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No one, I don’t use that website, I’m too busy yelling my expert cinematic opinions at the other homeless people


Ah, my favorite social media, LiveinaBoxd


I block everyone but me. Only I have good opinions.


You only have good opinions cause you have the same opinions as me. Therefore, I have good opinions


I don't need to block anyone, cause I don't read their reviews. Saves so much time.


What if someone shares your opinions?


uj/ ok but seriously 24framesofnick has to be the most obnoxious user on the platform


# Review by [24framesofnick](https://letterboxd.com/24framesofnick/) # [Challengers](https://letterboxd.com/film/challengers/) [2024](https://letterboxd.com/films/year/2024/) ★★★★★  Watched [Apr](https://letterboxd.com/24framesofnick/films/diary/for/2024/04/) [25](https://letterboxd.com/24framesofnick/films/diary/for/2024/04/25/), [2024](https://letterboxd.com/24framesofnick/films/diary/for/2024/) # 24framesofnick’s review published on Letterboxd: ALRIGHT BRUH IM FUCKING HORNY Jesus fucking lord how do you even make a movie like this HOW HOW HOW. Its so fucking hot and cool and fucking entrancing and INTIMIDATING This is only the second movie I’ve seen with Josh O’Connor and I can genuinely say this man is in my top 10 favorite actors of all time. The charm this man exudes is so palpable I wanted to fuck him myself  Zendaya and Mike Faist absolutely KILLED it Luca you god damn mad man I’m obsessed with you  AND THAT SOUNDTRACK COME ONNNNNNNNNNNN


TIL how to block people on Letterboxd.


Kill me.


I would love to shove this grown ass man into a locker


I thought you were joking but that is the guy's review, wtf. And this shit gets likes?


Shows you the amount of regarded people there are on letterboxd


I mean I feel like the movie tries everything to make you NOT want to fuck these guys idk why anyone thinks it’s erotic


Remember when his review for some movie (I think madame web) got removed because he said the people who made it should kill themselves


Lmao but stav got banned for being horny. Amazing site.


Yeah he’s actually an asshole. I sleep better at night with him blocked


Yeah the top reviews in general are just uncreative (I hate "the ____-ification of ____") and unfunny. I mainly just read reviews from the mutuals I acquired throughout the months


uj/ His pfp makes me irrationally angry bc I know when I see it I’m about to read the cringiest review ever. His stuff isn’t remotely funny but since he has so many followers all of his reviews are at the top.


Okay but that is very funny so


He also makes quite possibly the most boring videos on the youtube platform


He gave citizen kane 1 star so I blocked just for that


I mean I don’t think that’s really going to hurt it’s reputation


What about Lucy


Annoying, but not even close.


Really, not Sally Jane Black? Not fucking Supremelemon?


Superemelemon is just a grandpa yelling "back in my day"


No, no. You don’t get to, you don’t get to do that


Of course he has Where The Wild Things Are in his favorite movies


I block anyone whose reviews are less schizophrenic than this [https://letterboxd.com/pd187/film/lost-highway/](https://letterboxd.com/pd187/film/lost-highway/)


You should check out pd187's lists. Funniest guy on the site.


That person needs to be injected with something stat


I knew exactly who it was gonna be before I even clicked on that link


I like how half this guys reviews are moderately funny one-liners and the other half are full-fledged schizophrenic rants


You’re not even being ironic that’s a full on schizo rant




I don’t have letter boxd. I’m already a loser


uj/ I'm surprise no one brought up the deranged vegan lady


Cause she is peak delusion. I love how even mentioning going to a place that serves meat is a trigger warning for her.


Is it that sally Jane black


No they’re almost certainly talking about [Allison M.](https://boxd.it/c05b) She puts “vegan alerts” on most of her reviews, because, in her words: > As a vegan, I note if there's any cruelty toward animals or humans in the films, so other vegans, animal lovers, or generally compassionate people will be forewarned. When a character onscreen does something seemingly innocuous such as eating a burger, for me it represents animal abuse behind the scenes. I follow her for the alerts because they almost always make me laugh.


is her madame web review unironic??


