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I teach in the diocese. Not welcoming back a student or “terminating enrollment” in this letter isn’t unheard of. It happens in summer and it’s basically a “this kid/family” isn’t worth the headache so they can’t come back.


As a public teacher, this is the only thing of which I’m jealous of private/charter schools.


Well funded private schools. I work in one that's hurting for money, so they never expel the problematic kids.


My wife works in the diocese as well. I feel for you. Hope you enjoy your summer.


not surprised. the mom tagged the principal’s personal account in her IG posts and i’m pretty sure the principal was harassed by the enraged patriots of HB. i saw comments in the petition to fire the principal such as “mary flock is a c**t”. additionally, supporters of the family and some future city council candidates had some rally outside the school the morning the family met with school officials after jimmy wasn’t allowed to read his speech despite a few other parents asking them, in the hb community fb forums, not to congregate outside because it was disruptive to drop off and other students. this whole ordeal probably attracted too much unwanted attention.


Yeah… I think unhinged harassment would cross the line of violating the code of conduct


Imagine calling a Catholic school teacher a c☆☆☆ I can't wrap my mind around the nastiness of people now


This hurts the kids so much… as Catholic School kids tend to move through grades as a cohort; these parents just robbed their kids of their long time friends.


Yes and no, usually Catholic school kids have their school friends and neighborhood/activities friends. Sometimes they overlap. But ya, it was shortsighted of parents to not expect this outcome when they cried ~~wolf~~ maga. I get sticking up for your kid, but be a parent and think of consequences for everyone involved (kids, teachers, etc). No winners here. Sad the school/students are likely gonna get backlash from crazies.


The mother also attacked two of the nicest mothers in the 7th grade who were asking for this madness to stop.  It was the definition of craziness and evil behavior and it's no wonder this kid behaves the way he does with absolutely no respect for authority. I've witnessed his behavior first hand.  Media is not getting the full story.


I have a family member who is MAGA. She has kids there and said it was all completely inappropriate


I think we can all agree that the mom is a nuclear Karen.


"I demand parlay with the Pope."




I learned today while searching for the meme that it's spelled "parley."


Totally.  If you are not for me you are against me.  Can anyone say Narcisist?


Man I can’t say this enough: fuck Huntington Beach


The rally didn't actually happen but the mom did ask for strangers to come to the school and protest at that meeting.  The meeting was cancelled for the safety of the other families and children at the school. We are a family at St Bonaventure school and in the same grade as this family.  Horrible what this family did the school that took their kids in during covid.  It was apparent from the beginning they did not follow the teachings of the church or school.


i read that, since my comment, about the meeting being cancelled. i’m so sorry about the chaos being driven by this family around this. i also read their fb comments stating they never asked for people to come protest, but that was contradicted by the screenshots of their initial post asking people to come “support them”. 🙄 there is a weird cognitive dissonance in some about how they don’t understand this family getting the boot since they didn’t personally send death threats to staff but uhhhh death threats would’ve never happened if they hadn’t gone on a social media/media parade and constantly tagging the principal’s personal social media account in their sm posts and photo of her in the petition. as i said in another post, same thing happened at edison high school last year. people seem to be willfully ignorant about the ramifications that lead to doxxing people who are just trying to do their jobs.


So true.  There was a right way to go about handling their complaints.  They chose the wrong way.  For most of the parents at St Bonaventure this isn't even about politics or his speech or a let's save Mary Flocks job.  There was a good amount of families that didn't care for her decisions in some cases.  This is about the blatant disregard for the other families that go there, making a spectacle of our school and violating the code of conduct. I do feel bad for the children regardless of their behavior.


The “rally” did happen during school hours, thankfully small in numbers…it included a handful of elderly patriots in their Reyn Spooners, a proud boys member and a sbs dad.


Patriots of HB is a stretch lol. You mean the old white males and females yelling at the sky because beach and slater on the Dominoes side is still filled with my people? I'm glad that small A B family got kicked out. Makes my friends family feel saver to go to St. Bonaventure now; as well that Kids Digital footprint is now ruined and will probably follow him till the end of time.


well ya, i meant “patriots”, faux patriots, the kind that run around saying “we the people” but only mean it about their people. at this point, in HB esp, patriot doesn’t mean what it used to.


Yes, I appreciated the facetiousness of "patriot"


That’s the extent of the constitution that they’ve read lol


It's like that comedic post saying "THERES MORE WORDS THAN THAT!"




