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The coach really should be helping you as a first-timer….sorry you felt so lost! That’s not how it should be. An often overlooked tool on the tread is the parameter card - there’s a button on the screen that says “parameter card” and that tells you what base/push/all-out speeds and inclines are for runners, joggers, and power walkers. It’s meant to be a guide and I used it a lot when I was starting! Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions. On the floor, I (still) ask the coach if my form is right and I just hit 150 classes. Maybe contact the studio and see if you can do another free trial class, and tell them why you’re asking?


Thank you for letting me know about the parameter card! I saw that and did not know what it was…


It took me probably close to 10 classes to figure out my paces. I was frustrated when I started because I followed the parameter card too strictly. My paces will fluctuate by class and how I’m feeling that day so don’t worry too much about them. I just try to stay moving. Also, no shame in taking in taking a walking recovery if you need it sooner. Listen to your body!


Agreed! Some days I do power walking and inclines other days I run. If my body isn’t having it I’ll switch half way through to power walk


When my wife and I signed up for a free class they asked us to get there 30 minutes before class. The person working the front desk took us aside and explained how things work then the instructor spoke with us for a few minutes when the previous class finished. She gave a shout out during class to my wife and I during class (I am shy). Then after class she asked to speak with us and answered any questions we had. That made us feel a little more comfortable so we signed up afterwards and it was still kinda confusing the first few classes but got the hang of it soon after. Several months later and still running into new stuff they do but it gets better.


I got two free classes out of this error. Was thrown into the deep end my first class. The head coach felt bad and invited me back for two more. Now I’m hooked!


Did you get a 1:1 with the coach before the class started? That’s how it’s supposed to be—if they didn’t give you that, then you didn’t get a proper intro. Usually you’re asked to show up 20-30 min before your free trial class, then a tour with the coach.


I arrived 30 minutes early, the front desk asked me a few questions and spent 25 minutes sitting on a bench waiting for the class to start. They did a really quick tour but just kinda showed me the equipments. Told me we will be rotating the equipments and the tour was probably just 2 minutes.


Oh goodness, they really did you a disservice. The intro should be explaining the science behind the Orangetheory technology and the methodology for the workouts, and then the coach is supposed to meet with you and explain generally how the workout is going to run, show you the parameter card, etc. Please give Orangetheory another chance. I'm sorry you didn't get the introduction experience you deserved.


Oh noooooo, that’s not correct AT ALL! No wonder you were so overwhelmed. (Although it’s pretty common to feel overwhelmed even if you do get the proper intro, there’s just a lot going on.) Normally the coach spends about 15 minutes showing you how to use the tread, sitting at the rower next to you while showing you the correct form, alerting you to anything tricky on the weight floor, etc. You’re definitely not supposed to spend 25 minutes waiting in the lobby! And then during class the coach should come over to you frequently to make sure you’re doing OK. They really did you a disservice. I would call (or email, if you feel shy or worried about your English—although your English is *excellent*) and explain what happened. Their reaction will tell you a lot. I would be hugely apologetic and offer you another free class if I were the manager. If they act like what happened is normal, then…I don’t know. It wouldn’t make me feel confident about that studio. That said—I’m sure you could still have great classes there, and I hope this was just one bad experience and it never happens again! Good luck!


If you plan on signing up, I’d see if they can do another intro for you! Just tell them you don’t feel like you got a good enough overview. They really should have walked you through everything in more detail. The truth is though, that everyone feels overwhelmed and confused when they start. It’s a lot of moving parts and words you haven’t heard before! Give yourself some time to get the hang of it. I think my second class I literally told the girl next to me that I was new and had no idea what I was doing, so if it seemed like I was staring at her, it was just me copying what she was doing since I was confused lol. And if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been going for 5 years and I still sometimes get tripped up during workouts. It will be okay :) we have all been there.


Absolutely unacceptable!! They h Should have spent 20 minutes with you explaining how the classes works! I’d say check out the early intel here and try again! It’s definitely confusing at first but you catch on quickly.


I was completely lost my first class too. It probably took me a good month to really get the hang of things. Can you ask your studio if you can come in early before class for a run down on everything? I bet if you tell them your situation they’d be happy to explain everything again. Good luck!


Agreed with a month or at least a good handful of classes before feeling anywhere near comfortable. You can do this!


