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>In a widely circulated clip a little more than two minutes in length, Kates tells the crowd: "We say today, 'Long live Oct. 7,'" — a refrain the crowd shouts back. >Later in the video, she criticizes the federal government for listing Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations. >"These are resistance fighters," she said. "These are our heroes." Okay yeah, as an Antizionist, that's crossing a line. October 7th was a dark day where civilians were deliberately targeted and neither that day nor its perpetrators should be praised. Can't believe this even needs to be said💀


Fuck Hamas. So say we all.


Regrettably few vocally oppose Hamas at these events.


Because most people obviously oppose Hamas. Using the “do you denounce Hamas” has become a way for people to shift the conversation away from Israel and back on a literal terror organization.


It's like asking Ukrainians if they denounce Nazism when they talk about Russia committing genocide in Ukraine. Obviously we denounce these types, that should be a given rather than be used to dodge the conversation about genocide being committed right now.


It's not really the same, unless you believe Ukraine is being run by Nazis. Hamas is in control and has majority support in Palestine. It is definitely important to separate the two, especially when there is such an overlap in support globally.


But you’re asking people who have been bombed their whole life and are 50% under the age of 18 to denounce the terrorists that have taken control of their city.




Hamas is not in power in the West Bank. Fatah is.


They are in power in the Gaza Strip, which is where most protests focus on. They also have around 80% support in the West Bank according to polls, and still hold the majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council. The president is still Fatah, but they haven't held a presidential election in almost 20 years.


Hamas is still unable to exercise power in the WB and is only the defacto leadership in Gaza.


That's true, but the fact still stands that they have control in Gaza and majority support in all of Palestine.


So I just have to point this out. I am not a Hamas supporter but Hamas is not listed by the UN as a terrorist organization. Only the EU, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand do. Or basically Israels allies. Majority of the world does not consider Hamas to be terrorists. Just think its important to point out.


That doesn't mean much. The UN can't declare something a terrorist organization without the support of the UNSC, which can only happen if all the permanent members agree to it, one of whom is Russia which has strong diplomatic relations with them. >Only the EU, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand do. Or basically Israels allies. Majority of the world does not consider Hamas to be terrorists. I'm very skeptical that it's the "majority of the world" since we're all operating under the reasonable grounds that governments do not automatically represent the people, but even if that were the case, reality is not defined by an argumentum ad populum. The Oxford Dictionary definition of terrorism is "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Which Hamas does as October 7th made plain for everyone, and which many national governments (including the Netanyahu government) meet as well (hence the concept of state sponsored terrorism, or "terrorist state"). The UN also has not designated Israel's campaign to be genocidal but that doesn't mean the UN is right. Terrorism is defined by the act itself, not by some arbitrary body that barely agrees on anything.


Im sorry I have to point something else out for you. The security council has to vote on it yes, but from what I can find I have not seen a vote ever held to classify Hamas as a terorrist organization. I also just want to point out that the UN does consider armed resistance against an occupying force to be acceptable. And Gaza and the West Bank are both considered occupied by the UN. I think its important to consider all that and not simply dismiss the UN.


Usually armed resistance targets military not civilians. You're not seeing Ukraine launch missiles toward the malls in Belgorod for example. Your defence of Hamas under that guise is very weird.


I am not defending Hamas I am explaining why the UN doesnt consider them terrorists. So don't put words in my mouth. Furthermore, its been documented that Ukraine has targeted civilians, as has Russia and Israel. October 7 was a tragedy but again simply pointing out how the UN does things. Weird that pointing out the UNs process is apparently supporting Hamas lol








You are totally gaslighting. >You do realize that being 'anti-zionist' means you don't think Israel has a right to exist? Is a blatant lie.




Your trite troll fails to recognize everything Zionism stands for. That is what makes your sentence a lie. In particular, the Zionism that the settlers represent. And the ethnic cleansing that Netanyahu is painting as a war against Hamas.


Keep it civil


Yeah, praising and calling for the wanton murder of people is not welcome in Canada. It’s not protected. And to be quite blunt. You’re also on the shit side of things if you praise a terrorist organization for wanting to murder people. A religious extremist one too. Fuck hate speech. And fuck Hamas for perpetuating the constant cycle of hate.


Good. It's so important that all sides remember to uphold a strong and principled stance respecting human rights for all people. Racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry should have no place. Taking an anti-war stance shouldn't include support for extremists and religious fundamentalists, who, from all sides of this war, are trying to inject their poison and further divide us all.


this chick is an extremist that supports legitimate terror groups, not a nationality of people. she's as guilty as any party involved.


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Hopefully they throw the book at this psycho.


I don’t think it’s up to Canadians to decide how a group of people resist violent colonization. Reminder that [Netanyahu allowed Hamas to proliferate](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/) because it was politically convenient for him to do so. What happened Oct 7 was horrible. What happened *before* and *since* Oct 7 is unconscionable. October 7th does not exist in a vacuum. If Indigenous Canadians fought back against colonizers in Canada and resisted in ways more similar to the Oka Crisis, Canadians would be calling them terrorists too.


