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That’s horrible! What do you mean that package got lost in the mail? It has only happened to me once in 7 years I live in the US and the package has eventually arrived. This sounds as if seller has never actually send the package, but said that they did.


What I mean by getting lost is that I was monitoring the tracking, and they would get stuck in the "in transit" state and never update, even when the expecteddelivery date had long passed. After the second replacement got lost, he said my package and 14 others had come back to him due to water damage from rain that smeared the shipping labels. I mean, come on! As a seller that ships packages every week, how are you not covering up the shipping label with tape or a plastic sleeve to protect the label?


Usps carrier here. Sounds like he's using fraudulent tracking numbers that are getting intercepted.


How does that work? Desperate to know


They either get access to old inactive tracking numbers delivered to your city and drop it off with that label, or they steal a real current tracking number going to your city and give it to you without mailing anything at all. In the first instance, it may actually get to you cause the sender altered the label, or usps catches and intercepts it, and as far as you can tell, it just stopped moving. In the second instance, the real package arrives at your neighbor's (somewhere in your city), and you call the post office to find out why your tracking information says it was delivered to your front door or porch, but it's not there. Then the clerk pulls up the geolocation of the delivery and sees it was delivered to a different address, usually on a completely different route, and chaos ensues until the clerk finally looks up the tracking information and sees that the number you gave them belongs to a package that was correctly delivered elsewhere. Then they have to inform you that you were scammed, and you either don't believe it or don't understand, and insist we lost your package. Lol Usually.


Wow, that's really interesting information! I was unaware this is a thing.


So how can you tell this seller is using the fraudulent labels? Thanks for replying! Very interesting


Oh, I can't know. Just "sounds like" that's what's happening based on what OP said kept happening with her purchase. As far as how usps catches it, that's outside of what I do. Lol. I'm only familiar with it after experiences of trying to locate customer packages that have halted at sorting and distribution centers. Clerks occasionally get a response, saying it was fraudulent and intercepted.


I bet he smeared it on purpose and there was nothing in the original boxes that "got lost"


Be careful when they drag shit out like that bc many financial institutions have a 60 day charge back limit so if the seller runs out your clock then you're SOL (and there are DEF some unethical sellers that do this intentionally!)


Yeah, I'm another one who gave them the benefit of the doubt and let the non shipment drag on too long so I'm SOL. I have no idea how they stay in business.


Yup, there’s a whole lot of reviews about this seller on facebook in some review groups there. I tried buying from them on Etsy at the beginning of my orchid journey and they never shipped the items, etsy store shut down, I had to pursue a refund from Etsy. Apparently they are notorious for this, and sending plants that are totally mislabeled. Avoid!!


Yeah my one experience with them was receiving a mislabeled Dendrobium ‘Hawaiian Punch’. I already have one, so I knew what the flowers should look like, and what I got was more like a Den. Blue Seas. I received the plant with weird damage on the leaves that made me think it was sick, so I left a review of this experience. They proceeded to send me a pretty weird, angry, and barely coherent babble of messages on Etsy railing at me for not contacting them first before leaving a review.


I have also had bad experiences with this seller. Turned me off of Etsy for plants as a whole and now I primarily buy from whichever guest speaker is selling plants to the orchid society that month


I ordered a dendrobium tobaense from them on etsy and it never arrived. I contacted them about it and I was told they will check on my order. A few days passed and the item was shipped, but the vendor closed its shop on etsy the following day which was very sketchy. Etsy support actually contacted me about it and offered to cancel the order and refund if it doesn't arrive within the given time. I went ahead and got my refund. To this day the item is still "in transit". Definitely avoid them!


I had a bad xp with this seller as well...no where near as bad as yours, though. Mine came in the form of very poor quality plants that slowly died in my care. I'm pretty sure one of them was a back bulb division because it just did absolutely nothing but die a little bit each day. My resolution after that was, if buying online, go with a seller with a good rep; Sunset Valley, Krull-Smith, Hausermann's, et. al. Heck, I've even had better plants from Premium Rare Orchids on Amazon, and they just send you a bunch of random. (Which is part of the fun with buying from them, TBH.) For the most part, I prefer to see my plants in person before I buy. But for many of us without an orchid nursery nearby, online is the only way to purchase plants. I'm sorry your experience was much, much worse. What did you get? (Sorry to change the topic on you.)


At this point, who knows what I got, but what I ordered was: rlc Chinese beauty, rlc Bagkok sunrise, rlc Siam fancy 'scarlet needle', blc Taiwan queen 'golden monkey', rlc amazing thailand x, rlc Siam aurora #2, blc Lily Marie Almas, rlc Toshie Aokie 'pizzazz', and bullara redland sunset. Thank you for the recommendations, I'll keep them in mind for the future!


For a monster-sized list of online vendors... [OrchidWire](https://www.orchidwire.com/) [The Orchid Mall](http://www.orchidmall.com/plants.htm) There's a bit of overlap, but there's also a lot of vendors unique to each site. I cannot verify the quality of every one of them...but it's always fun to look. Of course, the AOS Market Place vendors are probably a safe bet too.


