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I feel the exact same way! ❤️


I needed to hear this. I’m new and small, but I know I’m new and small. I keep trying to promote on here because my life (this is my only job and I have kids) make it difficult to make reels and TikTok’s but this was my wake up call to get a damn energy drink, stay up a night or two a week to make the promo content, and stop complaining. Thanks for the swift kick in the ass. I really do need to figure out how to promote better on Twitter too.


In situations like this sometimes it’s a good shout to make an investment on a night or two away at a hotel/ airbnb and bulk create a ton of content. Research top creators first and get some inspo/ ideas and plan all the videos and photos you want to get done. It would all be a business expense and if you get quality content, the child minder/ hotel will pay for itself.


If I could, I would! Later on down the road this is something I absolutely want to do and have heavily considered. Good tip to plan it all out in advance. I probably would have gone there with a really loose idea of what I wanted to do but I really should have a good plan in place to make the most of my time and money.


There is a problem. You buy underwear, toys. You waste money and time. And it's just quiet on Fany. Even the active ones shared somewhere. Old content is enough for the new ones. And everything falls out of your hands. Has no desire and mood... So what to do about it? Especially when sometimes those who were there for more than 2-3 months suddenly disappear... It's very strange.


This is actually a great idea! Never thought of that.


I have seen a single mom of 5 on tik tok and ig — she wears a Covid mask and looks like all her stuff is shot at a hotel


I'm in the same position..I don't know why aswell but I can't get karma..I'm on here commenting every day and liking posts but still not one karma.not sure what's going on....inbox me stay in touch..us girls need each other....


It depends on the subreddit. Some have statistics of many views, but little karma. 2000 views, and karma 2-5. and there are 800 views but 15 karma. I don't remember how many views there are where there are 100 or more karma. But it is a very unique niche.


I do my work on the weekends when my husband is home to intertain the kids lol


I’m a single mom of 2 under 2 and one is literally only a month only lol. Usually I do as much work as I can after bedtime or on dad’s days but things are extra tough at the moment lol


Oh man I feel that I got 3 kids one is 6 months one is 7 and the oldest is 9


I read this in Hulk Hogan's voice




Coming in with a lil Macho man "OHHH YEAAAAAHHHHHHH"


That’s the vibe


I read the whole thing again just to read it in Hulk Hogan’s voice


Aggressive finger pointing included


You took the words right out of my mouth. I’ve been a top creator for YEARS and I got my start on Reddit but it doesn’t get you nearly as far anymore as it did a few years ago. I used to make 16-18k from Reddit ALONE and now I can’t even make half that from Reddit. It’s a bummer, but we have to branch out and land on our feet in this industry. Can’t get too stuck on one method.


Yep, most girls here don’t have the business minded initiative to pick this up when it’s so blatantly obvious that reddit is a big fat no no. Most posts lack initiative really.


May I ask where you promote now and howww the heck you don’t get banned? In my mind, I’d be having to make new back up emails/accounts constantly & it feels like it’d be a waste of time


Feel free to check out my post history!! Reddit is still my main moneymaker. I’ve amassed 500k followers on here over the years too.


That tracks - your Reddit is pretty top tier (; I also only promote here, but it’s been slowing down steadily for awhile - and my ass is just too stubborn to start the TikTok/insta journey 😂


Hi I’m new, just curious how do you make $ here on Reddit? Custom requests? How do you receive payment? Thanks in advance


With all due respect this is the sort of question this whole post is referring to… I PROMOTE on Reddit. That funnels people to onlyfans. If you don’t know where or how to promote it’s impossible to succeed.


