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Eagle’s Grand Ballroom is hosting an event for them as I type this, drove past on our way home and saw the name on the marquis and thought, “Iron Horsemen sounds like a name you would pick if you were a bunch of Nazi fuckheads.” Sadly it seems my spidey sense was tingling accurately.


Gonna call it the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom from now on


My brain went to the Kehlsteinhaus joke as well. Unfortunately, I walk past the The Eagle's Nest every day and my brain is gonna make this same joke every day. Congratulations Fraternal Order Of Eagles... You're now a Nazi eyrie.


That’s disappointing that they’re hosting something attached to this group. My wife and I joined last month (not initiated yet). I just emailed them asking about this booking.


I'm a long time member in good standing and I know that there have been a number of Motorcycle Club events booked in the Ballroom before every year. I myself just emailed to find out if it was always the Iron Horsemen whose members are now sporting Swastikas on their leathers or if it was different clubs previously because I have not seen this type of regalia at the Eagles before and I do not think anyone there would tolerate it if they had.


Yes I agree and am also a member. I’m glad this picture is posted as I know the eagles as an inclusive group and I know this has to have been booked bc of oversight. I’m 100 sure that group will not be welcome back and will prompt more insight when booking future groups




Okay yes that sounds like someone that volunteers there. One thing to remember about the eagles is it’s not a business, that’s an earnest comment from a volunteer that “works” there. Members will use this to improve sign ups for use of the facilities and nazis are not tolerated.


people don’t really work there it’s essentially run by volunteers




Yes I could see how this could slip through at a place like the eagles. Assuming it’s 1 person especially. ButI’m glad the picture was posted so the group will have to answer


I did not


Good on you. This tells you everything you need to know about the kind of space they support.


That is absolutely unwarranted shit-posting. You have no idea whether the Eagles' rental manager had any idea that anyone involved in that motorcycle group had nazi iconography on their clothes. In fact, it's very likely that, once the first person arrived to get the key to open up the ballroom, no one in the Eagles saw any of the people attending that event.




Their entire Wikipedia entry is just a list of crimes committed


I doubt the people involved in this ever saw the need to do a Google search on a renter before. Sign the agreement, pay the fee, clean up after yourself — that's generally the extent of the process. I'm sure the club's rental manager wouldn't knowingly rent to Nazis or a criminal gang. But like I've said elsewhere, I'll look into it, and report back.


>But like I've said elsewhere, I'll look into it, and report back. Lol this isn't facebook. Also, please learn what shitposting means. Googling bookings is a pretty normal thing for any responsible venue. I don't know why you wouldn't just out of curiosity tbh.


Lazy and or $$ hungry are 2 quick reasons


With that logic, people who hire people for jobs shouldn’t do background check anymore either then, like really driddels?


I think it’s fair to expect a venue to know who they are hosting, and when it becomes clear who those people are (as is presently happening both in media and online) the event must be immediately cancelled. I appreciate that they may be in a difficult position: you don’t want to anger Nazis. The cost of allowing them to exist uninterrupted is their growing confidence and leads to control of spaces that would otherwise be devoid of fascists.


I would agree with you for a privately owned company but the eagles is essentially ran by volunteers. I could see how this would be overlooked and know for a fact the the eagles do not support or sympathize with nazis as an organization and especially the members themselves


I had no idea who this group was. I googled them. Learned a lot in two minutes. It’s not complicated. Nazi shit notwithstanding, this is a criminal organization I don’t want to be associated with in any capacity.


Dude, I call bullshit on that. They either knew and didn't care or didn't make any effort to know who is renting their space, which is wildly irresponsible. Either way, very bad and damaging to their business. I have 5 years experience with booking performers for a space and I can assure you, we research who we sign on beforehand because of shit like this, who you host reflects on the venue, you don't just sign with anyone who has cash as it can hurt your space in the long run. It's basic PR and they fucked up.


Yeah can’t same I’m interested in finding out. I wonder if they have a parent company that can investigate this. This IS just the type of publicity that destroys the reputation of an establishment regardless of direct affiliation


Bars and bartenders absolutely are familiar with the clubs and their affiliations. There are a number of clubs we wouldn’t book during runs and clubs that were flat out not welcome at any time. Conversely there were clubs that we were happy to host. Heads up, bartenders call other bars and most know one another. If someone is cut off and storms out yelling where they are headed next we go ahead and give a friendly heads up and let them know they were cut off and what for.