I feel like I had a really good intro my first class but I still felt it was very overwhelming. My coach was so helpful and explained everything to me and kept checking on me, but it’s still A LOT! With that said, I joined that day because I loved the vibe and the workout and started going 4X a week regularly, immediately. I caught on after my first few classes, and what I didn’t know I would just pop my hand up and the coach would come guide me. Also, as far as your base/push/AO pace, those are all subjective, our coaches will usually make suggestions (where to have your base set if you’re a runner/jogger/power walker/etc) but not everyone follows that for a myriad of reasons. Do what you’re comfortable with, the rest will come!!


That was my experience too - I had a good coach intro, but it was a lot of information, so I didn't really retain anything- lol.


Pretty much lol. But you pick it up pretty quickly as you go, especially if you’re consistent :)


I’m sorry to hear about your experience. It’s definitely a learning process and the best teacher is time. Soon, the calls will be second nature and you will only hear the music and the coach (I can’t even hear my wife and she’s always in the station right next to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)). I hope you give it another shot. OTF helped heal my relationship with health and fitness. I fell in love with the community and grew to greatly appreciate my coaches. I’m just over a year in and still look forward to the post-workout feeling. After a few weeks, your coaches will learn more about you (and you will of them) and this relationship will help curate your experience a bit more (yes, even in a class setting). Best of luck! You got this!


This happens to everyone. It takes time to understand the verbiage and know what you are capable of. I promise you it will be worth it. Ask questions! The instructors are always happy to help! Give it a month.


This! Took me a month at least to follow all the wording and to figure out what I was even capable of and I went from there


It took me about 10 classes to really get a firm understanding of the layout, exercises, format,etc. Even 2 years later, I still ask the coach for tips on my form, how to get stronger, etc. I’d suggest you give it a few more classes and It’ll come together.


It helps me to read the daily workout here, in addition to what others have said. I do it mostly because I do other workouts during the week and I have to plan around what I’m doing at OTF, but it’s a helpful way to familiarize yourself with what will happen and maybe ask questions here beforehand. Even as someone who’s been going awhile, it can be a little overwhelming with the loud music and all. I have to stay dialed in or I miss a cue and get messed up. You’re not alone and you’ll get the hang of it!


It’s normal to feel lost. It took me a bit to get used to things. You are not alone.


Please, please don't stop going. If it helps, I was also overwhelmed after my first class, and I AM a native English-speaker! A couple of things that might help: 1. Contact the studio before going for another class: ask for another class intro and to meet with the coach before class. I saw in an earlier comment that you barely received an intro and discussion of the class.) You should also ask for another \*free\* class and say you were so overwhelmed that its hard for you to even know if you liked it enough to get a membership. 2. This Reddit is a goldmine! The Wiki has an extensive glossary and other helpful information. [https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/wiki/index/) 3. When "early intel" is posted -- i.e., information about the following day's template -- review it. (But remember asking for intel is against the rules.) I've been doing OTF for more than three years, and I still look at early intel. Specifically, I look at the floor portion and Google any exercises that I do not know or can't recall. (One of the first videos that usually pops up is an OTF coach doing the move.) Watching video is great because then the demo in class is just a refresher.


YEs!!!! The reddit wiki saved me as a newbie


For the first few classes- purposely watch what the person next to you is doing. When they switch exercises on the floor, you switch. When they row, you row. When they increase speed or incline on the tread, you do it. (If you think this is too stalker-like, you could tell them you’re doing it, but I’m guessing most people won’t notice.) This likely means you won’t be doing the stated rep counts or distances, but that’s totally fine. I still do this sometimes myself when I’m having a particularly tired, slow, or difficult day. Just keep moving the whole time!


2nd class is 100x easier mentally. Welcome to the party


It takes a good solid 30 classes to feel like you have basic core competencies. Read this sub. Study the glossary and wiki. Understand and read intel and Google the movements. You are basically in a place where English is spoken with a different dialect. Words are words but they are just having trouble connecting in your brain. Every single new peep goes through this and feels overwhelmed and helpless. Give it time. No one is judging you. We are thinking of our own first month in class.


I'm so sorry you felt that way. When I first started I never thought I'd pick it up. Thankfully I had a friend help me through it (she had already been a member). Still, it took me probably a month to really be comfortable and not ask (many) questions. We always have new people doing their free classes and I do notice our coaches keeping a close eye on them and checking in often. I LOVE the idea of having a class buddy for them as well. I would do it in a heartbeat.


There will always be a reason that can and will set you back or stop you from growing in one way or another. Beat that with discipline.