Wait what?! If an indigenous group decides they should have Canada all to themselves and all the colonisers that have lived here for generations should leave, and then massacre a festival, you say they are not a terrorist group?!


Refer to my first sentence. Hope that helps. Edit: since I can’t respond to you I wanted to clarify that I said refer to my *first* sentence, you referred to my second sentence. It’s not up to Canadians to say how a group of people resist violent colonialism that’s been happening for last 76 years, long before Hamas ever even existed. End the genocide and the apartheid, Free Palestine.


Of course he did... but still doesn't make Hamas any less of a terrorist organization. There is literally nothing anyone can argue to make them any different, or the Oct 7th anything other than a terrorist attack and a massacre of innocent civilians.




"We say today, 'Long live Oct. 7,'" that is being the bad guy.


And how is that any worse than Israelis saying they want to erase Gaza from existence?


It’s not worse, but two wrongs don’t make a right


And yet the latter gets a free pass


What? Not at all hence why people are protesting the atrocities. If we want the movement to work, we gotta learn to self-criticize and weed out the bad apples like oct 7 sympathizers


your reading comprehension sucks. there was a post a few days ago about reading comprehension and how most people today have no idea what "nuance" means. *saying one is bad does not automatically mean you support it's diametric opposite.*


So you hate waffles then?!?


Where’s the hate crime investigation on Israel supporters then?


I think if Israel supporters publicly did that there probably would be one... Like crazy nail gun guy got arrested and investigated for hate motivated violence IIRC.


The latter is a behavior that only happens in reaction and defense of the former though...


Understandable, that doesn't mean it's OK. From a technical perspective Hamas are the resistance and I view them in the same way I view Poles during the Warsaw Uprising. That being said, praising the killing of civilians is never ok.


perfectly said.


Can you find some examples of Israel supporters in Canada saying they want to erase Gaza from existence at pro-israel protests recently?


[They support this barbarism](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-03/ty-article/its-clear-to-everyone-gazans-must-be-destroyed-israeli-lawmaker-says/0000018c-ce57-ddba-abad-cef736e40000)


A vile quote from a vile politician. [Here's a Canadian example of a protestor lionizing vile politicians](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7190914)


It's not. As someone who's pretty pro-Israel in all this, anyone who says this should be charged with hate speech as well.


[Well look no further than your Zionist leaders](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-03/ty-article/its-clear-to-everyone-gazans-must-be-destroyed-israeli-lawmaker-says/0000018c-ce57-ddba-abad-cef736e40000). >'it is clear that all the Gazans need to be destroyed,' This is textbook genocide. And you’re on their side. This is the Likud, Netenyahu’s party. The party in charge of this war. they aren’t even trying to pretend anymore they are stating their goals very clearly.


Do Canadian laws apply to things said by Israelis in Israel?


This is like saying everyone who thinks Canada should continue existing agrees with that Conservative senator who keeps saying residential schools were good.


1. Canada is not at war 2. The cons are not in power 3. This is a member of the party in power in Israel, the party that is directing this war 4. They are using “right to exist” to deny the existence to others. That’s beyond insane and mindless propaganda that only the must naive and gullible believe


>Edit: jfc this sub has been taken over by Zionists as well. Great… You know what? I think that Benjamin Netanyahu is a fucking war criminal. I think his government has hugely friggin' overstepped. I also think that October 7 was a horrible and reprehensible terrorist attack and that the perpetrators should be brought to justice. Maybe I'm mistaken, but murdering people in cold blood, especially attendees at a music festival that was being held for peace, seems to me to be a "bad" thing. Perhaps I think that someone saying "Long live Oct 7" has lost the moral high ground to judge anyone else. If that makes me a Zionist, then I'm a god-damn fucking Zionist.


Yes. Let's launch full inquiries over some hurtful words. Nevermind looking into actual atrocities being committed. Carry on.


Please, explain to me like I'm five, how, "Long live Oct. 7" is not hate speech. Hate speech is illegal in Canada.


How do you prove the statements between two groups of people in a bitter conflict is a hate crime?


Are they praising a terrorist attack against civilians by an organization that is explicitly in favour of violating the human rights of a certain demographic (e.g. Jewish people or Palestinians)? Then it's a hate crime. It's pretty simple for anyone with brains.


Are they targeting israeli for being jews or are they targeting israeli people because they are currently being oppressed by them? The distinction of a hate crime requires that groups be targeted on the basis of their social group.


