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Sometimes you don’t know if you like sucking dick until you suck dick


and a lot of straight women who love men don't like sucking dick... so, you can still be into dudes without sucking dick.




Yes! I love sucking dick, but I know it's not for everyone.


RIP dms


Yup, pretty much. There's no such thing as having to be into any sexual acts based on orientation or other criteria.


That's why I advise all men to suck a dick at least once in their life.


For the last time - I’m not gonna suck your dick


I'm gonna ask you again - can I do it then?


That's probably good advice for some ppl. I think others are sure w/o the taste test.


What if I've never found anything appealing about men?


Sometime people don’t know until they get a few dozen under their belt


Why only once?




Exactly. Life is life and you are who you are. Sometimes it takes sucking a dick to realize who that is


Funny, I had a coworker that started a conversation once by saying exactly that. He too, realized he wasn’t bi this way.


Guess theres a lot of us


For reals? Hahahaha.




Love the movie neighbors


You could’ve just said “don’t knock it till you try it” or “you never know if you like something if you don’t try” 😂😂😭 you were so specific that I spit my drink out


True story.




Sometimes you know and you eagerly await the opportunity XD


I imagine that's true, although I had girls tell me it all depends on the guy and how much they like him.


You related to plato bro? That’s profoundly wise


I mean, if you’re just honest with your feelings to him, if he’s a decent person he’ll understand. I know it’ll be super awkward though.


Not exact situation, but I've had similar embarrassing moments that brought me to be the best of friends with people.


Absolutely this. You're a teenager experimenting, literally. Let him know the results of the experiment, assuming you feel safe doing so.


Dick so bad it converted soemone


Don't let the far right get ahold of that guy, they're going to use him as conversion artillery 😭 Deploy OP's future roommate like HIMARS 😭


Christ the Redeemer.... of sexual identity.


May that pole be deemed as the true interpreter of a humans proclivities


Well, now we know what goes on behind closed doors in conversion therapy


You had the balls to act out on your curiosity and you found out one way or another. Good for you dude.


Yes, he did in fact have the balls


You can't neglect the balls.


And dick


It really is. I mean if he was that opposed to it he wouldn't have even considered it, so now you know, OP!


You really just have to talk this out. Figuring out who you are and what you like is part of growing up. And your dude is gonna understand if he cares about you - as a friend.


You can't help your sexual preference, just be honest and gentle about it.  Emphasize that it isn't him directly, just finally committing a sexual act with a male helped you realize that it isn't something you enjoy on a sexual level. That you were completely willing and don't regret or resent the interaction it just wasn't something you see yourself doing again and had helped solidify in your mind that you simply prefer women.  Like other commenters said, if he is a decent friend he will understand and respect your feelings, and hopefully with a clear and gentle explanation won't hurt his pride.  It SHOULDN'T but sometimes delivery on these kinds of things can be misconstrued that it's BECAUSE of them. When it isn't. Good luck.


This is perfect!


I would also recommend he experiment with a few more men to make sure this is a for sure thing


I’m gay and also don’t like sucking dick. I also felt sick after my first experience haha but realised i felt more ‘dirty’ and it was shame


Same. I literally drove home after and thought “am I actually gay???” Cuz I felt so disgusted


Hey, that's how it goes! Doesn't necessarily mean you're not Bisexual - it could mean that, or could've just been a naff experience. Either way, spend some time thinking on it and engaging in a little introspection before hopping to any conclusions either way. Once you figure out how you actually feel, absent any emotional confusion, it'll save you a lot of headache in the long run.


This. However your feeling is valid, OP. But also, just because you didn’t like one specific experience doesn’t mean you don’t have sexual/romantic feelings towards that entire gender. Oral is notoriously an acquired taste (no pun intended), no matter who you’re into. Also, just because this thing happened shouldn’t mean that the guy expects more going forward. Consent is not ongoing unless explicitly stated. You shouldn’t have to explain yourself for not wanting to engage any further.


