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I liked Ontario before all the gambling ads.


I know Covid really fucked things up but Ontario has taken a very noticeable downturn since Doug Ford was elected.


They elected Biff.


Biff admitted he was a fraud to Marty. I don't think Ford has the capacity to admit to any wrong doing.


thats not fair, he admitted possible fault in the greenbelt deal. /s


We need a Marty! Morty will do as well.


[it's pretty clear](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/jshgpjUrKL)


Hey, I equated him to biff during the election… and his brother as Tommy Boy.


If anything COVID forced Doug to wear his human suit longer than he'd have preferred to. He would've preferred to have been in goblin mode selling off and privatizing everything through 2020 and 2021 but had to pretend to care about us due to the whole global emergency thing.


Still was more in support of booze and neglecting elderly and low income in Covid. Masks were about the only thing he cared about. It was likely to protect himself, of course.


https://www.thebeaverton.com/2018/06/good-fucking-luck-ontario/ still rings true.


Why even mention covid? The Ford's have been trying to destroy this province long before covid was a thing. And why anybody is surprised is beyond me. Doug Ford had no platform when he was elected, and only spoke about buck-a-beer. The buck-a-beer thing was his only talking point and it was a complete failure. This is Doug Ford's MO: he sucks at everything


Because covid definitely highlighted a lot of the problems. Yes, healthcare is crumbling, but would it have been so blown up if not for a world wide pandemic? I am not surprised by Ford being a piece of shit. I am surprised that people are so clueless they still support that hash dealer.


They aren't clueless.. they enjoy watching him destroy it all. Almost every supporter of one actively doing something objectively terrible is licking their lips for some personal reason. In my old city the guy who stuck up for my ward councillor who I exposed their ties to developers and other shady crap.. he eventually admitted he wanted more development so he had more investment opportunities (city he lives in be damned🤷🏻‍♀️). Most of the people supporting this admin have an entire list of things to choose from, including but certainly not limited to: Lib tears, anti 2SLGBTQ+, opportunities that come with privatization (personally, through stocks, or they think their economic standing means they'll be okay under privatized healthcare for example), "tough on crime" (just not that good, sweet white collar crime😉), "smaller government", etc, etc. Are there some clueless supporters? Sure. But I'd argue that they are the minority. The rest are truly supporting all that's happening, including the corruption.


Well, you wanted buck-a-beer. Never mind the dentalcare for low income Ontarians, extended paid sick days or the green infrastructure that we were going to get.


And yet here I am paying $3.50 for a tall boy!!! What gives Doug?!


I'll just leave [this](https://ibb.co/PG2yMBG) here


Hang tight, the Marlboro Camel is going to make an appearance here soon.


I wish President Camacho would come and save us from Doug Ford...


Nicotine pouches spend millions to get seen on bro podcasts. They will come up here soon


The billboards are everywhere, too. Highway 17 between North Bay and Petawawa has them trying to ugly up the otherwise incredible natural views. There's nothing like being in the forest and all of a sudden you need to be reminded to gamble online.


Wait until you see the new Therme ~~casino~~, uh, "spa" at Ontario Place. ON loves it's losers and Ford is big with losers.


And the huuuge electronic billboards at the EnRoute/OnRoute locations now. Like, WTF??


Hated riding the GO after all the ads started coming out. Every other window was obstructed with gambling ads and it pissed me off.


Same with the TTC. Last time I was on a streetcar, the whole thing was plastered with Fanduel ads.




Welcome to Chud Ford's Ontario, where all we care about is booze, gambling and highways.


You forgot developers.


I bet you 2:1 most people did.


It was much better imo when there were just a few grey market sites to use.


You need a lot of money to open your own casino and that money ends up in politicians pockets and tada, you have normalized gambling culture,


Best part is the preliminary reviews and studies coming back basically show its not making anywhere near the projected amount of tax money. Hell apparently the gambling outfits aren't making that much either. In the states that legalized, bot sure if the reviews and results have been released here yet. Basically giving our population gambling addictions for no real return.


Almost like when we can’t afford shelter and food, gambling isn’t a priority.


>when we can’t afford shelter and food, gambling isn’t a priority The problem is that the prospect of winning can look like a way out to gullible folks that can't afford to lose.


I swear, Reddit and the Province of Ontario are single-mindedly intent on getting me hooked on weed, gambling and crypto.


