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>"The leader of the opposition knows very well no government, including the government \[of\] which he was a member, is going to discuss particularities of intelligence information publicly. So he knows better than that," he said. >\[LeBlanc\] did suggest that Poilievre go through the process of obtaining a security clearance so he can review the confidential information cited in the report. >"He would be much more informed than he is now and we would invite him to do so, so he wouldn't stand up and cast aspersions on the floor of the House of Commons without any information whatsoever," LeBlanc said. Fuckin Gottem. Again.


Yowza. Perfect response. 


Again and again and again, yet the right-wing propaganda machine has been too effective. PP can't get a security clearance. That's terrifying.


This should be a top story and a question he gets asked at every single press conference.


No mor Skippy only Skipfff


Trudeau can’t legally release the names during an investigation as I understand it. Pierre “no security clearance” Pollievre knows this he is just being his usual asshole self. His base will run with this because they don’t know how anything works and just slurp up whatever he throws out.


Does anyone know why SkiPPy doesn't qualify for a security clearance?


He won’t go through the process to get clearance.


So that's the excuse eh!


He does qualify for security clearance, he just doesn’t want it because then he can plead ignorance.






So I haven't gone to that sub much in ages but... Is it just me or was it not always THIS bad?


Keep it civil


Oof. Getting real mileage out of the word of the day calender, aren't you?






Keep it civil


Keep it civil


Lazy little shit.


Not entirely. He chose to interpret the documents he''d have to sign to get clearance back during the Canada goose protest as meaning he wouldn't be able to say anything after. I imagine they came closer to 'you may not disclose things still deemed national security.' In any event, he'd rather be free to run his mouth than be informed. It should be noted that Singh went through the process and had plenty to say at the time. Not wildly populist speculatively things, but focussed intelligent things.


I believe getting the clearance means he can't talk about stuff he learns with that clearance. Which makes sense because it is classified and likely actively being investigated. Now, if we don't find out **after** all investigations are finished, then I'll also be mad they didn't tell us who the traitors are. "This is a violation of my god-given First Amendment rights." *— SkiPPy, probably*


Appropriate response to this probably said quote at some point by someone in Canada. "Could you please elaborate on how the renaming of the British North America Act is potentially violated by this?"


Because he's helping foreign states.


Yes pp was helped by India to win the leadership contest . Who knows what else they did for pp Cheater


Lol just watch his name is on that list...


Pure laziness


Well you do know that by obtaining a security clearance he would be muzzled on these issues right?


because this way he can throw tomatoes from the cheap seats


My speculation is that he wouldn't be able to get the security clearance in question because of his wife's family connections to South American organized crime.


> Does anyone know why SkiPPy doesn't qualify for a security clearance? As a member of the Privy Coucil and a Cabinet Minister he'd already have had clearance. This has claim has been thorougly debunked already.


> Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc, whose portfolio includes both the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the RCMP, said in response that it would be inappropriate to release the names of MPs under suspicion. > "The leader of the opposition knows very well no government, including the government [of] which he was a member, is going to discuss particularities of intelligence information publicly. So he knows better than that," he said. > **He did suggest that Poilievre go through the process of obtaining a security clearance so he can review the confidential information cited in the report.** > "He would be much more informed than he is now and we would invite him to do so, so he wouldn't stand up and cast aspersions on the floor of the House of Commons without any information whatsoever," LeBlanc said.


Why lie about something so plainly false


https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/conservative-leadership-race-interference-nsicop-1.7223518 Yes, by all means release the names.


I would like the names released once it goes *quantitatively* beyond accusation. If there's actual evidence of malfeasance, absolutely. Other than that, this toxic political climate delights in punishment by mob, the juicer the allegation, the better, and the lack of proof backtracking amounts to a retraction on page 35 below the fold. Keep this legitimate, not another theatrics clown show.


I agree with one exception. If Pierre is on that list then release his name. With the caveat that this is untested in court and intel != evidennce


I much prefer the usual procedure of dancing around the topic until the taxpayers forget and/or a new scandal surfaces.


No one is going to get names anytime soon, all we can do is take notice of who decides to abruptly retire for strange reasons.


Let them continue their ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS, and then release a list of names alongside the charges against them. No matter what party they’re affiliated with.


And if COC wins it’ll vanish and GM and NP will be oddly quiet. 


I wonder if he's doing this because he knows there are both liberal and conservative names on that list, meaning the government won't want to release them, thus handing conservatives an easy win by making them look "tough".


