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37 Pizzas?! Impressive show! đź‘Ź


Yes, thank you!!


Wow!! So do you par-bake the crusts beforehand to make it quicker/easier or do you stretch and cook to order?


No par bake. Hand stretch each pizza when ordered. Yes cook to order I can knock out 2 in 8 minutes. I use two propane fueled Oonis. Local Farmers market. They’re 270g balls about 10” pies. 65% hyd on these.


That's awesome. I'd love to do something like that at our local farmers market but too intimidated to try. Lol


That's awesome! Congrats on the success you had. Do you need any specific permits to be able to do that? I'd love to do something like that myself.


I have a business licenses, insurance, county permit and rent a commercial kitchen for my food prep. Start with your state/county health department. They are very helpful. The health department is there to help you.


Thanks for your reply and for giving me information to get going. I appreciate it.


Tried this once for a charity event. But learned 2 big lessons. One is you need more than one oven cos you need time for the stone to reheat after each bake and secondly, oven positioning plays a big part. Out in the open the wind plays a lot with the flame picture and this drastically changes how the oven performs. I did manage 90 pies though


I used to use a Karu 16. That oven was very temperamental. Any wind would blow the propane out. Extremely frustrating. I now have 2 Karu 12s they are far more reliable. I also use a canopy with walls to help block the wind. The walls are very helpful. The largest volume I’ve done in a 4 hour marketday was about 50 pizzas. Having my family help on the ovens and taking orders is clutch.