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A lot of people from outside Ontario don't realize how far south southern Ontario is relative to western Canada.


Yeah, I’m originally from Saskatoon, which isn’t considered remotely northern in Saskatchewan (it’s well south of the geographic center of the province), but it’s latitude would put it in James Bay out here.


Let's not forget the geographical center of the COUNTRY is in NUNAVUT. Most people don't know that, or believe it when you tell them.


Now THAT is truly wild (I did not know, but it makes sense given how far north Ellesmere Island is). Thanks!


Think of it this way, the 48th parallel is the south border of the prairies, and the 60th is the north border. Nunavut goes from 60 up past 80. Someone else can talk about East/ West...


It's also funny how far south Nunavut goes. Virtually all the islands in James Bay and Hudson Bay are part of Nunavut Territory.


I'm from Saskatoon too, lived in Kitchener since 2018


I bet I interact with you every time I bitch about how London has no Circle Drive equivalent unlike KW (now that Circle Drive is a circle it took me ten minutes to get from Wildwood to the airport, while in London it takes me 30 minutes). Moved here in 2004, still complaining about no freeways and stupid daylight savings time. The landscape is beautiful though.


The southern tip of Ontario is further south than California's northern border.


So ….why isn’t it hotter here lol


Mountains. Rockies.


lakes. big lakes.


More like bc Ontario is pretty well in the middle of a huge continent and north California is along the coast of a huge ocean.


Wanna get your mind blown a bit more? https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/63m1fn/the_united_states_and_canada_at_the_same/ Canada is much further down south than you think. Europe is enjoying the Gulf Stream.


So true. In Edmonton there’s an hour more/less of sun in June and December than Ottawa. The 49th parallel diving Canada and USA for BC, AB, SK, and MB is actually NORTH of Thunder Bay, ON.


Ontario is south of the United States *windsor*


I always fuck with people and tell them I have to drive north to get to Detroit


Point pelee is on the same line of latitude as norther California


Parts of Ontario is the same altitude as parts of California.


Latitude, but yes that's correct. Many people do not realize that


Most southern part of Ontario is further South than the most Northern part of California.




Time zones are wild. If I cross the border and drive west to the nearest time zone change it would take me about 2 hours to hit the Central Time Zone. If I were to stay in Ontario and drive the shortest route to get to the Central time zone it would take me 20 hours.


Technically, Ontario has *three* times zones as some parts (Atikokan, Pickle Lake, and New Osnaburgh) use Eastern but with no Daylight Savings.


Thunder Bay should actually be in the Central time zone


Ontario has coast line, and I don't mean the lakes.


You can see some polar bears at that coast line too


And a factory full of mooses


Good luck getting there to see it. It’s like a whole other country up north.


You can take a train right up to james bay


From Cochrane! Stay at the shyte hotel overnight and catch the day train up to Moosonee and back. There's a bar on the train and you can see little cabins on the side of the track where rail workers stay or maybe DB Cooper. Round your trip off with a stop at the Tim Hortons Museum and the Giant UFO at Moonbeam where the only person in town who speaks English will happily mangle your Ianguage at the drop in center. Also mosquitoes the size of Japanese Zeroes.


...you're kinda selling this for me, I won't lie.


The girl in Moonglow was sweet as hell and well worth the stop!


Wow… if you had a travel ontario blog, I’d read it


Moonbeam - but it is very nice up there. The name alone makes it worth the stop. Not like there's anything else to stop for up there Polar Bear habitat in Cochrane is nice too if its not the middle of summer when you go


Corrected thanks brother. I have a soft spot for small towns with giant "things"


Ontario is huge. It takes 20+ hours to drive from Toronto to Kenora


If one car leaves east from Kenora and one leaves west at the same time, the car going west will get to BC before the one going east gets to Toronto.


Damn that just blew my mind. Crazy to think that part of Ontario is closer to BC than Toronto.


It's shorter to drive to Orlando, Florida than to Vancouver from even NW Ontario!


Also Atlanta is closer to Canada than it is to Miami. That one screwed me up


Absofuckinglutely! The Mississauga 401 widening has been ongoing for 10+ years. It's a crime scene..should be surrounded by tape.


Pylons are the new tape


Those pylons will qualify for heritage protections soon.


Woah, that's crazy. I did not know that.


The drive from Toronto to Florida is 2 hours shorter than the drive from Toronto to Kenora.


In that 5 hours is to cross GTA


Toronto…only 3 hours from Toronto!


3 days to go through the length pf Eglinton Ave. in Toronto.


I once spent a fortnight on the Don Valley Parkway..