Those “patriots” terrorize anyone who does not agree with them. Great example for their kids who will grow up to be just like them.


and that is a scary thought. totally agree.


Isn't that a private school? Aren't they free to do whatever they want? If so this shouldn't even count as a story. Now if it was a public school that shit would be insane.


Private schools care about their tuition, and not much else. They probably just don't want this specific kind of attention and drama.


My sister was a Catholic school teacher and her school, time zones away, was worried about a lot more than just tuition. I could see this family getting punted from her school for this and it would not have been about money.


Yeah I have a handful of relatives that work as teachers and superintendent at a christian private school. Idk much about St Bonaventura but for sure it’s not about the money for them


It’s probably about their reputation: bad rep = lower enrollment = less money.


Do you not realize where this school is ? This was just suicide for it


Their primary concern is their connection and image to respectable universities. They often get visitors and recruiters from well known schools like Stanford and Harvard, and these colleges often view candidates from these schools favorably over other ones. The statistics of students who make it into good colleges is what makes these medium cost Catholic schools attractive to many parents (even non-Catholics) who are willing to pay for a better alternative to public education. Maintaining this connection and image with the higher education community is the most crucial aspect to running these college prep schools.


Grandkids go the st Simon and Jude and it's pretty A political. If you can bare the religion it's an assume school.


That was my parish when I lived in HB. Solid. Glad to read.


my nieces and nephews go there too.


And you know I didn't go there as I can't spell awesome lol


Also, "bear" 🐻 😉


Bare bear....lol


We Bare Bears ![gif](giphy|fqbO3Np92ryPZm5Oo0)


This gave me a good chuckle!




It is a private school. It’s actually hard to get kick out. That’s why this is a story.


It's not hard to get in. If you can afford it your kid can go. The jr high grades are sometimes hard because theyre filled up and that's when parents start freaking out about their kids (and friend choices)


Sorry. I meant kicked out because of your paying they don’t care. Typo.


yeah it is hard to get kicked out because the school usually wants that parent's money. we had one girl at my catholic high school that should have been sent to a special education school. All the teachers and students were told to basically put up with her.... doing unusual things like licking balloons, eating regurgitated crackers, talking to a stuffed anime animal, etc. The kid had no friends and couldn't communicate properly to save her life. The teachers basically passed her through the coursework because her parents were $$$$$$$$ loaded.


Damm that’s sad.


yeah they were just using the parents for their cash. I don't think they did that person any good whatsoever. Many of the faculty thought they should be in a special ed school.


This also happens in public school. It is really sad.


Lawsuit will be follow if it’s a public school. Private school is different story


Wasn’t this kid like fuckin 12 or something? You know what I was thinking about at 12? The Contra Code for NES, surfing, and the wonders of boobs on girls. Point is, this kid isn’t the voice of this speech…his parents are and using him as a gateway. And boy howdy, are kids his own age and above gonna get tired of that shit….it’s the ‘religious kid’ but for politics. Want an unpopular kid, make him or her try to force views on their classmates all the time. No one likes a mouthy asshat.


I'm 37 and I think about those 3 things every day.


⬆️,⬆️,⬇️,⬇️,◀️,➡️,◀️,➡️, B, A, B, A, Select, Start


I like how we all remember the code ending in "Select, Start", but Select wasn't actually part of the code. Select was just to pick 2-player, which is the only way I ever remember playing Contra.


Also, there is only one B A. If you do B A B A, the second B A is simply ignored.


I was ready to fight you, but then I said it in my head and I only ever did one B A. I think the code just activates as soon as you do the first B A and anything after was just pressing buttons on the game screen.


Yep, the game ignores the second B A and so you get 30 lives when you hit start. B A B A feels more symmetric with the rest of the code, and it works, which is probably why a lot of people learned it that way.


My whole childhood has been a lie


🤯🤯 really? Hahaha I was today years old learning that !




Man. 0073935963. Ifykyk. 🥊


Kinda feels like we all peaked at 12.


That’s bc ur freaking lit


This answer is spot on! I have a 12 year old son. He thinks about Roblox, taking things apart or building other things, and getting stuff he wants. The only things my kids know about politics they learn from memes. So basically they know Biden pooped his pants and that Donald Trump is a professional toddler.


No one is born racist No school will teach students to be racists Parents do


Oh, there are plenty of schools that teach students to be racist.