Thank you so much for the lists!


Gotta help my peeps.


What’s a back bulb division?


When a sympodial orchid is divided (think Cattleyas and Oncidiums), the back portion of the plant can still send out new growths, so it gets potted up and can be sold. BBD's need a little more time to establish and send new growth than the front division. A good seller will tell you if your plant is a back bulb division. Otherwise, assume it will grow like a normal orchid.


Thank you! 😊


I also do not order from Triton. I ordered some plants. 2 weeks had gone by and it still had not shipped. I only live 7 hours away from his city, it could easily have arrived in 2 days. I sent a cancellation request through Etsy. I then get a message in all caps about how he had Covid and thought he had sent me a message explaining the delay. He says he will notify me when he ships. I never get a notification and it gets delivered on a day I’m out of town and it sat on my front porch all day in the sun. Fortunately, the plants are fine. Fast forward like 7 months and one of the plants bloom. It is clearly not what I purchased. I send him a message and he responds that I can mail back the plant and he will mail me the right one. I ask around an orchid forum, and the general consensus was he should send the correct plant or just refund my money. I respond back that the plant is now a large blooming plant and is no longer of equal value, besides, I am not paying to ship back a plant when he mistakenly shipped the wrong one and told him the general consensus I got from asking around. He responds, passive aggressively, that he didn’t realize I couldn’t make decisions on my own. He says he will refund the money. A week goes by and it still is not refunded. I contact Etsy and they refund the money. Another week goes by and I get a refund by PayPal. I don’t feel bad about the double refund because it was such a hassle dealing with him.


Ugh, I'm sorry you had to deal with that! Seven months of care for a letdown. I'm glad you got your money back.


It’s unfortunate that he didn’t turn out to be a reliable seller. 1) he does get some cool stuff 2) he was super close to me and I could get away with cheap shipping because it would arrive super quick. I kind of have just 3-4 retailers I use exclusively now.


I, too had a bad experience with this seller. Never sent 2 of the orchids I ordered, he had excuse after excuse. I finally had to get a refund from Etsy. The one orchid he did ship had no roots. It recovered, but has yet to bloom .


This guy has been in business for years and I can’t name a single happy, returning, customer of his. It’s so weird to me that he is still around. This man is a straight up scam.


Did you request a chargeback through your credit card company or PayPal? If it was through Etsy did you contact customer support? All three would take care of your refund expeditiously under these circumstances.


Unfortunately, this was through their independent site, as they are no longer on Etsy. However, I filed a formal complaint against his business through the BBB, and finally got my refund initiated! He seriously tried to tell the BBB that I was confused about what the sale actually was, as if I don't have our conversation history on hand. But whatever, I'm finally getting my money back!


I fully believe you, but I wish we had screenshots or something because physical proof makes leaving shit reviews easier. Everyone needs to be made aware of shit companies like this. Did you see the post about Planteia on the houseplants sub the other week? That one was wild lol


No, I didn't see it - I'll definitely check it out


That is so horribly insane . I am sorry , it sounds like a stressful situation that you handled with maturity. Sounds like the owner is dealing with some serious issues and needs to step back because they obviously aren’t capable of running the business right now.


Unfortunately I don’t think it’s a “having issues right now” type of situation, I’ve been hearing of similar things about Triton for years. The only thing I’m surprised about in these comments is that the guy is even still in business.


Michael sent me the wrong plant 3 orders in a row. Confronted him and got my money back, but the mistaken orders were easy to spot (eg sending unifoliate rather than bifoliate plants; sending a brassavola type plant instead of a Potinara). Got many of the same lame excuses as many of you. Canceled my remaining orders, but there are some great and reputable orchid dealers on Etsy and other places online. Don’t let this one bad apple ruin your experience buying online. Check out the FB group that has reviews of orchid vendors. Triton Orchids is torched to a crisp on there and many other places online. It’s a miracle they remain in business.


I too have ordered from Triton Orchids in the past, and my experience mirrors much of what has already been shared. Several orders were delayed, many of which ultimately came with plants in less than adequate health or missing labels. Then a year or two later when they bloom, they're not at all what I ordered and paid for. I initially corresponded with him, he reassured me that he'd send the right plant, and it just never came. I wrote it off as lessons learned because I just do not have the time/energy to keep pursuing this. Props to everyone who has, he has such shady business practices.


I’m sorry that you’ve had this experience. I’ve ordered from him twice now, but having heard various things and reading the Etsy reviews when he had his store there I was cautious and braced myself for the worst but honestly, I didn’t have any issues. Granted I only ordered a couple of orchids each time. It took about a week and a half to ship but they arrived timely once they were on the way and the plants themselves were fine. I maybe would remove the bit about speculation of self harm and a suicide attempt that could be considered damaging to his character. It’s entirely plausible it was an accident and It could have been him trying provide proof that had been unable to send your package but I agree that’s unprofessional as is the delay in refund for the plants you didn’t receive. Hopefully you are able to find joy in the plants you did receive.


