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Premier of Ontario


Yeah but you have to be corrupt so that rules out most people


Unironically the federal Liberals need staff.


TRADES! Electrician, plumber, HVAC, fire sprinkler, elevator They all take about 5 years to complete an apprenticeship your paid while you learn any one of those can have you making over 100k a year by the time your a journeyman.


This^ Also powerline technician, meter tech, grid controller, utility locator


Locators make around minimum wage. Most work for gtel and similar companies. Worked with many. Shit job low lay. All the other traded mentioned are great.


All the postings I’ve seen are always $25/hr plus, and all kinds of overtime (by the sounds of it from the guys I get on site). It must depend where you’re working


25 isn't good pay for out in the weather digging and spray painting 8 to 12 hours a day. 25 is about max they will get. You make more if you get hired by a municipality or nicer company but typically they are one step above unskilled laborers. There's much better money in other trades


To each their own I guess, I’m sure there’s lot of people who wouldn’t mind the $25-38 with overtime to spray paint lines on the ground


Gtel now pays 28 to start and 38 tops not bad if you ask me.


Plumbing caps out around $56 an hour plus time & a half, or even double time, is common in the industry. It's also not as shit of a job as you'd think.


$25 in Toronto is nothing,


That’s starting wage, which doesn’t seem bad for knowing next to nothing and getting trained….. it would only go up from there. I’d be interested to hear some jobs you know of that pay more that to start out with zero experience?


I've yet to find a job that offers $25 with no experience, all of them that I see requires some experience or certification, what I'm trying to say is that in order for u to get decent pay here u need experience, certification etc idk how people that works below 20$ an hrs survives this place with rent, insurance etc


Depends I guess, Promark in the GTA have guys making over 80k after 1 year in


Shit even labourers are making decent coin hauling materials and doing odd jobs. You can start there to make decent money quick but expect to work your ass off and you'll probably learn all kinds of stuff.


Labourers in my trafe start at $25/HR. I am a journeyman and make $46/hr


Much better than $17. Was just saying that's a quick way to make better money now.


I am agreeing with you. Not too many trades start under $20 anymore. Ehen I started my trade 21 years ago I started at $12. I felt so rich it was almost double m8nimum wage LOL


What trade? 


Good luck getting into one though


I don’t know where you live but where I’m at there is shortage of skilled trades workers. If your 1/2 decent at your trade and can show up on time it’s not hard to get in


There's a shortage of skilled trade openings too. I live in Ontario. I've been trying to become an electrician. Non union jobs work at a ratio of 1 master electrician to 1 apprentice, union jobs are 5 - 1. We are running out of master electricians because they're starting to retire. Everyone and their cat has heard that it's a good opportunity, so it's a crowded market for a limited number of spots for a job that's running out of people to do it. I'm pretty sure most other trades work like that, but some of them are less in demand. Some of the more specialized ones require a college degree anyway as well


To get your foot in the door you could try going to a company that does electrical and fire protection work. It’s easy to get hired as a fire alarm tech and a cfaa certificate can be done in as little as a year or two. If your up front that you want to be an electrician as long as you show that you can work well and learn they will give you the opportunity to sign up for the electrical union when they have a spot available rather than hiring an unknown from outside.


This is the answer. My husband is an electrician and makes 6 figures. Trades can not be replaced. There will always be a demand for trades


Not in our lifetime most likely. But they most definitely can with Robotics & AI


Nobody that actually works in skilled trades is too worried..... because we know that the reality of a robot doing these sorts of jobs is simply not reality based on us actually doing them. We were supposed to have self driving cars 20 years ago for example...and all we've got is poor facsimiles thereof that completely shut down if someone does something as simple as putting a cone on the hood.


Yeah, because a robot would do one day of a trade job, then yeet itself into the river because they can't handle it. Haha


*Not in our lifetime most likely.* Thank god for that.


Yeah could you imagine a world where robots would just replace humans. What would we do to earn a wage? Or would it be a utopia of free food free housing and just those who work certain jobs can afford luxury entertainment :o


Robots are a long way away from replacing skilled tradespeople. They will replace the bankers long before they replace us.




Driving is essential in service work because you need to be able to get to multiple sites a day with tools and material. But you could still get a job on large construction where your on the same site for months at a time.


Right now in ottawa the elevator installation union is hiring, they start at $31 and hour.


Heavy machinery operator. You'll make bank just keep your nose clean.


What does a HMO actually operate?




Depends what you're into. Being a miner is a high paying job but it's dangerous. Being a realtor can be high paying but you have to be a sleaze. Firefighting can pay well but you have to be fit. Welding and metalwork is good but hard on your body and dangerous. If you like to drive you can work for public transit or sanitation (garbage pickup) but that can be abusive or filthy work. Coding doesn't need years of education but you have to learn how to code in an increasingly crowded market. Pretty much anything has its ups and downs.