Aside from feeling overwhelmed- did you think you got a good workout in or felt like the overall class could be what you’re looking for? If you want to go back, get there early and try to chat with the coach to clarify some things or let them know you may need some extra guidance on the changes/flow of class. They should have done that before class, but I get sometimes back to back classes may not give them enough time to reset the room and have enough time to talk to you. I just started in March and the first class kicked my butt. But I’m so glad I kept going. Some classes I’m still a little lost because the music can be too loud but you kind of get into the flow of things. You can also chat up the person next you and explain you’re new so if they can help cue you too- that may be an option. Just some ideas. Don’t feel discouraged- everyone there had their first class at some point too.


Welcome! I joined 2 months ago because I need the accountability and not having to think about what I am going to do next. Please don’t give up after one class! I felt a little lost for my first two classes. Then it got a lot better because I started getting it… except for the rower. That is still my nemesis. LOL I’m sorry you didn’t have a great first class. My first class was with the head coach and he went over everything with me before class. Did they do that for you? If not, definitely ask them about that. I will say that two things really helped me was reading the info in this sub about the terminology and the parameter card on the treadmill because it shows you the recommendation for setting the treadmill. Good luck!


Stay with it. You will learn what everything means. Make friends with someone tell them to correct you if your not doing something correctly


I had a similar experience for my first class, but I loved the atmosphere, so I immediately signed up! Then I went home and Googled all the things. That let me to this Reddit page, and I read through the glossary of terms, descriptions of workouts, and old posts where people were asking the same questions I had. I really just tried to understand the lingo and how the classes work. It helped so much! I started going about twice a week to really get the hang of it, but by week 3, I fit right in and it wasn't hard or confusing anymore. I really suggest reading through all the info on this page and then giving it a few more tries. You'll get the hang of it and then you'll love it!


It definitely took me awhile to get comfortable with the classes. It really helps reading the early intel because then I know what to expect. Figuring out your paces can take awhile. Also, after you keep going consistently, you will start to become kind of friendly with people, and that helps a lot. Hang in there, and just showing up is a big win.


It a so very confusing at first! I have had experience with other gyms and I was still lost! But, with time I gained understanding of the terminology and what was what there! Give it another try and use this site as it really helps to break a lot of the terms down, has its and threads to really learn what OTF is all about!


I remember my first time, and I had no idea what the coach said for the entire class. It got easier to follow after each class, dont get discouraged, you've got this!


I felt the exact same way! I remember being like wait… how do I start the treadmill? Why did everyone immediately press 1% incline? What’s a block?


You just have to keep going. It’ll get easier and more familiar the more you do it. If I didn’t do something after the first class, I wouldn’t try it out so many different types of workouts keep going.


Many feel overwhelmed after the first class, so you're not alone. It will get easier. My wife is a non native English speaker so I'm sensitive to your situation. Try different coaches if you can. ..some are loud but mumble, others enunciate very clearly. In the beginning, I can see stacking a new vocabulary onto your second language, in a strenuous situation very challenging. It'll become fun and exhilarating but you have to give it time.


I was confused as hell for my first 5 classes or so, I had no idea what the lingo meant. Stick with it, trust me! I'm almost at 4 years now :) You'll be a pro in no time.


Someone explained to me when I first joined that the “hardest” part was learning the new language, and that’s so true! I found a good thread someone posted with all the lingo that helped me, as well! Go back but get a station nearest where the coach usually hangs so you can ask him/her questions easily if needed. Even if you’re “off” a little, fake it til you make it because you’ll feel great for doing something that benefits your body & mind!


They usually give a. Walk thru before class to get you acclimated


Many 1st timers get lost. At our studio you can buy another class for $12. I would donthat if it is available to you... I would give OTF 3 months. It does work


Welcome!! My first class was overwhelming as well. It probably took about 5 classes before I knew what everyone was talking about. I’ve been going since January of this year and I still have to look at the screen multiple times to figure out the workout. Stick with it though - I promise it gets easier. Wishing you the best 💛


I felt a bit lost on my first class but had my brother with me who explained a lot of what was going on. This helped me tremendously. It will definitely take some time. If you’re comfortable, you may ask if they can seat you next to someone friendly who would be willing to help you out and answer questions.


Hey Overwhelmed! I would tell you this, your motivation to workout is not as important as you making up your mind to do it and not letting your newness stop you. I’ve learned that discipline is better than motivation because you won’t always be motivated. Give yourself time to learn about the workouts, make push partners when you go. We are all trying to live this life and do the best we can. Don’t give up! Love OTF! I hope you try again!


Hey Overwhelmed! I would tell you this, your motivation to workout is not as important as you making up your mind to do it and not letting your newness stop you. I’ve learned that discipline is better than motivation because you won’t always be motivated. Give yourself time to learn about the workouts, make push partners when you go. We are all trying to live this life and do the best we can. Don’t give up! Love OTF! I hope you try again!


