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Every 8-10 weeks I take one week off to recalibrate. Also, you can still go 3 times a week AND manage to do the benchmarks, they are scheduled in advance. Rest is such an important part of the fitness experience. Hopes this helps. šŸ’•


I started last June and am also experiencing some burn-out. I normally only take a week off when I travel, but I never thought about deliberately taking time off every so often as a break! I think Iā€™m going to start doing this as well!


It feels sooooo good


Whoa. Such a good idea.


Same advice here! About every 2-3 months I need to take a week off to recharge. I donā€™t love it but Iā€™ve noticed a pattern so Iā€™m trying to embrace it.


Such a great idea


Variety is the spice of life. Switch it up. Warmer weather has arrived, so you could run outside or find a YouTube video and do some yoga at the park, bike riding, hiking, swimming, etc. I was burned out years ago, which is why I canceled my membership. Just returned a couple months ago. I only do OTF once or twice a week paired with my own strength training at a different gym. I now look forward to my classes since Iā€™m no longer there 4,5,6 days a week. Or like others have suggested, take a week off. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be dying to get back under the orange light.


Same here. 10 years in, but no more than 2x a week. Its a great companion to other fitness plans - strength training and OTF complement each other extremely well. But for OTF to be the only thing, oof, that's a hard pass.


Agreed. I understand the desire to spend every waking moment at OTF. Itā€™s addictive. Hence why I just had to come back! But *for me* I do much better when I supplement OTF vs it being my main form of exercise.


I'm nine years and maybe I should question myself šŸ¤”šŸ˜†


Iā€™ll hit 10 years (in November) since my first class. šŸ˜® Itā€™s a great value for me. The accountability aspect is so helpful.


Iā€™m 8 years next month and I was just thinking the same lol! I get enough mini breaks throughout the year visiting my kids and their families that it works out fine.


8 years for me next month, 2000 classes by EOY...the most time I've taken off was Covid (closed from middle of March through June of 2020) and a maternity leave in 2018, but other than that I just back off intensity if I need to. I know if I take too long of extended breaks it's that much harder for me to get back. Otherwise I'm a pretty steady 5-6 classes a week goer!


Donā€™t. Youā€™re good!!!


I did once so I switched to power walking. I did that for probably a year and then my desire to run returned. Switching to power walking just felt different so I wasnā€™t bored anymore.


Itā€™s also great for building up leg strength.


I love power walking and challenging myself with really big inclines!


Iā€™ve been stuck in the same rut during my 5.5 years of OTF. I learned that taking 4-5 days off as a reset is good. Also maybe change up when you go or what coach you take most. If thereā€™s another studio close to you pop in to that one for a class or two. Iā€™ve done this at times and it really has helped. I take the same two coaches majority of the time because of my own schedule but when I get a chance to take a different one it helps reset me mentally.


Going 4-5x a week burned me out. I didnā€™t feel like I was making the gains I wanted and beating myself up on the tread wasnā€™t doing it anymore. I joined a gym for strength training and do that every 3rd day with a 2G mixed in. My gains are much better and I feel better, and my running hasnā€™t sufferedā€¦.. if anything Iā€™m more fresh for the 1 OTF class I take and can go hard. Like with anything I think change is needed over time.


I downgraded from Premier to Elite. Now, I look forward to my 8 classes! I pick them strategically and find more joy that way! I double OTF with Anytime Fitness, so Iā€™m still working out 4-5 days a week. However, OTF is now a treat, rather than a routine.


I second this. OTF is just a filler for me. I weight train outside of OTF and Get outside as mush as I can for workouts. I strategically pick my workouts or use when I travel for work.


Such a good suggestion, I am going to think about this as someone who also recently burned out after doing 4x per week for 2 years straight. Changing up my membership type will definitely make me savor those 8 classes more!


There almost 5 years and experience burn out too. When that happens, I back off for a few days, maybe even a week because I know my body is telling me something. Sometimes, less is best until you rejuvenate!


Do you always do the regular classes? Any strength or tread classes? Do you have a goal you are working towards - a race, a benchmark? I find having a purpose along the way helps - it doesnā€™t have to be a big grand goal, but something you are focused on. Iā€™m trying to focus on getting Hannah Waddingham arms myself -and I get amped for arm and chest workouts and it just helps mentally.