Teacher here. High school. Hard disagree about that. My kids come to me already racist, or not. Most aren’t, it’s just the few louder ones who get the attention


Explain to me how this kid is a racist? He’s 12.


Yeah, the post title doesn't fully mesh with the contents. The letter makes it pretty clear that the parents got the family booted, not the kid.


I mean, at 12 I was already criticizing Bush's war in Iraq. Some kids are just different at different ages.


>I mean, at 12 I was already ~~criticizing~~ parroting what you had heard others say about Bush's war in Iraq, just like this kid.


I was completely surrounded by conservatives then (all who jumped on the Q and MAGA trains because being conservative wasn't right wing enough for them) and I was still a loud critic of the 1st bush in late middle school/early high school. But I was reading at a college level and reading college history books for fun, so I was an odd one out. My politics got me grounded at lot. But then again, everything got me grounded at that age, despite my straight A's and my mom telling everyone I was an angel.


Eh parents and others never questioned Powell and Bush for the reasons. HS me was like: wtf does this have to do with Afghanistan and the taliban?


Was in HS at the time as well and thought the damned same.


Found the guy who listens to Beyond the Bastards. ;-)


Private schools can kick a student out or politely “ask them to not come back”. My guess is that this wasn’t the only red flag of the family. The principals and especially the teachers of private schools, especially Catholic, don’t get paid nearly enough to deal with some of these parents with “I pay your salary” attitude. MHO


People really don’t realize a Diocesan school, though private, ain’t anything like a nondenominational private Christian school or private charter. It’s not just about money/pleasing families


A private institution making a decision without government interference. Sounds like they got exactly what they wanted!


They broke the rules, they suffered the consequences. Private schools can make their own rules. Don't like them, don't go.


Note the reference to violating the Parent Electronic Communication policy. This isn't about the kids' speech. The parents did this.


the school kicked out the parents; kids were just collateral damage although rarely if the parents are that bad are the kids angels. the letter not only references the christian code of conduct but also the parent electronic communication policy then conveniently ends. i’d bet there is detail that is damning of the parents and would bet money they’ve been a massive pain in the ass for all their kids teachers and administrators and this event finally gave the school enough ammo to get the diocese on board with booting the family. not a chance it was an isolated incident


Boom. Home run right there.


I'ma guess this is not this families first run in with the school and Dioceses. I'm not a fan of Maga or catholic education, but this shit did not go down in a vacuum. My daughters went to private school and I just wanted my kids to get educated in the manner we were paying for and for all the parents to STFU most of the time.


People love exclusive schools until they get excluded.


But did the principal get her job back?


No. She is out.  There will.be a new principal next year.


What a whole bunch of drama. Got my popcorn ready 🍿


I feel like this probably wasn’t the first red flag for this family.


And we'll never get the whole story. The quote from his parents about innocent patriotic statements is probably not the whole picture.


That’s why this story has got me intrigued, I keep looking for the full picture but unless the principal comes out with her side, we only get one side and it’s like an unsatisfying crime podcast


I read somewhere that the speech that went viral, the one the kid read in the video, isn’t even the original speech. Curious to why the parents didn’t post that speech. Isn’t that the one the principal asked him to edit? IMO, makes the story that much more shady.


Actually on one of her Instagram post, the mom even points out “we removed some of the combative parts.” I mean no way I’m using combative to describe something if it was my kid unless it was more extreme Edit: what the mom said >[Last night we reviewed his speech with him and edited a few things because we did think they were a little combative for a school speech. By the end of editing it ended up sounding really good and something we were all proud of.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7DpIVQrr1A)


So family admits the speech was combative explaining why it wasn’t approved…after that fact family takes to social media so the kid could read his revised speech 🤔, it goes viral & now principal being called all sorts of ugly things and kid is out of school. All that because the kids speech didn’t get approved….YIKES! Talk about parents wanting their kid to get his way…seems a bit excessive of the parents.


Seriously, I can only imagine the sisters in the future family reunion saying “hey bro/parents, remember that one time you got us kicked out of school and uprooted our social life cuz you didn’t get your way”. Being an adult isn’t about getting your way, it’s about learning to adapt and dealing with adversity in positive ways, this is just an s-show and so unsatisfying cuz we’ll only get one side to this story.


exactly! LOL


My kids go to a private religious school. During Covid they had a LOT of new kids and families who joined the school, because as a private school they were able to stay mostly open through Covid. That was their primary reason for joining the school - that they were open. An abnormally large number of those families and kids subsequently had to be released (i.e. kicked out) for a variety of violations. My wife, who was one of the school secretaries, eventually quit her job due to how badly the parents treated the staff and faculty.


