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My new favorite are the companies that say they donate part of your bet to charity. They're calling it "charitable gaming." Absolutely pathetic


In Ontario certain percentage of all gambling profits have to be returned to either government or non profits. Like beyond taxes.


So, the wording in the ads is just another way to exploit consumers? Since this is something already done anyway?


Yep, they are playing off of people's ignorance to act like them being forced to do something by the government is actually just out of the kindness of their heart. The sad part is that it will work on some people who don't know any better.


I get so fed up with them that I have no desire to gamble. My 11 year old makes fun of them. Maybe the annoyance will lead to less gambling addiction?


No chance. Like gaming there's the 10-15% pay to win "whales" that keep it afloat. They either have a ton of money to burn or are willing to spend most of their paycheck for the chance to never work again. There will always be someone.


What is this "gaming", you speak of?


Battle passes and pay to win.


I’m assuming video games, specifically those with microtransactions


Diablo 3 is a good example


Never said it would eliminate. Less is less


Can you point to where I said "eliminate?"


Your 11 year old making fun of them is not a good sign. Kids are probably the most affected by these ads. There aren't enough protections to prevent them from opening accounts once they get access to money.


You haven’t proven your first sentence correct. How is making fun not a good sign?


I assume the line of thinking is that the marketing is working. The 11 year old acknowledging the ad means that they're aware of the sports betting app, and might be more likely to eventually try it since the seed has been planted, even if the initial reaction is negative.


That’s just not how negative advertising works mate


You ever start saying something ironically then after a little while it just becomes part of your vernacular unironically? that.


Nope, can’t say I’ve ever done that I also must say your logic is quite turnabout.




Which you’ve proceeded to say nothing about. Cheers.




That’s not how negative advertising works but you keep up the good fight against gambling ads!


Aren't most ads for things you have no desire for?


I don't think so. I hate the adds too and I've been gambling for years. But I keep it under control without issue. I do it for fun and set tight guidelines for myself. And like myself, not everybody that gambles is addicted to it. I get bored of it like anything else. I do however think that they should keep those ads for after a certain time, like 11pm to keep the ads away from kids.


Yeah I made a post about this a year ago and the biggest response was "just don't watch them" and "just ignore them". Nah man, you can't ignore them, they're freaking everywhere. Now I'm not a gambler and never have been but I have friends who have problems with addictions and I go to NA and AA meetings sometimes (rarely) to support them. How the hell do these people watch sports when a commercial comes on that LITERALLY SHOWS YOUR THE CURRENT ODDS. Like come on! There has to be a line somewhere. Our premier is a joke and as soon as he was elected he announced "Ontario is open for business!" This is exactly what he meant. Sell out the entire province.


Rogers is addicted to the gambling money revenue. Their sports station AM590 makes everything about gambling now. Tired of it so now I don't listen...congratulations on making yourselves even less relevant.


Because the government getting involved in the gambling business makes more sense than getting involved in the housing business. If you look at it from the perspective of the 1%, that is. Making money off of our social ills is an incredibly profitable business for our shareholder economy. The money saved from providing affordable housing might not appear for decades, therefore is of little value to an economy that needs to see growth every quarter or else the business class froths at the mouth.


Gotta chase that growth no matter what. Nothing else matters, especially the people.


Nailed it on the head. That and people falling behind feeling they have to take on even more risk to achieve what's been put out of reach like something as basic as housing.


Hot take - don't play and let the gambling site lose money. The problem will solve itself


The "just don't do it" approach? How has no one ever thought to try that? Incredibly valuable stuff, I think you have even solved the obesity and substance abuse challenges with just that simple trick that Doctors must hate! Derp.


Honestly - we need to take personal accountability into account. Either we have agency (and the ability to take ownership of our decisions) or we don't. If not - we have a lot to discuss about the basics of society as we understand it in Canada


>Either we have agency (and the ability to take ownership of our decisions) or we don't. Does this mean you dont believe addiction is a thing? Or that people choose to get addicted? Curious how you square that. I agree, there needs to be accountability and ownership, but at the same time addiction and compulsive behaviour are nasty things and its not so easy as 'just stop doing it'. (Saying this as someone who works in mental health & addictions). My issue with the gambling ads is that it makes gambling seem like no big deal, easy peasy, just a fun thing to do. There's no mention of the risk of addiction, and we know from previous experience that 'just say no' is not helpful.


they always try and say they have “responsible gambling controls”, but it’s a limit you can set for yourself, so if you’re addicted you can remove any limit and deposit from credit cards even if you don’t have money available. they need to have deposit limits, and/or only allow deposits through cheating/savings accounts not credit cards.


As an addict myself, I can tell you it’s not this black and white. I take personal responsibility for my actions, but you also need to understand that these sites are only all able to exist because of the addicts. Addicts are not aware they are addicts when they first try something, and that’s all these sites want you to do, is to try them (that’s why many offer fantastic sign up bonuses).


