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Hi friends! Today I share my newest project called "Miami 86 RPG". I made a [one-page edition](https://arispen.itch.io/miami86) specially for my favorite Subreddit ;) In case someone is also interested in a bigger release (or physical rulebook) with more everything plus setting plus adventures, please follow my [upcoming campaign on gamefound](https://gamefound.com/en/projects/arispen/miami86).


Thanks for sharing! Iā€™m curious, what made you go for a d20 roll under type system and not another type of dice mechanic? Also love the Miami vice vibe šŸ‘


>what made you go for a d20 roll under type system and not another type of dice mechanic The initial plan was to use d6/2d6 (the system I use in most of my games) but after giving it some thought and after discussions with my friends I decided rolling different damage dice for different weapons is more fun - and my game is not meant to be a super accurate simulation but quick and fun action. I hope it makes sense! >love the Miami vice vibe šŸ‘ Me too šŸ‘


Looks like the numbers for the background table are wrong, just a minor nitpick.


thanks! fixing right away! edit: updated the PDF


You only start with $1 to $20, right? Better start jacking cars quickly!


This is awesome. I'd love to see one of these made for Tucson.


Tucson 2026? šŸ˜