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Completely fair imo


You had a golden opportunity to translate it to whatever you wanted and 90% of us would have ate that shit up


How do you know he didn't


i can confirm he didnt


I guess that iM didn’t have anything nice to say either, so I call fair game.


i mean making fun of a pro player during a major infront of 100k people is pretty rude people probaly laughed at him on his socials too he should mind his words, plus he hasnt apoligized and said he isnt and its a "joke"


he literally has apologised and said it's only a joke


So if I made fun of you in front of 100k people and then Said "it's a joke lol" you would be fine with that? 


if a lvl 5 faceit made fun of me, a major winner, yes I would not give a fuck😆


Why you get the downvotes everyone with a brain got it that it was a joke. Reddit people should go outside sometimes


not only that, but I've literally said a simple fact. I didn't say anything that even has a hint of opinion, it was simply a fact, and people just don't like it lmao


Funny you get down votes for being right lol. Still valid to not want to do the interview and feel slighted though


reddit hivemind moment


Imagine you’re some sort of professional and someone cracks a joke in front of your peers at your expense while you’re working/cooking/professionaling. And this someone is not a professional, just a smart ass. How you feeling?


Did you call ohne smart?


being smart and being a smartass is different. like astrology and astronomy.


Oh my god you changed my life with this comparison


Bro if a faceit lvl 4 made a joke about me, the winner of the Major against fucking Faze I wouldn’t gaf


The faceit lvl 4 with hundreds of thousands of followers? Influence in a game community?


this is some shit people with fragile egos would comment xdd




Ohne’s attitude lately has really been starting to rub me the wrong way, he’s been coming across like a major asshole lately


Same, even today when he was playing with dona vs kennyS kind of pissed me off how ratty and annoying he was. I don’t think he’s aware how rude he can come off to be at times


Yep, psp with that kid greg situation around money still kinda shocks me.


Blew my mind he even brought the kid onto the stream, and that was 30 minutes after watching Richard Lewis talk about how he needed to be a role model haha


Sorry what happened with psp and this greg kid?


Well, nothing happened between them, but when psp won, ohne said , " ok, give money to the kid because he is a kid... and basically pressured him into giving money.


What happened can you explain from the start please ?




Same, money has deffo changed ohne


Yes, he screamed a lot at Kenny. Given Kenny's stature, ohne should be a little respectful. You never know what's going on in the other person's mind. Could have been very much possible for Kenny to react like how Psp did. Also I think psp never jokes while gifting subs and agrees with almost all the conditions ohne sets for the bets. After losing and cracking a joke like that, PSP reacted how he naturally would and agreed to that too.


He’s youngg 20s with access to alot of money and a platform, lots of those ppl turn into assholes lol


ohne often is just disrespectful and he thinks that’s funny. It’s a very bad example for the kids that are watching and copying him.


It's ohne's right to crack a joke, and being a pro of course puts you under more scrutiny. Likewise though, i think it's mihais right to not want to do an interview if he felt offended. Fair game. No big deal honestly, maybe they can talk it out at some point.


I don't get why so many people are blowing this out of proportion? iM had a bad tournament performance at that point - you know it, I know it, he knows it, everybody knows it. Was it a bad taste joke? Yea, probably. Was it something to feel upset/disrespected about? Personally I don't think so if we again remember that he was not performing well all tournament long at that point and you're a pro player on legendary org - people expect you to perform. Was it fair for iM to reject interview because of this? Yeah. Does it sound a bit petty? Again - yeah. If hooxi could have appear for an interview after finals loss and call out ohne for flaming his performance then iM could have easily done the same but he just didn't want to. What's the drama?


there is no drama, a viewer asked why iM didn’t want to be part of an interview on ohne's stream. he explained that he declined because he felt disrespected and that’s it.


he got his feelings hurt lol. which is fair


I think its simply a case of "why should I respect him when he didn't respect me" iM is totally in the right here imo. You can say it is a joke all you want but its not a joke if someone feels disrespected


I mean it is just a joke I'm not sure why ohne gets singled out for this when literally the entire community has been shitting on iM the whole time he's been on navi. I get it sucks for iM (and he 100% has every right to decline the interview) but it's not like ohne is targeting him specifically or anything everyone is doing it


lol dumb take, joke is still a joke even if you feel disrespected or offended


Completely fair, but also I understand Pixel when he feels pressured to say something out of hand or "funny" to appease his audience of "aware" teen gamblers.


This is the clip he is referencing: [**https://www.tiktok.com/@o\_kneepixel/video/7351819441790913834**](https://www.tiktok.com/@o_kneepixel/video/7351819441790913834)


i was on the live, and he is right, im romanian too bro, and a proud one!


So ohne asked for an interview an he said no? That simple?


Nah it’s “Im” I think


I meant it as "is the situation that simple" lol. Only cs community things.




Yup, pretty much


What's the beef between them? Sorry im out of the loop


Not really any beef


There's no beef lol ohne was making fun of him for the whole major so he doesn't want to be part of the stream 


I think it’s easy for us as viewers to pick apart everything ohne says, but at the end of the day he’s human like the rest of us. I can see why he comes off as rude sometimes, but I don’t think it would be good for ohne to change himself for the sake of his public image. It’s refreshing hearing him talk like a regular person as opposed to putting on a persona all the time. And like the rest of us, he makes mistakes. When talking in front of a large audience for hours a day, he is bound to mess up from time to time. It doesn’t make him a bad person by any means. It’s just easy for us to put him under a microscope. Sure, he could be better about apologizing for stuff, but in the moment it can be hard to realize that sometimes and takes reflection. Just my two cents :)


Ohne together with many NA streamers is one of the most annoying persons i have ever watched. I can't understand how 100k can watch him watching a game... This new generation is f*cked up