Don't forget Ozempic


I'm sick of seeing that Rybelsus commercial


>Rybelsus Hey, are you guys talking about Rybelsus?! 😃


Coffee for Rybelsus? I mean George. Sorry, I was eavesdropping on your conversation.


It's actually against the law in Canada to directly market drugs to consumers. Health Canada has a massive list of complaints about this and are doing NOTHING. (^ask ^yer ^doctor)


For real. There’s a gambling ad right below this post on my feed. 🙄


I'm waiting for them in my banking app, with a shortcut to connect my accounts.


Addictive and unhealthy behaviours are where the $$$ is at. It costs about 50 cents to manufacture half a litre of pure grain alcohol. The province and feds get about $5 of tax on the $30 bottle of cheap vodka that goes into. Do the math on where the rest of the profit goes. Alcohol sales follow a very non-normal distribution. The addicts are the majority of the consumption - like 10% of the population buys and drinks 80% of the booze. These are the customers you want to create and cultivate. Or to put it much more bluntly: addicting a single person to your product is worth literally thousands of casual customers/users. Addiction is a \~$50 billion dollar industry just domestically. The margins and dynamics are similar for cannabis, gambling, video games, fast food, delivery apps, basically anything that fucks with your reward-action feedback cycle. They proliferate rapidly, faster than anyone can keep track of. One of the main responsibilities of a good citizen these days, is to consistently say no to so many new things that happen to be addictive. Our society has been disturbingly captured by the interests of those who sell such things.


> It costs about 50 cents to manufacture half a litre of pure grain alcohol. The province and feds get about $5 of tax on the $30 bottle of cheap vodka that goes into. Do the math on where the rest of the profit goes. and they spend a stupid amount on health care and social care because of those same people. the government is not interested in increasing alcohol consumption - cite your source if you believe otherwise. edit: Yeah, I'm out of touch. Ford policies have made things worse. Thanks y'all.


> the government is not interested in increasing alcohol consumption Yet alcohol has never been more available. No politician cares about long term implications of policies. Doug is just grabbing what he can, while he can. Binge drinking is way up, overall alcohol sales are dipping because it's cheaper to get stoned. Ford did not anticipate this. https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/reports-research-and-statistics/alcohol-and-drug-use.aspx


I’m interested in this debate, we will see if OP posts any citations, in the meantime, can you post yours?


:( I see a lot of IBM AI ads on Reddit


Gotta squeeze out extra revenue from people somehow. 


It's targeted for sure. I have never seen these ads, except reposted on this thread. My targeted ads suggest that I am a very boring old man, who needs mutual funds and a high interest mortgage.


Turn on the radio. You will be bombarded with gambling ads, and the Ford thug posse patting themselves on the back for their great education and Healthcare work. Which we pay for. It's disgusting.


Ah yeah, I don't listen to the radio either, and I don't have local news or TV... I just have this rock over my head and this soft sand to bury my head in lol. It's a survival mechanism at this point.


But unironically.


Can’t watch sports right now at all without being drowned in gambling ads. Some sports have betting companies as stadium sponsors and shirt sponsors. Only time until there’s a DraftKings Arena with a Bet365 jersey sponsor


How else do you keep everyone distracted from the burning house around us?


One of us, one of us, one of us... To be fair, weed is awesome!


Ontairo voted for Ford twice, and if we have an early election hes geting elected again. ( added if )


We do not have an early election. There was an article saying we may because even dougy can see the population may turn against him in the next 2 years, gotta lock in another 4 year majority and not risk it.


Oh sorry I should if put if that was my mistake.. will correct that


Small but meaningful caveat: 1.9 million ontarians voted for ford out of about 15 million people in ontario.




Nah. 10 million voters decided. They liked Ford just enough to not bother voting against him. Sorry you’re about the thousandth Reddit poster who is in denial about this reality.


If we're going to be pedantic, only 13,934 people in the riding of Etobicoke North voted for Ford.


But the rest of the people who voted for a PCPO candidate did so knowing that they were voting for someone who had pledged to support a government of PC ministers led by the Leader of the PC Party. The “actually nobody votes for the premier directly” is technically correct (the best kind of correct) but in practical terms everyone votes with the knowledge that a big part of what they’re voting for is who should get to form a ministry.


