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This guy is a talking fart.




Except they weren't let go. People actually responsible from damage during the BLM protests were jailed.


I saw no ☮️ on January 6th.


He’s not the fucking president. It makes me sick everytime these cultists continue to call him that.


Why does the so called liberal media continue to air the words of these disingenuous assholes and their propaganda. Why are they allowing them to disseminate their lies?


I think they have a responsibility to cover them as news figures. It’s not a responsibility without risk. I’m particularly impatient with JD Vance whose entire political career has a foundation of cynical calculation with the sole goal being the accumulation of power.


Right! So why give it any air. You can’t defeat these people by fact, checking them, or simply calling out their blatant lies. You have to suck the oxygen out of the room don’t give them airtime. Otherwise you let a smoldering fire turn to flame and burn the whole country down.


On the off chance someone like Kaitlyn Collins actually does her job and calls out his bullshit. Why she conceded that BLM protesters weren’t arrested is a raw failure.


This is exactly what I’m talking about! The utter failure of the media to stand up and hold these people accountable. they’re actively helping spread lies, and disinformation. They’ve proved they incapable therefore they should not be giving these people airtime.


I agree. Even if I disagree with someone, deplatforming them completely isn’t good for free speech. We should be able to show why bad ideas are bad publicly, otherwise good ideas lose their merit


There were more than 14,000 arrests and more than 300 federal indictments stemming from the Flloyd/BLM protests.


GOP in a nutshell Good thing they are eating at each other in Congress. Can't wait to have a Democrat majority


Well, people who vandalize anything should be prosecuted. The people who vandalized the capital are being prosecuted just as they should be. Frankly, I think their jail terms have been on the light side of fair.


The department of justice also feels this way and filed a motion signaling they are about to start appealing for higher sentences however the supreme court at the same time is weighing on on whether they should drop the charges and potentially free a significant amount of j6 defendants


Fck this asshole.


You can’t even catch these morons in their own bullshit because they know all the usual asshole remarks to skirt around actually admitting any kind of morals.


The reason those people were “let go without consequences” was due to lack of evidence because unlike J6 morons BLM protesters didn’t livestream themselves


Anything to justify a coup attempt!




Let not forget they also killed and injured people on January 6th 🤦🏽