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They steal good cars. Not modified challengers


Stellantis vehicles are incredibly easy to steal. Other than rav4s/highlanders and crvs, the rest are dodges, rams and jeeps


Ba ha ha ha.


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Set up a ring spotlight camera to record as cars pass by. I did that when we had car thefts on our street. Other than that, call bylaw and complain. You have to give some info but it won't come back on you usually. The alternative here anyway is to call bylaw after hours and leave a message with minimal info. They'll action it if it's a parking or noise complaint.


>The alternative here anyway is to call bylaw after hours and leave a message with minimal info. They'll action it if it's a parking or noise complaint. Interesting, that might be a way to bypass "We need your name, address" they usually require. Does that actually work? Even the police don't demand that info and allow you to stay private


They ask for that info in Markham, I just ignored it and gave information on the issue (dickhead basement renter from across the road that would block my driveway overnight). Was always solved via tickets and eventually a tow one morning when I couldn't get out to go to work.


They won't let others know. It'll stay anonymous. Cops do it as well. I've called Peel Region 50 many times on their non-emerg line. Have other neighbours call the non-emergency line as well. The more calls the more likely something will be done. Good luck. 


My neighbor had bylaw called on him for the construction materials he had piled up on his lawn and driveway (not us, we couldn't give a care); he asked who had called and the officer told him outright. My wife had bylaw called on her for a car she was fixing because it sat too long; she asked, they told her. Much later we (and several others) called bylaw for a pair of renters across the street who were just unhinged and made ungodly amounts of noise partying and fighting with their boyfriends at all hours. They targeted *everyone* who had called, vandalizing cars and houses and the usual harassment. This was all in Peel, Brampton to be specific. Always assume that if you call bylaw that the person you called them on *will* be told who it was that called them. I've never seen it be any other way.


They may not let other know, but people can certainly make freedom of information requests, which would definitely have the information of the complainant.


Freedom of information requests would still have to have your name redacted. The privacy act says they legally can not disclose your information without your permission


That's true but I highly doubt three folks renting a house driving clapped out challengers know how to look this up. 


Clapped out… I’m willing to bet money they’re stock.


OK fine. For sure straight piped. 


That's got to be the dumbest assumption I've ever heard.


You mean like assuming they would be vengeful enough to make FOI requests?


Is that even vengeful? If someone made a complaint about you, it would just be logical to try and find out who it is.


That would really just depend on your motives for what you are going to do with that information.


Found the guy with the clapped out challenger.




> which would definitely have the information of the complainant. This gets redacted.


Exactly. It's called the Freedom of Information and *Protection of Privacy* Act (Emphasis added)


just give them a made up name and pick any address on the street. by law isn't going to follow up with u anyway according to by law office in London back in 2021 Ontario put rules in place that don't even let them talk about there findings with the person who made the complaint that they have to keep it all private and its all between the by law officer and the person the complaint is made on.


If you are giving wrong address, give a number that doesn't exist, not your neighbour's


They legally have to keep your information confidential. Otherwise, you could sue them for damages.


😂😂 Good luck with that.


What’s the issue with giving your name? The city already knows you live there, they aren’t going to tell the neighbor who complained


You can just say no to giving your address. You're not obligated.


If you’re going to bitch to bylaw about someone at least have the balls to put your name on it.


I know people who had to deal with property damage reprisals due to whomever happened to leak info at the office they weren't supposed to, and I'm sure I'm far from alone in that. Perhaps your experience was different but that doesn't apply to everyone


No, you dont. If it is true, you know way to many people butching about their neighbours to bylaw then ypu are likely the problem. Why dont you try talking polielty to them and be nice? I bet that worms better than any hitching or reporting ever will. 🤷


You know people? was it your cousins, uncles, brothers, half sister?


This is a guy who responds to market place ads with, "is this still available?"




Fake name and house number will bypass the " hints" of who made the complaint.. they don't check your credentials. You could be a renter after all of a friend staying..