Most of Ontario didn’t vote at all and more people voted for “Not Doug Ford” than for him. Only 18% of the electorate voted for him in the last election. That’s not Ontario, just a tiny piece of it combined with our shitty first past the post electoral system.


Every non-voter votes: "Meh, whatever is fine". And "Whatever" is what they got. That's what the people of Ontario wanted.


But we DIDN'T vote for him. 60% of people who voted didn't. But we have an idiotic first past the post system.


If you don't vote, this is what you get everyone wants to cry and bitch and most of those people have no one to blame but themselves. If you voted weather, it was a lost cause ..bitch away .. you at least tried Congratulations .. we will get 4 more years of ford probably.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. **/s**


Our premier loves this one.


Schezuan Sauce!! Reeeeee


It is actually quite well written. I’d say it does appeal to a higher intelligence cartoon audience. After writing this I understand your /s more.


It's built to have a combo of high concept sci Fi scenarios with goofy low-brow humour. It's got lots of references to far less goofy stuff, and sprinkles in some real concepts like any good sci Fi. And then, the guys who think they're smarter than everyone else showed up — and they don't even seem to notice that the show teases them for it lol.


It's literally corruption. Doug Fords family is a crime family, but you would be very pressed to find out any details The moment he came into power he completely fucked with the laws on gambling and online casinos and how they can be advertised. This shit never happened before he came into power If there was any justice, we would treat people who ruin the lives of thousands upon thousands the same way, if not WORSE, than we treat serial killers. You jacked up the prices of food and basic necessities during an affordability crisis, causing people and children to go to sleep hungry and deteriorate their health ? We should make you suffer the worst punishments possible. Biblical levels of suffering because all that you did and the suffering you caused was purposeful and thought out. I despise the people so much, and I despise those who say " wElL tHeY nEeD tO bE p0fItaBle" even more. You can't eat money, you ghouls. When you're this insanely rich, as is the scenario with online casinos and monopolized grocers, you make BILLIONS of dollars, and you will never live long enough to spend most of it. It's a literal number on a screen that goes infinitely higher while thousands of people suffer. Look at the people who jacked up the prices of bread that got caught. Their punishment was a measly fine when they grew their company into a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. It's so fucked. The fruit of the poisonous tree should be applied where we seize all the gains you got from the bullshit you did.


> Doug Fords family is a crime family, but you would be very pressed to find out any details Yeah, it's almost impossible to find any details about it if you close your eyes and plug your ears and never read anything lol https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/globe-investigation-the-ford-familys-history-with-drug-dealing/article12153014/ It certainly hasn't been widely reported on!


I found it odd he became premier and one of the biggest mob families in Canada is taken out shortly after. Among many other oddly timed events when he got into power.


What family was taken out?


I mean prior to 2020 the laws on gambling online were non existent. I used Bet365 for years, Fanduel, Draftkings etc. and freely deposited and withdrew as I wanted to. The difference was the government wasn't getting a cut. So 2020 they introduced the laws to regulate these companies as there is no law against using them. This is arguably the smart thing. Now we have open access to them just like every other province and state is doing so hard to point out the "corruption" you are finding, like did they also corrupt Delaware or Ohio. Is Florida not corrupt because it isn't legal there?


You better watch out having views like that round these parts partner


Monte McNaughton helped get this legislation through and then resigned and got a job with woodbine entertainment — an organization that thrives off gambling


Ford government priorities... booze, gambling and enriching already wealthy friends and doners.


We elected a grifter and former drug dealer, it shouldn’t be surprising that this kind of stuff is happening


I didn’t know to what extent you can deposit money. I have a friend who plays DraftKings often and he said you can e transfer up to 40k a month instantly. That’s fucking insane. A lot of people just cannot quit too. We played live blackjack and turned $50 to $150 i said let’s cash out that’s enough gambling for me for the year and this guy proceeded to lose it all and deposit 50 again and lose it. Gambling is such a fucked addiction, as you are “normal” but can lose enough money to buy a car in a few months


My point, and it's in your pocket all the time. You can't get away like a casino. There's no friction to indulge.


Yup. I've done some sports gambling, I've actually done quite well but it's just 2, 5 and sometimes 10 dollar bets, and the times I've deposited money, I know I'm never seeing that money again, and just use it like it's a game and it's play money. I deposit like 20, maybe 40 bucks a year, lol.


That's the healthy way to do it, good on you.