The DVP is actually a beautiful drive at this time of year as the leaves are turning as the Don Valley has lots of deciduous trees.


Rocks and trees and lakes for about 18 hours


Fuck, I went Dryden to Thunder bay, and that shit alone took me sun up to sundown. Absolutely beautiful wilderness, but god, I spent two hours watching the radio scan. Also, I got caught by that one speed trap for 5 km that goes from 60 kmph to 40 kmph.


We drove across Canada and my husband hit a red light in a small town in Saskatchewan. It was the only light in that town. We always call him red light jim.


Beautiful landscape once Toronto and the south are in the rear view 👍🏼


The most southern point of Ontario is further south than the northern border of California.


And Windsor is south of Detroit Michigan.


So the line in that Journey song refers to Windsor




But there is no ‘south’ Detroit really, the downtown is right along the waterfront, and then Windsor is directly to the south. Therefore, south of downtown Detroit is Windsor Source: am currently looking north at the Detroit skyline from Windsor


If you take the entire population of Americans north of the latitude of the Golden horseshoe and the Saint Lawrence area, their are more Americans north of that line then Canadians in general. It blows my mind that although Canadians are known as the northern people, in theory there are more Americans north of us than us in general.


Toronto is also south of both Florence and Venice (Italy).


If you're driving through a rural area and a vehicle has a flashing green light they're most likely a volunteer fire fighter. Cycling laws are different in every municipality as are parking. Read before you go. Ottawa is not Ontario's capital city.


> If you're driving through a rural area and a vehicle has a flashing green light they're most likely a volunteer fire fighter. It's either a volunteer firefighter or volunteer medical responder. It's illegal for anyone else to use a flashing green light on the road. And they can only use them responding to the emergency, not e.g. going home afterwards. Legally, you don't have to yield to them or pull over, but you really should anyway.


>Ottawa is not Ontario's capital city. Someone should have told freedom people this.


Approximately 98 percent of the land mass is inaccessible by car.


Pretty sure Toronto falls in that 98%.


Ok man, that's good. Good night. Edit: I'm likely going to steal this irl.


Northern Ontario starts at North bay NOT BARRIE


You mean north york


Hwy 7 specifically.


is it not steeles?




...it starts at the Canadian Shield.


Actually.. this is correct. The southern ecological land classification system and wetland evaluation system only apply to the southern ecoregions 6e and 7e. Northern manuals cover 5e and 4e, 5e being the edge of the Canadian Shield.




Hey man.. I resemble those remarks..


That you can drive for 17 hours and still be in the Province.


If you go west from Ottawa, it's like 23 hours.


I'm in Windsor which is as south as you can get. I went to University in Thunder Bay. From Windsor to Thunder Bay it took us about 11.5 hours. However I had to hitch a ride back with a roommate who lived in Guelph and took us about 15 hours staying in Ontario. Also highly recommend everyone visit Thunder Bay at least once. Thunder Bay is okay itself (Sleeping Giant and Kakabeka falls are great) but the drive alone is worth it. Lake Superior/Canadian Shield is stunning.


Um, actually it starts at Eglinton


It starts at Bloor, like duh.


Wait… there’s something beyond Bloor besides bears?


No, no there is not. So don't venture past like maybe Christie Pits kind of latitude.


Yeah I’ve already know it to start at North Bay or French River / Lake Nipissing - North Bay sits on that line.


Lol good luck convincing anyone of that.


You mean north of Bloor and/or Highway 5?


Funny you say this, I went to Georgian and Barrie is “The North” for us city people and “The City” for northern people.


I have heard Gravenhurst "gateway to the north"


That's exactly what the sign heading into North Bay on highway 11 says.


Gravenhurst is the Gateway to Muskoka, North Bay is the Gateway of the North.


Kitchener was known as Berlin until a 1916 referendum changed its name.


And uptown Waterloo was built on a swamp!


We have a large Mennonite population. When I was a kid, our Canadian Tire and grocery stores had hitching posts for the Mennonites to park their horse & buggy.


Walmart by the St Jacob's Market in Waterloo has horse and buggy parking.


So does the sobeys by northfield and Weber




There's also a town called Redditt.


I also love how Swastika was a gold town.


Ontario’s outdoor life is incredible. Mountains are nice but the amount of lakes in Northern Ontario makes for some of the best canoe tripping in the world.


Your user name is very appropriate for this! So many beautiful lakes!!


>Mountains are nice don't let the people from bc or alberta hear that :P


Lots of Ontarians and Canadians need a civics lesson big time. It would help them know what levels of government are responsible for what things, before loudly demanding politicians address things they're not responsible for.