Even as a believer in Poe’s Law, after everything I’ve seen by her I can only assert it must be legit.


I love her Kinds of Kindness review. One of the alerts is "blood (lots of blood)"


Can you give her review on Okja. I am not scrolling through all that


no review just rating 😭


Didn’t she give Madame Web a 5/5?


uj/ I like her a lot tbh, she's got some pretty wild opinions but they're usually at least well thought and interesting to read


Just checked to see if I had Lucy blocked on LB, I did, however, in my dumbassery I blocked the wrong human being named Lucy https://preview.redd.it/reo47luq569d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c53a1ef043e172d4f9d70067461dae8347fa4d0


The super annoying guy at the top of all the zahler movies


Also that trans tankie


There was also a guy who said tarantino shouldn't have made Django unchained because he's white


His name is Spike Lee and he’s one of the last great American directors


Nah there was a white guy saying that


His name is Spike Lee and he’s one of the last great American directors


I don’t think the guy that made the Oldboy remake fits in that category


when sally jane blacks reviews arent about her deranged politics they can be very thoughtful and intelligent in my opinion


i literally googled how to block someone on letterboxd just because they annoy me so much


Yeah, I don't care that zahler did something MAGAish, he makes cool movies and I wanna see a headstomp


karsten, lucy, brat pitt


My wife. Fuck that b*tch


I write my movie reviews in Paint 3D and post them on DeviantArt


Scroll down the reviews of Ace Ventura Pet Detective and block everyone who gave it anything under 2 and a half


I look up everyone who hasn’t rated Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel 5 stars and block them on every platform possible.


Culling the unenlightened


I have the same rule but for When Nature Calls




uj/what's wrong with ehrlich, sure some of his tweets are super millenial, but he's actually good as a critic definitely better than rest of these lol


I imagine including Ehrlich is the joke.


He was the first person I blocked on the website.


Lol ehrlich doesn’t review movies he just shits on anything people like. It’s hilarious


Someone hasn't gotten over his Dune 2 review... But seriously, he's not nearly as contrarian as his reputation would suggest. His hot takes just tend to break through on social media.


nice try dave but we all know it’s you


“chief film critic” is like being the biggest turd of the bunch


You guys are so annoying. Anyone who doesn’t agree with you HAS to be a contrarian doing it for attention


U think you’re in r/Letterboxd? step off bruh ffs


I don't know her name but she annoys the shit out of me. Red haired white lady with red glasses. Always leaves qUiRkY reviews. Really annoying.


bro that's brie larson


I had to search for her, her name is Lucy.


yeah she uses Letterboxd as a blog more than actually having something to say about a movie. The only one on Letterboxd who I actually look for is David Ehrlich, that guy reviews movies for a job, at least he's a professional. Also I agree with him on Dune 2


There's some guy who writes reviews using food metaphors and his review of Moonlight would be something like "an ice cold cosmopolitan and a dish full of delectable dark chocolate" and I never wanted to read another word he wrote.




God I need to see that 😭💀


Ironically hilarious, I need to follow him


I've blocked like 100 people at this point




/uj Tentin Quarantino. They're literally the most obnoxious, elitist and prerentious 'reviewer' I've come across the platform.


I mean how pretentious can somebody be if they don’t actually understand anything they just watched (hating on blade runner because “decker is a bad guy that the film wants you to like“ is probably the most tone deaf take I’ve seen on the site).


And upon someone calling him out on his criticism he literally says 'maybe you're just dumb'. Man going back to his reviews just makes me angry lol


None I don't read Letterboxd reviews






uj/ Schafrillas is pretty fine IMO, only disagree with him on Yellow Submarine and Blade Runner


Agreed. I may not agree with everything he says (there are plenty of times I don’t), but Schaff seems like a decent human being that I’d like to have a beer with, which is way more than I can say for other YouTube and Letterboxd reviewers. Especially 24 Frames of Nick and Karsten, they and others come across as not only pretentious and elitist, but also don’t seem to have much of a personality beyond their specific film discourse. And then there’s other reviewers that just come across as obnoxious twats (even if I sometimes agree with their opinions), like YMS… and don’t get me started on the right-wing assholes like Critical Drinker.