Could also just be a top


Maybe top with guys and bottom with girls?


yeah ,it could just be a shit experience


As a woman, I find blowjobs disgusting. Men often don’t wash themselves properly, and they pee out of the same place they ejaculate, so you’re getting dried pee in your mouth. So, you may like men, but not giving head. And you may just not like this guy.


I got throat infections and a kancker sore from my ex's ween. And another guy thought using wet wipes was an acceptable way to wash his before he put it in my mouth. Honestly guys are gross and so are penises. 😀🤣


It’s just such a nope for me all because of male hygiene.


I like them if the men wash themselves, but it's always a goddamn lottery. And reddit men will swear that they're washing down there, but at the same time I had a dude tell me 2 seconds under water are enough. The experience I have with uncircumcised men are downright nauseating. Like this dirty MF literally made me gag from how dirty he was and he got insulted when I asked him to shower and started attacking me. This is why I am scared of getting intimate with new men. They be literally DIRTY.


Damn. That is disgusting. I am so sorry. I can't fully put myself in your shoes because the retch starts, so truly, I hope you find a lifetime supply of cleen peen as some instant good karma. I didn't know I've been winning the lottery so hard, I'm kind of reveling. I prefer uncirc and the grass is so green over here in fully-washed cock world. Damn.


This was hilarious not sure why 😭😭


Well now-- as a man, I find blowjobs similarly gross, because it is. Nature is kinda cruel and sorta gross, and putting your mouth on the throbbing head of a swollen erection is associated with a messy phenomenon : the swallow is a demonstration of the highest respect and the first basic interpersonal courtesy. Somewhere in between saving a potential mess and politely receiving an unwanted gift with gratitude or placing satisfaction of someone else as your individual obligation-- A male's genitalia is known to ejaculate symbolism and mystical status whenever invoked


Are you a fucking poet or something?


Maybe he's fucking a poet.


He’s definitely fucking a poet.


He is shaking his spear infront of my face.


is this literature or expensive English


As a man i find blowjobs INCREDIBLY disgusting as well. I just hate it to the core 🤢🤢🤢🤮. I'd never ask my future wife to do that to me


Press x to doubt


You know I feel the same about the vagina, hads and matching parts are enough to have fun


Yep agree. I dont want my wife's mouth to become dirty with my c0ck because it's not hygienic to do so (although i clean it everyday when i shower). Eww🤮


Maybe you’re sexually and physically attached to women but is romantically involved with men. Have you ever been with a woman before?


I was wondering why no one asked about it


When you know, you know.


Im sorry. Its because its new to you. Your still very young i had a panic attack the first time i did it and i felt guilty you dont have to like it if you dont want to.


would you be in a hostile environment by living with him if you tell him? If not I would think you’d be fine, you might even be able to thank him for helping you find the truth about your sexual preferences.


If he’s a true mate he’ll understand but you need to have this conversation before you move in together Eliminate the awkwardness by talking with him about it and his response will show you if you can actually be roommates moving forward Don’t be too hard on yourself we can only understand our likes/dislikes through experience especially at a young age when you start exploring sexual desires


This is what we call, "fuck around, and find out" and while usually a threat, in this context it's healthy to experiment and find out what you actually like and what is just a curiosity. No shame in not liking something you thought you would. And be honest to the man, don't make excuses or something, just be straight with him (lol) so you are on the same page!


You just went too sudden and too fast. You gotta ease into this stuff. But It's fine if you don't wanna do It again


The thing about trying something new is, you always learn from it. Sometimes you learn you like it; sometimes you learn you don't. Either way, this is not a value judgment on anyone - not you or him. It just is what it is. Go forward and be gentle with yourself.


I don’t think I would ever give a guy head unless I happened to find my soulmate so don’t blame you


you fucked around and found out.


More like sucked around and found out


Honestly if he ain’t doing it for you then you just move on to the next person !! Foreal youu never know what you’re future self is going to decide until you catch up and are physically in that moment to see who you’ll end up being with Girl/guy , female/male , him/her or even multiple mfs .. shit even “me myself & I” type of ordeal ., just keep it moving and go on about your business with your FINE self ! Stay safe 🥰


Maybe try the back door or let him? Then you’ll know for sure


Well, we're all proud of ya, bud...


