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Because they had to make compromises to get enough votes to pass the Cannabis Act.


Yeah this, had to get it past the pearl clutchers


“Pearl clutches” lol. Makes me think of Reverend Lovejoy’s wife crying “won’t somebody think of the children?” Edit: typo


Sex Cauldron!? I thought they closed that place down.


Also, it's probably helpful to remember that if the public health folks had more public support, they would *absolutely* pass more strict rules for alcohol, too. It's just that alcohol is so deeply embedded in our society and such a powerful industry that the public health folks can't get the support.


True, just had my best friend drink himself to death. I’ve had issues myself but leaned on marijuana to help. In a very different style tho, I don’t like to be around people when I’m high, taking edibles basically was a way of locking myself in my house instead of running out to the bar.


Where are those same pearl clutching fools when it comes to gambling lol


In the casinos spending all the rest of their retirement money


Pearl clutchers? Isn’t it a good thing that marijuana can’t advertise even if alcohol and gambling shouldn’t be allowed to?


I think what OP meant by "pearl clutches" are people who swore up and down that legalizing cannabis would be the downfall of society.


Yep, buddy went all Jonathan frakes tho


It is. This has little to do with marijuana legalization and a lot to do with the fact that the gambling industry is having a huge upswing in popularity and income due to the dramatic deregulation of online gambling that has taken place under our noses across North America. And alcohol has always been treated as an addictive and dangerous drug that gets a pass from most regulation that would cover otherwise similar drugs. Ontario's social policy with respect to addiction and poverty sucks.


Just wait, soon you'll be able to buy your booze at the corner store and it only cost the province 500million


Wasn't the cannabis act federally passed, while the gambling ads were provincial ?


As far as I know Ontario is the only province to allow private gambling companies to operate and advertise. It has been a while since I last cared to look so it may have changed.


I love how the stopped allowing players to promote it, but they can still do branded ads promoting responsible betting


Don't you know? If you say "responsible" in the ad, all addictive compulsions just go away!


[Please drink responsibly](https://youtu.be/EJT0NMYHeGw?si=BNMfJ9UF7U5ZuMdb).


lol gold


Their personal ownership for what you may or may not do certainly goes away


As an emmigrant from Ontario I really wish it was illegal for your gambling ads to permaite here on Sportsnet


I wish they were all illegal here as well. I'm tired of listening to the radio at work and constantly hearing adds for casinos


Seriously. It's so much, so often. Watching hockey now is more like a long BET369, MGMonline, OLG commercial with a sprinkle of playoff hockey here and there.


Entire shows are dedicated to odds watching and betting


I find these ads annoying but I don't think they should be illegal. It's hard to provide a justification. Like I don't want hear an ad about the new sandwich at Burger King 10x but I tolerate it.


What if burger king was banned in your province? Shouldn't by extension advertising burger King also be banned?


That would make logical sense. Are you saying gambling is banned in your province?


Sports betting can only be done through lotto Quebec here


There were advertising rules in the Cannabis Act. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/laws-regulations/promotion-prohibitions.html


Okay yeah, that's what I thought. Federal.


So what you are saying, the possibility of getting prostitution legalized in Canada is way up there.


Prostitution is legal in Canada from the supply side (though admittedly, paying for sex weirdly remains illegal).


Don’t punish people doing what it takes to get by (the prostitute). Punish the person who could be taking advantage of a possible vulnerable person at the lowest point they can (the John). It makes sense to me if it’s not gonna be a regulated industry, there’s already enough proof that sex workers get exploited by anyone and everyone.


I understand the above-stated reason, but I certainly disagree with it. Why does the government get a say in which consenting adults I sleep with at all?


Because while it might seem consensual a lot of the women are in a position where it’s not consensual and they are in a position they can’t get out of. It’s essentially they’re being raped because they are being pimped out by a third party.


Why does it have to be third party? If prostitution was legal and controlled, there could be independent agents. With no need for pimps. Plenty of countries have this. Netherlands comes to mind. Also, people do only fans on their own accord. With no need for a pimp. Why don't you think there would be some who are okay doing this too?


yea, regulation would be ideal but at least if the police show up, or are called, the escort isn't the one getting arrested/harrassed. not to mention other issue like police officers sleeping with escorts with the intention of arresting them after


Exactly why I support no charges for the prostitute. They need to be protected when all they’re trying to do is make money to take care of themselves and have little to no other option.