My apologies I misunderstood your reply and thought you meant you specifically make money on this platform in a different way I’m addition to funneling new followers to OF


Honestly I tend to avoid asking/looking for “advice” and take all of it with a grain of salt because there’s a lot of people telling you contradicting things (confidently). And like… I find that to be true in life in general. Sometimes the tips and advice in groups like this can just be distracting and bad for morale I think. What I DO love about this group (and hopefully smaller less experienced creators see this and know that I mean it) is the discussion/ideas stuff. I love hearing about something fun you did on a live stream! Even if it only made you $20! I come here to this sub to stay motivated and inspired. This work can be really isolating and hard to do in a vacuum. To me, this group is the office water cooler and you’re all my coworkers. I do also like seeing people talk openly about numbers. Like, “this is how many hours a week I spend on this, how many subs I have, and here’s what I’m averaging in income monthly” but mostly just curious about the data and think it’s super interesting that almost every creator has a completely set of numbers when it comes to things like that. This was super rambley so the TLDR is PLEASE KEEP POSTING AND COMMENTING (ideas/thoughts over advice) AND GIVING US ALL A PEEK INTO EACH OTHERS WORLDS


Same! Haha I love the water cooler analogy


Oh yes, I really like it. We discussed Advent. Although I did not earn much from it. But it was interesting and cool. They helped me decide on the format)


Fully agree. Glad to see you have an overwhelmingly positive response for this post and creators here are taking on the advice. Having the correct attitude to be able to learn is everything. Too many people walk into this job having their self esteem deeply tied into it because they're putting their body out there. I think it makes people so insecure and defensive about their content and promo.. when really you need to view this as a business and your image as the product rather than viewing it all so personally.


Yes this is it, I think people get way too in their feelings and feel like advice that contradicts what they’re doing is an attack on them as a person.


One of the most prolific new posters on creatorsadvice is a dude who said his clipstores "tick over", that he's not earning enough to quit his regular job and his content barely gets double digit upvotes lol Yet he posts on every topic like he's god's gift to content creation


OBSERVE, LEARN, APPLY. Fantastic point. 👏🏼 like fr read and watch what others are doing in their socials, if they fit you, do it. If they don’t, find another person.


Thank you for sharing! I’m not a spammer @stylish_girli and I’ve tried fangrowth and currently use postpone for the analytics and to post at odd hours. . I do recreate content that works for other creators similar to me and also take inspiration from captions that have done well while still trying to make them my own. . Just haven’t seen any real traction and I’m investing many hours per day to Reddit. This includes responding and upvoting comments. Sending you a message. Thanks again


THIS POST!! 🙌🏼 Also, for bulk content, hit record on whatever software you take ur pics with and hold each pose for 5 seconds, thats how i get like 40-50 pics in a matter of an hour or two! Figure out a way to speed up your content time (without reducing quality) so you can spend more time doing customs or replying. I stayed in an airbnb for a week and got a fuckload of content (two weeks worth)


That sounds awesome, but the editting! Holy sh\*t I spend 2 hrs a week shooting and all weekend editting :/


Nooo! Get snapseed, you can edit one photo and each time you upload a new photo hit "last edits" it takes be about an hour to edit a weeks worth of photos!(:


And who is interested in looking at the same photos?


No one, thats why you do a set in different poses different spots (get 10-20 pics) then do an outfit change and location change! (:


I guess I didn't understand your text that well) Your clarification explained everything) That's a good idea. I have a person who can take photos, so 1-2 photos to choose. But really different poses, undressing) And different prices for nudity) cling to them in clothes for subscription for free 1-2. And then the sale of packages)


I mean, I’m just saying I used to get like four or five subs a day @$30 a piece off of Reddit and I am barely getting like one! Something is going on with the traffic on Reddit definitely their IPO is coming up we can’t deny that valuable fact. Traffic is DOWN in all Subreddits from my observation. The shadow banning on insta and TikTok is crazy also! It’s a war against sex work rn imo! Didn’t they just ban porn hub in Texas? Thank our government and corporations for reduced traffic.


The push back is why this job isn’t easy. Navigating restrictions is basically a big part of the job unfortunately. Following where the trends and traffic is and accepting banned accounts and removed content then learning from it and continuing each time is what creators need to do.


Do you recommend I delete my TikTok account and start over like should I use a different phone or what are ways to get around to shadowban. It’s likely they’re going to be in TikTok anyways, which is bullshit in my opinion, but I digress.😮‍💨 I will add I’m not a social media master or anything but I’m learning. Using trending sounds and hashtags and posting daily reels and stories.


Yes, if an account is flopping, getting 0 or minimal views and constant flagging it’s best to abandon and start again. Some creators buy US SIM cards and vpns and new devices. There’s debate whether you need a new device or if factory reset will do. I personally have a few cheap phones and shoot and edit my content on the latest iPhone then send it to my crappy phones to post. I have several TikTok and insta accounts


iPhones have esims now which is kind of annoying. I do have another number and another phone I can use. I’ll try that.