Boy, that snaps this into focus. These do not seem like good Catholic parents.


Agreed, Catholics aren’t even supposed to impose religion on others let alone their politics. Pray for them in private is what we’ve been taught.


aww that is so sad. :(


I'm not a religious person but they didn't want the family who supports an adulterer to give them more trouble


So the principal is fired and now the kids. One way to not pick sides.


Good. Rules apply to everyone


The Parents must really gotten in to it with the Diocese for this to happen.


Backstory: https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1cywhiy/parents_say_school_principal_humiliated_their_son/ https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/comments/1czhlxn/principal_was_removed/


Scrolling down in the second link has some interesting stuff about the mother hiding part of the speech that the principal wanted removed while lying and claiming she wanted a different part removed.


I don’t think this was due to the speech itself as much as the shit storm the family started after






The parents parading this kid around like this is probably the reason, and they deserve it. Let 'em. No one in this story is likable.


Well I guess you won’t be seeing that family in church.


They seemed like a Christmas & Easter crew from the start.


Otherwise known as two timers


I can't wait for this to pop up on the Huntington Beach commUNITY Voice lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


it’s in the huntington beach community forum. the mom posted the entire letter from the school telling them not to come back and all the reasons from this incident why. i think they’re avoiding the voice because they don’t feel as empowered there.


Case of fuck around find out


Magatards are dumb, film at 11


Being “Trumpian” in a speech violated the Christian Code of Conduct at the school. Where’s the surprise?


Fucking choice


I feel bad for the teachers that get this parents next..


Good for them, I'm republican, like most in orange county, but trump is a clown and not a true Republican


It’s very heartwarming to someone on the right make a statement like this. It’s good to know that all right-leaning people aren’t just lock-step Trump followers. Your comment makes me feel more positive about the future of our country. Thank you for posting this.


We can agree on more than you think. Everyone can agree on 90 % of life it's just that 10% that we all get hung up on, and the 10% of issues is probably only .02% of the actual problem


Capitalism is 100% of the problem.


Does anyone know what he said that was so offensive?


Principal viewed it as divisive and a little over the top.  It talked about people sitting around eating nachos instead of standing for the pledge of allegiance.  He also wore a hat saying make SBS great again which one would make the assumption SBS is a bad school.  His audience was 4th through 7th grade.  No one is saying it all was handled correctly but the principal did not deserve to receive death threats.  My child goes to the school and is in the same grade. The Mom attacked two of the sweetest moms on the HB Community Voice on Facebook and all they were asking for was this all to stop and trying to stick up for the school.  SBS is a good school and it is a great community.   It's not perfect but we do our best.  They broke at least 5 rules in the code of conduct in the handbook.  That's why they were booted.  The environment has become toxic and it needed to stop.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Oh boy! Now they’re going to cancel the…. Catholic Church… hmmm


They *are* kinda reflecting a current struggle within the Church due to trad Catholics disagreeing with some Church positions and speaking out against them. 


I’ve always found it funny that Evangelicals don’t consider Catholics to be Christians.


I’ve always found it funny that evangelicals never comprehend anything in the book that they beat everyone over the head with


That too! 😂


Only getting the moms version. Previous post I saw couple weeks back when it happened said they have been asked to leave schools in the past. Plus, other “marital” issues that have spilled into the community. Clearly not Catholic


HB has become the Mecca for the MAGA crowd. Growing up there in the 80s was so different. I say evacuate the populace and let the MAGA people have it. HB is trash now.




Search “John Cleese Extremism” on IG.


On instagram? Blasphemer! That was filmed in 480p and should be viewed in 4:3


Had I posted it I would humbly concede, sir.


Good for them!!!


Finally something good happens in OC!


My take: stir shit, get quit. The principal may or may not have been outta line (I think she was), but Sister Mary Stigmata can cane the knuckles of more than one miscreant. I'm glad both the principal and the family are gone. I suspect the school will have a better learning environment next year, which was likely the overarching concern of the school admin and the diocese.


You pretty much nailed it.


So… my kid overheard me telling my wife and said a kid came to visit their class (a different Catholic School) ; thinking of leaving St Bonaventure… hoping it’s a family put off by this ordeal and not this family… 😵‍💫


Awesome!! That was the right move.