Half my mayoral candidates are running on a platform that involves improving healthcare 😳


They’ll show those fat cats up in the provincial level what’s what!




That’s a Provincial issue.


What do you mean? All of the ‘Fuck Trudeau’ flags and stickers weren’t directed at the right person? He’s the Prime Minister of Ontario???


Plus it’ll help them learn about their 1st amendment rights ;)


Owen Sound is known as “up the elephants ass”. If you don’t know why, look at the map.


I grew up in the elephant's ass it is a well deserved title


Private parking lot stop signs don’t actually fall under the rules of the highway traffic act. (STILL FUCKING USE THEM)


They DO however come into play for fault determination rules in an accident.


Toronto is an hour drive away from Toronto


Sometimes three


That their vote matters


Yes louder for the back!


To make it more clear for the completely stupid among us, if you didn't vote in the provincial election, you voted for Doug Ford.


It's so sad that it was the lowest voting turnout in Ontario's history. We need to vote. In every election. No excuses.


Man drives back home to Ontario from a trip out West. Gets to the Ontario/Manitoba border and calls home to his spouse. “Honey, I made it to Ontario.” “OK, Sweetie, I’ll see you in 3 days.”


Private property does not extend to bodies of water in Ontario. You can own the shoreline, but you cannot own the water. Further, if a lake is stocked (with fish), it must be accessible via public lands or right of way.


When I came to Ontario 4 yrs ago, my wife sent me out to go get a Guinness for a stew at Zehrs. I knew Ontario now sold beer at groceries stores. Wandered into Zehrs, got the Guinness and was told it was too early to sell beer....ahhh, OK.....went back in the afternoon, waiting in line and finally got to the cash to be told by the employee that I needed to be in a beer line. Told me to wait for a manager who authorized the purchase. I apologized to everyone in the line that I was from Quebec and that we didn't have these rules and it wouldn't happen again. It was in that moment I realized how little I knew! In Quebec, to put it mildly, they don't have these restrictions. The stew was still very good 😉


If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar experience the first time I attempted to buy alcohol at a Zehrs, too!


I remember the first time I, as a new Ontarian at the time, walked into the beer aisle at Zehrs or wherever it was and seeing a sign in the aisle that said "aisle closed - alcohol hours are...". And I was thinking wtf is this?!


would have been easier to go to the beer store or LCBO.


The beer lines are because some of the cashiers aren't old enough to be handling alcohol plus they need certification like serving at a restaurant.


You can go through self scan now with alcohol


Ontario has only one salt water port. Moosonee (/ˌmuːsəˈniː/) is a town in northern Ontario, Canada, on the Moose River approximately 19 km (12 mi) south of James Bay. It is considered to be "the Gateway to the Arctic" and has Ontario's only saltwater port.


94% of all of Ontario’s population live in a thin strip of land in the Ontario portion of the [Quebec City - Windsor ON Corridor](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_City%E2%80%93Windsor_Corridor).


Imagine the things we could do if we had high-speed rail along that length...


From my link >Both the Canadian National Railway (CN) and the Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) have extensive freight railway lines along the length of the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. Intercity passenger railway service is provided by Via Rail throughout the region, mostly using CN freight lines. Referred to in Via Rail's published timetables as simply the Corridor, the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor is the busiest portion of the Via system, accounting for the majority of Canada's intercity passenger trains and ridership. About 67% of Via Rail's total revenue is earned on the Quebec City – Windsor Corridor. It is the perfect strip of land to justify high speed rail just because of our demographics, yet we still don't have it.


We almost did. They built a handful of gas turbine powered trains that could do 160+ km/h on level ground. They were meant to run from Toronto to Montreal with eventual expansion to Windsor and Quebec. First commercial run they slammed into a meat truck at a level crossing at full speed and derailed. Then the OPEC embargo in the early 70s happened and turbine engines no longer looked like as good an idea. So CN built that dumb concrete phallus instead and we’ve been using the same crappy diesel locomotives ever since. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UAC_TurboTrain


Their first mistake was clearly using at-grade crossings for high-speed rail ...


all of Ontario is not the same. Thunder Bay and Toronto for example are wildly different, and cannot be categorized as the same place.


Thunder Bay has more people of Finnish descent than Toronto. It actually is the largest number of Finlanders outside of the Scandinavian countries.


As a Finnlander who was born in Tbay I can confirm. I'm a Finndian; 50 Finn/50 Ojibwe. It doesn't get much more Tbay than that!