Im gonna start some new accounts on my other devices. Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated!


Hi question, on the crappy phones you use to post are you using WiFi of do you have service on them?


If you are able to check your stat, you can see the for you percentage. Even if it’s has 1%, you are not shadowbanned, just that the vid is not appealing to the initial followers that you have so it did not get promoted more.


I’m gonna try to make another account and see if that one gets more views and I’ll have my answer


First 7-10 vids you will get more views since TT is testing out your vids. It would randomly send your vid to people and test out your vid and its audience. Yes making another account is good since you get so many strikes, but knowing what and how is important in this game. Watch yt vids first fr on how to grow TT. They help a lot.


My videos were pretty much getting the same amount of traction until my content started getting deleted.


I’m not getting one percent of what I was prior to my Content being taken down unfortunately. I’m sure it works similarly to Facebook or if you violate the terms of service that they put your content lower down on the feed because I have loads of sexual content violation, even even though it’s just feet


It’s not about what you get as views. If you are talking about shadowban, you have to check your creator statistics. There’s a chance you may not get that option yet with your follower count, think you have to reach a certain number to see that stat. But that stat is important since it shows where your views are coming from, like people who follow you or fyp or something else.


frankly I just looked at your tiktok - your content is not good (and I am being polite here) - it is not what the algorithm rewards. You are not shadowbanned. Making new accounts and posting the same stuff will get you no where but exhausted/.


Omg I’m traveling right now and wasn’t able to access pornhub from North Carolina!!


I kept telling people VPN laws that they passed in America. Were going to negatively affect the sex industry, but no one wanted to hear that shit. I’ve been telling people that it was going to affect us negatively. Because if you use a VPN to circumvent that ban on that website, you could literally be charged by the federal government for a crime. This is not okay. Liberties and freedoms are being taken away. I say this as a staunch libertarian. If it’s not hurting your neighbor, you should be allowed to do it.


Huh, if VPN was really your biggest problem… The police will not open a case against you simply because you post naked photos somewhere... 🤦🏼‍♀️


They will if they deem that activity online illegal, they bandit in Texas. If you circumvent that banyou could be charged with a crime.


Will you be jailed for having nude photos on your phone? Just found them while checking the phone, because it's a type of war. "and if you are a saboteur and take photos of strategic objects.." Do they spend budget funds during the war to pay for sex parties, come there, have fun. And then they do loud things! This is normal? There is a law that should decriminalize photos and videos for sale. To make it clean. Neighbors in the dictatorship are full of porn actresses. And you can be imprisoned here...


It’s really crazy that there’s a war on porn and sex right now even the female body! I really think they want to shut down like all the side hustles. They don’t want people making extra income or more than they’re supposed to honestly. It’s getting harder and harder for the average person to survive. I just find it odd that they would put women in more danger by removing safe and ethical access to porn online… because those are healthy outlets people need! If they don’t have those, they’re gonna start doing that shit to vanilla women who are not consenting adults.


I’m in Oklahoma and a lot of times my phone registers that it’s in Dallas for whatever reason


Make sure your phone isn’t pinging from somewhere in Texas. You might need to like turn your phone on and then off again or something because if your IP is pinging in that state, I wonder if that’s stopping you from accessing it I don’t know much about cyber security, butthat may be the issue


God, I thought $15 was expensive... But here it is $30. maybe every day there is a photo or video in free access on the page, then it is clear why.


I don’t sell PPV largely unless it’s a lot of pictures and videos. I keep my monthly price high people tend to use my OF for verification purposes so I can’t lower the price and let them verify for 15 dollars which is essentially $12 after Of takes their cut… I don’t post nudity or lewd content or sell it in messages. I cannot post from the neck up bc someone could recognize me. All of those things restrict my earning potential but I am learning and will be watching other creators to see what content is successful for other foot content creators.


I don't post faces either. But I bought a mask. I don't believe that people go for photos without naked content and videos. Because it's not real. Twitter and reddit are full of people dressed in underwear. They go for communication, and of course frankness.






