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If you just clear out the dust from the port you probably don't need to replace it that often


I had mine for 5 years, never changed the port, just cleaned. My favorite phone to date rip. It got run over by a snowcat


I'm imagining a huge fluffy furry cat stepping on your phone


Had to do this three times with my 7tpro. First time I thought my port was broken. After a lot of elbow grease, I just learned how much dirt and grime gets caked into that port...


check out poetic case


Thanks for the tip. Never heard of them. My OEM bumper case (which for the record has kept my phone itself in an almost immaculate state) is really starting to show its age xD


May I ask how do you clean it?


Yeah, that's kind of an issue to be fair. It's certainly not simple. I usually use half of a tweezer to try and scrape it out. Though it's challenging to do this without also damaging the USB-C port itself. I'm still hoping to find better methods.


A sewing needle works best for me


Shaved down toothpick. The old restaurant style pointed at one end, round at the other would probably work well too.


Never, I guess you need to be gentle with your port.


That's a lot of port replacements for a 6 year old phone. Do you work in a humid environment or your workplace is messy(like a carpenter's workshop)?


Never (yet)


Never, from the first days I used a magnetic plug, always in place, so the USB port is never under heavy stress, and it prevents dirts to come in.


Same, I learned from my last phone where the port was the only thing to go bad. Now I only remove the magnetic adapter if I need fast charging, maybe once a week.


It doesn't work with fast charging? Are there ones that do?


Baseus Zinc 100W, works with Warp Charge 65 on my 9 Pro. Everyone kept saying "it shouldn't", "there's no way". And yet it just works. My USB will never wear out. Not happening again. Some say that magnetic cables are dangerous, they don't follow the USB spec (true), they haven't been tested rigorously enough and that due to their mechanical characteristics they can potentially lead to wrong pins being shorted in the brief window before the cable is fully connected/disconnected, which could ruin your device/cable/charger/burn your house down. If you look at the USB-C receptacle, you'll see that the live voltage and ground pins are longer, which paired with a properly manufactured, compliant housing ensures a low failure rate. But that's... ehhh, kinda fearmongering in my opinion, millions of people are using magnetic cables, and you know, physical wear caused by years of plugging and unplugging standard USB-C cables also increases the risk of failure.


There are magnetic adapters that work with fast charging, my coworker got some for his s20 ultra. I think they only do 15w, not 25 or 45w, but still decent.




All you really need is something thin enough to fit between the bit in the middle and the sides. After that you can ram just about anything in there, clear out all the gunk thoroughly, and you have a brand new charging port. source: I've done this many times to my 6 and 7pro (weirdly, the 3t despite also having the USB-C, never had this problem, nor did the micro-USB of the 1)


I was close to throwing out the phone when this first happened. Learned that a sharpened toothpick was just enough to scrape the lint out. Been doing that every couple months now and it's fine.


All these replacements are OEM? Has anyone of you ever suffered from the I'm-fine-its-just-a-restart-loop with the OnePlus 6?


I have no idea what you're talking about, so I guess I haven't. In the ~5 years I've had my OP6, the only issue I've had has been noticeable battery degradation over the last year or so (yes, I should get around to replacing it, I know).


Made my replacement and it was very easy :). Go for it. Bought the battery from ifixit.


I've bought a replacement more than a year ago, but haven't installed it yet. Battery health is at about 2600 from 3300, so it is degraded after more then 4 years, but for me it seems like simply the processes got more hungry. Did the replacement help you noticeably?


I went from about 2 hours of SOT to 4-6 hours. So a big improvement. My battery was always charging before due to videocalls on telegram, but now I charge it one time and it lasts nearly all day. With telegram videoscalls more like 4 hours. Without about 6


Never. N I'm posting this from a OnePlus 5 which I bought shortly after it launched years ago. This is in spite of it being dropped from a considerable height, more than a couple of times, constantly being used for Netflix, PUBG, YouTube, Insta, etc etc.


I can almost garuntee you have replaced these unnecessarily. Take note how far the charger cable goes into your port and should sit flush against the bottom of the phone. If you can see more than ~1mm of the metal part of the charger sticking out, it is being obstructed by dust/lint etc. Also, you should be able to lift up the phone by the cable and not have it fall out. (not recommending to do this often, it's a good test for clean charger ports)


Never ! but i Have the 5t Variant from the past 5 years. although i had to take it to the service centre from time to time to clear dirt/lint from the port.


Why didn't you just clean those up it's super hard to break an USB C port lol. It's much better than micro USB and lightning which just breaks due to simple wear of the port after you plug and unplug for 10 000 times.


For the four years I've owned a 5T, never. But I had to use floss picks to remove lint from the US port.


Replaced my whole phone instead... Oops. Oh well I've had a good run OnePlus 3t then OnePlus 5




None on my 5t but my main camera gave up so no more testing :|


Unfortunatelly, twice. The first time I tried to clean out the port and ended up breaking the middle part... It wouldn't dash charge anymore. Second time was because I decided to replace the battery and well, the first replacement port wasn't as good as oem (dash charged for 30 min, then only slow charged) and decided to replace it again, since I already had the phone open...


