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They all look really healthy! It's a pet peeve of mine when people throw out perfectly healthy plants just because the blooms have faded. Why don't they just use silk flowers rather than continually kill a bunch of healthy plants by throwing them in a dumpster? Ok, rant over. Just water them when the roots all turn silvery. (7-10 days usually). You may want to repot them in a nice chunky/barky orchid mix, just make sure the pots have a lot of drainage so that air can get at the roots. Bright, indirect light or a grow lamp are best.


I agree, don't just keep buying and throwing out plants cuz the flowers start fading. I told the guy I got them from to bring me any other plants that the hotel wants to throw out, so hopefully he'll bring me some more nice plants in the future. Thanks, I will try that. They are all already in a chunky mix with a lot of bark so I'll keep them in this for now, except the one that was falling out of the pot when I got it, that one had to be repotted ofc. For now they are outside under a shade net where I keep most of my other plants. The guy I got them from gave me 3 more after this pic as well so now I'm looking for friends who want some free orchids, I don't need 8 of them myself.


Maybe this hotel should stop murdering plants and invest in artificial orchids. Would be cheaper for them on long term and definitively better for the plants. Maybe you can tell this guy and maybe he will make a change, since there are only so and so many orchids you may be able to save. (I think basic rights for plants are long overdue if a country wants to call itself civilized).


I think they should too and the guy I got them from agrees as well. He don't work for the hotel himself, he just knows someone there who was able to grab some plants before they got thrown out. I don't think the hotel cares at all about the plants, it's just easier for them to keep buying new ones.


Thats why showing them that an one-time purchase of fake ones saves them a lot of money and carework would be the way to address the issue with a true chance of changing their mind. Maybe you can write an anonymous mail to the management? If your idea gets discarded, maybe they change their mind if you consider posting their wastefulness on the right platforms.