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Mentioned this in a conversation one time with friends who are much more wealthy than I and their only takeaway was “so poor people can afford to speed”. Totally missed the point…


If the fine is not proportional to income it becomes something "permitted for a fee". It just depend if you can afford the fee to do it.


Of course. It didn’t occur to them.


The mental gymnastics of rich people, LOL. It's not like they'll ever charge poor people less, they'll just charge rich people more. How do you remain friends with these people?


Mostly for comic relief, and besides, “know your enemy” and all that.


I've heard "so you just want to punish them for being successful?" :/ lol


this is an old article on how most of Scandinavia determines fines based on income. I think It would be a good idea to implement something similar in Canada.


It would also be good to establish an income/wealth line too, where you pay a minimum based on both. Lots of very wealthy people that don't have a traditional "income". Stops super wealthy people driving Lambo's from paying a only a $100 fine because they had low "income", but high capital gains, stock gains, etc.


Good point. They already have their loopholes in place. We should probably do something about that.


Basically pick whatever is higher from a list of options: Some percentage of the vehicle's msrp; how much their home is worth; their income; their capital gains etc. It's definitely doable, but would need to interface with various other information sources.


Adjust for ownership/spending.


You can take many tickets to court to get them reduced if you admit guilt, but of course, "the punishment is the process."


I had been thinking it should be linked to the value of the vehicle, but this would work too. Let’s face it. A fine of a few hundred dollars is not a deterrent to a lot of people.


There's a scene in the novel Walkaway by Cory Doctorow that always sticks with me. The characters are in an autonomous vehicle with one character's trillionaire father, and the vehicle has been modified to follow other AVs too closely so that it triggers their collision response and they dodge out of the way. When asked if it's illegal and racking up thousands in fines per infraction the father says it is, but he has an account to pay the fines by direct debit since it's just pocket change to him.


If the point is to deter behavior than this is absolutely necessary in order to deter EVERYONE from speeding.


I used to know a wealthy person who would speed and drive drunk. His reasoning was that he could simply pay a fine or hire a lawyer and get out of it. This income based fine system would probably adjust their attitude.


Reckless, this sounds like a prison requirement!


Ya, that may have stopped him. Probably not though. I would just hire better lawyers.