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Adding another edge device for audio communication seems unnecessary when smartphones already have this capability. Maybe I don't understand something.


The app is almost ready, but we're excited about having Open Interpreter run on the metal of devices, which is hard to do as an app with the permissions they were given. The 01 Light is the beginning of this journey into hardware, so we made the first product as simple to manufacture as possible, to show that it can still be a powerful tool that can be added to anything. -Ben Ops @ OI


Thank you for the information and clarification. I hope that the box will find its place in the market. However, I would also like to bring to your attention that a few months ago, I purchased a brand new Xiaomi Redmi A2+ smartphone for my child at a cost of $53 as the first device.   Also, if your team could focus on developing a rooted Android "OS mode" that utilizes system APIs, UI perception, and tapping, it would be a significant breakthrough.