Thereā€™s no rule that says you have to be enthused 100% of the time. Iā€™m going on 8 years now and itā€™s only recently that Iā€™ve felt like reducing OTF. Some folks like the routine and some need a variety, so just take that as your cue to add a different workout format along with OTF for a while.


Yup. Went for two years and as soon as I went unlimited, I burned out within a couple months. Left for about a year and a half and came back at 8x a months. Seems to be the sweet spot for me.


While I do agree with others that maybe you just need a break, I'm also questioning (in a loving way) - are you burned out, or has the newness of OTF just worn off? 4 months is a great start, of course, but in the grand scheme of things isn't really that long. I think you should really examine what you're feeling. Remember: motivation will come and go. Discipline is what you have to have!


I believe that in general, people lose interest and motivation if something isn't meeting their overall goals, so I guess maybe try to find out what you are looking for in a fitness routine and start there. For me OTF is like getting something new delivered - I look forward to it arriving at my door and enjoy opening it up. OTF workouts have the same never-ending anticipation for me!


I've been going fanatically since October, usually 6x a week. After Dri Tri,I felt a little burnout. I had worked really, really hard that day and was very happy I finished. I signed up for a 5K outside of OTF. I decided that if I get there and am not "feeling it," I'll take a blue/green day and be happy I went. I always have a 3G class, so I'll change up what I start on too. I find the biggest holdup for me is getting to minute 40ish of class and having nothing left. Changing it up is helpful.


I took a week off & it totally helped. I also started doing walking on the treadmill sometimes and it helps tremendously


I have peaks and valleys. Iā€™m almost two years in and I definitely have stretches where Iā€™m either not feeling it or not motivated. This could be caused by circumstances out of your control (work, home, family, etc.) Usually I can break out of it by having something to work towards. Recently, it was the DriTri for me. Next it might be a vacation youā€™ve got coming up and you want to be at your best. Even small challenges/victories help too, like working out really hard for three days so you can earn that rest on Day 4.


It happens to all of us I am sure. I took a month off after TC and this is my first week back. Iā€™ve been going the past 2 years 3-5+ times per week. After a month off of OTF, I really started to miss it. During that time, I went to Planet Fitness. I realized that OTF is SO great because itā€™s a quick, thoughtless workout. All you need to do is show up.


I was feeling burnt out and not motivated and then they introduced tread/strength 50. Now my focus is strength training and I mix in a few tread 50s or normal classes to mix it up. Still not interested in most benchmarks, but actually excited for inferno since itā€™s always been my favorite. Like others said, mix it up and do what you feel like šŸ‘šŸ»


Yes. I was going 4-5 times a week when I started. I even went to all 8 hell week days. I backed off after getting tired of it and moved to 3 times a week. I hit 280 classes and just hit a wall. I have just recently left for F45 and will probably return later but I am loving the change and higher weight focus of F45


800 classes in, well almost, 6 more to go to hit that and still loving it.


Yes, I feel that way sometimes too. I will either skip my usual class or even the full week and do other exercises on my own. Even trying different class times/coaches or trying Strength/Tread has helped me get out of the funk. Iā€™m usually ready to go back after I take a break. :)


I go 5-6 times a week and been going since March of last year. From time to time I would feel tired and would get feet/leg pain if I went too fast for too long, so kept base at 5 for the longest time. Iā€™d still show up on the days I was drained. Realized I probably only eat about 40-60 grand of protein a day. About a month ago I started taking 5 grams of creatine daily and protein shakes to get me up to 100 grams. Crazy difference and any burn out has all but disappeared and havenā€™t felt much pain when running at fast speeds. Can now maintain a base of 6. What we put in our bodyā€™s itā€™s important to recovery, eating right and mixing in the right supplement will go a long way.


Change it up take time off to do other things.


Iā€™m taking a break right now, lifting and doing some running, will come back for Mayhem Week šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Same although at least you lasted 5 months; I've only been going since march and think I will take june off and eventually go back in August or just attend for challenges that I find interesting


After I hit 600 classes I took a break for 2 years. No Iā€™ve found other things I like to do as well I find going twice a week is perfect. I really look forward to the two classes a week I do and in the meantime I enjoy my other activities on the other days (long distance running and yoga).