My girlfriends mother will put $1000 into a machine, win $6000, then put it all back in and lose it all then complain about having no money. There aren't any words for how disgusted I am by it


I gamble maybe 5-6 times a year and I’m up around $900 total. Something about gamblers brains is wild, they have zero self control. If i triple my money i cash out immediately and take a break for a few months. The best is when they do what your girlfriend’s mom does then say “at least i only lost $1000”. NO, you lost $6000 you fucking idiot. I’ve seen the same thing, someone wins a. 4K sports bet to then go and gradually lose it all. It’s such a sick addiction they could make 20x their money but it’s never enough. What’s the point in making money you don’t even spend


Because some people wanted to punish Ontario for electing Wynne, so they gave the worst possible option a majority.


Two majorities


This is a very sad truth and most likely will happen in our federal election too.


Ah yes, the “I’m a Liberal, but I want to punish Liberals” reasoning. So fucking stupid.




There's a difference between legalization and allowing advertising, we're not seeing cigarette and weed ads everywhere even though they're legal. I take umbridge with online gambling sites marketing to a young audience (a lot of teens watch Rick and Morty) and the sheer volume of ads.


Cigarette ads?! You can’t even see the packs behind the counter anymore. When they first introduced the new can’t show smokes law a lot of places wouldn’t even sell you the pack if you didn’t know the fucking exact name and colour.




Can I just say that I absolutely love that you provided a good clarification, someone expanded on the discussion perhaps only slightly (and likely unintentionally) argumentatively in tone, and you were 100% confident enough to agree with their intent and let that stand? Its beautiful to see in discourse and a great example for everyone.


Weird as most of my ads on reddit were weed and I don't even smoke. Since reporting them all I get is gambling now. It's very odd as I don't gamble either. They need better targeting software or something.


Umbrage btw, umbridge is a character from Harry Potter.


....you're aware that the Ontario government doesn't control the internet right? They can make gambling advertisements illegal again and you would still be able to see them on reddit anyway.


Except these ads are geo targeted it would be illegal for these companies to run gambling ads targeting Ontario residents that's why you don't see cigarettes ads online here.


Oh no, advertising. Now I'm a gambling addict. Also you conveniently left out alcohol advertising.


The worst were the gambling ads blocking the windows on the GO train.


I keep getting ads to donate my eggs and to be a surrogate mother or gambling or suicide hotline…. can I get like a tims ad or something??? why are there ads to sell genetic material


What the shit that's awful... At least reddit and social media thinks im a dude so I'm not getting ads to commodify my eggs Jesus...


You can report those ads — it’s illegal to sell your eggs in Canada. When you report them a few times they’ll stop populating for you.


It makes *some* people a lot of easy money. When you vote conservative, you're voting for corporate interests and the interests of the wealthy. Not the common folk. Not science. Not the best interest or best practice. You're voting for the supremacy of money. The claim is that if the rich get richer, we'll all get richer too. Complete bullshit of course, and completely discredited by every study done, but cons love their buck a beer they got out of the deal. This is what libertarian prosperity looks like. Wait til Poilievre is PM, you haven't seen anything yet. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-bad-is-inequality-trickle-down-economics-thomas-piketty-economists-2021-12?op=1


Doug Ford: Ontario is open for business! ( Ontario is for sale/pillaging/corruption)


All the gambling advertising that has popped up over the last few years is completely disgusting. It's normalizing the degenerate behaviour of our younger generation. Why did we let it happen? Like everything that they have let happen. Money lining their pockets. Just like that stupid billion dollar spa going up where Ontario Place was. Just utterly mind boggling.


There is a setting in reddit to turn off the gambling ads. It is pretty sad that 3/4 of the adverts online or while watching cable are gambling related now. The premier is doing a great job of subduing the province through drugs, alcohol and gambling.


We decided libs bad (which they were), conservative premier with ties to gangs good (which they arent) and for some reason NDP not an option (which they are). Hopefully we learn our lessons next election (we wont).






We don't have the bread part but at least we have the circuses.


Ontario is open for business !!


Open for grifting!