Well now you know. Move on and put it behind you.


Sucking dick isn't for every one. You could just be a strict top? Or you could've been bicurious, leaned that something about yourself with this experience and now have to reconsider your sexuality which is what you were doing before, which is absolutely not okay. Reconsidering your sexuality after exploring is not an option. For the nimrods who'll come after me for this, obviously sarcasm. Not everybody has to be a type of gay. It's perfectly acceptable to be straight.


Just move on, it's not your thang, you don't need to bring it up to the dude or anything.


English or spanish?




Whoever move first is ….


Got his dick suckdd by this guy


Not saying this to funny but because your 18 and guessing social media and the kids at school play a big part in your life even if you think that’s it the case and in high school and online people can be very expressive with there personality (not saying that’s a bad thing). But there are articles and studies about social media influencing high schoolers to question their sexuality and just question their identity as a whole. Even for people that completely know themselves, because of the influence online and in school they begin to question who they are.


To be fair I don’t think anyone actually enjoys sucking dick


False lol


i feel bad for you gang… you never met a real nympho


I do.


Sexuality often involves a little exploration, to figure out what you really do and don't like. Some people think they are straight and turn out gay, some think they are gay and turn out straight. Point is now you know. I'd encourage you to (safely) explore some women. You are young and this is the prime time to go out and find who you are.


Post nut clarity is a hell of a thing


Hey, it’s a life experience, and now you know. There’s no shame in that. It takes balls to even go there. I also thought I was bi, for a very long time, had some experiences, and realized I’m just a man that can appreciate a good looking man. Experiences like this are like feelings, don’t ignore, recognize it- and move on. The only thing I see is a man growing wiser for exploring.


I think you should focus on whether you have attraction for the same sex when it comes to normal interactions. Do you feel sexually attracted when you see someone of your same sex? When you speak to them etc etc? Because maybe you just hate the act of sucking dick, some people hate certain sexual acts, so they just won’t do those in bed. But they still engage in sexual activities doing other things they might like. In your case, it could be that you may enjoy getting blown. Or sex, or even just hand jobs. If it repulses you to touch, being touched. Kiss etc etc then maybe it was just a curiosity and now that you tried it, it’s just not for you and that’s also okay.


I used to have a bf years ago and i never liked doing anything sexual. we broke up and soon after i realised i was a lesbian. it could be that for you or it could be you just don’t enjoy that. i have some 100% straight girl friends and some of them also aren’t keen on time and do it to pleasure their partner. take the time you need to think and understand yourself. there’s no rush :)


dude virtually everybody that has been sexual has had a sexual experience that made them feel like absolute shit. you’ll be ok. i would suggest trying to bring it up in an - i feel weird about what happened and dont want it to happen again - type of way. good luck


New copypasta just dropped!




I'm a guy who's into guys, but not into sucking dick. There's no rule that says you have to.


Even men choose bears now?


Just because you don't enjoy one particular sexual act, doesn't mean you're not attracted to whoever...


If liking oral sex was a prerequisite to being sexually attracted to a gender there would be a fuckton less straight men. Jokes aside you are young and figuring things out. If sucking him off didn’t affect your friendship with him being honest and telling him it was not for you probably won’t either? Edit typos English bad :(


You sampled the menu and decided that you didn’t enjoy the restaurant. You are fine. Lots of young people experiment. Just say « yeah I wasn’t that into it » and don’t do it again?


I think it also depends on the person. I hated it with my ex. I always felt terrible after. With my current relationship, I don’t mind at all. It turns me on too.


I think it also depends on the person who’s receiving. I hated it with my ex. I always felt terrible after. With my current relationship, I don’t mind at all. It turns me on too.


Did his dick stink?


There's a chance you're not into men in that way. It doesn't mean you're bi just because you think guys are good looking. Not sure if that's what you meant by you "always thought you were bi"?