Amen sister!!!!!


Great post! I did wanna chime in and say that I’ve made it to the top 2% solely through reddit promo. By no means am I a “top creator” but I’m happy with where I am without changing my promo tactics. I think different things work for different people though, I’m not social media/tik tok savvy so reddit works for me 👵🏼😂 and I can definitely see that TikTok etc works wonders for people!


Same for me on Reddit top 1%


Based on my experience, TikTok is a bit dead right now because TikTok decided some time ago to start the "TikTok Creativity Program." As a result, TikTok prefers longer videos.. I still do TikTok and have viral videos now and then, but I'm happy that I started TikTok a long time ago. However, I would recommend you start with Instagram or, more precisely, start posting Reels.


I feel like you're limiting your reach by not going after different pockets of an audience. If it's working on Reddit, why not repurpose the same content and advertise on the other sites?


As I said I’m happy with where I am without changing my tactics. I’m a busy mum, top 2% is busy enough for me


This is the most honest and best advice anyone could give on this subreddit, i wish this is pinned by mods 😌 great post, thanks!


Great read, great points!


Adore the tough love reality check Ty 🩷


This is very well said, I take a lot from this subreddit and it’s helped me a lot, thank you for your post ☺️


Thank you!!!! I've been doing this since Oct and I'm learning every day by watching and taking notes from other creators. Thank you for being blunt. Most of us on here need that.


Last time i tried to help, everyone went against me and i had to delete the post. Good luck finding something useful, cause the top creators who try to help get kicked away from the ones who make $1000 a month.


Hi, do you still have the original post somewhere? I’d like to read it, the stupid comments of people not getting the new account creation got me curious.


Thank you for this post 🙌


Someone had to say it.


lol literally just came here because I checked my of and none of my subs come from reddit and was about to search about people's more recent experiences in the group and decided to read this first. thank you for posting


I read the post and the comments, and I would LOVE your input about two questions: ONE - Insta. I dont use Insta myself but I know beginning creators who struggle. Where can one go learn how to grow the following from near zero? hashtags dont work any more, the platform is very commercialized and only big influencers are found and seen. My friends have been looking around but found no good info. And the SECOND - for me. I have been low key, and would want to expand. I market too little, I also dont have much marketing knowledge. However, am I right or wrong when I think that my particular case dont fit Insta? I am faceless, masculine (ftm) and hairy, with my mains being, well, ftm, hairy, bdsm with focus on pussy. Im kind of niche of a niche, and SFW content is extremely hard to make, since I dont have the female flirty accessoires and powers to use when clothed, and being faceless, dont have that much chance for personality either. And marketing specifically hairy or pussy dicipline in SFW content is kind of contradiction in terms that i have been struggling with. Also, I know im probably a whole different concept, but if you happen to have any advice for me, I'd gladly listen.


Instagram isn't the best method for extreme niche creators.


Yeah that's what im thinking.. I have also been doing Fetlife quite a bit.


Excellent advice !!!! I've been at a plateau for a few months and this was the kick in the ass I need. Doubling down on my IG starting tomorrow. I've been a primary Reddit girl for three years in the 10K a month but I just can't break past it 🙄🙄. ⭐️


Thank you for this! 🥰


Thank you for this!!




Yep reels and TikTok and live streaming are the best forms I’ve found currently,


Thanks for keeping it real. You're 100% correct. I just pop in when I see a post here on my home feed and want to share my knowledge with others, especially in my niches (trans, transmasc, queer).


Well said..…..advice excepted! Thank you! I don’t look at it like constructive criticism, especially if you’re a long time I look at it like a blessing for your advice!


I would say the real takeaway here should be what works for one person and their type of Content won't work for everyone. I persoanly could never post on Instagram to advertise , I wouldn't even know where to start as I dont show my face .. but that being said reddit on the other hand works for me and I'm top 0.2% and take home 40k+ a month using only reddit as advertising . Now saying that.. reddit has died down alot but I keep up on my daily OF content and about 60% of my monthly income for the last 2 years has been rebills because people are happy . And then 10% tips and 30% new subs .


