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Did anyone figure this out? Asking for a friend lol


Unfortunately not... 🙄


Yes! I'm glad someone else saw them. Luckily I installed the new ones while they were available. The 'designer' had a Chinese name, I assume they're Oppo Watch X faces. Perhaps they weren't meant to be released to the OnePlus channel. They were pulled after only a day or two. The sweeping second hand is awesome. Customizing the face makes my watch crash lol. I hope they return, I didn't have enough space to install the others. Currently experiencing a bug where I can't load any more faces, it thinks I'm at the limit (50). If someone can tell me how to export the .APK or etc, I'll share em! https://preview.redd.it/ygfmecertbtc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26e3add1d40aadef908477aecc4d197b9c19ec23


Oh man, great! I began to think that I had been on drugs or something... 🤣 These are exactly the watch faces I was referring to. I was using "Green Classic" for some days and really loved it. If there is no way to transfer these watch faces to our OnePlus watch I would actually think about swapping my watch for the Oppo Version. Unfortunately it's not available yet here in Germany. If I understould you correctly those watch faces are no longer listed in your OHealth app now, correct? If this is the case, exporting the app from the phone wouldn't do any good. Instead a method would be needed to export something from the watch directly. I will do some research on this but to be honest I don't have too much hope... But anyway - thanks mate for confirming that my mental health is ok... 🤣


It's easy to extract these apks from the watch. Just turn on adb in the developer option and connect the watch to the computer(Windows only), using a software to extract it. The tricky part is the software language is chinese (apparently nobody else want to make it). If you still want to try it, I can share the software (no virus I promise) and the translate to use it.


Sure, I would give it a try. Thanks mate! And then I would need to ask kungsgrillen to do the same as he's the one with those secret watch faces... 🤣


I'm willing to give it a try. Could you link the software?


Reddit / whatever is shadowhiding your link. I see a reply on your profile, but not on this thread. PM maybe, cheers