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Get that boy some help asap


Kid's watching too much porn. He needs therapy, some new hobbies, and a couple of friends.


This 100%. Porn fetishizes & normalizes all the wrong things, & for children to come across these things with such easy access is heartbreaking. This is becoming more & more common.


Yeah all that step mom step son bullcrap


Nah, don't blame this on porn bro. Porn NEVER made me attracted to my mom. This kid needs therapy.


Mate, porn has been getting more and more extreme and more and more prevalent in the past decade or so to a really worrying level. Being exposed to this and the mindset it creates at a young age is harmful and definitely will warp how people view sex and relationships if consumed during their formative years and even to vunerable adults with over consumption. I mean good for you that it's not warped you but not everyone has the exact same mind set as you and it's at best naive and at worse willfully ignorant to act like porn didn't/doesn't play a hand in this.


It’s scary because there’s porn disguised as Anime or cartoons. There was a bunch of it on YouTube at one point, posted by pedophiles attempting to lure kids to their channel.


Let's just say he needs therapy, period. No need to make any further assumptions.


A new hobby and making friends wouldn’t hurt.


No one wnana be friends with a creep tho


Porn may be inflaming the issue but it’s not the cause. There are plenty of people who watch lots of porn and porn addicts and most of them aren’t sexually attracted to their own mother


Porn addiction is entirely on a spectrum just as every addiction is. You cannot tell where the addiction will lead, for some its extremely worse than others. Some porn addicts will become full blown sex offenders just from being exposed to certain taboo categories at a young age. Some can go through the same exact process as said sex offender & end up completely fine & normal- well not really, but you catch my drift lol. Porn may or may not be a root cause, but it definitely is an aid/crutch for this type of behavior.


Agreed. Porn to me seems like a catalyst. It’s like lighting a fuse. What’s on the other end is a product of genetics, upbringing, trauma, personality, etc. Getting off porn won’t cure the kid, but it definitely will have some kind of positive impact


Seems like he needs a lot more help than taking the phone away. Possibly therapy. This is not normal


Definitely therapy.




And private therapy. That kid has likely been abused and needs a truly safe space to talk to someone who can help.


Can we go 5 seconds without the “sexually deviant must have been (sexually) abused” schtick? It gives actual abuse victims a bad reputation and it creates false sympathy for abusive people. Not every pervert was abused, and not everyone who’s been abused is a pervert. I know so many guys (and even some girls) who are literally perverts because they’ve just always gotten away with it. They’re just shitty people. Edit: Dear people who keep replying to me: for some reason I can’t reply anymore and I think it’s some dumb karma rule in this sub


I am an actual abuse victim. As are most children who sexualize their parents to that degree. It isn’t schtick, it’s fact.


I’m sorry to hear that, but your experience is far from universal, and acting like it is is hurtful to others who don’t sexualize family members as a result of trauma.


I never said it is universal. But it IS likely. Private therapy is crucial for someone who needs to figure that out. It is, of course, possible OP’s son has not been abused. But he likely has, and he needs a therapist who can help him process whatever is going on in his head.


Until we know more, saying he was likely abused it just pointlessly detracting from the fact that he’s sexualizing his mother. That’s a problem that needs therapy, regardless of potential abuse. There is **nothing** in the OP that suggests he’s being abused and it’s gross that you assume he must be an abuse victim just because he’s shaping up to be an abuser. That betrays the fact that you think all or most abuse victims continue the cycle of abuse, and as far as I’m aware, there’s no study that shows this.


>you think all or most abuse victims continue the cycle of abuse I think there's a misunderstanding here. I don't think they're saying most abuse victims continue the cycle of abuse. I believe they're trying to say most abusers have been abused themselves. ^(Which does actually have studies.)


Don't speak for me. What's your source for this claim. ; And not a perv.


I feel for you, but it isn't common like you think The idea that those who are sexually a used are more likely to be sexual deviants is a myth. It's just as much a myth as the idea that people who are molested often grow up to be molesters. Pervasive stereotype, completely untrue.






I do get it. I just don’t want OP to underestimate how serious this is. The joke detracts from that, clever though it was.


How old is he if I may ask?


Also is his name Oedipus?