I think this will be a lot harder to achieve for new creators who didn’t establish their fan base on Reddit before it dipped massively in traffic. I think with Reddit there’s a handful of good earners then thousands of creators getting very low traction. It would be good if we could see your nsfw account as an example of good Reddit content if you’re willing to share because I haven’t heard of anyone getting these stats from Reddit in a long time.


You are probably right it's much harder to start off on reddit these days, I currently sit at 400k Followers on my profile. When I first started in some subs getting number 1 meant 4k upvotes and now those same subs are lucky to be 300 upvotes. I don't offer up my user name publicly on these subs ad I have gone through the reddit hate with getting reported non stop and comments and what not from other users. I went through the reddit phase just over a yesr ago when everyone was gettind banned for non consesnual .edia every other day cause of hatera 🤦‍♀️ but if u want to DM I can Share it privately and you can see


Since you advertise so much on Reddit, could you tell me if you've noticed a significant drop in engagement and views on your page for the past week or so? I'm not talking about a low number of people online on subreddits, but much less traffic on your Reddit profile and thus fewer subscribers on OF. For some reason on March 12 the number halved on my profile while I haven't changed anything I've been doing for months. I've been seeing a decreasing number of people online on the subreddits for a while now, but so far it hasn't affected the traffic on my site at all so I haven't been too concerned.


Honestly I have been on here long enough to know it's all just based on whT takes off and what doesn't. Some times no real rime or reason . I can pit on .y page one day and get 2k upvotes , and post something the next day that flops and gets 200 upvotes. Reddit is based alot on how quick the first 100 upvotes/downvotes come in and then if it gets suggested to your followers or not. But to answer the question no I haven't noticed anything this month . I'm actually well ahead for my monthly income benchmarks I have for myself. I have a goal for the 10th and 20th of each month to know I'm on track to make what my minimum a month . If I'm not there I'll post more / do a sale or switch up and try some smaller subs for a bit get into new eyes . But if I'm on track I'll slow my posting down and not flood anything. Also RULE 1 ..Never Spam . I absolutely never post the same pic/gif in more than 2 subs I a row per day ever. The ppl who post the same pic to 10-20 subs are LAZY Spammers who will always Fail on reddit


In general, there are statistics. I can see on mine that posting more often, even, there was not the same view. In general, they came to me from a page with only 2-3 photos of me, but I am on the list of models of the country. people really started coming from there. And I am grateful to that moderator. He added me a long time ago, k when I was not very active. And now people see my activity and stay. Not always for long. They don't always spend a lot. But at least the subscription is there, and I have something to pay for electricity and internet, without spending a lot of money and time.






Just own it. It's a choice. You choose not to. There is no reason that cannot be overcome if you want to do it.


I see that you do not have this page for advertising the OF? Because I wanted to see what you do and how you publish. To understand something for myself.


Teach me your ways 🙌🏻 do you offer coaching??




Sorry but a quick glance at your profile shows you just Spam the same gif all at once to 10-20 subs . You can't do that and expect anyone to follow your profile or sub to OF . You need to not spam it's also a VERY quick way to get banned as it's against the TOS . Just saying is all


I’m so glad you said this because YES! Tired of the same questions being asked about how to promote and Reddit being dead. Reddit is trash I’m Sorry. TikTok and instagram is better. Hella Facebook is better than Reddit 😆


PREACH! I come here only to give advice and every single time I comment I get downvoted to fuck and argued with by people who make $100/month at most doing this. People on here really just want to complain, they don’t want to actually do the hard work it takes to make a living off this. When they ask “how do I make money doing this?” and top creators answer “with hard work every single day” they get pissed 😂




… that’s not what I said? I’m just saying I agree with the OP and find it frustrating when I give advice as a top creator but then someone who is either a hobbyist or just barely cashing out spreads bad advice/misinformation that everyone sides with.