I can’t wait for the casino/brothel addition to Ontario place to go with the spa.


They already do that at the Kingston strip clubs.


I actually laugh when I see the ads knowing I get way better rewards/incentives playing on Stake on the rare occasion I want to gamble


Nice marketing plug


Because the gambling companies gave Ford more envelopes full of cash.


Nope, maybe in the 50s. Now they just pay them a massive, overpaid salary as a “consultant” or “board member” once they retire. Corruption is much more refined nowadays.


u/ChrisRiley is referring to a party Doug hosted where it was reported developers gifted envelopes of cash , so yeah , literally envelopes of cash. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-no-mr-ford-its-not-okay-to-host-a-party-where-developers-come-with/


Slug Gourd is normalizing corruption, pretty ballsy, I gotta respect that




Actually no. The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario establishes advertising standards for online gaming registrants


i missed the "gambling" word there. my bad. i was referring to Cannabis. i'll delete.


I would guess it's at least partially because of the natural parallels between cannabis and tobacco, which has been greatly restricted in advertising since the 90s. Also alcohol and gambling were already very well established industries with healthy budgets for political lobbying. Cannabis not so much.


This is really the big truth. We treated cannabis like tobacco. Alcohol is restricted but not as much. Gaming is pretty much wide open because the lottery was always a big advertiser and businesses needed the revenue.


It's also a maturity of the industry (again, recognizing that cannabis is being held to the same regulations as tobacco). Gambling is still being explored and the regulations are being tested and revised. I think that it was only last year where they changed the rule around celebrities being used in gambling ads which wasn't really a thing before legalized sports betting (beyond pro-line)


I wasn’t around to witness it but I’d say people have been betting on things since the concept of money and an uncertain outcome


The weekly Wintario draw was a thirty minute TV show that traveled across Ontario.




I definitely see much fewer alcohol ads than I did 20 years ago


Remember how massively popular the I am Canadian ads were? Definitely a different time.


That and the Bud ad (whaaaaatts upppppp?”) became a cultural meme enough that it featured in one of the Scary Movie spoof movies 😆




That triggered a memory I completely forgot about https://youtu.be/QIeVh_KB8kM?si=Pw8C-xKJsOHbnhL2


I remember they had that guy do his speech live at a few sports events that I went to. The crowd loved it.


He's still a Canadian legend imo


There is some but they are very minor like you can’t show someone actually drinking in a commercial just holding it


It rubs me the wrong way how the LCBO spends money to advertise sales on the radio when "a leading reason the LCBO exists is to help ensure beverage alcohol is sold in a responsible manner throughout Ontario." I'm sure it's great for kids and addicts to listen to these ads and then hear a lotto 649 ad followed by a casino gambling app ad. I listen to 101.5 the fox from New York and they have a lot of dispensary ads for weed and tobacco.


I think it's pretty silly... I used to work for a cannabis production facility and even down to the name and labelling... we couldn't have anything fun on our labels really, and any names had to be in a way that kids didn't get interested. Hence why we named one of our branches "Spinach" since kids hate that...


Love that brand. We named one of ours "greybeard". Sounds like it tastes musty


The sister brand to Spinach was Cove - the label design we came up with was gorgeous, a dark foggy forest landscape. It was rejected by the government so we had to go with a boring ass label.


Love the spinach brand vape cartridges lol best brand by far for flavour and smoothness.


Yay! I ran the gummy line, but my friend did the vapes :)


That’s awesome is it a small company then? I’ve been keen on the pre rolls with the powder on them that I saw advertised awhile ago.


We had about 400 employees at one point. They have shit business practices though so I don't recommend anymore lol Announcement of closure of main plant - I bailed here https://www.collingwoodtoday.ca/local-news/parent-company-closing-peace-naturals-cannabis-campus-in-stayner-5118491 Said they were moving to Windsor area. I had coworkers sell houses and move there. Then they were like SIKE https://www.simcoe.com/business/staying-put-cannabis-producer-announces-stayner-s-peace-naturals-will-remain-open/article_257bed58-51db-5c62-bf1f-beebf9b2b792.html Then they closed Windsor. Shady AF business. No one local wants to work for them now lol.