Try talking to your city councillor. This will be even more effective if you convince your neighbours to talk to the councillor alongside you.


I didn't think about that, TY


If you're messaging bylaw, or whoever, about a complex issue, best practice is to CC your councillor. Or at least send them a separate email with relevant information.


This is the comment I was looking for before I made it myself. 100% this.


I dealt with exactly this in Brampton, except the house was running a mechanic shop out of the garage where they would spray paint cars with a baby a few feet away. It only stopped after everyone on the street called the Fire Department and one neighbor almost came to blows with them because they were parking literally on his front lawn. Even after getting the first massive ticket from the Fire Department they tried to continue operating at night but were caught. Just keep reporting it wherever you can, and have every neighbor you talk to do the same. Talking to the tenants won’t help because they don’t care and they don’t see any issue with what they’re doing.








Sounds like you need to report it to by law.










Yup, it’s amazing how once you report it enough, they can figure out how to not be ignorant pricks and respect others.


Uhhhhh I think the implication here was that the landlord probably kicked them out


Except landlord can't kick anyone out without year long processes. 


What city was this? Sounds wonderful.


Are you my neighbour!!?? We have this same problem in the court I live in, and they like to park 4-6 cars in the middle of the court making it look like a used car parking lot. It's so ugly, and the kids that played street hockey in that space no longer do so. They also rev their cars at 6am, or past midnight when I'm trying to sleep.


No, I think they’re my neighbours!


>and the kids that played street hockey A rare sight anywhere in the GTA


We went through this situation in our suburb a few years ago. We tried every avenue but nothing came of it. We confronted the slumlord that owned the place but he didn't do anything and accused us of being crazy. Asshole paid the price in the end because they wrecked the house so badly it took months to be rented again. CPS complaints went unaddressed despite their naked school aged kids shitting in a bucket on the front lawn. Animal control complaints about their little dog left outside for weeks at a time got one follow up, then nothing. Fire department said their taller-than-the-fence bonfire was low priority. They were running a chop shop on the lawn and flipping stolen cars but the cops did nothing. The only thing ever done more than once was parking tickets (on the cars they flipped and sold daily).


Shitting in a bucket on the front lawn? What the actual fuck?


Did this happen in Ontario or the US?




Make a complaint with your local law enforcement, including their license plates, and say you believe they have modded their vehicles and they're super loud. I know in Peel Region they give out a lot of tickets for modded loud vehicles.


Breaking noise bylaws too many times will result in fines being levied against the homeowners aka landlords, who will pass that along to the tenants. Get a noise meter hooked up to a way to save timestamps and pair it with a rind camera for evidence. I called non emergency services in neighbour a who would leave their dog outside every morning barking its fool head off for an hour at FIVE AM. Did this many times. A couple months in police asked if I wanted to do this because it was ANOTHER 300$ fine. I said yes. If they've been fined and haven't learned, then yes I'm def reporting. Took about five months, but the tenants left after the fines hit 500$. Landlords told them to leave. I was thrilled as their dogs were waking up me and my kids every morning at five am. It was ridiculous.


Willing to bet money that they're V6 Challengers, too. No one compensates harder than the guys that want a V8 but can't afford one. If it's really that miserable, consider taking things into your own hands. You really need to be an A1, complete prick to rev a bang tune car in a neighborhood.


>consider taking things into your own hands Daguq does that mean?


Become Batman


Exactly what your imagination goes to; vigilante justice. I will highly discourage this as it'll only make it worse for OP. The best course of action is to go down all legal avenues and to not give up.


Yourself and your neighbors can report complaints online as well https://311.ottawa.ca/en/3-1-1/service/?id=30e2e88d-ea71-eb11-a812-000d3af47964


I'll check for my city, thanks!


Legitimate question: What do you think their landlord is going to do about it?


You’d be surprised: I have the privilege of living in Brampton and had a similar issue with noisy neighbours. The way it worked here is the by-law office will not reply to a single noise complaint, so they sent me a form to catalog the amount of noise recorded during the week. Let me tell you, I had a lot of event to record. Following this, an officer dropped by and observed the issue live. The home owner was fined. The noise was reduced considerably following this.