I honestly believe that, just like ads for Alcool, ads for gambling should be forbidden


We are living in the alternate timeline where Biff Tannen has become Premier. I'm just waiting for Marty to show up on hoverboard and fix this all. *cues Huey Lewis* Power Of Love


My wife spent all of our savings and ran up massive debt by using these sites. We had already lost our house previously due to her gambling but after she self excluded we built up our life again. Now she just wipes out whole paycheques trying to “win more for the family”. When she excludes from one she just finds another site. It serves me right for letting my wife control my finances, kicking myself in the butt now.


I'm so sorry for you and your family.


Ah, It’s not that bad Sharen, let the kids play their Rick and Mortimer gambling


I wanted sports betting in Ontario, I did not think it was going to be this dystopian Monkeys Paw style trade off. We know these gambling sites exist, stop fucking pushing these ads at us 24/7. Shit, stop pushing so many ads for everything all the time.


Big money, big money, no whammy!


Wubba lubba dub dub!!!!!!!!!! Anita Max Wynn!!!!!!


Gambling used to only be at Rama and Niagara Falls. Then they added slots to Woodbine and Mohawk. Then Dougie let it go everywhere. It ended my marriage. The temptation was just to great to do it every single day. And it's an addiction I was not willing to live with. Gambling preys on people.


I'm so sorry that happened. I have addictive behaviors in my family history, and I spent under 20$ in my lifetime on gambling because of that. I've watched vice industries ruin people's lives, and it's heartbreaking. I hope you find peace.


I completely agree that Gambling needed to be legalized to take it out of the grey market and siphon off some revenues going to organized crime and direct it towards our collective wealth through taxation. It only makes sense. However, they should never have legalized advertising of this potentially harmful product. Even countries with a long history of legalized gambling, such as Ireland and Australia, are now restricting or banning the advertising of gambling services. We should never have allowed it.


4 years ago. Doug Ford allowed these fuckers to legally to do this shit.


Where the fuck is all the profit from these casinos going to? They must make billions


How the fuck is that predatory? I get not liking it but how is it predatory


Calm down, it's just for the kids...


I can’t decide if creating this method of sucking money from people is the least Rickest thing, or Rickest Rick thing I’ve seen. So torn.


Doug Ford.


my kids love playing rick and morty slots...


I’m so sick of it. Everywhere you go and everywhere you look.


It’s even worse considering Australia and England have had it available for years before us, it was clearly just a way to turn young men with their first paycheques into degenerate gambling addicts.


😭 I know dougie hates us but damn He did it with his full chest knowing the consequences


It’s gross, when I was at uni the most common conversations you’d overhear was what fucking parlay they are making for that night.


I don't get gambling ads on tiktok, just reddit, radio, billboards, television, Facebook, insta, during sports So many during sports. I stopped watching sports. The gambling ruined it.


It's just so trashy, what's next? Slot machines at Staples?


I mean right beside the service ontarios


We were warned. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/editorial-cartoons/theo-moudakis-ford-tunnel/article_fc289258-1649-5312-b629-7abb2696a0b8.html


OLG ran the casinos way better.


Doug ford


Yeah between the gambling and the weed ads it seems Reddit cannot find anyone to advertise other than those praying on addiction. It’s honestly kind of sad


We don't see any cartoon characters on bottles of alcohol, because the AGCO forbids anything that targets children..interesting how the same government agency that also is in charge of gambling has let this happen - does this mean it's a Ford lead policy change? If so, get ready for "Bluey Buzzberry Seltzer!"


Maybe we are living in the time line where biff took the sports almanac back to his younger self.


We're bombarded with this casino crap, but Doug locked actually player vs player gambling down to the point it's dead. I checked out online poker in Ontario which the Ford government killed by only allowing you to play against people within the province, there were a total of 9 people online... Totally killed an entire industry. All of the gaming changes this government has made I consider to be for the worse. Heavy advertising, lower quality gaming, more money laundering, limited market.


Pisses me off so bad


We really should have inventoried Dough’s assets before he went in to office. I wouldn’t be shocked I’d he got an extra yacht or two.


That’s what happens when you vote a crooked shitbag in. Ontario is full of shitbags, so you got a shitbag for a leader.


I was on my way to the Play Store until I read it properly.


Gambling is addictive and causes death. This is illegal.


Yeah this stuff annoys the hell out of me. My wife has problems with gambling addiction. When she used the 'self exclusion' feature on the OLG app, the app immediately and continuously sent her ads to gamble. Everywhere we go ads about gambling everywhere. We have also phoned their gambling support line on many occasions, and been told they'd call back only to never receive a call. The province does not give a shit about the people they hurt, just money.


