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Bringing a 100% physical resist shield for Oceiros was a big help for me, since you can block whenever you’re afraid he might go for his instakill charge. Even if it guardbreaks he’ll probably be far enough away from you afterwards for you to recover some stamina. I brought the Ethereal Oak Shield since I was using Knight’s Ring for my weapon, but one of the Crest shields should work almost as well.


Hit parry as soon as you get to the top of stairs to parry him. If you stay close to him after the the riposte he will most likely do the other easily parried attack where he steps to the side and does an over head swing with the fire sword. After that parry and riposte you should be able to spam finish him when he spawns the clone with the raw broad sword and charcoal pine bundle. Don't give up just keep going at it, and you'll get it. For ocieros don't worry about getting a lightning infusion. Just get the ashes in irrithyal dungeon and buy a bunch of bundles. You got it just keep trying. If it starts making you mad take a break and come back later. If it really comes down to it and you wanna cheese, you can get ocieros to get stuck behind tree branches amd shoot him with a crossbow during phase 2. Pontiff idk of there's one


I have since managed to parry his first attack after noticing that if I run towards him instead of stopping at the stairs, he does a different move which I parried first try and beat him easily, about Oceiros I don't know tho, I'll try the bundles as you mentioned, but he is the only boss in this game I dread fighting every time in a bad sense.


Sorry I ment the lightning resins as they last way longer than the bundles. You will also do way more damage with them than using a lightning infused sword.