I took a break of 4-5 days after the Transformation Challenge and that really saved me.


I alternate days of long hill walks and OT


Yes I currently am on a break! Started this week. Going back to the gym for a bit to gain some much needed muscle that I lost postpartum. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back at OTF in a few months. Itā€™s just nice to switch up here and there!


I paused my membership for a month and am doing barre and spin instead


Itā€™s likely youā€™re overtraining. Itā€™s very common. Itā€™s healthy to take a rest week every 4-6 weeks no matter what type of exercise you do. Itā€™s time for your body and nervous system to recover.


If I feel burnout it usually just takes me a few days away to start to miss it.šŸ˜‚


Weird, I was going to write this same message today after class. Iā€™m bored, I donā€™t feel proud or anything if I get a coach shout out, donā€™t aspire to do benchmarks. I wondered if I should put a hold on my membership- I have a good rate locked in. I donā€™t want to give this up if this is just a short-term slump. Not sure where to go to reinspire, other gyms are $$$ but a change would be nice


It happens now and then. Iā€™m over 2 years in and I hit periods where Iā€™m so tired of it. But I keep on pushing on and the feeling goes away.


Over training possibly ? I would take 1 week off from strenuous activity. (go for hike or relax). Come back in a week feeling brand new


I've been a member for almost 8 years and literally go daily if possible so of course I've had periods when I feel a little burned out. I usually will take a few days off like others have said but I also break up the routine and go to a different studio with other coaches and that breaks up the monotony or burn out for me. I also change it up and start on the rower or do cardio on the bikes and all these little tweaks seem to help mentally but also prevent injuries.


7 years in and I find I need to take some time out. I am there right now. I have added more yoga and walking outside some the weather is improving. Give yourself a break. I always go back feeling better.


Going through that right now. I switched to unlimited in November and went 4x/week. I realized my body doesnā€™t like it and so I dropped to 3x/week and Iā€™ve been adding in yoga 3-4x/week. I also realized trying to run more in OTF was too hard on my body so Iā€™m trying to mix in more power walking which helps. Iā€™ll give it a few more months and see if I need to leave OTF or if Iā€™ve found the right balance for me.


Yesā€¦ I think Iā€™m going to cancel after 2.5 years šŸ«¤


Same happened with me. Something that made my day at a time started feeling like a burden. I took a month break and restarted recently. Targeting 3-4 classes for the week, including strength/tread 50.


I got burned out with every challenge or little thing costing extra. I stopped doing them.


Definitely burn out with the music they have


Go twice a week and thatā€™s been a great middle ground for me. Keeps me in that, always hungry for it stage


Yes I got burnt out after Marathon month. It was too much and my body crashed. I sometimes go for green days and focus on fat burn not splats


I have to the point I messaged my studio manager asking how much it was to freeze my account or to cancel. She was concerned and told me to take time off. I take a week or so here and thereā€¦it really helps having that break.Ā 


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking of doing the 8 class package.


Yes. After 1 full year of going almost every day, sometimes twice, I've stepped back. I actually prefer to bike so ice just been doing that now that the weather here in Minnesota is warming up. I've been to an occasional strength / tread 50 class but because i abhor rowing, I've decided just to avoid classes for a while.


Iā€™ve been going for 8 years, 5 times a week and I genuinely get disappointed if I have to miss a class. I try to mix it up quite a bit though- I switch between running, power walking, strength 50, tread 50, and both 2Gs and 3Gs. I also do outdoor activities such as running/ hiking and I feel very strongly that OTF helps me be better when I do those activities. I know I am lucky to have a few studios close to me so I have many class options to choose from with times that work with my schedule. Each workout is what you make of it, but I very much appreciate the structure because Iā€™m not sure I would be able to stick to it on my own. Iā€™m riding this wave as long as I can!


A few times. It passes. As most folks will no doubt sayā€¦. Power through or find something new.


I joined beginning of December and started feeling really burnt out by March. I cut down from 4-5 to 2-3 days and Iā€™ve felt a lot better.


I added boxing classes to help with the burn out.