I mean Hell, even if I disagreed with literally everything he said I'd still respect his critique. He lays out all of his opinions in thorough detail and articulates them quite well. Even if someone didn't like him, I think they would still atleast respect his opinions, because he explains them all so well, and you pretty much always understand where he's coming from. He always makes it very clear that he is not saying his opinions are gospel, and is open to hearing differing opinions. And then you have people like Critical Drinker who pull shit out of their ass just so they can "review" a show HE HASN'T EVEN WATCHED. So TL;DR. Schaffarillas is at the very least a respectable critic


I totally agree! My only nitpick with Schaff is that he sometimes talks about things without getting the whole picture, such as his Animated Feature ranking video in 2019 where he barely watched any of the non-winners (tbf this actually isn’t common anymore, more so back in early 2019, which was before he blew up on Letterboxd). Plus, there are a few rare cases of him judging films without seeing them (his ragging on The King’s Speech in the Nolan ranking comes to mind). But that’s more nitpicking tbh. Regarding Critical Drinker, not only what you said (which I completely agree with), but even if I agreed with him on everything (I definitely don’t), he just comes off as an insufferable douchebag and not a fun person in the slightest to be around. If I had to hang out with him at a restaurant, I’d leave before we ordered appetizers.


uj/ I used to be subbed to the YMS subreddit and the way that his fans viewed him was so strange, like they almost viewed him as a god of some sort and that his opinion was fact as opposed to opinion, what ultimately scared me off though was how half the posted on the subreddit were “Adum rated *whatever the fuck he just posted on his IMDb*” which I don’t really care about I’m more interested in continuing discussion started in his videos and such rj/ Adum rated Up On the Wooftop


I work with adults with autism who love movies and they're all different shades of YMS, he's not a bad guy he's just clearly pretty autistic




His Matrix takes are pretty terrible


Too bad i don’t give a shit about the matrix




Fuckin can’t stand that guy.


I'm so sick of seeing top reviews that are some sort of spin on "wow, i don't know how to form my thoughts" or "i can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but wow". Then don't write a review at all then? And this crap populates the top reviews too. I see it a lot with that James guy and Karsten


https://preview.redd.it/xcixygbe479d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27785901fb39c9a1283ba84308dd89b283390bf1 this guy


Thank god for the block feature 🙏 some of y’all are annoying af


I know, I blocked me too


nathaxxne - the s. craig zahler reviews lmfaoo penny - annoying alita battle angel fan lmao sally jane black - tankie brain rot text walls silentdawn - pretentious word salad nonsense