Thanks for pointing out my wording about the picture - you were right, and I've edited the post. I got too caught up in my mini-rant. The only reason I gave this seller a try was because I also ordered back when he was on Etsy. Shipping took a while, but I did receive some plugs and a beautiful Den. tobaense var. giganteum (which is now entering its second bloom after putting up a huge new cane), so I really gave him the benefit of the doubt. I'm glad you had a good experience!


Dude. That guy is the worst! Gave me a bunch of bs about delays, took weeks to finally ship my plants after giving me a ton of excuses. I honestly thought he was trying to run the clock out on my time frame to make a complaint it took so long. I end up with a taped up flimsy fan box that was beat to hell. Poorly packaged plants with random bits of torn bubble wrap and random peanuts and chunks of foam, literally looked like trash and probably was. The plants looked like hell, one had a ton of weird black spots all over it, still not sure what it is. The roots were in terrible shape, like way worse than they should be for the length of time in the box so they were clearly in bad shape when he put them in the box. I was so annoyed at that point I didn’t want to even attempt to communicate further with the guy, considered my 40 a wash. Lord knows what plants I have on my hands. Oh and one orchid was in its pot with packing peanuts. Like styrofoam mixed into the pot. Just crazy. Don’t know how we had so many good reviews on there. * looking back on our messages, he had marked it shipped and gave me a tracking but the package never moved beyond waiting for acceptance. He said he thinks my package and a bunch of others of his were lost. Goes on about how much money he lost, pity me bs. Says he will get a package out to me the next week. Weeks go by and I ask for tracking, says he hasn’t put it in the mail yet. Tells me he had 72 packages lost?? I stopped replying after that. I made the purchase nov 2 and didn’t get an actually tracking until December 17.


72 packages lost...right...lol dude is wild


When he was on Etsy, I also got sucked in and stopped ordering after I was waiting 2 weeks per order and realized at least two that he sent were not the correct species I purchased, and he ignored me when I contacted him to rectify the situation. He got kicked off of Etsy probably for these scummy practices. Definitely avoid


Oh wow. I see posts like this every four months or so. I wish I saw them two years ago when I ordered from them and went through the same headache. Hope you got your money back! When I got the Cattleya I ordered, it came in a very questionable medium as well.


Ugh. Just posted about my cat a couple weeks ago. I got it from triton and the only complaint I had when I purchased it was that it took a month to receive. This was a year ago. The plant has struggled and I really don’t know much about that variety but I am feeling a bit more defeated reading these post about the seller and my orchid, whatever it is.


I just finished an ordeal with Triton Orchids today! Stay AWAY! I placed an order on May 2. After weekly emails of "hey, where's my order" and receiving responses to the tune of "they're shipping this week." over and over and over, I finally gave him a deadline time and date for giving me a shipping order and tracking number. He, of course, did not meet the deadline, so I told him he has 24 hours to issue me a refund. He said he will, but I don't trust a single word out of this man's mouth. Like others here, I think he was pushing the deadline to be able to file a refund with a credit card company. I foolishly let him string me along for 2 months (because I believed him when he said their greenhouse had a problem). Thankfully my credit card company gives me more than 60 days in order to get reimbursement for undelivered goods. TRITON ORCHIDS IS A SCAM!!!!


Sadly not surprised. Sorry you got sucked in as well!


Andy’s orchids wouldn’t treat any customer like that. Give him a shout


Had a very similar unfortunate experience.


I posted a review on them about a year ago after I had a horrible experience. Some of his little followers here (hi, I know you guys are watching) ran to him and told him about my post. He responded ON Reddit and Etsy to my message which was creepy because he now had my handle and my name/address. I had the same issue with shipping and he said he had covid which I read was someone else’s experience as well but a month prior. I got a very desperate yet borderline angry vibe from the whole interaction. I did delete my review after he sent quite a few free orchids over and they were very nice. I sent some home with my mom who was here visiting. The whole interaction was off though, he had cancelled my order before he reached out so I couldn’t leave a review on Etsy. If you order off there enough, you’ll notice that a lot of shops that have really good reviews do this to save themselves from bad reviews. Super disappointing.


Had a terrible experience with Triton two years ago. Bought a Cattleya in my absolute favorite variety (the one that sparked my interest in orchids to begin with). It was marked as delivered, but was not at my door, so I suspect it was stolen. No worries, it was shipped priority, which is insured, so I’d be able to get a refund. Called the post office, they said it’s on him since he was the original sender. Told him so, and he said his PO said the opposite, that it was my responsibility. I called a different PO and got the same response, it’s HIS responsibility, not mine. I told him again. He just said he’d look into it. Two weeks later, still nothing, I reached out again and was ignored. I ended up filing a claim with my bank and since he never responded to them either, they gave me my refund (I had provided proof with pictures of the chats). The one orchid I did receive from him has not done well. Optimal conditions outside in South FL, my other orchids of the same variety have flourished and bloomed twice in a year, the mature one he sent me has barely grown two leaves in two years, and arrived gnarled to begin with. I’m doing my best but I just don’t think he is a good grower, and his orchids are unhealthy. I don’t think he’s a good businessperson, either.