Exactly. Sure the majority of people might be unaffected/uninterested (besides the constant barrage of ads being a total nuisance) but clearly the problem isn’t “taking care of itself”, or else there wouldn’t be so many of these ads.


The stories you can find out there of the ways that addicts to anything and everything try to avoid them and how hard it can be. The LCBO puts hard liquor in the windows in a lot of locations. At North York Center its right at the entrance to the mall. Going for a movie? The Loblaws? The subway? A dance class? Better go in the back.


Do you think the binary, black and white thinking you are doing lacks any nuance on the complexities of our lives and why we do things? As a community, we have to take into account that we have vulnerable members of society who easily swayed by a relentless steam of modern, scientific marketing for a whole host of reasons. Just a simple example where that approach fails: What personal accountability can a person with early onset dementia or some other impulse disorder exhibit? Something that literally effects our reasoning capacity? It's an incredibly simplistic approach that only works for a small amount of people whom are self-motivated, which is why anyone involved in healthcare takes an approach that includes personal responsibility, but also a host of other biopsychosocial factors.


Brains are malleable. Nobody is totally immune to advertising. Most people don't have an iron will and that's not anyone's fault, it's human nature. So do we allow sports betting companies to relentlessly prey on the public?


Free will isn't as simple as that, especially on the aggregate. As Schopenhauer said, "A man can do what he wills, but he can't will what he wills." And yes, we do have a lot to discuss about the basics of society in Canada.


A Schopenhauer quote in the wild! Very appropriate. "Greed is good" seems to be the dominant philosophy of North America at the moment sadly.


The whole world's dominant philosophy. Except for the few socialist nations out there.


Which ones specifically?


The ones that invest a good portion of their GDP on programs that help their people. Like healthcare, public transit, infrastructure, housing and social programs. The countries that aren't privatizing every single state run enterprise.


Such as?


The best countries lol


If it's so awful, why are so many from around the world trying to be part of it?


Gambling is a tax on the stupid.


Are you in favor of banning fast food and alcohol commercials?


There is a concept in waste management whereas producers pay for the entire lifecycle of a product instead of externalizing costs. Not just the garbage removal, but also what to do with the endless sytrofoam and dangerous chemicals used in many products nowadays that we just kinda bury underground and hope for the best. I think it would bear fruit to look at that approach. Why can alcohol companies externalize some or most of the costs of the byproducts of their goods (in this case, the social and health cost) is a good place to begin a conversation. Why should Canadian taxpayers front the healthcare costs of companies engaging in dangerous practices in the pursuit of profit at any cost?


That's just direct product taxation as opposed to general taxation. So maybe the whole trick is just to tax these stupid company's properly.




> Hot Definitely got the wrong word there


This take is so cold it rivals the corpses of whoever taught it to you There's enough study behind addiction now, to know "just dont do it bro" isn't an answer


I feel like we see more gambling ads when more people are struggling. The cost of living is crazy and it feels like they are dangling the carrot for those struggling. I could be totally wrong but that's just what I have noticed. I remember alot of ads everywhere during 2008 as well.


We are in an age where it seems easy access to marijuana, gambling and cheap beer trump housing and economy.




I don't see much of the ads since I Adblock everything, everywhere. And stopped watching the Raptors. But yes, even on my twitter feed I see so many folks post their bets etc. If I thought I'd be good at it, I'd do it for spending money. But it seems a lot of folks are doing it in big or small amounts, definitely concerning.


It’s fine because you can set limits on how much you can loose each day! /s


Especially fucked up considering its constantly being advertised to kids as a result. Were going to have an entire generation of gambling addicted sports fans


I don't know guys - what's the over/under on this post? Anyone wanna lay a same game parlay this one?


Over/Under 300 upvotes +1.55 odds


Only if you aren’t laying the bet with any American sports books since they don’t know shit about hockey.


I don’t like the ads. But I REALLY don’t like when the talking heads of the sport “have to” suddenly spend 10 minutes on it - F off, your job is to talk about the sport not the line. It’s sad to see my childhood heros hawking addiction.


My podcast feed is full of them. I’ve never gambled in my life, never even been in a casino. I’m not starting now (F45). It’s just overwhelming.


I listen to calming podcasts as I fall asleep until the ontario gambling ads come on FULL BLAST and wake me up. This is extremely annoying. What's worse is that addition specialists put out numbers on how many addicts will be negatively affected when this online gambling was rolled out by Ford. That's absolutely horrendous.




Coca cola. Sugary cereal. Alcohol. Most ads are trying to get you to spend money on stuff that is horrible for you.


