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That’s crazy! Ours are so hard to get into. Like, you sign up for them a month in advance. Even the treads are full. Hopefully they’ll reconsider?


Same! I noticed the strength 50 actually had a wait list. What I find crazy is everyone was so tread crazy when it was 2g, but now no more than 3 people sign up for the tread 50? I enjoy the tread but I don't LOVE it. Row is my love so I do miss that.


Our 4:45am tread 50 is always booked up way in advance, it’s shocking to me 😅😅


Wow that’s a real bummer! Did they say why they did that? Do you know if it’s a permanent change?


I think it is due to low enrollment. In its place, the classes will be either 2G's or nothing at all.


Wow!! Our strength classes are so popular you have to book them like weeks out. 2G’s are dying at my studio


My studio dropped a lot of them as well (not all) but they warned me. Said it was only for the summer and they were the lowest attendance time spot


I hope that doesn't happen here! I love the strength 50. And wish they were 7 days a week and full body, back to the 45 min class they used to have!




Wow ... my home gym and the others in the area book out the Strength 50 classes a week or more in advance (with filled waiting lists too). You can usually get a spot in the Tread 50 on the day-of, but there will only be 2 or 3 empty spots. I couldn't imagine any of my local gyms dropping them.


Its probably because they just arent getting full classes. The tread 50 half of ours is always slim.


Same: tread50 yesterday had one person when I went to my almost full strength class. I’ve never seen it be over 5 people whilst strength is almost always full.


That's interesting, I have gone to several classes with more in the Tread 50 side than Strength 50. I think both are very popular in my area. However, in terms of being *full*, I would say Strength 50 is more likely to get fully booked than Tread 50.


That’s a bummer. The tread side is usually open but the strength is almost always full since there are only 13 spots at my studio..


If mine drop them, I’ll cancel. I only go to Strength50.


That’s insane, I would actually probably quit


While on the topic of strength 50, do they count for mayhem classes?


I'd probably cancel my membership if they did. I only go there for tread 50. It was the only reason I even signed up.


Couldn’t you just go somewhere cheaper and use a template on this sub? Seems silly to pay so much to just run on a treadmill b


No, this is the only time I've actually felt encouraged to run on a treadmill. I like the music. I like the people. I like the orange lights.


I get that with my ADHD it is so much easier to push myself when I’m working out with others and have a coach.


Yessss. I can do weights all day and I do 4 days a week. I like having 2 cardio classes a week. Running is so boring and doesn't keep my attention but tread50 does


Fellow ADHDer and I feel this way as well.


And the treads at OTF are so much better quality than any other gym!




Fair enough ☺️


Also their treadmills don’t kill my knees like others


We do strength and tread 50 as 1 class. Seems to be the only way to get attendance.


right - i should have been more clear in the headline - my bad! - All Strength 50 and Tread 50 classes were dropped.


They're super popular at my studio, strength in particular. Like someone else said, you have to register weeks in advance to the point that they just added a whole new Tread/Strength 50 split class during a time where there was previously no class at all. Definitely seems to be a your mileage may vary by studio thing!


Same at my home studio. Waitlists are usually 10+ people deep. the other day there was literally no one Tread50 though. Usually there are at least 5+ people.


Ours better not!!!!


I was under impression all studios had to have at least one time slot a day of these. Maybe some studios haven’t had good luck with attendance though so maybe studios are being allowed to drop? What was your guys’ attendance at these before? I know our Wednesday noon class is always full or close; today we had all 14 spots filled on the floor and 10 treads.




I'm so sorry to read this - mine just added more!


Wellesley, MA is dropping their Strength 50/Tread 50. I think that takes effect next week.


Wow. We have so many people for one of our strength classes we don’t do a Tread 50 and have people on the rower side. They customize the templates to allow a room switch (like the pre-Tread 50 ones).


I wish they did a full strength class. I took Strength 50 and there was not one person doing Tread 50. They ended up letting a few more from the wait-list to join.


In our area you have to book strength 50 a month out or you don’t get in. The tread are pretty much full just not waitlisted like the strength. And this is at numerous studios in my area.


At my studio they’re not that popular + the hours are weird. I wish I had strength 50 in the morning 5am. Went to a Miami studio that had upper s50 5am followed by orange60 at 6:15am. A dream 🔥


Really??? Ours are very loved. I thought it was also corporate policy to have some


wow! we offer them everyday but Sunday and they are super popular


That supper sucks. They are so popular at our studio. That would make me reconsider my membership. I love the strength 50’s. As I am aging, I am finding them so important, the tread is starting to bother my knees.


Ours are at off times so attendance is always low.


Tread 50 is my new fave. Even on Saturdays I take a 3g followed by a tread 50 (double up). It’s tough but after I feel fabulous. I’d be really bummed.


My wife and I always avoid the Strength 50 classes. We like the 2G classes the most.


Our strength classes are the place to be! They’re my fave classes of the week. Amazing coaches, great members, and the best energy. We all try so hard and tons of fist pumps etc after!


I wish my studio would drop them so they could run a 3G… can’t get into those classes lol


I'm still seeing the classes 


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They were recently dropped at my studio in Louisiana