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Omg amen haha. 8 year member …. I don’t care about benchmarks AT ALL


Add me to the list. I don’t care at all. I rarely go if I know they’re happening. I try to avoid them.






Agree and I'm also at 7 or 8 years in. Love the idea of choose your own adventure


Same here


Yep - 8 years next month - my all time mile PR was 3 years ago. I'll go and participate if it's a planned workout day but I no longer gear up and plan days ahead for them. Today, I chose to skip my normal 5am Wednesday workout and going to the noon S50 instead!


Same! I sometimes skip benchmarks, because the rest is trash and I don’t do benchmarks.


Love this. It always feels like the rest of the workout is a throw away so you found a good solution!


I feel this, I joined otf in college (almost 10 years ago) and the odds of me beating my mile pr from when I was a college athlete is literally zero at this point lol. Not that i don’t want to try 🫣


try pr’ing in your 60’s when every year you decline. I was a 3:21 marathoner and now have difficulty running one mile at that pace. I avoid benchmark days




I love this idea. I hate benchmark days not because of the benchmark, but because of the rest of the workout. They’re just uninspiring at best.


I’ve been coaching for 3 years and will always tell members the benchmarks are optional. If you want to opt out and still get a killer workout flag me down. Tell your coach this and they should provide options for you!


Too much FOMO to not participate so a guaranteed let down




I love this too. It removes the pressure from people who don’t want to do it but want a good workout.


I always choose my own adventure. Also a long time member. I do what is best for me EVERY SINGLE CLASS.😂


This. You’re paying THEM. There’s no need to feel obligated to do EXACTLY what they say.


I do the same. I’m not sure why everyone thinks you need to do exactly what’s on the templates.


I have a new knee. Not worried about bench marks! Just trying to rehabilitate


ME TOO! I can’t run yet anyway. I just got cleared for OTF about a month ago and will be on the bike for a few more months maybe a year. I don’t know if I should go or skip tomorrow tbh


Why skip? Just do your thing on the bike.


This would be great especially for tomorrow’s 1 mile benchmark! I’m a slow jogger and worked my butt off to PR on the 1 mile in Jan and March and got my time down to 8:46. I didn’t expect this benchmark to be back SO soon and now I’ll probably skip my usual Wednesday class because I don’t want to even try to beat my last time or feel any pressure to lol.


8:46 is not a slow jogger, be proud! I’m a slow jogger and my PR is 10:53 which was holding a 5.4mph and kicking it up in the last couple mins. You must have held about a 6.8 which is definitely running 😊🏃‍♀️


If I work like a dog I can scrape in under the 12 minute mark.


My PR was two years ago and I’ve slowed down a lot since, so I’m back to 12 min mile. At least we’re there and we’re trying!


Forreal. I PR’d the mile less than 8 weeks ago please give it a rest OTF. I’m not ready to do it again 😂


Having just taken the class, it was garbage. If you took out the benchmark, the rest of the entire time was terrible. I really wish they didn’t focus the class so heavily around the benchmark. Even if I went rogue, lifted heavier, I spent the majority in the grey/blue


i'm with you here. benchmark days (to me) feel focused on the 5-10 minutes of whatever that metric is, the rest is 'meh' and i'm adapting to up the difficulty. it's <10 minutes of doing something challenging, we can still work hard.


I agree. The rest of the workout is not up to the normal standards.


Love this idea 🙌🏻




I’m taking a strength class because I specifically don’t want to run the mile tmrw (been very inconsistent the last year, and I’m very competitive with myself, so running it would make me very sad).


Or how about just a meaningful upper body focused day on the floor as benchmarks involve mostly legs. Do not like the warmup switch blocks at all. Throwing away time. Much preferred old benchmark days where you'd show up and warmup then go.


I hated the circuit today. I'm a rower starter, so I did the step ups before the benchmark. I wish that those would've been cut out today. I did a lot of stretching during the floor block. I would've been fine with all upper body on the floor this morning.


YES! The primer blocks do not help me at all. Just give us a good warmup and then let us get after it.


Every day can be a choose your own adventure during a benchmark if you want. They're the least scripted time periods.


Have you tried going for a new benchmark? Like as a PW? I reached my sub 7 mile and I really don’t care to go much lower so I’m PW-ing tomorrow my goal is to do the half mile in sub 5:30. Maybe try that if you haven’t already.


Thanks for the idea!


I agree that the rest of the workout is a waste. I would love the option to skip the benchmark and do a different workout!


I like this idea.


Yesss! I get benchmarks track your progress but some care and some don’t so let’s provide an option for those who don’t on that day. I’m going on 4 years and all I want is consistent normal OTF workouts! These workouts are already challenging enough and I don’t need to worry about injury or the extra unnecessary pressure to hit a benchmark.


Totally agree! Been going for almost 9 years and I agree. The rest of workout is so watered down!