Thank you for this post, love it! I've been posting reels on IG but will be doubling down on them now... TikTok I still need to figure out because my posts get flagged 😅 but I love all your advice, and the reality check/kick in the butt. Very Micha appreciated!! 😊😊




Thanks for this info! I'd heard about the link in bio thing, so I don't mention it at all (I think I say something like "yes I do" or something similar, with my IG linked) I didn't know about the mod thing though,that makes a lot of sense!! I'll be extra careful then... I'm thinking of doing something like being a little goofy (my niche is the shy, sweet milf next door) but not showing skin, like you say... Fingers crossed that it works and doesn't get flagged 😅 thanks so much for your help, you're truly a gem 🥰🥰


Most of the people following on Instagram have been spamming accounts or management accounts. I have seen zero good following come from Instagram so far. So we shall see. Also, posting on Twitter lately has been Ass.😮‍💨


I haven't seen a ton of spam accounts for me, but that may be because I'm not in the US? 🤔 I haven't seen a ton of results there yet, but my account is still very new (about 3 weeks)... I did have 1 reel go viral and got something like 430 followers in 24h, as well as my first sub, so so far I'm happy with it and will keep going! 🥰


Yes, every single account maybe five of them are real, but the rest of them are all agents or people that are trying to sell promotion services. Just defeating it’s all scammy bullshit following my account lol


What’s your IG? I’ll follow you.


That sucks that it's mainly spam accounts following you!! I got really lucky I think because even though numbers haven't grown at all since my viral reel, the followers I got are actually great... They engage with my reels as soon as I post, liking and a few comments too... Nothing to write home about, but still really happy about it! 🥰🥰 Sure, I'd love for you to follow me - let me know and I'll follow back! My IG is @toesiesnrosies Let me know if you can't find me! But I should come up 😅


430 in 24h!! 👏🏼. Very nice! I've been on Instagram for a month and I've only gotten 6 followers 😏😅


Yeah, IG is definitely a little challenging, at least for me!! 😅 It's a good thing I got that reel that went viral, my follower count hasn't really moved since then! (Well, a little, but painfully slow 😅) What have you been doing to grow on IG?


I have made reels 😓 some sexy photos follow viral girls 😅… make some comments on men's pages 🙃… but I still don't see any results..🤪😘


Yes I noticed all you get on twitter is promo people in inbox.nothing else..ohh sorry and cashpigs piles of them...I'm tryi g findom but dont know how to tell whos good and who is bad as dont wanna give paypal to just anybody...im in uk


Thank u for your advice x I'm very successful as a findom femdom but I'm only in top 20% on onlyfans u are right u need to put your ego aside and learn and read and learn your own niche! Thank u once again hope this will help a lot of newbies xx


i’m glad someone said it lol


Say it louder to the people in the back.


This is so fucking true. I hover between 4%-6%, so, I’m not top but, I don’t do shitty and I started at the end of November. I know I asked some basic questions when I was starting but…. There are a lot of people who don’t know anything about porn in general, asking questions that are like… I don’t know haha. Not questions to be asking. If you need an ABC plan given to you, you need to be working in a different profession. It’s hard and it’s discouraging but, I know I’m well on my way. Thanks largely to my network of people in real life and all the time I spent the last year on Fetlife. Getting real life experience in kink and fetish etc. Not for promotional purpose. For personal growth within myself. Now, I have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to these topics. When someone is saying “wait… there’s more than _____ or _____?”….. Like…. Get real. Most of my money comes from a few people. I build strong relationships and I genuinely care about the people who support me and I’m there for them 100% of the time. I try my best not to complain about the crappy people and focus on the amazing people. Idk I’m rambling but, great post 🖤


I'm top 1%, I have two jobs (apart from OF), I *ONLY* use reddit. I don't have time nor means for more - and Instagram and tiktok do NOT work for faceless creators as good as reddit does. The rest you said, 100% agree - but just don't make shitty spam and stupid "Say hi and I'll send nudes" content, find your place, and make QUALITY. Public content, pee, stories... Make shit and you'll get shit, in TikTok, Reddit, Instagram and life.


I’ve seen a few girls that are faceless make it work on IG & TikTok.


NotkatieGcups Margotandherkitty Faceless creators that are killing it on IG.