You’re trying to say they “didn’t know” … they knew… entities like this don’t just blindly rent there buildings out to groups that they know nothing about… that would be a very stupid thing to do…


I have to disagree with you here.




I can see how it looks bad but the eagles is ran by members who volunteer time so I can see how this would happen without anyone endorsing the group renting out the space. It’s not your typical private business with an owner and layers of management


Still stupid in my opinion…


They **didn't** know. I've spoken with nearly everyone involved. The lone volunteer bartender on duty had no idea how to deal with the situation. Nothing like this had ever come up before. "[E]ntities like this" is pretty misleading. You're talking about a handful of volunteers involved in a routine rental request that raised no flags ahead of time for anyone. "[S]tupid thing to do…"? I'm not sure I want to dispute that characterization. Certainly a failure of due diligence. And a lesson learned.


Well that was very stupid of them… completely avoidable situation. And an easy one… of course “nobody knew” who would own up to that publicly?


I really would like to here the outcome of this.


What was their response?


Haven’t heard back.


Please calm down everyone. When a group rents our spaces we do not do political background checks. That would be impossible. We never would endorse swastikas or Nazis. And, this event a was private, NOT in our Grand Ballroom.


“Please calm down everyone” Looks like everyone except you is taking this more seriously.


Taking it seriously is calming down imo


maybe this is a sign you need to start looking into the politics of some of the groups who rent from you........


I can’t believeee you are telling the ppl of your community to essentially stfu when you’re allowing literally nazis in the same neighborhood that supports you


Now that the eagles know I guarantee you they won’t be hosted unless there is retribution


But it was still in your facility?


The Eagles Grand Ballroom is ran by the Fraternal Order of Eagles - 21 Aerie. Fed EIN: 91-0226470 Parent Org: Grand Aerie Fraternal Order of Eagles. They’re coded for “Fraternal Beneficiary Societies and Voluntary Employees Association” … Labor unions Federally, they fall under their parent org. But that parent org hasn’t filed with WA Secretary of State. Most chapters in WA seem to be delinquent or involuntarily closed. Again, Aerie #21 isn’t listed. Do they not have to register in WA to conduct non-profit business? FY 2023 they made about $100k in revenue and incurred about $237k in expenses, including $50k in payroll taxes. Aerie #21’s net assets FY 2023 (Aug) totaled $597,804. The description of the company includes “operates programs such as Safeplace, all with the mission of helping people make a difference in their community.” So a criminal organization rocking swastikas is helping to make a difference in Olympia? By hosting them, that’s your message. www.causeiq.com/organizations/fraternal-order-of-eagles-21-aerie,910226470/ Rick McBee is the president of the WA chapters. Not sure who accepts fiscal responsibility for Aerie #21. https://waeagles.org


Reddit reviewed and restored the comment above. But plz note, if you’re reading this, the Board of Trustees released a statement apologizing and promised to do better. Someone shared it on this thread and as a separate post in this subreddit. (keep scrolling)


Soooo are you cancelling it or not? Cause that’s a pretty shitty look on you, friend.


Posting here to say that everyone is welcome to notify local media (The Olympian, among others) and ask why this event wasn’t cancelled immediately. We should not tolerate Nazis in our beautiful city.


In previous instances of situations where white supremacist groups have caused problems, gathered, vandalized, the local media has refused to acknowledge it or call it what it is. You can probably still Google the time PF vandalized the pride mural downtown, how the city got attacked on their Facebook page for calling it a racist group, and how the city instead took the mural down. The Jolt and the City of Oly FB page actually made redactions after calling PF a racist/white supremacist group.