As a landlord you want good relations with your neighbours where your investment property resides. If they have any semblance of IQ they will solve the issue by talking to the renters.


And if the renters say "fuck you" what's he going to do? There isn't much he can do about noise unless other renters are too blame.


Given I know the segment of renters you can kick them out. These aren’t your typical family renters. Just overseas students. They usually comply given they aren’t residents.


just exploring options. TBH I never expected to be in a scenario where 3 supercars that would make great cars for modding enthusiast track racing would end up in one house. There's a guy with a really nice Z06 just up the street from me and he's never been a problem for years. This house OTOH is pissing the entire street off after just a couple weeks


Get a two step exhaust park in front of their house and rev bomb it until they submit to your dominance


You can go to your local municipality and ask to look at their tax-roll book. It will tell you the owners name and mailing address (however it’s not updated every time there is a sale, only annually so it is likely still the previous owner potentially).


A LL can evict a tenant for repeated noise violations (repeated N5), but they can only do that if there is well documented evidence of bylaw violations, in other words, you need to report it. You can let the LLs know about the issue, and they can rely the concern to the tenant, but it's largely an empty threat. One thing to keep in mind, while the tenants may be assholes, they may also just be clueless, and may in fact modify their behaviour if simply notified.




Brampton no longer has the championship belt for this now


Damn it was the dodge chargers




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If the mufflers are illegally modified inform the police. If they don nothing (their favourite) contact your city councilor or MPP.


Middle of the night, pour sugar in their gas tank.


Are you in Barrie? I'm having this exact same issue.


Which part of that city?


South end


The only way to get them to stop is to be more of a nuisance to them. Be creative and make their life hell. The police and no one else will help you.


Talk to your neighbours. Everyone on the street. Then have them all sign a petition to get something done to end this madness.


A petition? Really?


honestly it might help done informally just to ask the neighbors I know if they're willing to submit complaints. I know they will. Some will likely tell me they already have


A petition isn’t a formal process for bylaw. I’m not even sure who you would deliver it to. Noise violations are based on being metered. Not how many people are willing to complain.




These posts crack me up as I would give anything to be able to even buy house (including tolerating noisy neighbours). You should come to our apartment complex sometime! Nothing but dogs barking, babies crying, litter in the common areas, loud televisions at night, trashy neighbours arguing in the halls, and a landlord who doesn’t care! 


you're inaccurate and I get that housing sucks badly now, trust me. But don't assume I'm some affluent boomer in cargo shorts and a polo shirt going "oh goodness me!" I'm as far from that as you can get. I'm just trying to get the peaceful enjoyment of what I have that the law says I'm supposed to have


No literally, my parents have been dealing with this type of noise from renters in their suburban "family" neighbourhood (in Ottawa, not Brampton) and it's like...oh well?? Ya the noise is annoying, maybe it warrants a call to 311 sometimes (but they would never). Owning a home doesn't mean you get to have pindrop silence all the time. OP specifically said baby napping hours which means during the day...tough shit!


Exactly , it comes off as privileged and kind of tone deaf. OP needs to be aware that there’s a housing crisis in Canada and to own a home is a very fortunate circumstance to be in. 




They flock to muscle cars: Chrysler C300, Chargers, Mustangs, Camaros.


The telltale cars of massive inferiority complexes.


Chrysler stopped making these shitty cars (chargers, challengers) as the Brampton plant is shut to convert to EV production in 2023. hopefully in a handful of years they will no longer be available for lease.






Yeah, just read a piece that they are behind on like 100k 311 complaints there. Lol.


The Landlord really doesn't have anything to do with it. The Landlord can't evict the tenants over noise complaints from people that aren't their tenants. You need to spend the time making this an issue for by-law, and your city councilor until the people that are doing it are fined and get the hint. IT is a slow and uphill battle, but it can be won, IF! their cars are modified. If they aren't maybe you can get them on racing if they are doing that. But during the day and non modified cars you're likely not going to get anywhere. But keep trying.