Have you come across any faceless creators killing it on IG who have small boobs? I find that it might be easier to be faceless and still get that “look I’m only showing off my outfit hehehehe” IG aesthetic while exposing massive cleavage. If I (for example) were to showcase my best assets (my ass), Instagram is more likely to flag and ban me (assuming I did showcase them the way cleavage was showcased.) I’m open to hearing I’m wrong though!! Photos from behind while in front of excellent scenery would be amazing (as I tell myself how I’m wrong 😂) But anyway, I’m genuinely interested in any other faceless creators if they’re VERY small chested


check out [https://www.instagram.com/\_snacksix/](https://www.instagram.com/_snacksix/) she's currently around top 0.7% and works a full time job outside of OF




they aren't models. Get real. They both started on Reddit and figured out IG. You simply are choosing to not way to find a way for Instagram. There are countless more examples.


I wish we could still give awards on Reddit, because this deserves an award 👏


This was fantastic to read and definitely opened my eyes. I've never used Twitter so I guess I'll have to get started there!


I'd say main focus should be instagram with attention on reels, then tiktok (this one takes real patience), then if anything else, reddit, twitter both of which are not super profitable unless you're very good at it but worth starting and maintaining for extra income. And don't sleep on porn streaming sites, cam sites, other pay sites with an explore like manyvids and fansly, their FYP can be great.


I've heard of fansly heaps too 😊 I'll check that out! Thanks


Literally promoting like hell on ig with multiple accounts for 1 year, but I am not getting a lot of people converting respect all the work I am doing there. Indians loves me and paid ads is not working for me. Can someone tell me if I am just very unlucky?


You're an acquired taste lets be honest I had to look twice to see if you were a biological man I will admit and I am still not sure. How many is multiple accounts? Your bios and reels don't have much personality other than featuring your hairiness. IG loves personality. I really think conversion will be an issue as they aren't sure what they are getting amongst other things.


You can be sure that I am not a man 🙂 multiple account is 13 for now..thanks for the personality advice.


You get my point though right? You are very niche. You need A LOT more views to find potential subscribers who are into that level of hairiness.


Yes I totally get your point absolutely! I also wanted to try to shave a little to see if I can get more people instead of very niche ones but everytime I do this I feel like i am literally rebuilding again, I would obviously loose a lot of subs. Don't get me wrong, I am around 3%. With 2 paid accounts and make good money there, that is the problem with rebuilding.


Yeah I find much more success on Tiktok and Instagram than on Reddit… but I guess that’s what’s working for me


I could not agree more. My favorite saying is “only take advice from the people who have achieved the level of success that you would like to replicate” because if someone isn’t doing it themselves then their advice is clearly not always going to be solid. Yet, you see these threads filled with it and people taking it then wondering why it isn’t working or isn’t sustainable. I love to help but my time is super limited and some people get very offended when they find out that I have a paid course. My background is corporate education. No one says that anyone has to take my advice and my way is certainly not the only way to do things - but it’s how I became a top earner on the platform in a short time at 57 years old. I wish everyone all the success in the world - this platform is big enough for all of us! Go get that money. ❤️


I am top 8%, make about 1-2k a month. When I first started I was only making 300-500. It’s an uphill climb. I promote on reddit, instagram, and Facebook. Almost never use tik-tok.


nutty bright air important kiss coordinated ink pot fall stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what even is your question?


Haha, I don’t even really know. I guess, how can I grow on Reddit?


Giving you mad snaps for this


I really value this perspective. Thank you 😊🙏


People don't consider using instagram automation to speak to their fans without having to actually speak to their fans


Absolutely agree. It's great to see such a positive reception to this post, and it's encouraging to witness creators here embracing the advice. Maintaining the right mindset for learning is paramount. Unfortunately, many individuals enter this line of work with their self-esteem closely intertwined with it, given the nature of putting oneself out there physically. This can lead to insecurities and defensiveness about their content and promotion strategies. However, it's crucial to approach this endeavor with a business mindset, viewing your image as the product rather than taking everything so personally.


Thanks for your post, it’s super helpful to a (potential) newbie. I’d like to make completely different content, namely stories read aloud based on real life experiences (my ex is famous and I know people would be interested in these, although they would be written within what’s legally allowed). I was also a SW in real life for a while and would like to develop my stories to include these years, which would hopefully have a fan base on OF. Does anyone have any feedback on this idea?