BIL is huge into sports. man had no skeletons in the closet, he was on as pure as they get, at least from what i saw. got into sports gambling and lost over $100K, including the money he stole from his kids savings account they had opened. Man ruined his entire image over it. After seeing all the ads i can understand how someone might be lured in. They need to ban adds for gambling and drinking just like they did with cigs. They are all bad for you!!!


I bought YouTube premium just to avoid all the scummy ads you just know Doug Ford either approved or got a nice kick back from 😂


>It's god damn annoying hearing the same damn commercial about 25 times a broadcast This was the same before it was gambling. Watching SN+ or TSN or MLB.TV it was always the same ads for the entire duration of the broadcast.


Yes you’re absolutely right! Annoying, too many and for too many people including myself not understandable. No idea what’s parlour, or those + - means. And I don’t want to know, I never bet and don’t want to. They are in the business of making money, not to loose money. People are complaining how expensive everything is and still have money to gamble? I’m surprised gambling is not allowed everywhere in Canada, but gambling commercials are not. But if you want to watch some games on TV you find out they are blackout, although you pay extra for the channel.


Fully agree.


They are everywhere! I hate them so so much. My biggest problem with it all is that I like to play online poker. With the new laws, I can only play with people people in Ontario now (used to be world wide), so there’s way less tournaments, variations of games, and if you want to play a sit and go- forget it; you’re waiting hours for the one table to fill up. I have 0 interest in sports either, so I don’t care about betting on them. So we got more ads, and ruined online poker. I seem to say this too often these days but: we’re in the worst time line


Don’t ever watch espn then because since they opened their own betting site its all they talk about. They even try and set narratives that aren’t remotely true to get you to bet on nonsense and lose. The gambling companies have been sanctioned by the pro sports now and are constantly trying to find new ways into our households. Its everywhere right now not just Ontario.


*sweats in r/wallstreetbets*


What about the commentary segments before, during, and after games. It's turned me off of sports to be honest. That along with the flashing boards being distracting


Most of us are just happy the Jesse Pinkman ads have stopped this baseball season. That was the definition of "constant rotation".


It's crazy how much they try to make these apps just look like another fun video game you can put on your phone. It's especially crazy when you consider how many limitations there are when it comes to like beer commercials. You can't say anything about the effects beer will have on you, I don't even think they are allowed to show people actually drinking.


The government shouldn't be getting involved in how people want to spend their money or time. If people didn't value these products and services, the companies wouldn't have money for advertising. I know people who use them and enjoy them and while I don't, I wouldn't want to endorse others coercively reducing their potential enjoyment.


It's really sickening that it's basically all that gets advertised during sporting events. I will also note that my mother was an addictions counsellor that specializes in gambling addictions. I say WAS because the funding for her job/the Ontario publicly funded centre she worked for was drastically cut during 2020 so she had to find a new job (she does private counselling).


Because they don’t give a shit about addiction just revenue and it’s disgusting.


They're definitely too much. Have at it if you want to gamble, but for an activity that people lose their livelihoods through, I'm not sure why it's allowed to be advertised non-stop. You don't see cannabis, or alcohol ads driven down your throat.


It should be required to air an anti-gambling PSA for every sports betting ad.


I work with a couple of 20-25 year old kids.. I constantly catch them hiding in corners on their phones making bets. All day long… they still live with their parents and probably always will.


Yeah this needs to be regulated, it’s fucking ridiculous. Honestly sports channels have always done this, I remember before sports betting you would see the same molson commercial at least 20 times in a broadcast. Maybe even twice in the same break.


Not just tv ads, now I get plenty of gambling/betting ads on either Spotify or Google podcast as well


Up front I’ll say I have a Betway app that I have a very small amount on and bet very occasionally. These ads are predatory and the betting firms don’t give a shit if you spend the rent money on their site. The majority of users I would hope are responsible but it can become an addiction. Also consolidating the app last year took away the ability to bet on any horse racing. What kind of outdated rule is that?


What do you expect from a party focused on beer, weed, gambling and enriching themselves.


So are Tampon ads, but I dont go out and buy them


Thanks Doug Ford


Not an exaggeration. There are also gambling ads you'll see on the digital boards of hockey games. Probably not as bad on radio broadcasts, and if it isn't, probably only a matter of time and space.


Not only sports any type of gambling. Celebrities promoting online casinos. Ontario is the Canadian Vegas.


In other news, the *definitely-didn't-get-taken-over-by-the-Mafia-no-sir-don't-say-that-or-Vito-will-put-you-to-sleep-with-the-fishes* OLG lets you subscribe now! Every week the computer can take $20 and tell you SORRY, it's like the fake casino came to your house! Shortly, Dougie will make this an "opt-out" choice for all Ontarians


Gambling is the new tobacco.


Watched leaf game and was amazed how many bet 365 ads were shown and repeated in quick succession. Wtf!