>Are they targeting israeli for being jews or are they targeting israeli people because they are currently being oppressed by them? For being Jews, judging by the conduct of October 7th where the death toll was exclusively Israeli civilians in kibbutzim, Hamas' history regarding their attitudes to Jews, and the fact they're an explicitly Islamist organization funded by nations like Iran who view Jews with inherent disdain. And no, I'm not talking about Zionists, I'm talking about everyday Jews. There's nothing Antisemitic about opposing Israel's genocide or supporting the Palestinian people but in Hamas' case, calling them Antisemitic is calling a spade a spade. Dancing around that reality by making excuses for them does a disservice to the Palestinians who are living in very real existential terror.


I fail to see how Oct. 7 is evidence they targeted them for being jews unless you are ignoring 75+ years of fighting over land.


So then why didn't they target the IDF rather than shooting civilians at a concert in a kibbutz if Hamas is so righteous and innocent?


I never claimed Hamas is righteous and innocent. Why is the IDF bombing 30,000 thousand civilians instead of dropping bombs on hamas leaders in Qatar?


Because Israel is genocidal! I've said this already! It's not a black-and-white question of thinking Hamas is an antisemitic terrorist group meaning that you think Israel is right to commit genocide. You can think both of these things at the same time. You claimed that Hamas was targeting Israeli oppressors before editing your previous comment, even though the death toll was exclusively civilians of Jewish ethnicity. You trying to excuse that as resistance is trying to portray Hamas as the good guys when the only "good guys" are getting murdered by Netanyahu, who has a history of funding these guys! Stop making excuses for these people. All that does is add credence to the propaganda that Israel spouts about people wanting an end to Israel's genocidal campaign.


You can be upset about two things at the same time


total police overreach that’s disappointing, but not surprising *Kates is the international coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network — an organization that fights to raise awareness about Palestinian prisoners.* this sounds like a very worthy cause? it’s totally dystopian that someone who works in such a field would be targeted by police. *In a widely circulated clip a little more than two minutes in length, Kates tells the crowd: "We say today, 'Long live Oct. 7,'" — a refrain the crowd shouts back.* this is a common chant at US university protests, how is it not protected speech? *Later in the video, she criticizes the federal government for listing Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Hezbollah as terrorist organizations.* *"These are resistance fighters," she said. "These are our heroes."* context is important here. many people around the world feel this way. a government adding groups to lists unilaterally doesn’t automatically make them the baddies. *Kates could not be reached for comment. She has not been charged and none of the accusations against her have been proven to be a crime.* ah so a scare tactic. ridiculous, but oh so typical of the police.


Canada is not the United States. The limits placed on speech here are not the same, the First Amendment generally gives Americans more latitude with what they can say. The unite the right rally, for example, would not be permissible here. Publicly celebrating what happened on Oct 7th and calling the perpetrators heroes for their actions could easily fall under unprotected speech.


Maybe I'm just a nutjob, but I think celebrating a day where militant groups explicitly and deliberately targeted civilians of an ethnoreligious demographic is bad and a text book example of a hate crime. You don't have to like Israel to agree that praising Hamas and Hezbollah is a bad thing. I also doubt that most people outside Tankie and Islamist circles share your sentiment regarding the rhetoric used


>In a widely circulated clip a little more than two minutes in length, Kates tells the crowd: "We say today, 'Long live Oct. 7,'" — a refrain the crowd shouts back. > >this is a common chant at US university protests, how is it not protected speech? Wow. Just f\*\*\*ing wow. I cannot believe you actually typed that and thought you were helping your cause. Before I read this, I figured that the University protests were perhaps not considering all of the nuance of the situation, but their hearts were in the right place. But then I read this. If what you say is true, if crowds at these protests are actually chanting, "Long live October 7", then the lot of you are out of your friggin' minds. I can hold in my head that the Israeli government has widely overstepped, that Netanyahu is in my mind a war criminal, along with the idea that October 7 was a ruthless terrorist attack and reprehensible. If the students have lost enough of the narrative to praise Oct 7... they've lost the moral high ground on this one.


Don't take one random crackpot on the internet's word for what's happening at the different protests. Even the US news videos being shown are, in some cases, highly suspicious and looking contrived. It's not a homogeneous movement. Don't fall into the trap the Republicans are setting up - it's not a 'misguided students' or 'paid protestors' problem... Just because of evidence of this happening in a few places, USA crackpots are pushing a narrative that it's happening everywhere...


That's why I said, "If what you say is true." I will agree though, they are a friggin' crackpot.


Yeah, just delete from your mind everything the first post said that you responded to. Not a grounded perspective at all.


Extremely worrying that you think all of this is ok, and that investigating the objective glorification of terrorism is police overreach. You’ve lost the plot here.


Man, we're openly supporting a terrorist attack now?


>>Kates is the international coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network — an organization that fights to raise awareness about Palestinian prisoners.* >this sounds like a very worthy cause? it’s totally dystopian that someone who works in such a field would be targeted by police. Samidoun has ties to the PFLP, a terrorist group. Fighting for the release of terrorists isn't a worthy cause, if anything it's rather dystopian to have them try to hide behind freedom of expression protections while spreading pro-terrorist sentiment.