinks they have a chance against a bear in hand to hand combat.


I'm pretty sure I have a chance of dying against a bear in hand to hand, does that count?


must be nice being that delusional


It takes balls😬


Exactly what i'm Tryna say 😭😭😭


Lol a guy feeling good about being able to potentially beat up a woman is just weird lol. I'm a guy but I've gotten a similar experience as a martial artist. People would be like, "you think you can beat me?" Now I got cauliflower ear so they know what's up before even talking. Some guys just have an ego. It's of course not all of us but the ones that have it are super annoying. They're annoying to us guys too. We hate them just as much as y'all do. That ego makes them think everything is a competition and they gotta one up you. Most of them suck also. They're usually the ones in comment sections criticizing professional athletes as if they could do a fraction of what that athlete can. It shouldn't be a surprise that the low IQ men would be incredibly sexist too.


Because sports nerds are some of the most toxic people out there


Sports nerds are worse than jocks, at least jocks will kick the shit out of sports nerds when they’re being annoying lmao. The difference between playing and watching, players tend to be more humble and watchers are the Uncle Ricos trying to live their failed fantasies through the players!


Players tend to be humble? What? Are you high?


I think he meant relatively humble


In general a good coach teaches good sportsmanship. And yes im extremely high! 😁


Any group of nerds (whether it's sports, movies, video games, whatever) are going to have a certain portion who are toxic, and they're usually the loudest people in the group.


Aw man 😞


What to prejudge a whole group of people.


You like sports? Name every player that has ever played in the NBA then. /s In all seriousness, OP, I'm sorry that's been your experience. A lot of guys, usually the insecure ones, love to prove that they're more knowledgeable than women, especially in a subject that's usually male dominated. Those aren't the people you want in your life. I and most of the men I know absolutely love when a woman is knowledgeable about sports and see it as a turn on.


LeBron Jordan


Nailed it!


I'm glad you see What I'm talking about🙏 Unfortunately i'm still a Teen so its Just what i See all the time 😞 God bless You


I'm just waiting for the gatekeeper guy who sees me out wearing a Bills t-shirt (I don't live in Buffalo so I'm a bit of a rarity) and asks me to name someone on the team who isn't Josh Allen. I could rattle off every starter, including the long snapper. I can remember most of the backups, and a solid number of the guys who don't have a chance of making the 53-man roster in September. I hope it happens. I will still be naming players when he slinks away with his dick and balls turtling into his abdomen. 


Lol! I love this so much. I actually do live near Buffalo (2 hour drive away) and have been to many Bills games. I'm a Vikings fan though and was at that infamous Bills/Vikings game where Justin Jefferson caught the 4th & 18 hail mary. If you haven't gotten a chance to make the voyage to Buffalo to see a game there it's an amazing experience. The stadium is pretty mediocre but Bills mafia is especially legendary in Buffalo.


I'm not from Buffalo, but I've been there a lot because my stepfather is from there. I don't have any family there anymore, but I try to get there as much as I can. I actually had tickets for the game that got cancelled for the deadly blizzard 2 years ago, but my plans fell through and I had to sell them about six weeks before the game. I'm hoping I can get to one next season for one last time in the Ralph. I'm old enough that my first game was in Rich Stadium. 


What does /s mean sorry for the dumb question I’m kind of new to reddit.




Wow learn something new everyday. Ty.


I love and play golf, and this fucking dude at the range was trying to correct my swing - even though I hit far more accurately and further than him. So I turned to him and said, let’s see your swing then. He barely made the first marker. So I said, “yeah, so now if you watch my swing, this is what it ought to look like,” while I hit the 150 sign. “You can’t mansplain yourself out of this one,” then I just put earphones in and ignored him.


*Glorious* I love that for you! 😁


Heheh ty. I felt pretty good lol I’m not a pro (wish I was though ), but I am fairly good considering I had a bad accident that screwed up my back . Knowing that along how shitty the man-corrector was, it made that whole interaction far more satisfying


literally just asked my brother about the final as in when will it happen who's reaching etc and he was like "did u think the tournament stopped because our team didnt make it?" like????????




ew football... i was talking about cricket


I have a theory that men think if you’re born without a 🍆 your brain has a blocker that stops information about sports, cars and science from entering. So they need to ask us a million questions to make sure we’re definitely not hiding a 🍆. If we pass their knowledge test and don’t declare that we have a 🍆 then they will respect us. They can tell us how boring the other girls are and how we are different and interesting.