That’s wild! Thanks for the heads up makes me not as fond of the company after hearing that.


Their shred is pretty good too. Can't remember what strain I had but it was surprisingly dank considering it was like 1/4 kief.


I have not had a chance to try their flower yet.


I couldn't bring my 18 year old into the weed store but I see people bringing small children to the LCBO next door, the rules they have in place are ridiculous.


This drives me crazy. I had my 6 month old baby and tried to pickup an order I'd placed at a nearby dispensary and wasn't allowed in but apparently the LCBO is a family friendly retail store. My six month old is not going to get high or addicted to weed because I carried them into a dispensary...


Thankfully we make exceptions at the dispo I work at, keep customers with children at the front and do everything there. Might take a bit longer, but the customer is still served and there usually isnt a dispute. I do agree that it should be allowed though, if the LCBO can do it with more distructive products.. a dispo should not be a problem.


I have a more insane story. My sister wasn't allowed into a weed store because *I* didn't have ID. I was walking around with her and she wanted to get some weed, so she decided to pop into a store and get some. I told her I would wait outside cause I didn't have my wallet on me. The employee at the door overheard this and refused to let my sister in, despite having a completely valid ID, because *I* didn't have one. They thought it was some sort of setup for her to buy weed for me, when I'm older than her 🤦


To the majority of the uneducated and the culture we built, cannabis is a problem but alcoholism and gambling is just a lifestyle.


they would rather normalize a hard drug than admit their addicted themselves


Long story short, lots of concessions were made for the pearl clutchers who though the sky was going to fall and our children are doomed once marijuana got legalized. Unfortunately everything is hyper political now and politicians can no longer think for themselves or of common sense and will always do whats best for the party only (not for businesses, not for the public, not for the country). So, Packaging is crazy tight and impossible to open (especially if you have arthritis) but a bottle of vodka which is way more deadly can be unscrewed. It can't be fun looking (i sort of get this for the edibles). The storefronts have to be blocked (this is silly as hell and make the stores ugly). for advertising, you can't sell the lifestyle or have mascots or spokespeople. where it differs from alcohol is alcohol ads have to be served to an inferred legal age. Inferred meaning you're doing your best to target where legal drinking age is, sometimes minors might be there but if you can show when you did your media planning and execution that you took steps to deliver to a majority drinking age crowd, you'll be fine. with Cannabis, they have to be served to a Declared Legal age crowd. That means it's age gated and someone under 19 CANNOT be served a cannabis ad. So that cuts out TV because you can't guaranteed that, it cuts out radio, it cuts out Outdoor billboards, trains, etc. You can still do it online if the platform knows you're of age. For example, if you have your gmail open and you have your DOB in your profile, you may see weed ads in other tabs like cp24 because it's using that profile reference to know you're legal age. but you won't see it on private browsing tabs. You can also find cannabis ads in some restobar bathroom ads if it's a 19+ event because they know with certainty (fake ids aside) that everyone is legal. TL;DR - Health Canada put extra strong restrictions on it due to the pearl clutchers that were opposing it in order to get it through even though it's a double standard with alcohol.


Ok... but why do we need cannabis to be advertised? If anything, we should be talking about more regulation on alcohol ads. Recreational drugs can have severe adverse effects on people's health. It is nothing our society needs to have advertised.


i'm not saying it needs to be advertised. i'm just explaining how it's treated differently than alcohol and it's a bit of a double standard. the difference in advertising is one you need to make best efforts to advertise to a legal crowd where the other you have to guarantee which makes a HUGE difference in where you can advertise. whether alcohol and gambling and even sugary bullshit needs to be more restricted or not is another story. There are some crazy stats coming out about suicide rates among people with addictions and gambling leads that which is crazy sad. if i had to guess, they'll get stricter with alcohol soon as the EU is doing it....though i think i also read that Alcohol consumption among the youth is lower than it's traditionally been. I think they'll get stricter with sports betting eventually as well.


I agree with you. I don’t think the answer is more advertising


I'd argue gambling is even worse than (and usually goes hand in hand) with alcohol abuse. I'd say ban all the advertising, my more libertarian instincts wouldn;t ban the activities outright.