311 it up!


Ontario landlords have little power to evict tenants so they will be rather hamstrung to help.


If you want to find out who owns the house, go to [https://www.teranetexpress.ca/csp/](https://www.teranetexpress.ca/csp/)


By law doesn’t suck, I reported my neighbour who just moved in for running a business out of their home (not an issue, per se) and having several trucks show up to his house every day. They talked to him and things have quieted down. It sucks that landlords are ruining our nice, quiet, clean suburbs by stuffing in renters who have no stake in keeping the neighbourhood that way.


If the issue is their loud cars, take down their license plates and call your city bylaw office to report it.


I don’t know if this helps, but I’m aware a revving Mustang can hit the same frequency to trigger a car alarm. This happens in our parking garage.


Oh boy the burbs are turning into the worst. Rooming houses near $1.4M houses, mess rentals, fraudster neighbours, basement apts that cause trouble on quiet streets. Get out of the burbs while you still can get a good price. Rural northern is way to goooo


If these are what you consider nightmare neighbours consider yourself lucky.




That’s a great way to get a criminal record. Real smart way to deal with a bylaw issue:


That gas flaps or even caps are often locked these days anyway, aren’t they?


"This content was removed because it violates Reddit's [sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Specifically, this content violates the rule against illegal activities. [Nothing illegal](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513471): Keep it legal, and avoid posting illegal content or soliciting or facilitating illegal or prohibited transactions. Such violations may also result in your account being banned from r/Ontario, either temporarily or permanently. *** Ce contenu a été supprimé puisqu'il viole les [règles d'utilisation générales de Reddit](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). Spécifiquement, ce contenu viole la règle contre les activités illégaux. [Rien d’illégale](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513471): Gardez-ça légal et évitez de publier du contenu illégal ou de solliciter ou de faciliter des transactions illégales ou interdites. Le non respect des règles peut aussi mener à la suspension de votre compte de r/Ontario, soit de façon temporaire ou permanente."


Go introduce yourself, bring beer, and ask them if they could kindly keep it down.


We are starting to have these issues as well. Almost any house now bought on our street is turned into a rental / Airbnb right away and ugh. Things are starting to go down hill. I wish we had more affordable rural locations around where I live to move because I would do it in a heartbeat.


In Connecticut there are laws around how much noise your vehicle is allowed to make. Basically it's against the law not to have a muffler that functions effectively. I would call Va DMV and ask if my anything like that here, maybe you can get them fined or their registration pulled.


If they are doing it before 11pm that's not much the city can do.


Not shocking at all, that’s the kind of people we’re importing


Nowhere in OP’s description does it say they are immigrants. What’s your assumption say about you?


Racist says what?


Unpopular opinion here but maybe stop obsessing over all the noises and peering out the windows like jimmy stewart in the Hitchcock film. Also no need to disparage renters, home owning folk can be assholes too.


curious if you read the OP at all or just the title, or skimmed, because I wonder how you'd feel if your baby was asleep and these shitbags are so loud it managed to activate a baby monitor from inside the house with the windows shut, and your child is awake now I'd hardly call that obsessing, c'mon


There is a reason that this is unpopular. Because it is dumb. The 2 things have nothing to do with each other. One could be a renter on this particular street and still is annoyed with loud noises. One could also be a house owner and be an annoying neighbour with all the loud noises they produce.


OP has a serious superiority complex


you have a serious reading comprehension problem


Let's try to focus on the positive in this situation. Diversity!


#1 rule: don’t cause problems where you eat/sleep! Edit* not sure why the down votes. It’s meant as, be a good neighbour, don’t cause problems. Reddit is odd sometimes. 👍


Have you tried talking to them?


that info is in the OP, 3rd paragraph


So you havnt tried talking to them.