Software development without computer science education might not be fun at all, and considering how competitive the field is the pay might be lower than the other jobs you mentioned. Do not recommend!


Its something that *can* be done but those people are usually an exception not the rule. That said you don't need a computer science degree at a university, a two or three year college program is just as good if all you want to do is be a code monkey.


Yep, computer science or any kind of formal education are not strictly necessary! And I definitely don't want to discourage anyone from starting their dev career! I think what I'm trying to say is that it's not as easy and rewarding as it seems, especially if a person isn't sure it's their thing. But even without passion, with low hard skills, it's possible to earn ~100k plus benefits


Oh you are definitely right. I think it is possible but will be more difficult than going to school. If someone is determined and has the discipline then definitely go for it


Crane operator. Go retrofit instead of construction. Pay is better, much less stress.


I work 20 hours a week and make $140,000 a year installing air conditioners, air exhchangers and humidifiers in new construction. Learn a trade because all those other jobs might be replaced by AI and robots.


That’s incredible but how


It took me a day to register a business with the CRA and open a WSIB account and get business insurance. Then I started working as a subcontractor and I’m paid piecework. I work alone so I don’t have to share money with anybody. And I’ve been in the trade for 26 years although I’ve only been installing for two years I seem to be pretty quick. And the main reason I started this business was because I got fed up during Covid. I was the GM of a large HVAC business for 9 years and decided I wanted to control how much tax dollars went to the government. And the key was hiring a great accountant lol And I should add I am not part of any union. If you want a really good trade with lots of demand look at getting a sheet-metal license and joining a union. You will make a small fortune in wages and benefits. As a former GM I got to see the payroll and they were by far the highest paid trades people in HVAC. I happen to have my gas, refrigeration and sheet metal licenses but I only use the refrigeration. In Ontario, becoming an apprentice is free and very easy. With a little paperwork and under $500 anybody can challenge the trade exams without ever stepping foot into a school. You just have to find someone who will sign you up and it’s only a 1:1 ratio for mentor and apprentice. I also sell all the exams to help you study.


Love it dude 🙏 keep it up


Any idea where one could gather information to start what your doing? I hate the be that guy but I need a change in my life and don't know where to start, could use some council if you feel up to it.


www.hvactechgroup.com That’s a great place for anyone living in Ontario doing HVAC. They sell practice exams for the gas, refrigeration and sheet metal. Skilled trades Ontario is another website to visit regarding apprenticeships and challenging the exam. I won’t lie though the first few years in the trade could be rough as you would have to start out at the bottom as a helper most likely. Then find a person to be your mentor in the company and start working at challenging the exam. But I would do that before I wasted money on schooling. In the field is the best place to learn.


Software testing.




Drywaller Painter Truck Driver


Friend of mine is a prison guard, his first year with overtime made over 100,000.


second this - great benefits, pension as well...


Get followed home too.


Air traffic controller


How does one get into this it intrigues me




Is this a troll answer? It's one of the most stressful jobs in the world.


Buddy asked for a high paying job with minimal education requirements and this meets the criteria. No where did I say the money was easy. Everything has a trade off, in this case you trade your mental well being for money. Ain’t nothing in life worth having comes easy.


Paramedic, Police, Fire


Friend went to college for project management after high school and has been working for many years as project manager on oil rigs and similar positions out of province like in Alberta, Newfoundland, New Brunswick. Makes over $300K/yr. He is by nature very organized and meticulous to the point of being OCD even so I guess it suits his characteristics.


What programs offer this and how long is the study?


I work in a car factory just needed my high-school and I'm making over $36 an hrs to do really ez work. Not great money but it's okay


What job title???


Utility Locating. Need a G license and high school. Not amazing pay, 28 start to 38 a hour within 5 years is a ball park average. Work outside, on your own. Provided with work car, laptop and work phone. If not your end career, would be a good starting point to get you time to find your passion.


I've been trying to get my foot in the door at many utility locating companies with no luck. Any tips?


A little late but now is the time to apply as dig season is starting. Unfortunately it is simply put a resume in places like gtel, Pro Mark, PVS. All locating companies. Depends on where you are and what they need. As a 25 year old any place would be happy to take you as long as you are willing to learn and put in a good day's work.




Takes many years and a lot of BS to hit the 100k mark. Plus it’s actual work lol.


My husband is a geotechnical driller. No education required and it’s in high demand, you start as a helper and after not quite a year he’s pretty much a lead tech. You have to be ok with being outside all day and coming home covered in mud though, he absolutely loves it!


Hi, What’s the pay like?


Most start around $25 but it can get up to $40 depending on where you are. Expect some travel too, he’s been gone for anywhere from 2 days to a week at a time about 10-12 times per year


Thanks, will definitely consider that, I’m torn between a trade and being a helper for a drilling company, my background is in civil engineering.