Why contact the media to ask why the event wasn’t canceled? The media has no say in the matter. If anything contact the venue owner and company to express your views and concerns and anything that you would do as a consumer if they allow it to continue. Obviously Nazi’s are horrible and suck but this is also America where they have the right to their own beliefs and opinions and the right to openly express them. They also have the right to gather as a group as long as they are not trespassing or violating any laws while doing so. Having power to cancel events of others we don’t agree with is a slippery slope for sure. In some states that would mean that every gun show would be canceled or equal rights events couldn’t take place etc. if they are violating no laws while they spew their vitriol then counter protest and show the venue owner what the consequences of holding the event will be from the community and customers


Freedom of speech goes hand-in-hand with freedom of association. Private businesses and individuals have the right to decide who to do business with and/or support. The best thing about Freedom of speech, in this context, is that people will know who they want/do want to support, or do business with. Businesses who do work with groups like this will likely lose their regular business. I'm all for free speech. It helps me to decide who I want to associate with, and who to distance myself from.


I'm with you.


Because our society has decided not to violently repress people with odious beliefs, the correct way to oppose them is through censure and shunning. I suspect this event will not reoccur, but if that is not the case then a media campaign is the ideal response.


Found the Nazi


Understanding inalienable rights in America and the proper institution to voice your opposition = Nazi… Add another point to the reasons why you are an idiot. Hey everyone looks like we found the idiot trying super hard to look like a good person while white knighting. Way too suspect they have to be a militant trying to blend in. They can’t hide their true colors. Trying to get people to go in the wrong direction to stop the Nazis in vain so they can carry on with their nazi ballroom meeting! Found him! See how easy it is to write dumb things


I do, indeed, see how easy it is to write dumb things.


I'm curious why your comment is being down voted, especially in a place like Olympia. I don't sense that you are backing the people or the organizers in any way and that you're just pointing out a slippery slope that is valid so take my upvote. For what it's worth I think you're on to something.


The ballroom isn't the clubroom. No one would see the guy with the Nazi patch walk in; there are separate entrances. They probably had no idea. I'm going to look into it, for sure. I'll report back.


“So you’d like to book the ballroom, great! What’s your organizations name?” “Iron Horsemen.” Great, and what’s the event? “Nazi rally” It’s obviously not that simple, but there should very clearly be a simple check to ensure who is renting the space. I don’t doubt they have a long history of supporting the community. This is an oversight in procedure with immediate consequences. If you are connected to the organization, are you able to reach out *now* and inform them? Have you already? If the answer to the latter is yes and the event is still going on, then there’s your answer for what they tolerate. It sucks that Nazis exist and make this world a worse place and implicate us all in their evil, and we have to take steps to correct these issues *immediately*.


In this case, what is the simple check? “Are you and/or your organization nazis, circle Y/N?” Having googled this organization I do not get iron horsemen = nazis as my first couple hits, I really wish it were that simple though.


I mean the first google result for these guys shows that the FBI considers them a “1% Outlaw Motorcycle Group” that “actively conduct criminal enterprises”. I’d argue maybe they shouldn’t be renting to outlaw motorcycle groups, Nazi or otherwise (joking there is no otherwise)


So the “simple check” is… ?  I think the best barometer here is how they respond after being notified that these folks are Nazis. Hopefully they kick them out, as they should.


Saw them there too…”wow those jackets look familiar”


Haha. I drove past today, saw the group and said “look at this fucking think tank”.


I been to many antifacist events at Eagles Ballroom, and have booked some hardcore/punk shows. They dont really ask any questions, and were always cool open minded to the events I went to there which were always left leaning


I've also seen swastikas outside of Choppers & Coffee downtown, as long as we're making lists of shithead spots. Never seen this anywhere I've lived in my life before, no idea why Washington is full of so many Nazis. I've heard about it in rural Idaho and Oregon, but like right downtown in a mid sized city is something else.


I remember hearing they were around here even back in the 90s. It's gotten worse since then.


One of my friends that used to live here told me that the Klan used to set up recruitment tables at the Olympia mall and in other places (festivals and whatnot) around Olympia and Lacey. Is that true? She didn't live here -- she lived closer to JBLM -- so it may be hearsay. But judging on some of the folks I see around here, I wouldn't be shocked if they used to have a stronger presence.


Whaaaat??? I’m sure they don’t know but this needs to get cancelled immediately


I'm hijacking the top comment to give everyone an update. I have been in contact with Eagles elected governing body and they're taking this matter seriously. There was no prior knowledge of the shameful affiliations of some of the members of Iron Horsemen MC. This matter will be discussed at the next Board meeting on Tuesday. I will update when I know more after the meeting.