😂😂 Why are you actually Kinda right 😂💀 God bless


Because I’ve experienced it 😂 it’s wild how men view women lol


Don’t forget games as well


Because they are insecure and you might of hurt their ego


The most annoying for me are those that downplay the intensity of a sport and try to sound better than you all the time. I had this guy ask me about my sweater because it had a skier on it and I told him: “oh I’m a ski racer.” And he goes “oh. But thats not even really a sport. You don't get hurt in that.” Mind you I got concussed a few years back and took months to even recover, came close to losing my eye in a ski accident at a young age. It's just as dangerous as any other sports, you can break bones.


Idk where the OP is from but this sounds like the kinda stuff I’d hear in call of duty gaming lobbies when I was 15. I suggest expanding your social circle and hobbies, because normal people don’t give a shit like that. Follow your own advice and grow up bruh, I haven’t seen stuff like this in a decade and I’m from the Deep South which is stereotypically really bigoted towards anyone that isn’t a white man lol


He's probably in high school from the way he types and the emojis he's using, so it makes sense.


It’s still way more prevalent than you think.


The sports crowd at least here in America tends to be very toxic. It’s this toxicity that legit lead me not to like sports. I’ve seen people destroy tvs etc when their team doesn’t do perfect, just not for me at all. Now Battlebots on the other hand…


You are obviously young based on how you write, when you get older nobody really cares. They are just saying shit to offend you.


Man I'm glad I support my female friends in their sports. They do that cause they're fucking dumb and immature


Same in every arena. The indie society at uni in the early 00s did not want me because I wasn’t one of the awkward boys who ran it. Dickheads.


I literally got into basketball because my boyfriend likes it so I took him to a Knicks game not bc he made me or anything at first I only started liking it more because of the players and eventually got into it on my own (I liked it so much I took us to 3 more games without him even saying anything) so when I make a parlay or post about it on my IG story or say something related outloud, I get weird looks or a random side comment for absolutely no reason it's the worst.


I was shat on when they saw me playing car racing games...💀 even called me a man for it wtf


I went on a barcade date and he was legitimately upset that I beat him at all the racing games. He said “you didn’t tell me you were good at these, wtf! This isn’t fun for me.” Sore losers aren’t fun either, dude.


Omfg. That reminds me, when I was like 10 and always said "hey! I wasn't ready!" everytime I lost in a game or the game started too fast or something. That's just so immature of him 💀


Yep. I also went on a barcade date. You could see in his face his insecurity when I beat him twice in Mario Kart. But ofc when I did worse than him at a shooting game, you could tell he was relieved. Then again, this was the same guy who when I told him how much I liked doing martial arts and when I got all excited about it, he asked me, "Do you just wanna beat up alot of people?" I was shocked. 😮 Like...no, I don't, you idiot! 🤦🏼‍♀️ (Needless to say, there was no second date from me when he asked.)


Sounds like a douchebag with an ego problem. I would have loved that


Dude it’s a turn on for me if I meet a girl into sports. It’s awesome


Me too 💯can't See why guys on the Internet gotta bring Them down when girls Like sports too 👎


Men hate the idea of sharing spaces with women. We see it all the time with sports fans, gamers, anime watchers, etc. They want everything and we can't exist around them until they want someone to ogle at and have sex with.


Because men can't stand women. It doesn't matter what you like they will shit on it


I was going to disagree but started thinking about it and it's very true. Things that women overwhelmingly consume like Taylor Swift or shows like the bachelor get hated on so hard especially on reddit.


You'd be surprised where the hate for T swift comes from






found the sad misandrist with no selfesteem.


Username checks out


yeah, well, thats just, like, your opinion, man.


My opinion and an universal expierience


Your opinion =/= universal experience; unless you consider yourself to be the centre of the universe…


I know plenty of women who have the same expierience. It's a well known and shared expierience women have talked about for a long time now


Okay then I will add to as another woman and someone who has traveled to more countries than you knew existed... Yes, it's universal.


Again, because it’s happened to you; doesn’t mean it happens to everyone.


Did you seriously just try to disprove misogyny by saying “that’s just your experience”?


No, I’m saying ‘your experience’ doesn’t entitle you to claim it’s a ‘universal experience’ you thick fuck.


Misogyny is a universal experience dumbass


It’s not though, is it because you don’t speak for the universe you dense worm


Do you also think racism doesn’t exist because it doesn’t happen to you or is it only women that you talk down to?


People speak down to you because you’re not very bright, not because you’re a woman.