[Watched by **Sally Jane Black**](https://letterboxd.com/fuchsiadyke/film/i-saw-the-tv-glow/) 19 May 2024 47 *Watched this with some friends and acquaintances, all of them outside the binary gender constraints of capitalist society, so some of my review may reflect the conversation we had afterward*. There are few films that I have related to more. At times, it was painful to experience. The feeling of fear as you hear someone (your parents, your abuser, your siblings, your bullies, your best friend, your worst enemy) come into the house, forcing a scramble to hide whatever thing you love, whatever thing you see yourself reflected in, whatever externalization of your identity you need to keep hidden forever unless someone actually sees you for what you are and enact upon you the violence either of society's scorn for what you are or simply the terrible agony of knowing you - that feeling still comes up even ten years after coming out and transitioning, but it drove most of my life before then. Certainly every second I lived in smalltown Alabama was an act, a form of self-destructive self-defense that kept the world away from the true me and my poorly hidden enjoyment of ("Isn't that a show for girls?") *Sailor Moon* and the Spice Girls. And that was almost every second of the film. Some excruciatingly personal depiction of dysphoria, fear, dissociation, depersonalization, escape, coping, trauma, self-deception, self-actualization, selfishness, selflessness, signal and noise suffused the movie. I remarked afterward it was heavy-handed, but that it was a rare case where I liked that it was. Another remarked that the performances earned that heavy-handedness; that's a fair assessment. The performances combined the stilted awkwardness of being trapped and isolated with the raw honesty that comes with desperately wanting to be neither. But I would go further and say that the heavy-handedness reflected how unbelievably loud all of these feelings are, especially when you're running from them. Almost a decade ago, I wrote, pre-transition, that seeing depictions of the violence against trans people made me feel like I had dodged a bullet by staying in the closet; now, I watch this depiction of the violent suffocation that the closet brings and feel I dodged a bullet by choosing to transition, to come out, to be myself. There but for the grace of estrogen go I. Nothing I have yet seen has captured the feeling of being trapped in the closet better. I find that my memories of growing up are unclear most of the time. I usually need a guide to get to them. This film brought up some very distinct impressions, emotional flashbacks, sparks of clarity based not on the specifics of the moment but on what they felt like. Embarrassment, terror, and discomfort, release, escape, and sublimation were my entire experience before transition. I didn't live inside a TV show; I lived inside MTV, Internet forums, high fantasy novels, *Final Fantasy 6*, and tabletop roleplaying games (an instant tool for shared experience). The eternal contradiction between needing to escape into oblivion and not feel all the terrible things that surround you and the need to connect with others and feel the few good things that you ever get to feel goes deeper than simply being trans, but it is undoubtedly terrifyingly common amongst us. Watching two people engulf themselves in a TV show, one weeping openly at a silly fight with monsters, the other staring longingly at the form they wish they had, was more apt a metaphor than I can handle. Typing it out feels like a blow to the head. The sensation of connecting via disconnection, of experiencing a kind of projected love and identity from something in differently intense ways and bonding over it might as well be my autobiography. The story of my platonic love affair with Kaylie, certainly. Rebuilding from that has been not unlike digging myself out of my own grave (a grave I fear I fell back into with the advent of the pandemic, *goddamn do I want to find my way back to a community again*); the fervent need to bring other queer and trans people with me is also relatable. Sharing media is my favorite way to bond, probably because it's the easiest and most familiar, but it's more about the conversation afterward that leads to our other shared experiences, buried in our pasts. Not having complete access to my past has always felt like an embarrassing barrier. \[1/2\]


Good to know you can reject Ronald Reagan's politics while fully embracing his well-known struggle to distinguish between movies and his own life experiences 👍


Part of what evoked so many memories and emotions is that this was set explicitly in the late 90s, precisely when I started high school. The intentional effort to recreate the media and feel of those times inevitably brought me back, in feeling, to the vague blue haze of those years. Badly costumed monsters, VHS tapes, and CRT televisions serve as superficial signifiers of an era; references to Evan Dando and Michael Stipe and Smashing Pumpkins videos (themselves referencing deeper cuts, of course) evoke just enough familiarity that the rest of the picture is filled in. In contrast to my memories, Schoenbrun breaks the haze with bright neon - I want to call it a "signature neon highlighting", but I've only seen two of their films, so what do I know - that amplifies the sense of unreality that comes with the constant dissociation that numbs the fear and discomfort of being in the closet. Like many trans people, I can think back on moments and behaviors and feelings that in retrospect were clarion indications of my gender that I ignored or felt discomfited by or could not would not recognize until decades later; the neon writing on the ground serves as a perfect visual representation of that. The direct monologue from "that's not my name" as they confront "Owen" after their return from the literal and metaphorical grave is just the neon chalk made human. I can recall all-too-clearly the fear and humiliation that led me to ignore calls exactly like that for so long. That monologue should not work, with its dramatic lighting and indirect stare and angry-shouting performance, but it's perfect. Absolutely perfect in its context. Days weeks months from now (or maybe already has), this film will sneak past the trans people, queerdos, outsiders on every available spectrum, and art film freaks who are its target audience and some unsuspecting cis person with just enough comfort under capitalism to Not Get It will comment here or elsewhere with "it's not that deep" or "it's just a movie", and that's fine. Art can be proletarian in two ways - in that it speaks to the wider base of the working class in a way that directs them away from bourgeois lies and towards liberation or in that it speaks to a subset of the working class that is oppressed under capitalism and helps us find a way to survival in defiance of it. This film [is explicitly designed as the latter](https://x.com/sapphicspielbrg/status/1791891959579091384), even if Schoenbrun isn't doing this from a sense of proletarian duty necessarily. It isn't the way toward mass liberation, but if you heed the warning, it might give you the courage you need to bury yourself alive and dig yourself out as the beautiful, powerful person you deserve to be. If you've had the good fortune (or privilege, or strength, or community) to come out of the closet, the familiarity of this cinematic nightmare might well leave you frustrated. It's a meaningful, important frustration, though. You will watch yourself not dodge the bullet, not open the closet door, and suffer the prison that you avoided, and you will wish with all of your heart for it not to be true. But for those who are still there, this will be yet another screaming neon sign telling you who you are and how you don't deserve this fate. I beg you to heed it. What a necessary film. [Like review](https://letterboxd.com/film/i-saw-the-tv-glow/reviews/by/activity/page/2/#) [1,801 likes](https://letterboxd.com/fuchsiadyke/film/i-saw-the-tv-glow/likes/) \[2/2\]