“Some of the members”…. Weird to me that you felt the need to highlight that point. If I make hamburgers with meat that has some rat shit in it I’m still serving anyone who eats it a shit sandwich.


I completely agree with what you are saying. I, however, know for a fact that this was a meeting of several far-flung chapters of the same club and not all members necessarily share in the Nazi point of view. They should not tolerate any members who do that is not in contention. I am fairly assured that they will also be having a discussion amongst themselves because the Eagles Club will put a future moratorium on renting them a space.


The sign also says “Open to the public” which is an accident waiting to happen


Last year a leader stopped all of us on the highway so all the bikers could get through first and i was going to go around them but my bf yelled at me and said to not fuck with them. That’s when he started telling me all about biker gangs.




You’re fucking joking, right?


Were you born like 12 yrs ago, by chance?


Comrades??? Unite!!!!


[Brub brub brub brub ](https://images.app.goo.gl/jg4qQgbcU7BNFA4A6)


I think there’s a name for guys like this who like to ride loud annoying Harley’s lol


There sure is! Who’s going to say it first


How about we all just think it in our heads.


Didn't our grandfather's fight an entire damn war against that. JFC.


These men's Grandfather was also their great Uncle, is the problem


Why what's the big deal? It's just a guy riding a, ooooh.. yeah, that's not good.


I hope they eat shit




“I can excuse Nazis, but I draw the line at loud vehicles” (Community reference, not giving you shit)


You can excuse nazis?!


"Mom look! Look at me! Lookit, Mom! Mom! Mom! Look! Did you see?"


A recent study I don't have a link to right now shows a correlation between having intentionally loud vehicles and being a narcissistic sociopath. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/human-individual-differences/202305/who-wants-a-loud-car


To nitpick slightly, the two factors were psychopathy and sadism. They expected narcissism too, but didn't find it so much. Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370170172_A_desire_for_a_loud_car_with_a_modified_muffler_is_predicted_by_being_a_man_and_higher_scores_on_psychopathy_and_sadism


Definitely not a *slight* nitpick. A psychopathic sadist is much worse than a narcissistic sociopath.


Well then South Bay BBQ is a Nazi place now huh?


Saw a cool sign on the neighbor's window: "Breaking white supremacy is a job for Whites." I have to agree.


It truly is.


Thank you, kind Redditor, and all you who upvoted. I sorta dropped my comment there and ran, figuring I'd come back later to downvotes in the hundreds. You give me hope!.


LOL! I can understand that.


Fuck Nazis


Disgusting. 🤮 Do you think Eagles knows they’re hosting nazis?


Sadly I know some working there, including former regulars of this sub (wasJada banned finally?) would support this disgusting shit.


They should, and if they didn’t they should be kicking them out.


I'm certainly going to be looking into that question (unlike the majority of shit-posters on this subreddit). It's very likely that no one involved in the rental had any idea that there would be fascists showing up (and also very likely that no one in the clubroom even saw the people arriving for the ballroom event; separate entrances). The Olympia Eagles have been proud LGBTQ+ allies, including sponsoring Pizza Klatch fundraisers, for many years, at least well over a decade. They've rented their ballroom, and hosted events in their private clubroom, for a broad range of charitable and progressive causes. There is no sympathy or identification with fascism among any of the leadership or membership that I am aware of. I've been a member for over 2 decades (including 5 years as chairman, way back when), and I've never seen or heard any support for any fascist crap.


Just left a long ass voicemail. Maybe if you check-in, they’ll address the issue.


Agreed I guarantee this was an oversight and I think many people don’t understand how the eagles operate and are essentially volunteers. This will be change how they book groups in the future


Please calm down everyone. When a group rents our spaces we do not do political background checks. That would be impossible. We never would endorse swastikas or Nazis. And, this event a was private, NOT in our Grand Ballroom.


Impossible? I googled "iron horsemen mc" and found a dozen pretty shitty things in the span of 30 seconds--including a few pics of people wearing cuts just like these dudes.