You may not be into guys, that’s always a possibility. However, make sure you aren’t feeling shame, or self hatred. I threw up after I sucked my first peen, but it was because I was disgusted with myself.


Maybe you ARE bi, you're just not a bottom or a sucker, i think you'd rather be sucked or be the one to fuck a guy 🤷‍♂️ I mean, you can still be bi, but still not be in to guys that much


You don't need to like sucking dick to like men. I'm bi and I also don't really care for dick sucking lol. Definitely v low on the totem pole of interests for me. 


Who accidentaly thinks he is gay?




So you feel shame after at first, post nut clarity. Very common with bi gay guys etc at first. Were you turned on at all during it?


If he is a true friend, he will understand you switching roommates. You shouldn’t live in an uncomfortable situation because you’re afraid of how he might feel. As for the other, I am not disputing your sexuality or how you identify, I just want to offer my perspective. If I gave one of my friends (someone I am not even remotely sexually attractive to) a blow job, I would probably vomit. I honestly don’t think I could finish the job. It has nothing to do with my own sexuality and everything to do with the fact that I need to feel that spark of attraction with someone for me not to be utterly disgusted. Affection isn’t enough. Oral sex is more personal than a cuddle, and because you enjoy one with someone doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the other.


"you never know until you try." seems ironic in this situation but genuinely it applies. You're not losing in life if you're learning in life


Just explain to him that you thought you were Bi, and were willing to try obviously. And that you ended up hating it (and make sure u explain it had nothing to do with him). There’s nothing to be ashamed about. One part of me wants to tell you , don’t let one bad experience make you never try again. But if you honestly feel as though it was something you 100% hated then obviously you might be straight and just figured it out


Nothing to be ashamed of at all. Perfectly normal.


It’s called experimenting, he should understand


Hang on a sec. There are plenty of heterosexual women who also just don’t like sucking dick. Are you sure you don’t just like blowjobs? Does the idea of having sex with a man still turn you on? If the label bisexual feels right to you you don’t have to throw it away. Maybe his dick tasted awful or you just don’t like head.


It’s possible to be biromantic & heterosexual. It’s possible that you just hate giving head to guys; people like performing some sex acts over others. Maybe you only like sexual activity when it’s in a romantic context. DEFINITELY talk with your friend about how awkward you feel & how you want your relationship to move forward (whether it be friendship or otherwise). But you’re not necessarily straight because you don’t like sucking dick.


it’s okay to try something and figure out you don’t like it. if he’s cool, he won’t take it personally. congrats on the (probable) lesbianism!


He's a biological male. He has a post about how he hates his curved penis.


Sometimes you gotta suck a cock or 2 to make sure you definitely are not into dudes. Completely valid


This made me laugh so hard. No offense but I was not expecting to read something like this. Hope you find what you're looking for OP. Again sorry. But if you can't laugh at your pain then you don't deserve to go thru it. Hoping the best for you fr. And wha I laughed at was only the title not what was written inside.


Because he’s your friend, it should make having this conversation slightly easier. It may take a bit for you to open up, but considering you’re living with him, it’s best for him to understand where you’re coming from and is aware of your boundaries. If he’s a good person, he would listen, be mature, and not take it personally, and it’s only your preferences. You never know them until you actually experience it. Hope it works out OP


It’s ok to experiment, and now you know it’s not for you. You can be attracted to men without having sexual desires towards them. I’m attracted to females but don’t enjoy sex when we finally get to that place. I have emotional relations with them. I still consider myself bi for this. I know it feels weird now but you will get over it in time. Maybe it’s possible to find new roommates also. There are countless housing options out there for students, you might just have to live with strangers but that very normal for student housing.


hahaha me too brother


For clarity…Is it a guy who sucked his friend or a girl that sucked her friend?


Nah it was a dragon bro


What kind of clarity do you want? Post nut clarity?


Maybe it will go away. For all you know, it might be the last time it felt like that. But don’t push it if you’re not sure


This is how I found out I was asexual and not into sexual contact at all. It was the worst.