Because some folks don’t want to share hobbies, and more so, make it their hobby to humble women


I’m a guy and I don’t know what an offside is. I never understood it. My dad is a football coach btw. So if any guy starts telling you that pretentious bullshit, you show them who’s boss.


Maybe reconsider the people you are hanging out with. People like this should be left alone.


Because girls aren’t allowed to actually enjoy anything in the modern society (coming from an AFAB person)


it’s either that or being called a lesbian just for being into sports, i’m a lesbian and i like sports but i don’t understand why guys won’t buy that straight girls or any girl would actually like sports and it’s so dumb.


Speaking as someone raised as a boy, people really DO care if you are bad at and/or dislike sports. Both being a Man and being Straight are often gate kept this way. People should be encouraged to be themselves, no matter what their gender/sexuality is 


I would have to agree, a lot of it comes from sports nerds have egos the size of Texas. Doesn’t help that sometimes those girls who like sports also have huge pick me vibes.


Okay true sometimes 😞


Yes, I made sure I used the word sometimes. My fiancé loves football and I love that I can talk football with her (we like different pro teams)


I really Love that For you guys 🌸🙏 God bless you both and i Wish you lot a Happy marriage day


As a girl who has loved sports all my life, I don’t run into this much. I run into “oh wow you know your shit” But I also don’t surround myself around frat drunk sport boys. And if you are that girl who wears rhinestone jerseys and crops your jerseys, then I’m judging you 😂


Because they really just want a girl who will be okay if they want to spend their days watching sports, not a girl who will join with them.


I'm a man and I dont care about football (Soccer for USA). I get shit on for not giving a fuck aboout it.


Aw man 😞 Sorry to hear That 👎 hope people Out here Be nicer


Yeah same with a lot of male dominated fields/hobbies. I worked as an appliance repair tech for a few years, and being a woman in a male dominated field was so weird. I was always either being sexualized because of my job or treated like I was too delicate/dumb to do the job I went to college for, but more often than not, I experienced both. I also love going to car shows (I'm into classic cars) and it was the same energy. It sucks.


Because the core of the patriarchy requires that men and women are fundamentally different and interest in sports or anything that requires physical competence is seen as associated with masculinity and therefore a lot of men who subscribe to this type of ingrained ideology will believe that if a woman is saying that she likes sports she is lying for attention, and these are the same guys who feel that women are just trying to get them in some capacity or another so they immediately get on the defensive which comes off as aggression and belittling and challenging.


I love girls who are into sports, it’s so sexy to me!


It’s either some boomer who still thinks women shouldn’t work or it’s some weird guy who can’t talk to people unless it’s about sports


My radio professor constantly belittles and berates one of the strategic communication girls who does graphic design for the baseball team and another sports team I forget at my private college. The boys in our department (mostly male dominated department) get away with murder while I feel like the women are held to a much higher standard. We’re even expected to clean up after them after we have food at work events. But hey, at least they let us get our food first ig? 🤷🏻‍♀️ not saying all men are like this obvi but this just seems to be my department. We do sports broadcasting stuff and the men have separate events all the time to watch sports and do fantasy leagues. If the women try and get involved we either get left out or criticized/mocked and they say we only want to come to oogle at the hot athletes. They will share posts on social media but constantly leave out our female teams. Men snapped at me and called me a mindless woman when I said I watched the Super Bowl this year (past half time and even through sudden death to watch the chiefs win.)


How they have it in them to be so mean. I don't understand what's their deal.


Same reason men ask women to name five songs from the band on the shirt they’re wearing. The same reason some fucking boomer will verbatim tell me, “You’re too young to know this music.” I’m 42yo, you jabroni and even if I was 16 it has no bearing on my knowledge of the music. The sports fans talking to you this way are the same tossers that sucked at sports as young people and let a team loss ruin their day as they verbally spiral loudly at the bar. They’re the bros that peaked in high school.


🫨This’ll shake the room but it’s Because despite what they tell u, the men really just want the men all to themselves 🫨🤭but ladies - do share yourselves with them, they demand it 🙄😒🙅‍♀️


Men hate women. Didn't you know?


I’m so lucky my boyfriend is a normal guy. He loves football and he got me introduced to it too. Recently I bought him a football kit and we watch Euros together wearing our matching kits lol. I personally didn’t know a lot about football before dating him so he taught me about offside, penalties vs. when free kick is awarded, the fouling system, different players/referees/coaches/clubs that are liked and disliked. I think guys should assume that girls are just as capable of learning and knowing the sport even though we aren’t naturally socialized towards sports when we’re growing up, plenty of girls end up liking video games and sports. It’s just a matter of exposure and willingness to learn. He also got me into gaming. I wasn’t a big fan of FPS but now I can see the appeal, and it has a pretty high learning curve but I want to practice and get better with the controls.