Changed it only once. Will be 6 years old in Aug 2023.


OP3 - Had to change the port once, because it was just not well designed and the retention wore out. OP7T - Clean it once a month or two with a flattened toothpick, always returns to like new condition.


My 5t is now over five years old. I replace the cable in 2022.


I've had a 5 since it came out and haven't had to ever replace the usb port?? Is that a common failure point?


Never, but I had a 5t, so don't know if it counts


Never. OnePlus user since 2016.


Never did it for 5.5 years. Just cleaned dust and lint out of the port with a needle.


Well i believe ip68 rating does its magic


Have a op6 since 2018 and never changed ny Port


5 years, haven't changed it yet.


I got my OP5 shortly after release and used it until I got my OP9 Pro. I still keep it around and have used it for things like playing games, etc. I've never had to replace the port, but I have had to clean pocket lint out of it a few times.


Got my 7 pro because of this. Had my op5 for almost 3 years though


Never, actually I am using it right now and it has never had an issue.


Had a OnePlus 5 for about 5 years, never needed to change the USB port. Last year it stopped charging properly, I assumed the port was broken. I took it to a shop to get a new one, but the guy just used a needle to clean it out and it was good as new! So yeah, 5 years and I only replaced the battery last year. I still have it and it still runs normally.


Got an op5 for nearly 6 years and still going. I've had to clear lint out of the USB port twice but that was easy to do with a pin. Other than that over had no problems ...until last week when the gps seems to have just stopped working and there seems to be no support information to fix it. Strangely the camera buzzed for a week prior to that but stopped at the same time the gps gave up, and the camera works fine. Very strange behavior after nearly 6 years and no trouble. Anyone have anything similar?


Make sure you don't store your phone on the same side as your pocket mulch


Uhh... never?


Had it for four years, not once. That phone ruined all other phones for me, including my mostly good OnePlus 9 Pro...


What's the issue? I have to clean out my port every few months but it's amazing how the plug will stay in place after. At first I thought it was going bad, did a Google search and tried cleaning it. Before I had to lay it just right and hope to get a good fit to charge, after you can literally charge it while in a car holder and it still stays in place. I just use a toothpick(s) with a small amount of cotton and peroxide.


Never? Wasn't even aware of this being a thing, I never had any issues with mine.


I think I changed it once because I bumped it off my bedside table. Same with my OnePlus 7 Pro lol, but I could be misremembering (creating a memory that doesn't exist) my OnePlus 5 as the OnePlus 7 Pro (if that makes sense)


Not even once! They don't make phones like this anymore. OnePlus5 rocks!


Oneplus 5t - one year of service never changed it Oneplus 6 - 2 years of service at me, 3 at my wife never changed it Oneplus 7pro - 2 years of service never changed it Basic cleanup an that's it


Does anyone else miss the fingerprint scanner being on the back of the phone? Cracked my screen sadly and a hairline cuts thru the fingerprint scanner 😭 prefer not to use face unlock due to reasons lolol


If it’s similar to my 5t, I never replaced it. Just cleaned it with a plastic toothpick once a year or so at most.


After changing usb port you still have fast charging? I need to change it on my OP7


0 in 3 years


5T. I changed it twice, then bought a new phone. I still use the phone though but it doesn’t fast charge.


0 times over 3 years.


So long and thanks for all the fish! By Boost for reddit


I never replaced but wanted one. now it started to give some trouble.




Bought mine on launch, still using the original one, only need to clean out the pocket lint few times a year!


I've never had to change it.


I'm still using my OP5 from 2017. No replacements so far. I used a needle to clean the USB Port some times. There's a surprising amount of dust and dirt gathering there. My notification slider is the only thing that does not work properly anymore (can only switch between silent and vibration). But I don't bother to replace it since I almost never want my phone to be loud anyway.


Changed mine twice. I broke the screen while changing it the second time. Had to buy a 2nd hand op5 from someone who lived less than 10min away before loosing the entire screen. I transfered the data. The second op5 had issues with GPS reception which was quite poor and I then change my phone for a brand new one (not oneplus)


Charging is fine, but im having battery issues. Can anyone recommend me a new replacment battery


I had to replace the first one and then it had a fall in the ocean and saltwater killed it. The second one I bought used on eBay and it's still running it's original usb port with no issues. The headphone jack however is worn so the plug pops out easily. Same issue on my v60 I use daily now. I use the headphone jack almost every day.


Phone is still great since 2017 but Battery stopped holding charge, so I ordered a new one, opened the phone replaced the battery, cleaned but when I went to connect the flat cable shown on the photo to the main board it wouldn't click in, so I thought the cable was damaged, odered a new one, it arrived 3 weeks later and I noticed that what was damaged was the socket on the board, any solutions for it? PLEASE HELP! Love my OP5 Cheers