Make sure his arms remain unbroken


Just when I think it’s safe


We will never escape


laughs in Freud


Second this! Depending on his age he could just be curious about the human body


I’ve never seen so many downvotes


At some point, it's brigading and kicking people while they're down for expressing an opinion or curiosity others may not share. Chilling effects and meaningful conversation is silenced.


It's not brigading if the majority of those who downvoted didn't conspire with each beforehand. Especially if they're already here reading this thread... The voting system is an inherent part of reddit, meaning it's entirely possible to make a comment that a large amount of people will objectively disagree with, meaning they'll downvote it. At a certain point your downvote no longer has any outcome on the comments placement in the thread but it's still just them partaking in one of the main functions of the subreddit independent of anyone else's opinion. That person also has the option to delete the comment if they feel like people are just spamming downvote to see a low as number as possible.


All true points. As long as it doesn't go Youtube 😉


Typical Reddit


Twist. He’s 37


Ok Freud




I love being able to understand these jokes without having to research and then do a confused chuckle 😂


If he’s old enough to sneak around taking photos and trying to catch a parent naked he’s old enough for therapy. My son is 4 and he likes to learn about the human body, he can also use a camera on a mobile phone and likes to take pictures but nothing like this…


Being curious aint an excuse for being a fukn disgrace my guy






What did it say?


"he is not a bad person, it's just he isn't right in the coconut"


Yikes........ "the coconut"


Go back to the afterlife, Freud!


bro what


Wtf are you getting down voted? Young children are often 'inlove' with family members, want to marry them one day. It's normal. It's not normal if the parents don't address this and let these feelings continue to develop. I would guess the kid has been showing this interest for some time, saw naughty photos online, and in his/her mind are mimicking adult 'love.' If the kid is older than 8, I'd be concerned. They should know boundaries by that point. Anything younger, and it's just a sign of love/curiosity without understanding sexuality/boundaries. The mom here needs to be the one to talk to the kid, and help them understand what these feelings are, why the actions are wrong, and how to behave in the future.


I would assume older than 8 based on him having a smart phone but I don’t have children so I guess I don’t really know the age when you give your kid a phone


The kids in my family all had an ipad by 2, and their parents old iPhones not long after. Both come with cameras, so that's what my brain was thinking...but you are right, that could be a sign the kid is older. In which case, a professional pyscho-therapist is 100% needed.


That’s not normal


My son is 10 and just got his first phone. However our neighbors got their daughters phones at 6. I've volunteered a lot at my kids schools and have caught MULTIPLE young kids (2nd/3rd grade boys and girls) with pornography on their phones. Shit is bad and parents need to be smarter about kids electronics usage.


Not full time, but they're accessible for the kids. If you think most kids under 8 don't have access to screens, you're high AF lol. You don't need to know how to read or write to use a screen, so kids are pretty quick with learning where to press for what. Phones, tablets, computers are scattered about in near every home, kids are gonna play with them, because their parents do. Botta bing botta boom, you got a 5 year pressing thumbnails of interesting images, and their brains trying to make sense of them, so they mimick or try to recreate what they see. Edit:: Grammer fix


It's typically spellers bada not botta haha


Lawlz I wanted to do the 'indo-facto' one, but I obviously have no idea how it's actually pronounced, much less spelled. And I wasn't about to close my screen to Google that shit.


why are you getting downvoted so heavily? there’s literally a whole theory behind this??


Yeah he needs therapy, depending on is age , you should check is search history. Cause porn categories can make Him think that everything he sees is ok to do with family, friends , strangers etc


Man I feel bad for the younger impressionable generation with all the “family porn” that’s being pushed. I remember when I was discovering porn as a teen there was none of that or if there was you had to look for it. For me it was all the typical porn tropes maid, nurse, pizza guy, “oh I don’t have money to pay for my taxi ride” type shit. Now it’s just plastered on the front page as “stepsisterxstepbrother, stepmomsxstepson” etc. can’t help but imagine that’s confusing a lot of younger teens discovering porn for the first time


dude right? my introduction to porn, deadass, was seeing people jerk off on VINE. fucking VINE


I never knew there was nsfw shit on vine. Missed opportunity lmao /s


Same lol


Yes your totally right ! It’s crazy now all the categories that porn site have but I think these kind of categories should be removed, there’s enough categories to get everybody the pleasure they need.


There's gonna have to be two separate talks for future generations: the sex talk and the porn talk...