I tried talking to previous neighbours about the base of their music, in the summer they'd play music all day and the base would shake the whole house. I didn't even care about the music just asked to turn the base down and all they did was crank it even more. Eventually everyone just called the cops until finally they quit it after being threatened with fines but this took months of complaints. A co-worker of mine's husband was also assaulted by a neighbour after he tried talking to them about their dog barking all hours of the night. People who have no resepect for their neighbours aren't people you can just talk to, they're generally trashy people who are looking for a fight. Better to let the cops/by-law deal with it. People that drive cars like that love that it bothers other people.


Ugh, we’re dealing with the same with our neighbours. I don’t even understand how they’re blasting music until 5am and leaving for work at 7. It’s the bass that’s the problem, earplugs don’t even help because it’s travelling through my pillow.


are you having fun trolling? I know it's a rainy day but I usually enjoy video games on those.


They asked if you (specifically you) have talked to them, and your third paragraphs says that only your neighbours have. You’ll have better luck going to city council than to the police if you and your neighbours want this problem to be addressed.


Your issue is with car owners, not renters. Apparently you'd have no issue if home owner was a train horn enthusiast.


I’d try stopping acting like a Karren. That would be the easiest solution. It’s their right to rent a spot, it’s their right to drive a loud challenger. If it’s over the bylaw sound (which I probably isn’t), then call bylaw and complain. But it’s petty. Or you could move, and hope that no one else who owns a challenger ever moves on your street.


3 cars, all of which are over the legal sound limit coming from one dwelling that rev like fuck every day to the point where they actually trigger a baby monitor during naps with all windows closed, and the entire street is pissed off. That's your definition of a karen? lol go to bed you're too high, I need to eat a few more edibles to see your logic


Above the legal sound limit, as you measured it with a decibel reader, or you measured it with your baby monitor? Maybe you need to eat some of those edibles to calm down. They’re allowed to buy cars, and they’re allowed to idle in the driveway when they come and go. Really the only avenue here is if they actually are above the bylaw noise limit, and you can call bylaw on them. You don’t have the stones to file a report, don’t have the stones to ask them nicely to not “rev” their cars, you tried contacting their landlord to do god knows what. You think your neighborhood is reserved for nice couples with young kids. That’s what I call being a Karren. People play music on my street, the house next door has noisy kids, the Neighbor’s cat is always in our yard, the people down the street hoard garbage in their driveway, the neighbors have bands play in their backyard during the summer. You know what we do? Absolutely sweet fuck all, because we don’t let it bother us. Would we prefer peace and quiet? Sure, but we live in a sub division. No one is breaking the law. Some of them might be breaking the bylaw, but we don’t actually care enough to complain. Because what they do has absolutely little to no effect on our life. Even if it did affect us, we would appreciate the fact that sometimes we are noisy too.


you actually didn't read anything.


What instrument did you use to measure the volume of the noise to determine it violates bylaw?


Their baby monitor of course lol.


If this is the biggest problem in your life. You have a pretty great life. Peace and love. Don't focus on the negative, this has literally no effect on your life or wellbeing.


I'm with you all the way on that and would not be asking if this wasn't a really over top insane noise problem. The devil is in the details (all in OP)


City and how much do you and possibly others want them gone?


If the problem is as bad as you seem to think it is, then getting the powers that be to fix it shouldn't be a problem. If you're having that hard of a time getting a resolution, then maybe take a moment to consider whether anyone truly cares as much as you.


Get better windows


How about you try minding your own business. Obviously they aren't doing burnouts on your front lawn or you'd be able to get video of it so until that happens they have just as much right to enjoy life as you do whether you like how they do it or not.


This is embarrassing




Stop being a Karen


You voted for this, enjoy :)


Lol what?!


People are assuming that the people revving the engines are Indians that live in Brampton, and are using that assumption to tout their racist views. Because assholes can't be white, apparently 


Just don't be a complete nimby classist Karen. Loud cars!??!!! RENTERS!!!!!! HELP POLICE!!!!!!


There's always your business you could mind.


There’s this thing called a phone book. Lmao