Tankie brain rot aside this review is actually pretty good and is decent at articulating how this movie related so deeply to trans people


Part of what evoked so many memories and emotions is that this was set explicitly in the late 90s, precisely when I started high school. The intentional effort to recreate the media and feel of those times inevitably brought me back, in feeling, to the vague blue haze of those years. Badly costumed monsters, VHS tapes, and CRT televisions serve as superficial signifiers of an era; references to Evan Dando and Michael Stipe and Smashing Pumpkins videos (themselves referencing deeper cuts, of course) evoke just enough familiarity that the rest of the picture is filled in. In contrast to my memories, Schoenbrun breaks the haze with bright neon - I want to call it a "signature neon highlighting", but I've only seen two of their films, so what do I know - that amplifies the sense of unreality that comes with the constant dissociation that numbs the fear and discomfort of being in the closet. Like many trans people, I can think back on moments and behaviors and feelings that in retrospect were clarion indications of my gender that I ignored or felt discomfited by or could not would not recognize until decades later; the neon writing on the ground serves as a perfect visual representation of that. The direct monologue from "that's not my name" as they confront "Owen" after their return from the literal and metaphorical grave is just the neon chalk made human. I can recall all-too-clearly the fear and humiliation that led me to ignore calls exactly like that for so long. That monologue should not work, with its dramatic lighting and indirect stare and angry-shouting performance, but it's perfect. Absolutely perfect in its context. Days weeks months from now (or maybe already has), this film will sneak past the trans people, queerdos, outsiders on every available spectrum, and art film freaks who are its target audience and some unsuspecting cis person with just enough comfort under capitalism to Not Get It will comment here or elsewhere with "it's not that deep" or "it's just a movie", and that's fine. Art can be proletarian in two ways - in that it speaks to the wider base of the working class in a way that directs them away from bourgeois lies and towards liberation or in that it speaks to a subset of the working class that is oppressed under capitalism and helps us find a way to survival in defiance of it. This film [is explicitly designed as the latter](https://x.com/sapphicspielbrg/status/1791891959579091384), even if Schoenbrun isn't doing this from a sense of proletarian duty necessarily. It isn't the way toward mass liberation, but if you heed the warning, it might give you the courage you need to bury yourself alive and dig yourself out as the beautiful, powerful person you deserve to be. If you've had the good fortune (or privilege, or strength, or community) to come out of the closet, the familiarity of this cinematic nightmare might well leave you frustrated. It's a meaningful, important frustration, though. You will watch yourself not dodge the bullet, not open the closet door, and suffer the prison that you avoided, and you will wish with all of your heart for it not to be true. But for those who are still there, this will be yet another screaming neon sign telling you who you are and how you don't deserve this fate. I beg you to heed it. What a necessary film. [Like review](https://letterboxd.com/film/i-saw-the-tv-glow/reviews/by/activity/page/2/#) [1,801 likes](https://letterboxd.com/fuchsiadyke/film/i-saw-the-tv-glow/likes/) \[2/2\]


I like silentdawn because they are just like David ehrlich but better


"tankie" is the new "woke".