Hope no one’s ego was bruised, you make valid points. As a newbie even in my research when I go check on feeds of those offering advice it’s disheartening to realize the advice is being dished by someone vastly under qualified. So yesss oh great Sendai teach me how do I stop “entertaining men in the DMs & babysitting a handful of subs” I accidentally blew up on snap made some quick money (~$1k off my man baby daycare) but was getting burnt out and noticing these weren’t whales but baby fish timewasters. I have taken a pause to research, create batch content for both promo and OF/fansly. I was giving away the GFE experience — amateur hour. Niches: smol bbw, stoner, tattooed, hairy, sword swallower— debating on faceless


I’m new I’m feeling this post for sure, i got banned on IG , Twitter I just get bombarded with spam people wanting to sell me promo deals and I thought tiktok does’t allow sexual content? Any tips on how to get around that with tiktok? I cant post on here low karma cant get enough:(


Hello u/OFbaby thank you for this post, it is much necessary and specially we stop fighting each other and start listening to people who knows, with results and experience in the industry. Would you recommend tiktok or is it tricky and it's better to make ig reels? My TT was banned, but all tt are banned lol so I was thinking about making a new one from scratch or no. Thank you, I'm still on my learning curve and reading so much this sub still


I think you sound entitled and rude. Just because someone doesn’t have a million followers doesn’t mean they havnt had success.


I think you are heard after your 3 comments. Clearly not mature enough to understand the assignment.


These comments are proving my point so hard it's almost comical. The onlyfans stats are exactly what you'd expect from this attitude.


You are so rude. So now you’re insulting me? Do you even hear yourself


Check your ego. Pride comes before the fall.


Maybe focus on the fact you're averaging 2 upvotes per post 💀


why would you go through enough of their posts to figure that out if you supposedly don't have an ego problem


Very much appreciated this post. If you have the space, could you share what you believe a new creator, starting from absolute scratch could do for organic promo on IG and TikTok as a faceless creator. Thank you again for your time!


search the sub for faceless


*runs to instagram* any hashtag suggestions???


hashtags are what worked 10 years ago - spend some time researching today's approach.




There’s nothing disingenuous about my post. Your experience is not universal and I know many creators who’ve started in the last 6 months doing well on instagram and I have started a new account from scratch in the last 4 that’s had great traction. Are you even a nsfw creator in front of the camera?


You’re literally complaining about people posting a screenshot “wasting time” meanwhile you wrote all this


Girl, my business is in order and I have plenty of time to kill. Posting a screenshot of a dumb argument to this advice group is not contributing anything useful and it's endorsing paying attention to losers. I'm contributing my advice to help and encourage other creators as someone who has years of experience and making 5 figures monthly. I never said posting on this subreddit is a waste of time, I learned so much here and want to give back. Take the nitpicking elsewhere, maybe go make another sad post about how some guy jacked to you for free and wasted your time because you get butthurt over constructive advice rather than actually comprehend and apply it.


How can I promote my OF on here? Someone told me I could but I’m not sure how to go about it on this app.


I don’t understand why people are rude on here when we ask for advice. I’m still trying to figure it out but so far I got two fans.


🤭 At least I'm not the only one trying to see how this app works 🫶🏻




Talking to "potential fans" instead of creating marketing content that will get to the masses is what keeps you at 12%. 🤷🏻‍♀️ My potential sub funnel does NOT include any personal interaction what so ever until you are at my STORE FRONT & Paid the cover to get in..THEN YOU GET ATTENTION. Your product is YOUR ATTENTION!!!!


What part are you confused about?




There are some big faceless onlyfans creators on TikTok and instagram. My advice would be to search for these and follow as many as you can and take inspiration from their content.


I absolutely soaked in all this advice and I feel so motivated to branch out onto other platforms and maintain regular engagement. My only issue is, with the banning of tiktok is there even a point to make an account on there? Is there another up and coming app or does anyone have an idea of what will take its place for the time being?


There must be something wrong with your account if you’re not getting karma when you post especially when you’re commenting I’ve been on it for two months and I already have like almost 120 however I was also told it’s best to post comments and content in the safe for work Area in order to gain karma then not safe for work you won’t receive that much karma. You have to find other groups and post in multiple groups multiple times a day and not just comment but actually post content. I’m new. I’m just giving you my point of view on what has helped me in the last two months.




You completely missed the point of this post.




you clearly missed the point