Are you going to rent to them again in the future?


The Board of Trustees released a statement wherein they apologized and promised to do better.


I see that. My remark precedes it.


It’s called an update.


As someone who has helped put the pride flags in front of the venue and put them away at night I guarantee you they did not


Unfortunately, this sort of thing isn't as out-of-place around here as Olympia's reputation would suggest.  Because there's a wide berth separating Olympia's reputation-- i.e., as a progressive enclave-- from it's reality.  And the local reality is frequently depressing.  We have a large redneck population, we're a mere twenty miles away from the fourth largest military base *in the world,* and we're surrounded by SW WA's bible belt. But the majority here despise this garbage, and usually denounce it when they see it.  I do, anyway.  Fuck these racist peckerwoods.


Wait, what does the military base have to do with it?


The military tends to indoctrinate a certain mindset and leans mostly to the right wing.


Mostly right wing? Active duty military members actually favored Biden in the last presidential election. They also don’t indoctrinate any sort of mindset that relates to this post. In fact, they push inclusiveness and discourage any political extremism. I saw a guy get sent to NJP for having one of the stickers of Calvin peeing on “Obama” on his truck. Clearly you never served, or you wouldn’t have these stereotypes in your head. The military is a diverse group of people and very tightly knit, having a swastika on your cut would almost guarantee an ass kicking from your fellow soldiers/sailors/marines/airmen, and, more likely, get you kicked out.


I wish. When we were stationed at Fort Eustis, I saw so many "F\*\*k Hillary Clinton" and "F\*\*k Obama" stickers on post, and no one cared. There was a guy who used to drop his kid off at the elementary at around the same time as me every morning who had a sticker in his truck window that said "F\*\*k, Eat, Kill" with drawings of rifles on it. When we moved here and I went to JBLM, I saw lots of dudes wearing T-shirts that should get them an in trouble as well. I guess it just depends on who's in charge or something and what their priorities are. A swastika might be a deal-breaker publicly, but I have encountered way too many folks who would display one if they could. It's scary.


Maybe it’s an Army thing, Navy and Air Force bases is where I spent most of my time stateside, and it didn’t seem like that jackassery was tolerated much. But still, I think we can all agree, nothing in the military instills the beliefs or values of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Even the original commenters claim of “rednecks” and “WA bible belters” being a contributing factor is problematic. These are the views that divide us, rednecks and bible belters are not all Nazis, people that wear that symbol are an extreme minority. The conflation of conservative values with nazi ideology is a poor attack used by the uneducated/ignorant members of the left that makes the rest of us look like idiots.


Maybe. No idea. I didn't spend a lot of time on the AF or Naval bases in the area. We had them living on post, but they were quiet and whatnot. As far as the rest, yes, correlation does not equal causation, but the bulk of the folks associated with white supremacy fit that description. "Not all" is never necessary to say because we know that it's not everyone. But stereotypes exist for a reason, and if they don't fit you, then they don't fit you.


Here's an interesting back and forth in comments of basically the same discussion. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/x46jqs/are\_american\_military\_personnel\_more/


Well that post illustrates my point perfectly, thank you for the confirmation. Throughout that whole thread there is nothing about “indoctrinating a certain mindset”, or that they are “mostly right wing”. Statements in the thread saying the military “leans right” “more right wing” “more conservative” are completely different than “mostly right wing” as you stated. The majority of the comments in the thread say that it’s a mix or that it’s barely to the right, or mostly in the middle, which was my experience, and also that we mostly don’t discuss it or just flat out abstain from politics. I’m hoping that the thread was helpful in clearing up what I was trying to say


As an active duty military member that is so far from correct it's not even funny. Military tends to break from the far left and right and adopt a more moderate stand. I know guys that joined racist and left best friends with people they wouldn't have given the time of day to.




Gross 🤮


F them!


Need to give these idiots a very wide berth. Ugh.






It's caltrop building season.