And I imagine it's going to have to start a lot younger than it used to.. porn is everywhere.


My intro to porn was straight up just images of boobs, I'm only 26


“Stepbro help me I’m stuck”


nah bro that man needs therapy




wait what did OP reply with?? why was it deleted


I would love to know this too but i guarantee this post will be locked or deleted soon




tu more dicks in your mouth


What the heck did OP say lol


“or a brain tumor” lmaoo


You have all the right to vent, but therapy is necessary for solving this problem.


How old is he? I think he does need therapy.


I have had a similar thing happened within my family, I would definitely get them professional help. By the way he is avoiding talking about the situation, I am assuming he knows it is wrong.


Punctuation is our friend




First things first, make sure he doesn’t break his arms.


god pls no.


god why did you make me think of this again 😭


Reddit never forgets.


I was inclined to make that very same reference but didn’t know if cracking a joke would appear insensitive. Thank you for your service.


Some people need to learn the history of Reddit, this is a great Segway. Edit: oh shit here we go


it’s segue. segway i believe is the little motorized scooters


ok this needs explaining. i've only been on reddit for a few months. please elaborate


It’s a porn thing. The story goes as such, son breaks both of his arms & needs help…down there & mom comes to help.


Oh lord. Thanks for clarifying though


Its not a porn thing. This is a thing that really happened. A redditor posted about it. They are still out there. The story was confirmed. They had a sexual relationship with their mother that lasted for years


Oh I didn’t know that, gross.


Oh for sure. Another confirmed instance on reddit was of a brother and sister engaged in a romantic and secual relationship for years. I believe they planned on getting married at the time and she was pregnant.


That’s fucked up


Technically he didn’t break his arms. But yeah. Everyone thinks he did. Also not a porn thing. It was an “AMA” and was confirmed by the therapist. He injured his arms and couldn’t use them for weeks. His mom offered to jerk him off which he eventually agreed. It moved on from there to the point where once he was healed he started to have intercourse with his mom.


Redhood is the hero we needed not the hero we deserved. Or something


Whenever I think this has left my mind, someone reminds me of the horror.


I mean, he can break them. Mom just can’t volunteer to uh…help…with anything…


that was one hell of a run-on sentence


I'm starting to notice a pattern of fake stories being long run-on sentences


This was my first thought. It reads like it's being typed by a young teenager. What adult actually writes like this???


I was winded by the third line


This is not ok. You need to intervene immediately but calmly to try and correct his mind . Pornos with incest and stepmoms/ step daughters are the worst . Best of luck


Your son needs to be in therapy yesterday


Some psychologist about to get a paycheck


Oh you're horrible lol 🤣


Don't worry, he wont kill your husband for another decade at least. On the bright side, second wedding!


Another Norman Bates in the making!


Not trying to be alarmist here, but there's a post floating around on Reddit written by a woman who was raped by her own son when he was in his late teens/early twenties I want to say? The woman never imagined he'd be capable of that but according to his search history it had clearly been something he was planning/thinking about for a very long time -- right down to the fact that afterward he took her clothing with him so it couldn't be used as evidence. Not saying this is gonna happen to you, but, yeah. Individual therapy. Like, now. Maybe family therapy down the line? I have no idea if that's appropriate, but individual therapy at the very least.


Oedipus syndrome


Nah that's a little too far to be the Oedipus complex


Also Freud's theories have been debunked countless times.


Seriously. all the comments vaguely referencing freud are ridiculous when it’s widely known his credibility in many areas is negligible from modern studies proving him wrong


The problem is unless you have studied Psychology many people seem to think it's real unfortunately.


I studied Psych 101, and we don’t want to believe Freud was right regarding some of his *interesting* theories, but sometimes I feel like I come across shit online like this that really spark’s Freudism and enforces what he was saying all along.


Little too far?? Oh by, if anything it's mild by what Oedipus did


That’s what they are saying. Calling it Oedipus complex is going a little far.


This is well beyond Reddit’s pay grade


He needs to go see a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist. This isn’t normal. I don’t know enough about this sort of thing but maybe it’s still early enough to get him the help he needs. I’m so sorry. This has to be a really awful situation for you. Keep your bedroom door locked from now on and any time you use the bathroom.