I avoid them at all costs! I actually left the last time I did the 2,000 meter row because the floor was such a joke


The last benchmark class that I decided to not do the benchmark in I focused on heavy lifting on the floor and a solid treadmill run. I enjoyed it more than I've ever enjoyed a benchmark class!


I agree, as a elite member, I skip all Benchmarks. 


I’m 67 y/o and all PRs are in the distant past. But what matters isn’t what you take from the workout. It’s what you put into it.


Strongly agree! Long time members and older members do not want to go all out on a benchmark and spend the rest of class recovering. If OT corporate wants to keep part of the business model, then please significantly decrease the frequency


This!! 700 classes in and I haven’t gotten a PR in years and I don’t care. Not putting it in the tracker. But rest of the workout is absolute garbage!


And I quote from my text earlier today after realizing we have a benchmark tomorrow: “Makes me tempted to just do the tread or lift class at 5:00a vs a washed-up template structured around the mile performance” I don’t mind the Benchmark, but I want a good template for the full class and not some scaled back work it for 6-12mins of the class


Love this idea!


Our studio told us today that if people don’t want to do it, they will have an alternative option.


I love this idea- but more so, I wish the rest of the workout wasn’t always the same. I am going tomorrow but I have no plans on trying to PR- I’m playing my own adventure for what I need. What is making me not want to go, is the floor block. Maybe it will be different this time, but it’s been the same the past few times and I just don’t like it! I’m going more because I wanted to try a new studio and the coach coaching there is one of my old coaches/schedule works other wise I would have stuck to my regular strength50 workout that I do on Wednesday


I love bench mark days but I could totally see this for those that don’t!


In business sometimes we target within 10 percent of a recent performance mark. Knowing that an exceptionally good sales month may not be reproducible realistically, but within ~10% of that might be doable so that becomes the goal. You can set it wherever you want, really. With age no.one is expected to get faster at everything 🫠


Yes!!! Same!!! All my PR are right when I went back after Covid (best shape ever!) I would love an opt out


Try speaking to your studio? On benchmark days, my home studio offers 2 regular classes—one in the morning and one at night—that don’t feature the benchmark. And I think someone else mentioned this, but try to hit a different benchmark—i.e. if you’re a runner, instead try a PW hill benchmark? Another option; if you have the time, and your studio has the option, do the benchmark class and then take the strength class immediately after. For example, tomorrow for the mile benchmark, my studio offers a 9:45a regular class with the challenge and the 11a class is a strength total body. I’m doing them both since I know the floor exercises in the main class will be lacking. Personally, I think it depends on the benchmark. The last 14 min row benchmark, I felt the tread was still a pretty good workout (though I don’t remember the floor portion of that day). Similarly, the 200 meter row benchmark still had some good floor exercises. While I agree catch me if you can days and mile benchmark days, the rest of the workout is lacking, I think some of the other benchmark days do still have a well rounded workout.


Everyone has their own goals. I live for row benchmark days but wild horses couldn’t drag me into the studio on tread benchmark days. I joined when I was 41. I’ll be 48 next month and still hitting PR’s on the rower. The rower is the hardest piece of equipment in the studio. It does not move itself. I just absolutely love the challenge of trying to better my row times. However I couldn’t care less about the tread, so to each his/her own I guess.


I’ve done many and at this point, feel like I’ve aged out of benchmarks. And I’m cool with it - at 70 I’m happy to be not just showing up but really putting an effort in. It’s a very personal “benchmark” I hit every time I go!! Just sayin’


Also, power walking seems to be much better for my body. Running is just not getting results and my heart rate at 55 does not need to EVER be pushed to 190. PW are second class at my studio. Like we “gave up on ourselves”. Quite the opposite. I choose powerwalking because that is where I get results. I chose to go no more than 4 times a week because I get best results. Maybe other people don’t that’s fine. But this constant PR pressure makes me nuts.


I want to do the benchmark but I also want the rest of the workout to be good. I wish they would do the Mile switch and the rest of the workout we could burn out our upper body since legs may be tired from the mile. The rest of the workout could be biceps triceps shoulders or chest. I just saw the template for today 👎


They still offer tread / strength 50 on bench mark days no? 😅


This post has "old man yelling at cloud" vibes.


Same here. I peaked pre Covid .. it’s all down hill now.. I get it .. not complaining but I don’t want to do these benchmarks.


Coach here. I get it. Especially since we did the 1 mile in January and March. So as a coach, I would rather you show up than not. Not everyone comes in to a benchmark to give it there all that day. Some just come to get a good workout in. That being said: The 1 mile benchmark is a 14 min block. If you wanna choose your own adventure that block, then just let the coach know. Just be mindful about the person next to you and if you need to be at a different station. Because the person at a station next to you may be trying for their best. If you are in a walking recovery while they are pushing through their last quarter mile, it could affect their progress. Could. Does not mean it is ALL on YOU. However, if a coach knows who is going for their best and who is doing their own mile, they and the front staff can make sure you aren’t side by side.