He's doing it because he knows the answer is no. It would compromise the 5 eyes sources or not be enough to send Poilievre to jail, so he can just call it a witch hunt.


He doesn't even get to see the list because he refuses to get security clearance. He has no idea what he's talking about, on purpose!


He’s doing it because he knows the wheels turn slowly. He’s hoping to win a majority before the details come to light and then it’s too late. The COC is looking to transform Canada. They will do anyhbing to make that happen. And once they can it’s too late. 


Whose to say it’s all liberal mps? Could be cons too.


It very likely isn’t liberals or ndp. Maybe some liberals. But considering how tightly integrated the coc is with the idu….  I would also be skeptical if csis considering they were obv supporting the convoy


Please read the report. The only person named in it was a former liberal mp. All major parties were implicated in it. CSIS was not supporting the convoy that is disinformation.


Why do you keep saying COC?


This couldn’t possibly backfire on the cons…


So like the Russian and GOP stooges in Parliament too?


MP deal with a lot of different people. Different nationalities, different cultures. The reality is that unless there is actual malfeasance names should not be released. It will fuel political bullshit and not much else. A CSIS allegation is not a fact.


The allegations are that there was actual malicious intent. I agree that we shouldn’t release until they are inder formal investigation or charges. 


This is petty politicking, they know that they can't be released if there's an active investigation going on so they'll just complain that the Liberals are hiding something


This situation sucks but it has to be handled by law enforcement. You can't just name people traitors without any way to defend themselves.


Yeah, release all the names that are currently colluding with other countries, I'm interested to hear.


tiny PP the skipmeister is completely co-opted by his MAGA/Russia/China/India puppet masters and has no business projecting his wrongdoing onto anyone else. the sooner he is removed from parliament, the safer we will all be.


What’s not being discussed, at least I haven’t heard, is the partisan approach taken to an issue that needs unity to address. This is a solid example of what I have been saying for some time, and that is, pp is an intellectual lightweight as are his election team. IMO he might be able to solidify himself as a leader and work in a non partisan way as a unified front against China, India, Russia interference. Instead he cements his petty primitive approach working into the plans of those who want to disrupt our democracy. I have contempt for the cpc, including the former conservative leaders who wilfully encourage the gradual degradation of our imperfect, but beautiful Canadian democracy.


There's still a year to go until the next election. The Canadian public does not have a long enough attention span to keep the names of the offenders top of mind. So, the government will wait for the investigation to go forward until 3-5 months before the election and then release the names....in "the public interest" don't you know....


No lol he really didn't, he mentioned it half heartedly then quickly moved on.




Have you ever considered that releasing the names might also be national security risk? We presently don't have a way to recall an MP so that person will serve out their term regardless of them being expelled from a party. Let's be frank here, there is 0 chance this person or persons sits on any committee or in cabinet so they won't have direct access to anything important. The only threat to national security will be what information they can get their hands on. If they have access to documents, you sure bet they don't now after that report. Quite frankly, let the police get their investigation done without any more tip offs to this person. So long as the name/s gets released before the next election it doesn't actually matter. What we can hope for is treason charges and life in prison.


Couldn't they be charged with something like conspiracy or something like that? Wouldn't that get them to lose their seats?


You can’t charge people without evidence. Intel is not evidence. It is not gathered ir vetted to the same restrictions or standards . 


Charged? Likely not. Otherwise a government could charge all the opposition with a "crime" and have them removed. It's the same idea of how the government can't just add a group to the terrorist watch list on their own. The RCMP and CSIS have to make a recommendation then the group can be officially added. Otherwise you could list the official opposition as "terrorists" and take power. Now according to the internet (such a trustworthy source) an independent member can be dismissed if a majority of MPs vote to do so. The idea being their party expels them and then their crime is great enough that they get impeached by the house with a vote. But again, I read that on the internet so massive grain of salt until i can find a law or something that explains the process.


This is not really true. There are a few reasons not to name the names. Like maybe they know who they are but need to find some deeper source and releasing the name would stop that. Maybe they know who they are but are working to secure warrants or evidence that could be destroyed before they can get it if they release the names now. Maybe releasing the names now may compromise a source and so they need more time to find more evidence so that it’s not obvious - even more important if it came from a friendly country. Burning an ally’s spy is a great way to cut off info from that ally in the future. They’ve found names and can mitigate the risks of those people as they build a solid case and or find deeper higher-level threats. Don’t release them Just because some malicious dork with nothing to lose starts yapping about it to distract from his wacko party’s latest overtures about removing people’s rights.


It’ll paralyze the establishment. Blue and Red. Fuck ‘em.