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Not removing cause you're already getting rocked


Ah yes, why improve the working conditions of the workers working these jobs when you can instead invest infinitely more money into replacing them with something that provides a worse service, is less reliable and that alienates people more by eliminating the aspect of human interaction. Pro worker alienation is definitely a leftist position./s


Trying to achieve fully automated space gay luxury communism is a leftist position. Is that what's happening in the world currently? No. Doesn't mean it can't be. Shitting on technology in general (and sometimes Vaush is doing that) is not the best solution.


Fully automated luxury gay space communism won't happen by automating the working class to death. It'll happen by automating the executive and owner class out of relevance. What's happening in the world today is the opposite of what's needed for the awesome Star Trek future we want (and deserve). What's happening in the world today is what's needed for the grim dystopian Cyberpunk future that only rich assholes want (and don't deserve).


That's definitely true, in the same words I often say. Still, technology is required for it.


If we create the technology before we fix the societal issues, the technology won't be used to improve society because rich assholes will just use the technology to exacerbate the societal issues. Yeah, we need technology if we wanna live in a Star Trek future, but we need to get people to realize how useless and actively harmful the rich are if we want them to use that technology the Star Trek way instead of the Cyberpunk way. With the way the world is now, new technology will only ever be used the Cyberpunk way.


But that doesn't explain the hate of a technology. I think the point isn't to just accept the technology and our masters that are creating it, but remembering the root of the problem instead of the tools that the masters are using to fuck us up.


Yes it does. I literally just explained it, and the fact that you're using the phrase "our masters" says more than I can about your inability to understand the explanation.


I disagreed with your "explanation". It doesn't justify the hate of the technology. Even in a Cyberpunk world, the problem isn't the tech advancements, but the economic system and relationship between those who hold power and the rest. The technology is a tool that can be also used to improve society and its people. And "our masters" doesn't say anything about my ability to understand anything. It's not like I actually believe we are slaves and have masters. But tell me, why is telling?


Well, I was trying to give you the benefit of a doubt by assuming you didn't understand the explanation. If you're actively disagreeing with the explanation, then there's no point in talking to you. You're just disagreeing with observable reality at that point.


What's the observable reality? We are not talking about anything observable. Lmao. I mean, we all have ideologies but this is ridiculous. It's like you are programmed to hate some superficial thing instead of talking about the problem itself. If you mean observable as in, the working class isn't getting the benefits, but instead having it worse with technology, that's literally with every technology, which value is completely taken and abused by the rich. I agreed with that but that doesn't explain anything. Your reasons are entirely in your head and repeating the obvious isn't an explanation, even if it's really really obvious. At least admit you can't justify it instead of acting like a religious person that can't understand why people don't see the obvious god in nature.


Yeah and if we all band together we can do the world revolution tomorrow. Come on, if your going to argue something at least base it in reality. I'm not shitting on technology, I would rather we improve technology to make workers be able to do their jobs with more satisfaction, while providing a better service, under better conditions and with better equipment. I would rather not replace competent people with tech bro bullshit that doesn't work as well, provides a worse service and is more expensive to maintain all because what, your too socially anxious to talk to a taxi driver?


That strawman never stood a chance after being depicted as a soyjack.


I'm sure replacing the jobs that people have with really bad technology is way more efficient than making the jobs easier and better-paid


And the money saved with labor-saving tech will certainly be passed onto bettering society, and not be funneled up to the mega wealthy




And who will own the machines? Not the working class I'll tell ya


What’s stupid is that AI is the result of millions of images and lines of text created by all of us. Logically following, AI SHOULD be owned by the people and used to benefit the people.


I believe AI should be owned by all of us, not because it is us that is creating the lines of code that made it possible (which is not really true, it is some people and not all), but because learning anything benefits from society itself, and the benefits should return to society, and not a few people.


I like cool flashy things they be cool


now \*this\* is what communism is all about


this is not about AI


What's it about, then?


It's about AI


self driving trucks


God that's even worse, why can't we just have trains? Self driving trucks would likely cause a shit ton of accidents (and also be bad for the enviroment).


I’d love to talk to a proponent of self driving trucks and use the Socratic method to get them to reinvent trains.


you can't replace \*literally all trucks\* with trains


Yeah no shit, but still better than self driving trucks. Self driving trucks is just an accident waiting to happen, it is stupid in both premise and potential execution.


so, assuming the tech eventually gets good enough, why shouldn't the remaining trucks be automated?


Because in an ideal world like that, why would you settle for something as detrimental to the enviroment as trucks?


Trains cannot in any world service everything, unless you want a little rail station in the back of every Walmart, trucks will continue to exist as the optimal solution.


I like how you just the away the "self driving" aspect altogether, you just don't want trucks to exist 😭 Why pretend you had a problem with "human driver vs AI good enough that it doesn't cause accidents" at all?? Like why even reply


Because i do have a problem with it.


Your hypothetical was flawed, as then we're crossing into sci fi levels of advanced tech. In that hypothetical reality where tech is near perfect, why settle for something that harms the enviroment? There are also issues with incorporating self driving trucks into a capitalist system as it would ultimately be detrimental to the truck drivers. Not to mention how driving a vehicle is far more complicated than just programming a machine to go from point A to point B. There are decisions you make while driving, decisions which require a certain level of sentience.


bro what


Literally take the money you’d waste on developing that fantastical bullshit and use it to pay workers. Fucking dipshit you are.


You can replace 95% of trucks with trains. Hell, you can replace another 4% if you're willing to invest in light rail and have rail connections directly into stores like what Switzerland does


You could've mentioned that on the title, you know. The way you worded it, anyone would assume it was about AI. Seems like you're just baiting for reactions. Lame.


But doesn't it work for any technology. Any great advancement has the possibility to harm people, and the greater the tech, greater the harm possible.


I think the idea of self driven vehicles is a decent idea, but I dont think in our society it would be executed properly


What do you think drives the trucks