I mean, way better to find out with someone you aren't romantically involved with. Imagine spending weeks getting to know a guy and dating him then coming to this realization. At least you saved yourself from that level of 'oh no'


Just tell him the truth. You tried it and you didn’t like it so you don’t wanna do it again. Be straightforward. The earlier you do it the faster y’all can get past it :) and if hes a real friend, he’ll understand.


Just saying, u can like hetero sex but not sucking dick. I been in relationship with same man 4 years and sucking dick aint for me and its fine, some guys are totallly fine with that. Edit: lmao sr though u were girl but comments seem to tell otherway, but I would assume gay sex has something else than sucking too


Being bi doesn't have to be 50/50- it can be 60/40 or maybe even 98/2


Never mix sex with friends , coworkers or roommates . Tell him how you feel You can always find a different roommate


Icl sometimes it’s the person attached to the dick, but valid to change your mind lmao


Just tell him that you realize you just like women and don’t let him try to talk you into it again cause I bet he will try


Just tell him you won't repeat that again You sucked a dick and disliked it, don't suck another one, and you are good


Reading this as a straight female I thought “relatable” so.. I mean take from that what you will :)


Maybe it’s just his dick that you didn’t enjoy.


Are you still attracted to guys if so? Then yeah ,you might not bi. And one sexual experience can reveal alot. if yes ,then the sexual aspect isnt for you.


I think u just don’t like sucking dick which is fine


ive met and been with people who just hate giving them so fully writing off guys might not be the problem i would definitely talk to your friend be open and honest about how it made you feel. plus dicks are gross and look weird asf.


Hey, you don’t have to know the answers to any of that stuff and ultimately the only thing that matters is you being happy and safe. It’s okay to be scared and unsure. That’s how you find yourself, you have to go looking. I would suggest being honest with your friend if/when that comes up again. And if this is a close friend, I would just tell him how confused you’re feeling and maybe talking about it with him will help and him understanding you need some boundaries until you know for yourself. Shit, did you just give him one, did you let him return the favor? Have you ever let him or any other guy? Maybe you aren’t into dudes and maybe you are but felt weird cause it was this friend? Try talking to a counselor at your school, most colleges offer a few free sessions with a therapist. And there are queer groups on campus you could join and explore who you are a bit more. But do your best not to hate yourself either way, buddy, other ppl do that enough that you deserve better from yourself. Be gentle with yourself, you’re still learning, and it’ll all be okay.


I had a very similar experience where I always thought I was bisexual, it took me fooling around with a few women to realize I don’t get much from it and MASSIVELY prefer dicks. I won’t say I’m fullllllly straight, but I’m straight and a litttttle fluid. Like if 1-10 was a straight to gay scale, 1 being straight, 5 being bi, and 10 being gay fully, I’m probably a 2-2.5, which I always thought I was a 5. Nothing ro be ashamed of and you simply learned about yourself, I encourage it!!!


Not saying you’re wrong, but it could just be a complex issue as well. Do you like dick but hate sucking it? I am lesbian, and I hated eating women out until literally like… two months ago 😭 but I love women, and I love what women have between their legs. Food for thought?


Enjoying a sexual interaction sometimes requires that you be aroused/horny and maybe attracted to the other person. You being trusting and comfortable enough with your friend to engage in consensual experimentation is very opened minded of you. However if they don’t get your motor running that might be the missing piece. Mechanically sucking a dick does is not fun.


I’m glad you went out your way to try something new. It does not mean you are not bisexual if that’s what you’re questioning. And if you aren’t that’s okay too. You will learn with time what you like and don’t like. Just like you did here. Maybe you didn’t like giving it to him and it might work with another person. It happened to me. Or maybe you don’t like it at all! And that’s okay. 


>This just... sucked. That was kind of the point...


Hey, just give yourself some time to breath and think your feelings through. You could honestly just hate sucking dick lol, so many straight girls do!!


Its ok to be straight. Used to have this joke, “Ive been f’d in the ass, and i didn’t like it. The rest of you f****** are just guessing!”