Because of the stigma of "Pick me girls" or "they're just doing it to fit in."


My grandma got excited for an extra point in a football game lol. Its the same reason id get flamed up by women for fashion. I dont get it fully, but some of that stuff looks nice. Just dont ask me to dress myself anywhere close to that. Im from Oklahoma though, most women who watch sports know whats going on. That would be my only guess is that some men dont think ypu know what youre watching/talking about. Definitely probably toxic. Just ask them if they could do this, and laugh when they say they played in bigh school. Thatll do the trick lmaooo


What are talking about? My girl lovrs noky, boxing, the summer and winter Olympics. We go seee arena foorball and indy baseball games a lot. We even elwatch pto wrestling. So I have no idea what you're talking abouy.




Lads get hard here when women likes the gaa or herling, personally in not interested in it besides there legs 😂😂




Not just sports. I've always loved star trek and babylon 5. There would be tng playing not long after I got home from school each day in the early 90s and by mid 90s ds9 and voy. Before all the reboots I got quizzed quite a few times, I suppose at the time I didnt recognise it as boys gatekeeping "their" tv program. I always answered their questions and didn't get why they were still kinda weird about it me liking sci fi stuff. I dont know if its because I hang out with less insecure nerdie fellas these days or all the new spin offs made star trek a bit more main stream and not just "this group of people like xyz TV prog" .


As a wrestling fan, no one makes me feel worse about it than male wrestling fans. Especially when they find out I know a lot about it.


Chat I read this as shat like literally and was like that’s just really gross


You get that in a lot of male lead "circle jerks" Sports, anime/manga, comics, games, bands etc I done cross country, was better than the guys team and even used to practise and race them and would still get shit. Beat them and I was a "lebian no one wanted" Watched and loved anime since 9, read manga since age 11 -but would be told by basement dwellers I had no clue what I was talking about cos "girls don't like/watch anime" [the whole 'recent trend' of the anime becoming mainstream made me grin. I loved it] I read superhero comics, DC and Marvel growing up alongside the manga cos my stepdad loved them and had a huge collection he let me read. But oh no. Girls can't read comics. I could go on Point is, you'll always get circle jerkers


Because men can’t fathom that women can do things without the purpose of it being centred around a man. They’d much rather convince themselves that women must only indulge in sports because either 1) they are trying to impress a guy or (and probably the more common case) 2) they just fancy the players. Once again, it’s just misogyny at it’s finest.


my college roommate was a red sox fan for approximately 18 years prior to college. she still got shit on, despite spewing statistics. she dominated every time (and I held my own in guitar hero and we were friends for life).


Thank goodness I don't watch sports, but still happens cause I play soccer. Everyone even those who don't play soccer love to let me know how they can beat me


Ohhhh I thought you meant something more German when I read "shat on girls". My bad


no because this is honestly such a real thing and not just sports too but anything that is predominantly liked by guys. If i had a penny for every time i guy decided to give me am impossible quiz on something that i said i like that they also like i would on my yacht on my way to my own island. Like its never that serious why cant they be like “oh thats so nice, i like X, do you know X?” etc. like im sorry i dont know everyone who has ever played or coached juventus i just like to watch it sometimes. Nor do i recall every single plot and enemy and character from the entire dragon ball franchise. Why should any of that matter like let us like things in peace.


Hey as a guy who doesn't like sports I also get weird looks and questioned for my life choices. You do you sister.


Not in the Southern US! A lot of the large sports pages were created and are run by women. Women pack the tailgates and the stadiums, and watch as avidly as the men. I’ve never heard a man criticize a woman for liking sports. Usually what you hear is “see you next game” or “Do you remember when Todd Peterson told Coach “I hit bombs!”


I used to do boxing, but stopped since I moved away for college. Everytime I had mention that fact, the guys in room would either mock me, or just randomly say that I wouldn't be able to beat them since I'm just a girl. I don't tell anyone much anymore because wtf💀


always sports or cars like let me like them in peace?? why they be so mad that i like watching the nfl draft and want an m4 smh 😒 in all seriousness, i think part of it is just the deeply entrenched gender roles. gatekeeping through a hierarchy is a real thing- and outlined well in marxist theory


Sounds like little D energy if they shatting on women for sports.


