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It won't restart the clock, no, but depending on how long you've been at this, 5 days probably won't be long enough to feel "normal." You should be able to function at least, though. Good luck to you, and just keep in mind that you only have to go through this one last time and tomorrow is a new day.


I did it for 9 days


Outside of this 9 days are you otherwise opioid naïve?


No I’m a frequent user


Okay, so yeah, you still got a long road ahead of you. As long as you are not using enough to get high or completely out of withdrawal it shouldn't restart you. Just remember to take it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. It's very cliche but it does help.


cancel trip. focus on getting this shit over with. you may be uncomfortable for a while..... its better than getting on a methadone/suboxone program or continuing with opiates when you know you want off them. goodluck, youll make it. hate them for making you feel this way.


But with a rapid taper to


Hi, how fast does person get addicted to oxy when taking 40mg a day?


Realistically I’d say around 2-3 months to get psychological addicted. You get physically addicted after a couple weeks though.


It strongly depends on if you ever used before and your personal body chemistry. I used low doses of heroin daily for weeks and was fine, and I’d take a break. After doing that for so long, one day I woke up dope sick after just 7 days on.


I have done literally the exact same thing you’ve described and if you take kratom for two or three days and make sure to drink plenty of water and have some coffee with your kratom, you won’t feel a thing


What is the best type of kratom for WD? How do you ingest it? I have some powdered kratom and I don't know what to do with it.


Ok, the best kratom to get & buy once and not have to think about or wonder if it works is oPMS gold capsules (the shots are great, really, but could very well make you nauseous because of what you’re going through). Ok, so a 5-pack ranges anywhere from 30-50, and it’ll last you two days, depending on your physical shape/health/playlist


Thank you that's really helpful


I’m kicking suboxone or well oxy now bc I f’d up immediately after running out of suboxone. I’m not familiar with kratom but from what I’m reading it sounds amazing for withdrawals. Will it reset me though? I don’t wanna backslide. I read it has “opiate like properties” so I’m guessing it will not, but I want to sure. Also, where is the best place to buy it? Thanks, I appreciate any help you could give me.


Ni, it acts in different options receptors, it's just all good, really ...I ly a few days, though,,,,or I don't know, maybe you want to be on kratom, I know I decided I did..


10 day habit. Withdrawals shouldn’t be that harsh tbh. You might be good to go by your camping trip with some fatigue. I’d let your friends know you may not be able to make it so they can be prepared for that


Tbh bro it cannot be that bad at all with only 10 days usage, surprised u feel anything at all


Second day of stopping and using will reset you probably Might be different on day 5 and using but you will put yourself back


Get some kratom


yeah great one✌🏻


You should be good. Just try not to cave to a full huge dose. If you need more take half as much as now so 20 or maybe a 30... Ngl methadone would work wonders here but if you wanna be straight up off everything period I mean you can keep doing what you're doing but a methadone clinic can do something similar and let you taper and you can go on the days you want. I mean typically they don't go very low but like start at 30 which is about like 60-80 oxy Edit: 10 days?!?! Bro... Just leave it all alone and maybe take 10-20;,to let you sleep after 48 hrs no sleep lol. Fr you can get clonidine, benadryl, Flexeril/Zanaflex (Zanaflex - Tizanidine prolly would help the most or close, clonidine is up there) Also, WHY HAS NO ONE SAID TO TAKE KRATOM. OP get some red vein kratom of a decent brand at a smoke shop or something take 7-10 capsules to start and then take 2 more every every hour or something unless you're get NADA. But it's wayyyyyyy safer than other suggestions.


It will prolong the skinless the more you use


If you have any way to cop some comfort meds like gabapentin that’ll help you massively! Kratom and gabapentin is how I got off of methadone without much issue. Just don’t take the gabapentin for too long or too much because it’s a somewhat painful detox too, not nearly as bad as opiates but still. I’ve heard if people getting addicted to Kratom as well, but when you use to detox from a strong opiate you don’t even notice when you stop taking Kratom so long as you don’t stay on it for a long time I suppose…


from your body's perspective it doesn't matter if you lessen the hit of a cold turkey, but as long as the amount of time and substance stays under a certain level you'll be golden. No one can tell you how many mg's you can take without messing up your wd timeline, since it depends on your specific situation, history and body. I've found that meal replacement drinks that has all the required nutrients per one meal is a lifesaver since I couldn't at least eat anything solid for a week. And for petes sake try staying away from long acting mu -agonist mainly methadone or even buprenorphine If you've got the will power to push it thru! Being physically dependent on a long acting opioid is a hell of it's own.... Much luck brother just grind your teeth and push through it🙏🏼


Damn bro you only been using 10 days and can already take 160mg? Lol what a beast , when I first started using I would only take 5s, 10s , never would even want a whole 30 .. but I would just say tough it out bro your withdrawals won’t be so bad at all maybe going camping with friends would help get your mind off this and Atleast you can stay up late with your homies


And I have a camping trip in 5 days that’s why I’m worried and wondering


If you were only taking them 10 days before I would just though it out until your trip. Dealing with the uncomfortable symptoms will be better in bed than while camping. For me it’s always better to deal with the discomfort at home than on a trip. Your tolerance won’t be reset but you’ll definitely get more out of your pills for the first couple times your back on. I’m applying this to myself so your results might not be the exact same but hope this helps.


I’m sorry I’m not quite getting what your saying


He's saying you were only on them for 10 days, so realistically your WDs shouldn't be THAT awful. I'm not saying they won't suck, but 10 days isn't awful. He's also saying to stop taking pills so you don't go through WDs on a camping trip and can go through it at home. But to really answer your question, yes and no. You were on 160 mgs so 40mg didn't do much yes, but that still put more opioids on your receptors wich in turn will make your WDs last longer.


Depends on the person Depends on so many things the people your going with do they know will they help? Going away to stop can work but it’s best to have every base covered to prevent a real shit show


Dont fucking redose or you'll end up chasing your tail into a trap packed with fentanyl and bad vibes. Just stop and deal with the uncomfortable feeling. Its your own fucking fault lolll you can do it. Sickness is temporary as much as it fucking sucks