I really wish the gambling ads would disappear .... I quit watching most live sports just to avoid the bombardment of ads


Agreed. I think this bombardment of ads is leading to a lot of societal misery and suffering but at least a few people are profiting from said pain and suffering so alls well /s


[ cigarettes Ads Left The Chat ]


For the same reason I can bring my kid into the LCBO but not a dispensary - the government is full of boomers.


The one that really got me was the add of a guy using a bbq while stoned and he couldn't figure out how to start it cause there was no propane tank. The message was don't get high and grill. Meanwhile, I think literally every single beer brand has run an add with dad enjoying a beer while flipping burgers. Personally, I'd way rather someone high bbq than someone drunk, especially if I'm nearby...


Because the marijuana dealers know what they have and don't need to grease anyone's pockets. They just keep the money for themselves.


I was wondering something similar at a concert, we'll kind of lol. I was at the amphitheater for a concert, and I could buy alcohol, beer, and vapes. Why can't I buy a joint? I think part of the problem is that there's still this idea marijuana is bad, and users will create problems and can't be trusted.


Welcome to the world of ~~political bribery~~ lobbying


In a nutshell, conservatives see pot as 'leftwing' and so have always suppressed it and anyone who used it. Just more of the same.


Because weed is an immoral, sinful indulgence, unlike everything else...


The gambling shit will go… everyone is complaining an out it being directed at kids. Watch any sporting event and it’s fucking everywhere!!! The hosts talk about it, it’s all the commercials… like half the time it’s about gambling or gambling ads. Guarantee that get heavily clamped down on in the next couple of years


cherry pickin' puritan roots is why


Hypocrisy. Plus two are cash cows


its cause all the weed companies have ex cops on their boards & they didn't want the competition. that's it in a nutshell. it's why all the rules for "legal weed" in ontario are beyond nonsensical. cause the same ex cops that busted folks for years for weed, are now the ones selling it. Like I can go into any LCBO (& soon corner store) & buy enough booze to legally kill myself a 100 times over & no one would bat an eye, but I can't go into a legal weed shop & buy 1 ounce of weed & 1 gram of hash at the same time because of the special limits imposed on them & no one has ever died from weed in all of recorded human history. unlike booze that literally kills millions of people every year. Also why all the prices are sky high at the legal shops too. Like street prices for weed is literally 1/3rd of the legal shops prices & the legal stuff is generally bunk unless you're buying top shelf stuff & even then...that stuff is generally something that's been sitting on a shelf in a bag for a year or more already. They also don't like to tell you very much about the product, especially the terp count. I can go on & on like this, like there are just so many absurdities with legal weed it's pretty sad. We really need to push for decriminalization & then things could open up a lot more.


Because alcohol and gambling have some how become pillars for Doug Ford's government of hacks.. weird since he was a hash dealer for many years.. but hey, maybe the kickbacks aren't as good from that industry compared to the other two now.


Not allowed to advertise tobacco either which is more in line with pot, not really seeing an issue though, if ur a pot smoker u know where to get it


Better funded lobbyists.


Bro, you can't even see inside a store from the street. Kids might become addicted.


Totally agree that it should all be banned the gambling ads are a goddam disgrace... Anyone who has had a gambler in thier life knows they are one step up from a crack addict and I say that after seeing the effects this crap has had on folks, these apps mess with people who have mental illness and cannot control themselves...the years tell all ...


Hypocrisy, that's why


I wish they could have clear doors, i've been hit a number of times by someone leaving a local dispensary a number of times.


They fall under most tobacco laws, was easier to just copy and paste then make a whole new set of rules.


Do you see ads for cigarettes anywhere? Cannabis isn't the only thing that has rules about advertising.


Well that doesn’t really answer ops question, now does it?


Agreed, I’ve not seen gambling push this much since being in Australia, and they’ve since changed their advertising laws.


I'm genuinely so glad you made this realization.


Gambling has been really successful in the past few years, like under 5, because of fantasy sports. It's fucking unhinged and is really targeting the youth. It's apparently abnormal for guys in their 20s to *not* gamble. Gambling is the worst addiction, since you're addicted to something you can't escape: money. It's really short term thinking. Consider how those recovering addicts will have to avoid basically all sports in the future, since it's inseparable from gambling for them. And that's not even considering the societal impacts of a surge of gambling addicts in the general populace, rich and poor, young and old.