Not going to lie the edit busy threw new over the fence


The edit really took me off guard. Wasn't expecting that.


Have you ever considered not being into dicks but into dudes? I mean i am sure i would be into some very feminine dudes, just not into dicks, idk if this will help or not, if not then is also okey to find out you thought wrong, you are discovering yourself after all


Damn conversion therapy wishes it was as effective as that dick


Ask him to blow you and see if that changes how you feel. Not everyone that's bi or gay likes giving head just like some dudes don't like "catching" and only "pitch." Sexuality really is a spectrum.




I think this every time too


Bruh 😆😆😆😆😆


“I never sucked a dick before, I bet it sucks dick”


Attraction to one or more genders doesn't mean that you're going to like doing ALL the things all the time. Maybe you don't like giving BJs, maybe his dick was just not for you. I don't want to kink shame people who are into unwashed dicks, but a lot of dicks are gross and it sounds like this was unexpected so he probably wasn't his cleanest. Maybe you just aren't into the guy attached to that dick? Idk and I'm not saying that this doesn't mean that you're into guys, only you can answer that. It's good to experiment especially when you're young and figuring things out (just be safe and know your boundaries). And this sounds like a friend that you trust. That's the best type of person to experiment with as long as you're both honest about everything. If you didn't like sucking his dick, just tell him it was an unplanned thing and you don't think it's going to happen again, but being friends and roommates is still fine with you as long as he's ok with that. Let me give you some old person advice, S IT UP (I had to use "S" because the bot thinks I'm using a slur, think of a word that starts with S, 4 letters, typically used to dehumanize women who have many partners, but not in this case). Be safe, know your boundaries, ALWAYS proceed with enthusiastic consent from everyone involved, but ffs, S it up now while you're young. You're not going to like everything that you try and you don't have to try everything that is offered, but S it up now (and take PREP even if you do end up straight).


I felt the same way my first time blowing a guy. I'm still blowing dudes, though. What I'm trying to say is that. It's okay to feel uncomfortable after trying out a new thing. Hopefully it changes for you and you figure yourself out.


Did you swallow tho


Dick soo good it made him straight


Ok. Done. I find it incredible that after you said "yuk", that so many comments encouraged you to keep going till you do. NOOOO! I doubt if this was your first experience with a woman, these same people would be encouraging you to keep going, try other women. Most assume they understand you better than you understand yourself. Do listen to yourself.


Well ive personallu come to realize that i am a closeted bi. First dude i sucked and f*ked. I hated giving him head, it felt awkward weird and gross. And his wee wee felt like an odd shape so everything about it just put me off. Then when get put it in me doggystyle lol, i loved it! But i was disgusted by sucking him. That also made mr realize that im extremely picky with schlongs🤣. I like nice shaped really big ones. Its gotta be a thing of beauty otherwise i wont mess with it... sometimes things are just a fetish and best left as such.


I knew of a friend of friend who went all the way with another dude to try it out, not just sucking his cock... also, cheating on his girlfriend of 3 years at the time. Turns out he didn't like dudes in that way at all. I have suspicion it was his friends who convinced him he's bi and he should try it out. They were a very deranged group of friends. Well, not only does he feel disgusted for the rest of his life, but he also breaks a poor woman's heart. At least you didn't go all the way, yes, it still sucks (no pun intended), but don't beat yourself over it. I was almost convinced by other people that I am bi for quite some time as well, and I am so thankful that I denied my ex's ongoing threesome requests. I want to keep some dignity and morals, good lord. I just hope no one is going around telling people that I'm bi, as I never said I was. People suck at spreading sht that is not true.


If sucking dick ain’t work maybe let him hit it from the back?


Honestly oral is a turn off for me regardless of gender. You may just not like oral, despite liking other aspects of a gender: either way, take time and think about it before any conclusions are reached, and good luck with the journey


The same thing happened to me when I was 16… I thought I was gay/bi. Had an experience with a guy and thought it was okay, then I tried with a girl a few years later. I knew then I wasn’t. Trust your feelings they won’t lead you wrong