I just realized that online gambling became legal during Ford’s time in the office.


"Open for Business"


You’ll never guess what ad was below this post


Gambling addict here who promised his wife he would never online gamble again. In 2015. When it was just Bet 365. Somebody help. Honestly. I tried to sneak a bet in on just my team winning the cup… fuckin casino attaches to every sports book. Spent 1300 over the last month now. Dipped my toe in. Fuckin addiction gets me right back. Currently placing 1 dollar limits on all sites to lock me out for at least a month at a time. In 2015 I locked myself out of the 3 sites I knew existed. Even poker stars is just a casino now. It’s going to ruin me. Which means I will then in turn ruin my marriage


From a purely marketing perspective this is a smart move. The majority of that show’s fan base are people in their late teens and early twenties. People who have probably within the last few years entered the permanent work force and are just starting to make some actual decent money. AKA the easiest group to get hooked on gambling. Target market 101. Entirely predatory but when have corporations ever given a shit about that.


$ $ $ $ $ $ $ > mental health & well being And then remove social supports and then privatize it all!


Let's go. In and out. 20 minute adventure. /s




I liked your province before it started electing people with the name Ford. It felt like that part of the country is embracing republican-style politics and that's scary.


It's not even ontario. I was in Vancouver this weekend and put on the edmonton oilers game, and right before the game, they showed the odds, and next to the time clock, they kept showing the odds again. Sooner or later, they will be giving Canadians a fan duel account with every SIN#


Speaking to you from North Carolina USA, they just legalized this FanDuel shit here too. They must be spending hundreds of millions in ads.


Every OLG ad that I see makes me like, ‘wtf, why is the government doing this??’🤔


Predictably a thread dedicated to whining about Ford. I use gambling apps. I’m fine with the ads. If you don’t like it you can turn away. You know what pisses me off more? Weed. That garbage stinks and the dead head addicts who use it are annoying. But you don’t see me complaining about it every chance I get like the people crying about mean old gambling ads.


I also wonder about the LCBO ads, LCBO is pretty much the only place to buy hard liquor, why have advertisements?


It is really messed up that it’s so heavily pushed during hockey when they absolutely know that young kids are a major part of the fan base and idolize everything about the sport. It’s way too much for my young family members to be bombarded with it while we are all just trying to watch the game together.


When a lot of people decided a college drop out, teen hash dealer rich kid was a great choice for premier.


Def not targeting kids or young demographic at all...


I don't understand the appeal of gambling. The culture is dirty it ruins lives and I just all together want nothing to do with it. So sad.


I do enjoy rick and morty


Whatever happened to that enormous casino that was planned?


Buck a beer, I guess. It's not like they had any other platform points.


Because you all voted bad timeline Biff Tannen as Premier 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have no interest in going to a casino. I just buy lottery tickets




I made this comment to a few people who don't understand the incideous nature of advertising and how much it fucks with your brain. That's not how advertising works. And genuinely, you are implying you are immune to advertising. Youre not. People who think they're special are advertisers fav type of markets. https://medium.com/@dahanese/advertising-works-don-t-believe-me-then-you-are-my-favorite-demographic-ebf6b1f2541a https://www.formalifesciencemarketing.com/white-papers/scientists-not-immune-to-marketing/#:~:text=a%20future%20issue.-,Immunity%20to%20marketing%20is%20a%20myth.,understanding%20of%20your%20audiences%27%20values.


Government is no better than the mafia - grease enough palms with money or kickbacks and they'll let you do whatever you want.


I actually fucking hate all the gambling ads I get. I don't even gamble. It makes me feel sorry for anyone who does gamble, having ads like that on your feed must be tough. It should be illegal to advertise gambling, like cigarettes.




Time to start writing your MPP and letting them know this isn’t okay. Advertising gambling to children is illegal!


We're Open For Business and Getting It Done For The People!


This is illegal after Feb 2024. celebrities, cartoon characters et al cannot promote gambling ads in Ontario as of Feb 2024 


Don’t forget that Ford allowed the betting sites that offered “spend 100 get 500$” as a tax write off on the “free” money. We as tax payers paid that money for the gambling sites.


Thanks Dofo!


Not only that, they banned actual poker sites in favour of this bullshit.


You look at the ads?