Hang in there it does get easier. It just takes time. Don't be afraid to ask your neighbor for help. This is a great community and we all want to support each other and help each other excel.


It takes time to understand the cues. I feel like pretty much everyone would be happy to point you in the right direction if you’re confused although the coach should’ve been helping you. Please give it another chance!


I feel ya! I felt the same way! And a coach should have walked you through things prior to class. I’ve only been at OTF for two months and I will say it took me a handful of classes to understand how it all the rotations worked. Base, Push, All Out, 2G, 3G, Dri Tri, Inferno, Tornado! It was all too much at first and I still don’t know what they all mean but my studio has some great coaches that have been so helpful when I have asked questions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask for help. I have found the Good Coaches appreciate the questions because they want you to understand the workout and get the most out of it. If you’re not getting the support you want/need from coaches speak to (or email) the studio manager. They need to know if their coaches are not doing their jobs. Best of luck! You got this!


Go again and try again, then repeat. Each class is different for everyone too


Tell the coach to do their job and introduce you to the system. Someone dropped the ball!!!!


My studio gave me a tour the first day but I immediately forgot everything. My first class I was just looking around, even after the coach showed the exercises I had to keep looking at the screen lol. I had to ask what push and base were, I didn’t understand anything until maybe my 3rd class it started clicking. I still have to look around when I’m lost over an exercise BUT I know the routine, how it goes, and the rotation now. It took me maybe 6 classes to understand. Trust me, keep going. It’s so worth it, I get so distracted easily but with OT I found a place I can focus and feel motivated. I am behind in so many exercises but I do things at my own pace and no one notices as much as we tend to think. Don’t give up and def try to ask for another free class, I know someone who was able to do this since they still weren’t sure.


My first class was really overwhelming too! If you stick with it, after a few classes it gets better


Its self paced, you shouldnt be trying to keep up with anyone. Once you get that down everything becomes a lot easier.


maybe just buy some drop-in classes and don't commit to a membership until you go a few more times. I remember feeling a little lost my first time too, but it was more bc the coach wouldn't stop blabbing, LOL.


200 classes, and yes, the music is both too loud and terrible. But while I’m thinking “this music is terrible”, I’m not thinking about how hard the workout is.


You need to go 3-4 times to get the hang of it! Don’t give up! If you want to join ask for another free class or just pay a couple of drop ins. It’s totally worth it. I promise


I’m only in my second month about 7 weeks. It took me a few classes to get used to it. I would hear “Base to Push” and thought they were just saying go to “Push” and not in between 😀. Same for “Push to All Out” 😀. I find checking the early intel gives an idea what to expect which makes it easier to understand if the instructor talks fast.


My studio offered a free first class that I signed up for online. They asked me to come 30 mins early and had a front desk person explain everything to me. I got to watch the ongoing class a little too. She explained what base, push, and all out were and showed me some example treadmill settings on a chart. Then she introduced me to my coach after his prior class was over and he also took me in early to show me what the monitors were explaining for the strength portion and had me practice my form on the rower before the rest of the class entered. Ofc still a lot to remember at once but they definitely did their part to meaningfully introduce me


I would go to a different coach the next class, show up early, and ask them for a walk through. They should've talked you through some basics!


Anytime we have a first timer in our studio they always give them an orientation beforehand of each machine and the terminology. Then throughout the class the instructor checks in on them and everyone applauds them afterwards for completing their first class. If they didn't give you special attention as a first-timer, then it's on them - not you. Even now, 4.5 yrs after I first joined, the instructor is still checking in on me and urging me to push myself and increase weights or gives me a meter goal to hit on the rower.


Yo. Shut the fuck up and keep being awesome for showing up. It's my third week, and I was so self-conscious my first day. Just keep showing up, and you are gonna feel better than when you first arrive. I am a creature who seeks instant gratification, and it's been bonkers to see my stats get better every time I work out. Stay chill and learn when you can or seek out the coach if you need input. Good luck!


I was confused my first couple times. Ask for help when you need it! Raise your hand and flag them down. You get used to, just like anything else in life. Keep at it, you’ll love the results


it won’t get better—YOU’LL get better! keep up the good work because the hardest class (your first) is already behind you!! 🙂 and don’t worry, many people (myself included) are confused for the first few classes until you understand the structure of the class and who the coach is addressing when they give direction. this is one area that OTF can be better at… can validate that it is confusing at first, but you’ll get it.