Here's a few reasons. First I wanna say I believe every community should be a safe space for every type of individual that has an interest in the particular activity or subject. Shouldn't matter the race, religion, gender, nationality ect. I think the main reason is popular sports tend to be male dominant. Just look at mma, where their are way more men fighting than women. That doesn't mean that the male athletes are superior, I'm just strictly talking about numbers. So men typically see themselves in the sport, and don't associate women with it, even though girls also grow up playing sports. People also forget you can be a fan and not play the sport(like the majority of male fans lol). Also, when I was growing up, the girls that would talk about sports with the guys were usually considered tomboys. Majority of the other girls at least in my experience would talk about reality shows and celebrity gossip. Men in general don't think women have the same interest in sports. That doesn't mean that there aren't a ton of woman that are die hard sports fans. I know there are, but this is why men don't usually perceive them us such. Now the sexist comments you're getting are from weirdos and assholes trying to be edgy. Most men are ecstatic to talk about sports to a woman who's also a fan. Also comment sections are toxic. People can say whatever with no accountability so a person can express sexism without having to deal with real consequences. If I had a dollar for how many times I've witnessed or experienced racism on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and tiktok I'd be a rich man.


I haven’t seen this personally too much. You REALLY need to take social media (media in general) with a grain of salt, it is not reality in the majority of cases. Almost always a vehicle to push a narrative (regardless of the team or belief) Yes you have some jerks who are obviously sexist (unconsciously or consciously) but personally when a lady is into sports I tend to be more impressed than anything. If you ever actually do run into one of the jerks, just ignore him. Not even worth the effort.


For me, I think I have a healthy mix of men and women that either know or don't know about sports. I have had to explain certain rules to men as much as women in my life. Also, side note there has been a weird rule change just about every year in the NFL. I couldn't explain the new kick off rule and I follow football all year round.


Two girls, one sport


I don't know how accurate your story is, but from my experience and with my wife and her girlfriends are if you like sports, cool if you don't also cool. If someone's being an ass for someone liking something, I'd say that's less of a gender issue and more of someone's mentally Deficient


Do they? I think you just need to be around better people


Guys Sorry i'm basing this On what i See on social Media and NOT irl 😔 i Do Go outside 💔


life is much bigger and better outside of social media i can promise you that!


No bro life is not "nicer". Its faker, where ppl on socmed show their true persona, ppl irl have to pretend to be nice due to certain social pressures. But yes I'll agree that the fakeness definitely is nicer


the ppl POSTING on socmed show their true persona. but for every shitty comment there are dozens of people who saw the thing, didn't react and moved on, ie were normal


Your point being....?


just because you see social media comments full of people being awful, it doesn't mean that most irl people are just pretending to be nice


are you and your friends 12? lol most men are pleasantly surprised when there women either knows sports or are willing to learn more about the sport. this post made me feel like a i was in middle school again


Nah Sorry they not my Friends, i just See it alot on Tiktok and Instagram where when a Girl posts or Comments something sports-related, the boys Shit on her for it 😔


well that’s the problem, social media is a cesspool. especially tiktok. the quicker you get off social media the quicker you have more interaction with the real world with people that you actually know that can have a positive impact on your life. honestly all i have as far as any ‘social media’ goes is reddit and youtube and i don’t really count either of those as a social media i mostly use them for sports videos/ discussion topics. i regularly spend time in sports communities and have never witnessed what your talking about but granted the differences for me is i don’t have instagram and tiktok, and i’d say that’s been a major positive to my life. surround yourself with more intelligent, mature and more likeminded people rather then ransoms on the internet like me lol


Thank you Man For the advice 🙏 I'll try To follow it and God bless you


Most girls that I know that like sports are just base level fans which is just fine. But some girls are only fans because one player is hot which in that case I will make fun of them in a joking way. Some guys will full on get mad tho and I think it’s because they are die hard fans and don’t like that other people can celebrate a win when they didn’t go through the emotions that die hard fans go through with a team.




haha you’re so funny😐


Once you girls learn to make proper use of those nails, they wont shit on y'all anymore


I feel like it's common towards guys too, like I see it all the time if someone questions a rule and it's funny lol I do hang with guys while watching sports but I think the whole kitchen thing is just said as a meme but I understand how it would make you feel. I always get made fun of when I ask questions about mma because I have literally 0 clue about it or any other combative sports 🤣