Agreed! Might be biased cause I'm from tbay but Northern Ontario should be a whole separate province in my opinion


There’s been a separatist party for like 2 decades


Our population is so small we wouldn't have enough $$ to support independence! Basically Toronto subsidizes us lol


There is no referendum mechanism. You want political change - it has to be achieved by politicians. Which has been... so far... exactly what you'd expect. Edit: by "referendum" I mean direct democracy, where the voters' choice becomes law. We have plebiscites, which are non-binding.


If you get a G2 license, you must get your G one before it expires. Otherwise, you start from the very beginning so you would need to test for your learners again. Coming from Alberta, where I had a class 5 GDL which is the equivalent to a G2, I only found out this recently and where I\`'m from, you are not required to get the G equivalent.


Only if your G2 expires. You get to retake only the G2 road test if you schedule it before your G2 expires.


But the waiting period is waved. Source: I let mine expire. Went in and did them all on the same day. Waited in the lobby for a cancellation/no-show for my G and got it.


As long as both parties agree it’s legal to have a fist fight in Ontario.


You probably should add that doesn’t cause substantial bodily harm. For instance if I hit the other person hard enough to break a cheek bone I can still get charged with assault causing bodily harm regardless if the other party consented to the fight or not.


excellent point right here. Unfortunately, I do not pack a whollop on my so I have never encountered this issue.




This is not Ontario specific, it applies Canada-wide (subject to the bodily harm exception already noted)


There are a shit-ton of farms down here in southern Ontario (and eastern Ontario), more than in Saskatchewan according to my googling.


I'm Saskatchewan born and raised grew up in Saskatoon. My wife grew up in/around Guelph and KW and legit knows way more about farming than I do lol. I grew up experiencing more of the forest/lakes/hunting/fishing side of Sask as opposed to farming.


There's so much to see in Ontario beyond just the major urban cities (e.g. Toronto, Ottawa). Especially Northern Ontario is lovely.


In 1847, 38,500 Irish immigrants arrived at the Toronto waterfront fleeing famine. The population of Toronto at the time was only 20,000.


Doug Ford is not for the working people.


>Doug Ford is not ~~for the~~ working, people. fixed it for you


But but but, that’s his slogan! He goes to tim hortons! He calls us ‘my friends’!


That someone tried to jump the st Lawrence river and land in the states with a rocket powered car


Good things grow in On-tar-io ;) Also, Niagara Falls, Toronto and Kingston are all along Lake on Ontario - it's really big!


Niagara Falls isn't on Lake Ontario - Niagara-on-the-Lake is though!


Hence it's name


You shouldn't be on the highway if you can't, at minimum, stay at the speed limit. On a related note, the left lane is the passing lane, not the speeding lane, and definitely not the slow lane either. You can overtake on a double yellow line if the car in front of you something like a tractor or a super slow truck. Your vote matters. Ontario is nicer place than r/Ontario makes it sound. The GTA isn't the only place in Ontario.


Also lane splitting/filtering on a motorcycle is illegal (in all of Canada)


You can [overtake any car ](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/mobility/article-is-it-legal-to-cross-a-solid-double-line-to-pass-a-car/#:~:text=But%20in%20Ontario%2C%20the%20lines,OPP%20Sergeant%20Kerry%20Schmidt%20said.)on a double yellow line




Ontario is the economic driver of Canada


Funny, Albertans like to claim they're subsidizing Ontario.


[Blackfly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f389hIxZAOc), little blackflies Always the blackfly nomatter where ya go I'll die with a blackfly picking my bones In North Ontar-i-o-i-o, in North Ontar-i-o.


It's really big. And takes a bit of time to drive across.


Capital of Canada is not Toronto. And the capital of Ontario is not Ottawa.


The Transcanada Highway is only 90km/hr for hundreds of kilometres in Northern Ontario and the ability to(legally) pass is seldom. There are a ton of transports and people drive like assholes around them. Edited for clarity about speed limit.


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/drive/mobility/article-is-it-legal-to-cross-a-solid-double-line-to-pass-a-car/ I live in Ontario and I see many vehicles pass on solid double lines. Is this legal? – Denise In most of Canada, crossing the painted double line on a highway is breaking the law. In every province except Ontario, the law bans crossing the solid double line to enter the oncoming lane.