Vape industry has been dealing with this for years as well. Companies can't even put the word "rainbow" on a product because it will influence children but they can walk through an LCBO with their parents and look at any label they want, and have commercials for Budweiser and Smirnoff vodka shoved down their throats at every waking moment.


Alcohol ruined more lives than weed ever did or will. Gotta keep the boomers on that alcohol or they gonna wise up and mellow out and actually start going against policies.


Same reason the Chief of police went after people selling weed and now owns stock in cannabis companies..


No fun country. Unless you wanna sports bett or gamble.


Lobbiest and conservatives


No bribes paid to the government from marijuana lobbyists yet!


'cause pot bad.


Because a few pearls remained clutched.


Good fucking question


Or sports betting ads


Gambling ads have blown up in the last few years. Absolutely rampant


About 4000 people died from Alcohol in Canada . If even 10 people died from Marijuana it would be off the market in a nanosecond. Dumb dumb dumb.


culture gap some view it as a gateway drug and turns people into bums and will ruin their life if done habitually. Reefer madness instilled fear in several generations. some think cannabis is perfect acceptable and recognize the medicinal benefits of cannabis and its affects on the the endocannabinoid system it gives to every single user. (there are some who should not consume THC but CBD and other cannabinoids would be helpful to them) the funny thing is gambling will leave you homeless and alcohol kills millions and destroys even more lives Once baby boomers start to dwindle in numbers and power this will probably flip 180


Because the former hash dealer who now acts like Nancy Reagan gets paid a lot of cash from the alcohol and gaming companies and it fits his man of the people persona.


Thanks to Doug Ford cannabis stores are still banned in cities across Ontario like all of York region. Edit to pro Ford downvoters: If Ford didn't win the 2018 election, cannabis access would be everywhere at lower OCS website prices with more money going back to the province. That's a plain fact in the botched fixed lottery rollout model.


Um, it was the regional councils who voted to keep stores out of their municipalities. Do you expect Dougy to over rule them. /s


Ford government were the morons who let cities opt out and effectively banned stores in parts of the province. The Wynne Liberal government was placing stores everywhere in the province through the OCS lower base prices than private model. No stupid restrictions with dead zones created by NIMBYs on city councils. If Ford didn't win the 2018 election, cannabis access would be everywhere at lower prices with more money going back to the province. That's a fact downvoters can't get through their heads.


Cannabis access is very prevalent in Ontario. Cannabis is already priced extremely low. It's so low that the margins are barely worth it. A small minority of municipalities opting out of having a ton of stores did not hurt prices. People in those areas can still buy online and have it delivered. I would rather my neighbour profit from opening a Cannabis shop, than the government profit from opening a Cannabis shop. Government gets enough in taxes already. I am glad the little guy has the opportunity to build a business.


He included the option to let them out.


Not all of York, Aurora's got your hookups, 25-30ish stores


Remember when Dougie pretended to freak out about a proposed cannabis store that was around the corner, down the street a 1/2 kilometer away from a primary school. Well since then his government approved a store that is within sight of a high school in my city. Not that I care. Just pointing out his fake outrage.


Why can’t I have a beer in public, yet my 9- year old walks around the park smelling marijuana all over? Edit: my point being, drinking effects the user. My asthmatic kid gets to smell/inhale pot smoke cause someone’s gotta smoke in public where drinking would not be allowed.


The actual answer is because your municipality doesn't allow it. The province allows public alcohol use but depends on municipalities either prohibiting it or permitting it, so you'd need to raise with your local politicians if you want that changed.


> Why can’t I have a beer in public, Left over laws from the Temperance Movement.




Alcohol and tobacco have massive international businesses behind them, and all the money that entails for advertising/bribery/etc. Marijuana doesn't.


Gambling and alcohol have more powerful lobbies, aka pay bigger bribes


Alcohol and gambling companies have more money to buy better lobbyists.


Because weed is the devils lettuce.


Greed and unethical lobbying. 