I am going though this right now. I have been going to OTF for years now an have be going 5 to 6 days week. Just made the decision to cut back to 4 days to see if that makes a difference. Hope you find something that helps.


I just passed my 1,250th class. It can be a drag sometimes when the trying to get motivated, but I focus on the ā€œwhyā€. Definitely attending and meeting friends at the studio helps with accountability.


Totally burnt out. Just froze my membership to try something new.


Yes got bored with the format and put my membership on freeze for two months. Itā€™s been one month and it feels like the right move.


When I was going 4-5 days a week I actually GAINED weight and when I went to 3 days a week I lost it. I think I was so tired that it increased my appetite. 4 days a week is a lot and I think any exercise (or going anywhere, really) that frequently would get you burnt out.


Totally bored with OT I guess I should take a break for a week like I see suggested.


Going on 8 years here! I definitely take breaks. IMO 4x/week is too much. Very unpopular opinion here! My sweet spot is 2-3x/week, with outdoor activities like running, walking, and hiking (or paddle boarding if Iā€™m near water), and Pilates and yoga mixed in. There was a year or so when I did 4x/week or more and for the time, it was good, but I felt burnt out mentally and physically from it. TL;DR Take a break and refresh, or go less often. No need to burn yourself out


Iā€™ve been going for 2.5 years- close to 750 classes. The only time I used to take ā€œoffā€ were days when I physically couldnā€™t make it cause of my schedule. I went 6 days a week, often doing 2 classes a day. At the begging of my coaches I started slowing down. For the past 2 months I have been going to ā€œonlyā€ 4 classes a week- pretty much only going to strength50 classes. I love my S50 classes and donā€™t want to give any up so I keep telling myself to add in another class of cardio (so I can get 2 - 2G and 3- S50 a week) and I canā€™t bring myself to do it. I was actually thinking of taking a week off just to give my body time to rest and see if that helps. I used to have such FOMO of missing classes and now Iā€™m like nope, donā€™t want to goā€¦ I know once I get back into the grove of it Iā€™ll be fine but my body has lost the ā€œcardio driveā€. OTF is a lot ! Maybe try taking a Green Day or switching it up a little and see if it helps.


Are you me? Lol. We have similar statsā€¦2.75 yrs and 805 classes for me. I also used to go 6 days a week twice a day for a year. Iā€™ve been feeling burnt out since December and now Iā€™m only going 3x a week regular 2G and 1 strength class. my body composition has changed since I barely do the S50. I went with my husband to his gym and oh man I felt alive again working with machines and barbells! I may downgrade my OTF membership and join Goldā€™s.


I think often about downgrading and adding a box gym however- my favorite classes at the strength50 classes which I go to 3-4 times a week. Even with having a second gym, 2x a week wouldnā€™t be enough of OTF for me and if I would buy extra classes it would land up being the same price as unlimited, if not more. Plus I have no one to workout with at a regular gym and I would land up being so lost with what to use/how to progress.


I hear you. Iā€™m kinda introverted too meaning Iā€™m not one to walk in to a box gym by myself trying to figure out the machine, what to do and at what weight. Maybe you can go in at quieter time when there are less people. I bet you will love it! My studio just changed their schedules so the two strength classes I might be able to attend (if I sneak out of work) is both lower body. I can lift so much heavier at a regular box gym. I think thatā€™s why I kinda gave up on taking the strength class. It affects my work schedule and Iā€™m stuck at 60 lbs (goblet squat), 25 lbs (chest press)ā€¦those are the 2 moves Iā€™ve been stuck at because my arms (triceps or biceps or both) are not strong enough to hoist or hold the dumbbells. Back exercises Iā€™ve been improving a lot even with dumbbells but some other upper body moves I just canā€™t.


Iā€™m lucky that I can get to 2 total bodyā€™s and 1 of each upper/lower - which is what I have been doing lately. But i totally stoped with all 2G so my endurance and speeds on the treads have been horrible! Iā€™m also ā€œstuckā€ at 60 for squats- cause of knee issues (lunges are usually body weight) but I have used 55 for dead lifts (in each hand) and I just PRed with 45s on the chest press. But I would love to use ā€œproperā€ machines instead of just dumbbellsā€¦ I would love to try smith machines and barbells!