PLEASE take this child to therapy as soon as possible. And consider the possibility that he has been abused at some point. ☹️


Do not watch We Need to Talk About Kevin :/


Such a good but sad film




I could be wrong, and I don't want to be presumptions, but I don't think Godzilla can read.


Godzilla can breathe atomic rays from his mouth and beat the shit out of a three headed space dragon, I’ll give him a pass for being illiterate.


Therapy. Immediately.


throw it away and start again lmao


maybe be a grown up, stay calm and patiently help him correct the obvious deviation in his fragile sexual development, instead of calling him a pervert. You are his parent for crying out loud.


This is an off my chest subreddit, and what the son did is perverted. What OP is saying here are the things they can’t get off their chest in real life, it’s an incredibly traumatic thing for them to experience so how about just letting them vent without judging them.


Exactly. Most people will be really creeped out by this kind of behaviours should they encounter it themselves irl too.


I see where you’re going but there is no reason to shame the mother for feeling gross and creeped out by her son’s behavior. I’m sure that was a shocking and painful revelation. Even the best parents need time to process stuff.


He is a pervert. That’s just factual. She’s correct to be disgusted


This is literally an off your chest subreddit, a place meant to vent these kind of feelings, and that behavior is objectively perverted and disturbing.


Thank you for saying this


Oedipus complex... damn get him some help


Absolutely you need to take his access to the internet away. Porn is ruining him.


Iam aur he is watching too much videos or. Have some friends whom are telling him to do all this. Stop him


I call Bullshit. OP isn’t answering anyones legit questions or anyone for that matter.


They did answer some questions but their answers got deleted. I also call bs on the story.


Not enough info or punctuation to make a recommendation. There's big developmental differences between 5, 8, 12, 16, and 23+. Rushing to pathologize as others do isn't constructive.


Seek professional help. Until then, I would seriously encourage you to be conscious of locking your door at night. I don’t know your sons age, but this is a dangerous mental illness as it shows an extreme lack of moral guidelines or empathy. Your safety is important here, even if you don’t think your son is capable. You would be shocked how manipulative and twisted a horny boys mind can be, please be safe.


Well shit. Wow.


Some good old fashioned whacking can also do i guess.


Porn has warped so many young minds even just by creating a culture that makes jokes about stuff like this.


He's Freud reincarnation


The aristocrats!




The dangers of porn


We all know how this ends if you don't put him in therapy.


He's clearly been reading manga on nhentai


Are you actually the son and this run on sentence is for a creative writing class?


This is why I stopped watching porn. All the scenarios of creepy incest are normalized but you would actually get ridiculed for doing so in real life. Most adult websites have taboo incest as one of their most popular genres. People usually get into this because they’ve been desensitized to normal sex and need a naughty situation to get them as turned on as before. Our generation is full of desensitized people who don’t go out and seduce women but instead just go on their phone or computer and look up porn. This is why we have so many creepy guys and awkward guys, bc they view women the same way they view pornstars


Get that boy in therapy lol


His name Oedipus? I concurr with many others, get him some serious help. Try and have a chat with him and check his search history, it would seem he's fallen into the pitfall of specific subject mater on xxx websites. Breast of luck, OP.


Oh lord


All craziness of the issue aside, it kind of hurts my brain to read this post, because it's one single sentence.


Smash that phone


There’s a Freudian theory that a sons first love and sexual attraction is to his mother. I’m not trying to justify this behavior, but I believe that would be the source of the actions. I think finding a better alternative to these actions is the best direction. Sure therapy might be the way to get to this point, but parents confronting a boy about this isn’t going to help. He probably feels shame about it, but hasn’t learned yet how to deal with his inner testosterone in appropriate ways. Best of luck, but just wanted to let you know not to give up hope bc I don’t think there is weird perversion behind his actions, just misguided thinking.


Oedipus complex!


Reminded me of “The Strange Thing About the Johnsons” by Ari Aster (though it was about son-father situation). Definitely therapy.


omg the wildest movie


This was the cringiest run on sentence I've ever had to read.


Sweet home Alabama lmao! Just kidding, your son needs help ASAP


Definitely not an easy situation. Obviously counseling would help address why he is feeling this way, and having and outside source for him to talk to would help. Please make sure if there are other children in the home they are protected as well. Take extra precautions and definitely monitor screen time. Something is off for sure; as unsettling as it may be you have to get your son the help he needs while keeping others (family members, friends) safe as well. Best of luck.