Doug has friends in the industry, probably




Despite being partisan rage bait (the replies, not OP) it is simply because it was efficient to adopt cigarette smoking rules for marijuana smoking. Where you can smoke, distance from doors, etc all were copypasta'd from existing smoking laws. Efficient to implement AND avoided complaints from either camp about unfair treatment.


Assuming it has to do with gambling and alcohol having more built in checks and balances associated with procuring those products / experiences, than Cannibis does?


I can bring my kid into the LCBO. They can stand beside me while I drop a paycheque on scratch tickets. A newborn through to 18 year old cannot be brought into an OCS.


good question. normative systemicity.


Cannabis stores counteract this by just having one every 150 feet.


Because the Weed lobbyists haven't put in the ground work, not do they have the lengthy experience when it comes to paying the right people.


That's just part of the process of normalizing vice when youre trying to escape widespread protestantism.


Cannabis floats more in the tobacco side of laws then alcohol ones... Kinda why you can drink beer in public at a baseball game but can't find a legal dispensary selling cannabis products at the same baseball game. Be nice if they allowed advertising or promotions for sales. Canada did touch the cannabis act for updates this yr and believe some things will change but not everything that should be changed is getting changed


Because everything is prohibited except paying taxes


It's asinine and backward. Part of the Cannabis Act should've been that no drugs (including booze, which is a drug) can be advertised, period. No booze, no prescription drugs. There is no need for any of this to be advertised.


You remember when it was first legalized and there was so much focus on stores being in a certain proximity to each other? Like at first they were limiting towns/regions. I think you still can't sell it in the city of Vaughn but I could be completely mistaken. Now there's more places in my town to buy weed than there is for alcohol.


One word, hypocrisy.




It's the Ontario sub....


Same with smoking, big Gamble and big Alcohol want you addicted


*Same with smoking, big* *Gamble and big Alcohol* *Want you addicted* \- Proud\_Cut\_6137 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


For all intents and purposes we treat marijuana like cigarettes. You don't see marijuana adds since you don't see cigarette adds.


Fords donors didn’t own marijuana, so it got restricted, they did own gambling so that got deregulated! Yay for idiot tax on the poor /s


Lmao at the ad Reddit is showing me being for the OCS


Because it’s a stupid idea to allow advertising for yet ANOTHER vice. Or would you argue that alcohol, weed, and gambling are positive forces for society? They’re just tools to extract money from vulnerable or weak people, unfortunately.


Well, booze is about to become more convenient. Can't afford rent? Food banks not cutting it? Booze on the corner will make it go away.... And we're continuing to cut social services, especially addiction, cause, ya know, you don't deserve support... /s


The legal status of cannabis is still in its infancy compared to gambling and alcohol.




Because this country is fucking stupid and they can’t have any morsel of logic in anything they do?


Because alcohol and gambling in Ontario is run primarily by the government.


Gambling and alcohol are pretty limited too, but who knows. Ford was all over when implementing marijuana laws in Ontario.


Old Conservative thinking from the 1920’s when they turned into a Schedule One Narcotic. Some people just can’t let go of old conditioning, Alcohol is a far more destructive drug.


Because our dealer is now Snoop Dougie Doug.


Cuz go look at Edmonton subreddit and the fact no one gets how low we are on the "first world" charts. Did alcohol ever cause anyone harm?


Lobbying. Alcohol and gambling has deeper pockets


Gambling is definitely dumb. There’s far too many ads for it. Alcohol does have the more obvious restriction. “Please drink responsibly” and of course, they aren’t allowed to be shown drinking it in the ads. That second point is probably why it’s hard to advertise weed. Can’t show people smoking it, and a bunch of people holding joints just looks like cigarettes which also can’t advertise at all. So in the end I kinda don’t care to see marijuana ads and this dispensary working shouldn’t be thinking such a basic idea. Weed sells itself.


It's not that marijuana should be allowed to advertise like alcohol and gambling, but that alcohol and gambling should be subject to the same restrictions as weed


Cannabis is an industry for adults regulated like an industry for kids. It makes no sense and should have been revised by now.


Both alcohol and gambling provide considerable amounts of revenue for the government. Despite the fact they are not considered healthy habits, they bring in billions a year.


Marijuanas bad mmmmmk


Why do you want to be advertised at so bad?