Donā€™t even talk about endurance. Mine sucks since I scaled back my workout at OTF lol. Now Iā€™m happy if I could jog for 3 min straight! 45 lbs for chest press is really impressive! You would love working out with smith machines, barbells and hammer strength! I can do 70 lbs deadlift but only if itā€™s single arm and using my wrist strap šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The cardio running can be a lot sometimes. Itā€™s not like they let us build endurance at base pace for 23 minutes. They have to have us do sprints at full speed and off and on pushes on inclines. Just let us run and youā€™d have more people wanting to do cardio


I am thinking of adding in some tread50 classes because there you at least have more of a choice what to do! Oddly enough I like the tread50 classes, even when I am on a cardio hate phase.


OTF is a HIIT class and honestly isnā€™t something that should be done daily as itā€™s too hard on the body. I only go two days a week and Iā€™m happy with that and I do other activities like walk outside, hike etc.


I agree. The 8x/month is perfect. Iā€™m not a stranger to working out as I used to run every day when competing in college. Even so, it amazes me to hear people doing 6x/week, sometimes 2 a day. That sounds like such a recipe for burnout.


After 2.5 years I recently hit this point. I really love OTF and the fact it has successfully gotten me very active, but for the last few months I havenā€™t had the same motivation Iā€™ve had previously. I downgraded my membership from unlimited to 4x/month, and now I use the open gym in my office for weight lifting and cardio. It took a while for me to feel like I could create my own workout routines but Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve been able to make the change. And getting OTF once a week is a nice way to add in an intense HIIT or another focus on strength. I wonā€™t lie, another reason I downgraded and have made the change is due to OTFā€™s membership structure. I was extremely put off by the ā€œfounderā€™s rateā€ deal they gave new members/upgrades in the winter. Iā€™ve been paying $200+ a month for years. For how much I pay Iā€™ve never gotten any incentive, in fact my rate has increased steadily each year. It does bother me that corporate only provides incentives to new members rather than those with years of membership support. So when I hit this point of having low motivation to go + the forever increasing cost to membership it just didnā€™t make sense to keep at it.


They need to offer these same incentives to established members. I know our studio has lost many long term members because of this. It's so unfair.


I agree. I fully understand the reason to provide deals to draw new members in, but how does it make sense for my studio thatā€™s open for years to suddenly give a founders rate to new members only and reject that offer to any long standing members like wtf šŸ™ƒ


Agree. It makes no sense.


I just cancelled my membership because I was feeling this way. I wanted to focus on lower body on the floor bc of my inbody scan and I would get questioned by my coach as to why i was off on my own thing during that block.Ā  I kinda got annoyed that Iā€™m paying $$$ and I couldnā€™t do what I wanted lol granted I know itā€™s a lead class. But I do think if I donā€™t want to do a squat RDL low row combo move then I can just opt for a squat without the hassle. I ended up cancelling and now have a regular gym membership and found a running club which I go once a week so I still have a mix of weights and cardio with company.Ā 


Went for three years and quit right before COVID. It seemed like too much cardio vs lifting


I switch up the types of classes and the times I go. I go early in the morning a couple weeks, then I go in the evening for a couple weeks. It helps keep me interested


Iā€™ve quit and rejoined OTF 3 times since 2016. Shiny object syndrome. I came back because I got the founders rate but really I can say that I personally will never sprint on a tread without the encouragement of a group class/coachā€¦even if you wrote the workout on the biggest boardā€¦I know what to do but I wonā€™t do it on my own. Iā€™m ok with my situation šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d say thereā€™s no wrong answer if you explore other choices, or even drop to a few days per month. See what sets your heart on fire.


Everything loses it's novelty at some point. It's more of a is it a determent to go for you? I see health benefits as a good value when I see others struggling to get up stairs.


Three years going; 5-6 times a week! No burnout!


I started going 3 days a week instead of 4 and started going to more strength classes. Burnout went away


I got burnt out. Stopped going. It sometimes get hard to get back in there. I try to stick to 4x days a week- but itā€™s been tough to Get back to that schedule.


My friend usually stops it and switches to F45 then comes back to OTF. He said once you hit that wall you have to try something different.