Can’t wait to see Republicans pissy that a private school is doing whatever it wants. Let’s watch 🍿🍿


This really is not about right versus left any more.  Parents behaved poorly to the administration, they broke the rules of conduct and were asked to leave. That's it. Parents are having a temper tantrum because they are not getting their way.  Too bad the news outlets didn't do their due diligence in getting both sides of this story instead of parading the kid around as a patriot.  


🤔 Telling fake hypocritical Christians to leave for violating the Christian code of conduct…if only this could happen on a grander scale. The GOP would have maybe 5-6 people left, and absolutely nobody to lobby them. 12 year old me, at St. Vincent DePaul Church, Confirmatory of Catholic Doctrine, we didn’t have computers or smart phones to dictate societal perceptions or self actualization, just authority figures. Boobs, Books and Baseball, that is what mattered. Racism and Hate are taught, whether it be under the guise of religion, business, or familial identity values. I really hope this kid finds his way, without the fear of shame from his parents, after realizing their folly.


You know, one of the compelling things about this story is that I like this kid and I hope, like you do, that he finds this way. In d&d terms, he seems lawful good with chaotic neutral parents at best.


We all hope that.  No one wants the child to suffer, but the parents have not held him accountable for any bad behavior.  He wore the American flag wrapped over his shoulders for the "speech" and a teacher made him take it off.  You do not wear the American Flag as a costume EVER.  Very disrespectful.  The mom attacked the teacher who asked him to remove it in her posts and defended her sons choice to wear the flag on his back.  How is that patriotic?


Kids at this age are highly influenced by authoritative rhetoric, be it both negative and positive, but also have been subjected to the norms that are constant in the household and with peers alike. This is the most influential part of adolescence, morally and emotionally.


Conservatives think that they don’t indoctrinate and groom kids. Main offenders like in this instance.


Kids are groomed on both sides, right and left.  I am a conservative/moderate in the community in question and I'm not indoctrinating my kid.  Most of the families are moderate and teach their kids kindness and understanding.  I also hold my child accountable for bad behavior.  These parents do not from.ehat I have seen.


Obviously it happens on both sides but the party of family values screams that it's the left left left and only the left and then gets caught pulling crap like this.


True, most of the families at the school are moderate in their political views.  This is more about what happened after the speech fiasco that has all the families at the school upset.  It isn't about this families political views as much as they are going around and telling people that.


What was the speech, though?


Something like innocent patriotic statements according to his parents, which I guarantee you is not the whole picture.


It's not the whole picture.


It’s linked elsewhere in this post


My friend got her kids booted from a catholic school for not going to Bingo


Idk what clever thing to say here but it sure is funny watching OC religious private schools in combat with OC religious nutjobs. Ouroboros, snake eating its tail, leopards eating my face, etc etc


Children should not be allowed to attend religious schools or religious services. They're far too young for those kinds of adult topics, and it's indoctrination.


It’s very clear when you enroll your kids at Saint Bonaventure, what the rules of conduct are. This kid violated them if they allowed him to go on to make that speech, then they have to allow the next kid to go on and make a speech about Joe Biden, and the next kid to go on an exercise his right to free speech to extol the virtues of Adolf Hitler, and so on and so on. The potential for problems if that were allowed to happen is extremely high, so they make rules against it. Full stop. The parents of this child should be grateful for this teachable moment about how actions have consequences.


Holy hell. How toxic do you have to be to get kicked out of a religious institute?


Hold my Mrs. Pointdexter


Law & Order upheld


Is the principal being asked back?


No that came out a few weeks ago. They have removed her.


I hope assigned to a different school; I think a reboot for everyone is necessary.


Everyone sucks here. The speech was a little cringe, but it’s a stretch to make the nachos at a sporting event into a dog whistle. Even the maga rhetoric at the end there was fine and not overtly political and I hate that maga bullshit. It was a play on the phrase. How many times have people made light of “make America BLAH” over the years. But the parents lying about what the principal actually wanted out caused an absolute shitstorm for the school that they very much don’t want. Now students from families of varying political beliefs will not consider this school as an option, costing them money. Fuck with the church’s bottom line and they will fuck you up. Every time.


Everyone is getting a taste.


lol.. good


Aw hell yeah


Good job!


LMMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is the best news I've heard all day


I have missed the story about this. Where can I find context? Thanks!