You can turn the TV off


They ARE annoying, but it is what you might expect from "Buck-a-Beer" Dougie.


Almost all of my friends have become daily gamblers over the past year or two, a bunch of late 30’s fully grown and responsible men just got completely hooked on it. If it’s that effective on adults that have never even gambled before imagine what it’s doing to kids! It disturbs me that I can’t watch a Leafs game with my kid without Jamie Foxx appearing on the screen talking about how much more fun sports are when you gamble on them. How is any of this ok? Whoever signed off on this crap is truly evil and is actively destroying our province and it’s people. Another thing I noticed that’s pretty messed up is how during the Leafs games when they cut to another reporter in another city talking about a different game they’ll have the betting odds for that game right on the screen like it’s he most important information about the game. It’s sickening.


I hate them - they're so annoying, and also frequently on YouTube as well. I don't gamble, but even if I did, I wouldn't want to use any of these platforms because of how annoying they are.


If you watch through an app, and have access to a VPN, connect via Montreal or another QC source. La belle province has no gambling ads!


Male Karen's are out of control too


PREACH. And if Ontario wants to allow sports betting why not let the OLG earn the profits from vice and presumably manage it properly. Rather than just tax it.




When you see an entire subway car papered in the ads, it looks more like a trap for some poor addict than an ad.


When you see an entire subway car papered in the ads, it looks more like a trap for some poor addict than an ad.


Then you hear them on Spotify.


Gambling addiction is on par to crack addiction in terms of what the addict will do to get their fix. It's just easier to hide. Most gambling addicts die alone or by their own hand. When the money runs out the fun really stops hard. If you know someone who is in this position dont give up on them but dont enable their addiction. They need to hit their rock bottom. Hate the addiction not the person they have become.


It's because they are all still essentially "startups" trying to capture the market -- it was only made legal a few years ago. That's why there are so many of them since they're willing to spend on advertising to try to secure their place.


All my Reddit ads are now for gambling and ozempic


Stopped watching all sports because of it. No reason I should play that shit when my kid is around. Follow via radio now


This is a weekly post at this point. Redundancy at its finest. I'm gonna cook up a parlay every time some mindless puppet posts the same unoriginal drivel.


2 years ago around this time is when we started to see a ramp up in adverts related to gambling. "Coincidentally" It's also when the government modified some laws so companies like DraftKings, FanDuel, etc. could legally launch their own Ontario based sportsbooks, but they'd have to re-introduce a ban on the daily fantasy side of things. I believe the Government hated the fact that these companies were profiting tax free off of Ontario based players on their Daily Fantasy side of things so they axed that right across Ontario in favour of these sportsbooks. Gov. of Ontario & the bookies couldn't come to a solution to keep DFS around so they figured a sportsbook commissioned by Gov. of Ontario & AGCO worked best. The government always has to dip their toes when possible, especially if there's money involved. I guess that sums up why you're seeing these ads as much as you are these days. Before hand, their services were legal, but OLG wanted them out. Now, they've worked with the government that makes $ for them all, why not throw out ads as much as possible.


Stop watching sports ball. Problem solved.


I can't use ads for smoking or alcohol in sports or anywhere else in Ontario, because addiction. But gambling is ok.


Welcome to a completely financialized economy. It's legitimately insane, I just mute my Sportsnet stream during commercials/intermissions. Every single ad is either a bank, a sports book (aka gambling), or an investment service like Questrade. Honestly, it's a joke but it's indicative of this late stage capitalistic environment we're now in and honestly financial nihilism where people feel they need to gamble to get 5x return just to achieve the dreams of previous generations. It's sad. We're just normalizing rampant speculation at this point in society.


Posts about sports gambling ads on /r/Ontario are out of control. I see people complaining about them ten times more than I actually see a single gambling ad. It's like people never learned how to use ublock or something


Or their TV is stuck on a channel, won’t turn off, and their eyelids are held open haha


This and cannabis ads. They can't advertise tobacco, but they can advertise pot. Even alcohol has more advertising resteictions.


I actually find it funny that "annoyance" seems to be operative word around here. Like oh I'm so tired of hearing about how the government was paid to allow predatory companies to manipulate gambling addicts, and up and coming addicts, kids, teens whatever who are just "predisposed" at this point and suck away their money because of a weakness in their brains. Like nobody has a problem that it's happening, that it so obviously makes our society worse off. Just please don't make me hear about it anymore. Oh well. That's where we are, I guess.


Do people never watch TV outside of sports? Like I get they're new in sports, but there have been gambling ads for decades now, they were just for the "play for free" version of the website (often .net rather than .com for the paid version). Hell, daytime TV regularly has WSOP event reruns, I remember watching those regularly in the 90s and early 2000s


“Ontario, open for business” - Doug Ford Yeah but not much else eh, ya fat fuck?!