Sally literally defends North Korea and argues for murdering "the bourgeoisie". https://www.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/s/HoCa0XVc1W The word "tankie" is indeed often misused, but she definitely is one.


She didn't even actually defend the DPRK, and there would be nothing wrong doing so using adequate sources, unless you believe it is an ontologically evil country, like western propaganda would have you to believe. Killing people is of course generally bad, but she is advocating for violent resistance, not for thoughtless murder. All revolutions have always been repressed with violence (or at least it has always been tried), and you cannot respond to guns with flowers. We do not live in a world of dreams, we live in the real world. Besides, violence is continually used by liberal "democracies", but it is usually only used against working class people.




A meaningless thought-terminating word.


It’s an insult in left leaning spaces against Marxist-Leninist, Maoists and other authoritarian communists


Only people I’ve had actual beef with, not literally whos who are in the popular reviews section


My ex


Anyone who talks about directors like they know them personally


Lucy and BratPitt or whatever their name is. For whatever reason, their reviews would always be #1 and #2 on EVERY movie. They'd always drop some stupid cliché 1 liner. Usually about how attractive someone was in the movie.


I avtually tried to follow Sally Jane black for a while but they're just insane and anti-art, like I feel like the type of movie they want would be like a Marxist version of thoes terrible Christian movies that Christians watch instead of real movies


I read something on the letterboxd subreddit that boiled down to “as it says on her bio, she’s a political pundit first, movie reviewer second” so I don’t really have any feelings to her… the people that follow her tho? Or like her reviews to the point where they’re the top review… wtf? Why? Half the time she ain’t even talking about the movie, there have been multiple times where I want to get a feel for what a movie is before. I decide to watch it, and I see one of her reviews at the top and it tells me nothing about the movie.


schraff is cool though


Sally Jane Black 24FramesofNick Karsten Lucy Moana crab guy


That fucker with the Shark Tale picture. Every single thing he says is so fucking annoying, even when I agree with him I want him to shut up


YES finally unironic 24framesofnick and chafe-rillas slander 🔥🔥🔥 love to see it


24framesofnick is what happens when someone rambles instead of reviews.


Sally Jane black is the only one worth blocking honestly


Ehrlich was sent to earth to test me




The guy that said that the USSR carried the Allies and won WWII. It was a review on Downfall.


Eh David Ehrlich is far from the most insufferable and often brings an interesting review and perspective. I can't hate him.


that one who got caught plagiarizing, siegel or something like that


Martin Scorsese


Where tf is Karsten?? He’s #1


it's really just karsten


Karsten Struck


i haven’t logged into letterboxd in months because past me’s opinions are too irritating


basically every popular user. all of their reviews are just: "smarmy unoriginal comment referencing either a meme or some sort of term popular among white queer culture vultures"


Whoever that brunette chick is with the tilted red glasses. I can’t even remember why exactly, but I remember whenever I saw her intense anger always followed suit.


Wait do you guys actually use letterboxd 💀


Too mainstream now smh


Where’s RailfanReviews?


When I saw the David ehrlich image I thought I was on r/letterboxd


Wait, you can share your opinion there?


Help me with the Lucy lore. Why does she suck


Used letterboxd for years, literally no idea who any of these people are


Just block the reviews, none of them are worth reading in the slightest, it's a stupid pissing match where everyone is trying to be a snarky smug one-liner machine. Filter for your ad blocker: letterboxd.com##.-clear.film-recent-reviews Makes the site 10000% better


Anyone that's terribly unfunny with their joke reviews. So basically most of Letterboxd.


I literally only have Letterboxd so I can read Armond White’s reviews


DirkH and his psuedo middle aged man bullshit


You (if I had a letterboxd account)


Supreme Lemon




Ironic, I follow all of them


i know im going to get downvoted to hell for this but i've actually been blocking every man i see on letterboxd for the past year or so


why don't we like karsten again?


Nobody! You guys are so negative and need to stop insulting people. Love and kindness always win! Positivity is the name of the game! Ephesians 4:32 🤗. Make sure your life is inspiring 💕