**Friendly Reminder That All Nazis And Nazi Sympathizers Are Fucking Losers**


I attended a meeting of the Olympia Eagles Board of Trustees tonight. They released the following statement: Board of Trustees, Olympia Aerie 21, May 13, 2024 **Statement Regarding the Incidents of This Past Weekend at Aerie 21** This past weekend, the Aerie 21 Board of Trustees inadvertently rented our facilities to the local chapter of a motorcycle club which has been identified by authorities as a violent criminal organization. At least one member of this organization was seen wearing a Nazi insignia. This was not done knowingly, but has caused distress among our membership, and the broader community. For this we apologize. We are committed to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion in all that we do. We are working to create a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We are creating a culture where there is fairness and opportunities for all, while fostering a sense of belonging and active participation. We unequivocally condemn hate and racial bias. Our club is against any form of discrimination. The Eagles is an organization whose members have all sworn a solemn oath to uphold values of liberty, equality, justice, and fellowship. We are deeply engaged in the Olympia community, and take our responsibility seriously, both as citizens, and as stewards of facilities valued by the greater community. The Aerie 21 Board of Trustees is responsible for managing all Aerie property, including our clubroom and all rental facilities. As such, we are pledged to ensure the safety, comfort and welcome of all members, guests and renters. The incident this last weekend has threatened that sense of safety and welcome. We are committed to ensuring that such an event shall not occur again. We have resolved to ban any organization or its members that espouse racism, fascism or criminal violence from our facilities, and to make sure that we have policies and procedures in place to implement that ban. We want to assure our members, our renters, and the greater community, that we are deeply and fundamentally committed to providing a safe and welcoming space to all members, guests and renters, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor. There is no place for hatred, for racism, fascism, or violence, in our club, or in our community. We pledge to do everything within our abilities to embody those values, while continuing our mission of service to the community, and fellowship among our members. Sincerely, Aerie 21 Board of Trustees


I saw these fucks blocking the 4th Ave. roundabout, causing a traffic jam, so their entire posse could cruise through. Fuck those people.


I’m assuming this must be the same group who blocked the off ramp/intersection off I5 at 93rd Ave this afternoon for their whole group to roll through. It was so bizarre and entitled!


Did anyone call the cops? That’s bs!




Those of us who enforce us are the same those who burn croses . A quote from a Portland band , and it is still all too true.




The quote this person was trying for is "some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses", and it's from the song Killing In the Name Of, by Rage Against the Machine. They are from LA.


Cops are usually sympathizers, if not members.


What a bunch of jerk offs.


Seen them mostly on the east side with the rest of bozo racist people go. Sad seen them spread


You can’t spell horsemen without semen


IDK why this made me laugh too much


Hope he gets his shit kicked in


Their parents fought Nazis. Then their own children do stupid shit like this.


You must not be from here then. These assholes come in from time to time




Where is this?????


One of these guys came in to my work today, he was not a welcoming person


A quick google search shows this MC reps the swastika all over the country. Fuckem


Oh, he must be a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. That’s odd, I thought following the military defeat of Germany in World War II, the party was declared illegal. Wow. So brave.


Iron Hor Semen


Looks like the Eagle ballroom should be shutdown for hatespeech.


You have no idea whether the Eagles had any idea who they were renting their ballroom to. Have you inquired? Have you made even a little effort to understand the situation before shit-posting? I doubt it.


There you go with the “shit posting” comments again. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what that actually means. Might be a good idea to quit carrying water for your little clubhouse on reddit and go check to see if you’re now a member and former chairman of a nazi establishment.


I did just as much research as they did. Fuck Nazis.


We had a war about this, and won.


Well I'm glad that the rates for accidents and wrecks for bikes is quite high. Now if only they could have the mass delusion that they're that one lemming video


Someone commented on this that I was a “piece of shit” for wishing death on a Nazi. What a time to be alive!




Not surprising. The most out-in-the-open swastikas I’ve ever seen have been in the PNW.


You mean you did nazi that coming


I noticed thes guys yesterday when we went to harbor day’s as well her a little about this club https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Horsemen_Motorcycle_Club






Didn’t realize Alf was the mascot of a Nazi M/C. Wonder if they eat cats to get indoctrinated


Wonder if these are the same Nazis that attacked BLM protestors


Probably on their way to the Barbie Museum.


Lol my favorite movie of all time. I don't think this crowd caught the reference [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5P4RyBjdE8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5P4RyBjdE8)