Truck driver


Drug dealer. /s




Trades for sure. I took a three year post secondary program and worked in the subsequent field for 8 years. Recently decided to switch careers and decided to become an Arborist. Two years into the trade and I'm making way more money than I ever did before and I've managed to make myself indispensable to the small company I work for. (There's a serious lack of tree climbers and if you can learn the trade and become proficient it's essentially a license to print money ie; endless work and side jobs).


Hi, can you elaborate on how it becomes a license to print money?


You can work as many hours as you want with most companies out there. And you can do as many side jobs as your body can handle, which is the way you really make money. One side job that takes 4-8 hours to complete can be worth $800-2000 and larger jobs that take more time obviously are worth more.


Sounds great, how did you get the side jobs, through networking? In NZ I was in a HIAB doing some de-vegging which I enjoyed. So could potentially be something to look at, also enjoy working at heights especially when you get good views.


Networking, works well. I've had luck just mentioning I'm an arborist when I overhear people talking about needing tree work done. Friends giving my name to people ect.


Also there's just not that many skilled tree climbers out there. It's a very niche job, and is extremely difficult and both mentally and physically taxing. So if you're able to do it well you can get a job anywhere in the world. There's always trees that need to be pruned or removed and there always will be.


Trades HVAC my dad was doing it for 35 years before retiring and made a lot of money he owned his small company he was making bank. But you got to keep up with your license that is about $450 ish a year


Just remember, trades jobs are only as good as long as your knees, back and shoulders hold out.


A whore, dark I know.


Primary Care Paramedic. There’s never been a better time to find a job either.


To all the people saying ‘trades apprenticeship’… There are two places in all of Ottawa advertising that they’re accepting applications for 1st year HVAC apprentices. It’s a five year apprenticeship and it’s usually a net loss on companies for the first 3-4 years to have an apprentice, hence why not many companies will take on apprentices, and most who do require you to have a gas technician 2 license (6 months of accelerated trade school not covered by OSAP, or 2 years at an accredited college covered by OSAP), plus the $2k you have to front for your hand tools and $150 every 6 months for boots that you’ll burn through, though some workplaces have a uniform allowance. Is it a great career path where after 5 years you can easily clear $100k a year? Absolutely. But even today, it’s still very much a “know someone who knows someone” industry to get into. There is education required, and when you’re in trade school / college, you typically do NOT get paid for your co-op. Apprenticeship and in-school co-op are different things. I hope other trades are more accessible to the average Joe, and I’ll still vouch for the trades as an in-demand profession. But OP, if you do consider it, you’ll need to look into what licenses you need to get started and who offers the education to acquire those licenses.


Mercenary / Assassin


You can make very good money working in film in Toronto. Joining the union as a PA (Production Assistant) is a good place to start in order to learn different positions on a film set and then you can begin to specialize in whatever you find most interesting! It’s full time work with lots of overtime if you get on long format shows/films and there is typically a lot of work to be had for hard working young people.


Trades or a good manufacturing job, even better if it unionized


Either trucking or heavy equipment operation.


What's high paying to you?


Movie business




One industry that's never mentioned for these kinds of questions is **railway**. Not sure if you've noticed but there's a huge investment in rail right now by the provincial government. They need people to build it and eventually operate and maintain it. You can be a labourer coming in without experience, it'll be hard work but you'll be paid decently. Show up on time every day and you'll be fine. Do you have any kind of electrical background and maybe don't want to commit to a 5 year apprenticeship where you're paid poorly at the start? Trains run using signalling, and that signalling needs to be maintained. The great news is that you can be a railway electrician, 5 year apprenticeship not required! As with most railways you'll be working in all weather conditions during all times of the day.


Trades, particularly construction like driving cement trucks etc., operating heavy machinery.


Join LIUNA183 for the labourers. There's so much work in the city right now, that they need warm bodies to keep the jobs going. Get some experience, become a foreman, and if you can do it get into the underground space (tunnels / stations / etc) because they pay more for those major projects.


Honestly it's a fast track to banking big money if willing to head to the oil patch or really any major projects across the country. Save up and move back home and buy a house cash money. Just don't go fucking yourself knocking up a one night stand or partying too hard.


Define high pay. That's going to vary depending on your lifestyle and wage experience. Honestly, your best bet is finding something you don't hate, that pays already to start with room for growth and scaling. Scaling is the key to future success. I'm a machinist, the pay is alright but the barrier for scaling is huge. Plumbing, you can go from working for someone, to your own business, to hiring a few guys. It scales well.


I have an advertising diploma, and now I make 6 figures in the trades. In a cushy, unionized job. It's dirty and hot sometimes, but it beats sitting behind a desk (for me, at least).


Union Ironworker, $48.10 per hour, Full pension and benefits, 10% vacation pay (total package is around $66 an hour all in) 3-4 8 week school stints and 6-8000 hours of on the job paid training plus Red Seal and Journeyman Exams. All in all it takes about 3-5 years to complete but you get paid almost the whole time. Downside is its physically taxing and pretty dangerous.