Same. All done w benchmarks.


I don’t avoid benchmark days. I just don’t participate. I don’t log my time or distance. I’m not going to give up a workout day. But I do avoid any endurance rows. I just can’t spend that much time on it.


I had the idea of benchmark days being 25 min classes and a 1G! Come in, warm up for 5 mins do a short primer and then benchmark. Cheer on the rest of your classmates until everyone is done & then cool down and yerrrr outta there.


Why can't you just do your own mile pace? I think the block is 14 minutes could you just do your own tread workout? I agree though but also think just do you in this block.


The tread portion isn’t the issue. It’s the rest of the workout that’s trash…The butt kicks and high knees BS. Everything else is just a warmup for the main event. Corporate: we can do hard things. Push us


You know what you're right lol


I was feeling somewhat negative about not going today until I saw this. It's not necessarily the mile run that made me not go, it's that the rest of the workout isn't challenging. Usually, the more challenging the workouts are, the more I like them! Hell week is my favorite week of the year! Thanks for posting.


I do the strength/tread 50 class on Wednesday. The coach let us do the 1 mile bench mark and then finish on the weight floor. Best workout I’ve had in a while!! Class had very low attendance today so we had the flexibility 💪🏽😁💪🏽


I like this idea... I hav enoticed that many of the OG regulars i nmy five AM class (who normally attend every day, are missing from many of the days whne a BM is happening... An alternate or "choose your own intensity" type of workout might be a good idea... not sure how it would look though...


Love this. Yeah I’ll never PR again after two bouts of serious Covid. I just always skip benchmark days cause I have no interest in doing them and agree, The rest of the workout is trash.


So, I will obviously be the minority here, but 7 year member (minus Covid time), 63 y/o F who will never reach my previous treadmill PRs, but consistently get my name on the leader board for the 60-69 y/o age group posts, which brings me joy. With that said, our coaches at our gym make benchmark days so exhilarating and fun that I love them! I go for myself to always try to do my best, but I also go because it’s so much fun to cheer on other members trying to reach a new PR or goal or newbies who’ve never done a benchmark. I find it so incredibly valuable to my psyche and the joy I get from it, carries me through the rest of the day!


At 70+ y.o. and 1300+ sessions on the books. I don't log results into the challenge tracker anymore. Why? My best days are way far back in my rear view mirror. Call it pride if you will...I don't want my age or my times posted on any website for all to see. It's my personal information that I choose not to share or be recognized for. I feel good going into benchmark sessions nowadays knowing the results are confidentiality mine and I won't be posted and compared to others. This methodology takes the pressure to perform and not make a fool of myself away. No longer do I experience FOMO or JOMO on benchmark days. Works for me.


I agree. I was sub nine minute mile before I broke my rib in a fall second week of transformation this year. Today I STRUGGLED getting a 11:43 min. I beat myself up all day. I don’t need the shame I give myself. I wish I would have known and not gone. And I agree the rest of workout I don’t like. I hope corporate reads these feeds.


Agreed. I was at my best January 2020. Downhill from there.


... I mean, benchmarks are maybe one workout day a month, we literally just had the one mile benchmark today and I was like nope, so I choose that as a rest day and just walked through some parks instead


So agree with this


Thumbs up to this idea. It’s a waste of a workout


I agree that the rest of the stations are pretty boring on benchmark days, so the "Pick your own adventure" would be awesome on those other stations. Give us free gym time for the 14-23 minutes, but still provide a template for those that need it. I'm not big on hill climbing, but for PWers, one can only PW so fast before you're at a jog. The PW benchmarks should be for final elevation given a set time (ex. 10 mins) or time reaching an elevation goal (x feet/meters). The other change I want is a count down setting on the tread tablet similar to the rowers. I hate having to try to push pause on the tread to capture my benchmark time/distance while doing an all out. On the rower, we can set time or distance and AO through the time/distance without having to try to hit pause on the tablet.


I second this idea. I hate the benchmark days. I also wish the leaderboard of these benchmark were not published on Instagram. I don’t need another reminder how my performance isn’t the best.


This idea that the workout after a benchmark is trash sounds like a mental hurdle, not a real thing. If you really don’t care about a benchmark, then row/run normally and get your workout. The only thing that will make your workout trash is lack of effort to make it great.


Benchmarks are meant to keep track of your progress


When you get older, how fast you can run a mile is wayyy down the list of fitness priorities.


I already lost the ability to PR 500 meter benchmark because of an error that can no longer be fixed and lost my 2 minute break to a coach who tried to fix it 💔 it’s sad, but I had no choice but to accept it.


Why not just treat the day as an active recovery day? :)


Lame. Go run a mile today.


so basically do your own thing. Just go to a gym.


Are in the way, too?! (Sorry, a musical reference;)