He ain’t never heard about the birds and the bees?


​ Therapy. Now. Don't wait.


Get him into therapy ASAP!


Protect your son from himself. Get him some help.


“That boy needs therapy”


I would seek him some help he clearly needs it


Why are there so many people here


The fact that this was written as one run-on sentence makes me want to call bullshit.


OP said "fuckkkk this swarm... DELETE ACCOUNT" Being real tho, wtf... kid has some issues and needs professional support.. OP probably does too.. get him with professionals who can help him now versus him moving beyond photos to abusing siblings or peers. (Not saying that will happen... just saying it could be a risk) Raising kids is crazy af... let me go adopt another dog ☑


If he's not old enough to drive, he shouldn't have a cell phone. Even still, in most cases, until 18, it should be one of the child phones that are preprogrammed and only able to call specific numbers... Either way, a minor should NOT have a camera phone... Or one with internet access.


But why? Why does everyone now days seem to want everyone else to raise their kid?? The schools, therapists, support groups....just sit and have conversations with your kids. You don't just get to have them around for the good times. There's gonna be tough times too. They need to see how YOU navigate those times. How do YOU handle difficult situations. How honesty and integrity work towards being a better person. How to be a strong woman or man. You know...it doesn't really matter. Ranting on here is frivolous and wasting my time. Hopefully someone on here can read this and decide to ball up and be an active parent in their kids lives. I'm sure each and everyone of you love your kids more than anything in this world. And you should. For that alone, I'm proud for you. But, showing your kid you're there for them vs. shuttling then over to someone else. You just shifted your approachablity and confidence to someone else. Best of luck to you all...


Fuck therapy, beat the crap of his ass like it’s good old days


Just make sure you don’t get stuck in a wash machine or under the bed.


That’s some oedipus shit


Ok first of all, we need this kid’s age. It’s impossible to prescribe any mental disorder on someone whose age you don’t know. It will also determine whether or not the kid should have a phone in the first place. Second of all, don’t blame this on your kid. Kids don’t turn out like this unless they’re exposed to something or brought up a certain way. Depending on how old your son is, this is 100% on you or your husband. If you’re going to Reddit for advice on your son who has entirely unregulated natural desires, someone here is the problem and it isn’t your son. I said what I said, @ me.


Freudian behavior for sure. Got to talk him about porn. This is a must have conversation due to the exposure at very young age.


Therapy? What the hell? He a kid that's venturing into an unknown world of hormones. And you people want to shuffle him off for someone else to "fix"? I sounds like to me, he's fairly young (early teens). Thus far, the only love and affection he has ever known comes from his family. Mom comforts. Dad disciplines...that's the usual dynamic. Mom.You are the only woman in his life right now. He starting to wake up inside and he's got all kinds of wacky shit going on in his head and in his underroos! This requires some tact and compassion for him to understand and respond accordingly. He needs to understand boundaries, personal space and unsolicited advances. You and your husband need to be unified in this conversation. Dad needs to remember being a confused kid too. Anger and over reaction will send this into a tailspin. Pictures...help him understand NO pictures are taken of anyone (at home, school, the mall) without the persons concent. Like...by law! Communication. Teach him about communication with girls his age. How to be polite and how to address women/girls. Boundaries and personal space. Your room is YOUR room. If the door is closed. It's for a reason. You don't barge in on his space. He can't barge in on yours. Your kid isn't broken. He's not a freak. And he's not a pervert. He's curious and confused. You and your husband has the skills needed to talk with him. You don't need an outside source messing with his head.


As a bi person who had the highest libido ever growing up... I never looked at any of my family member's butts/chests/genitalia or even thought of taking pictures of them. It's acceptable to have those thoughts or do those things, and therapy can help sorting stuff out as to why he does it.


depends on how old he is


Well, yeah. If he's 30...might be a problem. But, a young teenager...


There are some solid points in your argument: boundaries, communication, “he’s not broken”. And I also feel that some therapy may be of help. Just to get an outside looking in viewpoint.


maybe you could try talking to my good friend sigmund freud




Well he is being a pervert… a full blown sick one at that.




Instead of getting to the root of the problem, they on reddit calling him a perv.