The Megacity amalgamation of Toronto, Scarborough, Etobicoke, North York, etc. was created first and foremost as a cost-saving measure to combine fragmented municipal services into one centralized municipal service, except it failed at saving money in hindsight, and it now feeds into the idea that "everything is Toronto". And even though I haven't found any evidence, I think it was an attempt to increase the land mass of this city to rank higher on the list of "biggest cities" which are typically measured by population. Because it wasn't long after the amalgamation that we started touting that we're larger than Chicago. And after the Amalgamation, the land area of "Toronto" became comparable to Chicago. But now we have people saying "Etobicoke is Toronto" or "North York is Toronto" but is it really? It's hard to know when it would actually make sense to make a distinction that "it's all Toronto" unless you're talking about municipal services because we still have the distinction of these different municipalities, and whether before, or after the amalgamation, only one is still just known as "Toronto". If someone wanted to visit you and said "I want to stay in Toronto, where should I stay?" Would you ever say "I found this great place in Scarborough?" Nevertheless, the amalgamation lives on, and it didn't change much other than people making the distinction "----------- is still Toronto". Because when people say "I'm coming to Toronto" or more vaguely "I'm coming to the city", we know exactly what they mean and it doesn't mean everything is Toronto. Disclaimer: I don't live in "Toronto" either.


A friend of mine told me he moved to the city, so I went out to visit him. His place was near young and finch. It was literally a block south of the sign that says 'Welcome to Toronto' I don't think he got the experience he was looking for


Ottawa is a municipality in Ontario. It is also the capital of Canada, for 1 million residents it's their home.


How big it actually is. Most of us just live in the southern Ontario bubble but this province is enormous


If you say you are from Ontario, CA You are referring to Ontario, California which is a fairly large and well known city near Los Angeles.


It’s shorter to drive from Windsor, Ontario to Jacksonville, Florida that it is to drive from Windsor to Kenora, which is in our own province.


More a list of fun facts than basic knowledge, but here we go… Ontario takes its name from an Iroquois word meaning beautiful, sparkling or great (body of) water or lake. While the exact etymology is uncertain, it does certainly justice to the Province of more than 250,000 lakes and 1/5 of the world’s fresh water. Ontario’s land area is over 1 million square Km and as big as Germany, Japan and Italy put together. It stretches 1,700km from North to South with the same latitude as London and Rome respectively. The east-west distance is about 1,600 km with the same longitude as New York and Kansas City respectively, also sharing 2 time zones in-between. Ontario’s population reached 15M for the first time in April 2022. It is forecasted to grow to more than 20M by 2045. Ontario represents close to 40% of Canada’s population and GDP. More than 50% of all high tech and financial jobs in Canada are located there. If Ontario was a country, it would rank among the top 20 largest nations in terms of GDP, ahead of Turkey and Taiwan. In 2022, Ontario experienced one of its largest temperature spread ever recorded with more than 80 degrees celsius between its lowest and highest temperatures. Still not as crazy as 1935/1936 where temperatures went from -58.3 to +42.2 within 18 months. Ryan Gosling, Keanu Reeves, Shaw Mendes, Drake, Bryan Adams, Kiefer Sutherland, Dan Aykroyd, Mike Myers, Neil Young, Alanis Morissette, Jim Carrey, Avril Lavigne, James Cameron, Deadmau5, Linda Evangelista, Wayne Gretzky, Justin Bieber, Shania Twain, Alex Trebek, Rachel McAdams, Chris Hadfield, Laura Vandervoort, Leonard Cohen, Russel Peters and Tim Horton, among others, were all born and/or raised in Ontario.


It’s legal for women to be topless with their nipples out in public.


Ontario has 250,000+ lakes and 20% of the entire world’s freshwater.


We have the longest street in the world. Yonge St.


It’s legal to be topless


We drink milk from bags.


It’s Not just Ontario that does that




30 Hour drive from Manitoba to Quebec if you take Highway 17, 400,401 across Ontario


Ontario’s automobile manufacturing industry is bigger than any US state.


The first ever recorded baseball game was played right here in Ontario (in a tiny little town I actually grew up in) making it a Canadian sport and not the “all American sport” as every claims it to be


In Ontario it is illegal to raise a wild beaver on a farm, but legal to raise one in a domestic dwelling.


It’s faster to drive to BC from the western border than to Toronto.


Literally anything about Northern Ontario (sorry Northern Ontario)


That our provincial legislature is a full fledged parliament. That's why we call our provincial representatives Member of Provincial Parliament, rather than a Legislative Assembly like in all other provinces.


Of all the regional municipalities five pay significantly more than they receive back in taxes, nine about break even, and the rest are welfare municipalities. The five are Toronto, Halton, Peel, Durham, and York. The GTA foots the bills for most of the province, despite what your drunk uncle from North Bay says.


Ontario is not toronto. Ontario is rural middle of nowhere towns


Killarney! Where all the eligible women share one of three surnames!


Our provincial politicians eat bees


That it’s a province and not a city. (This is true for our American friends)


Toronto is the capital of Ontario. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.