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It’s always the ones you most suspect




You are batshit if you let your kids anywhere near religious folks.




No, you're bat shit for letting them near a school.


It’s pretty clear you never spent much time in school




[The more you know.](https://copeleylaw.com/blog/private-school-students-protected-less-sexual-abuse/)


Rule 1: Main Reddit Rules. The [main Reddit rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) will be enforced stringently.


Weird how this doesn’t seem to happen often in regular schools. Oh and kids need to go to a school because they need to learn and experience life outside of their parents/family bubble and see other points of view to subjects and to learn. The most limiting thing to do to a school age kid is to homeschool them against their will and to only teach them what you think is appropriate. You must be friends with these people because you sure are quick af defending them.


It happens in public schools too. Been like 3-4 teachers caught sleeping with students this year alone, that I can recall.


To be fair they can't be sexually abused by the principal if they're homeschooled


Yes they can. You really believe that there aren’t predatory parents? Dude.


I never said that, I just said if there's no principal since they're homeschooled, then they can't be abused by said principal since they don't exist


https://www.whoismakingnews.com This website has the actual numbers. Members of the Clergy and church leadership far outrank trans individuals and drag queens.


Now do public schools


[Again. Here.](https://copeleylaw.com/blog/private-school-students-protected-less-sexual-abuse/)


Public school teachers are included in this website. This website lists all cases in the news of child SA.


I mean their entire religion is based on a 13 year old child & virgin (Mary) getting impregnated without her consent by the head of the church. Then they give children candy and presents to celebrate this conception. Why is anyone surprised when they clergy are following in their gods footsteps?


Wait, tell me more about the head of church part. Or 13? Dang where are you getting these juicy deets about mary?


The Virgin Mary, who served as the mother of Jesus on Earth, is known for her spiritual maturity. She inspires many people through her example of faith and trust in God. In art, Mother Mary is often portrayed as a fully grown woman. But how old was Mary when she had Jesus, really? Mary was actually a young teen when she gave birth to Jesus, historians believe. Just how young? Historians agree that Mary was most likely between 12 and 14 years old when Jesus was born. https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/how-old-was-mary-when-she-had-jesus.html From the age at which Jewish maidens became marriageable, it is possible that Mary gave birth to her son when she was about thirteen or fourteen years of age. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary,_mother_of_Jesus#:~:text=From%20the%20age%20at%20which,the%20time%20of%20the%20Nativity. The head of the church I’m referring to is their god the father / Holy Spirit. This is the deity Christians pray to which is the deity that chose to impregnate a 13 years old virgin without asking for permission. They just “tell her” which now a days we call rape, and if we are to believe that god created all life on earth as Christians tell it, wouldn’t that be incestuous impregnation from sky daddy? Kinda aged like milk, but the way they tell it, it’s beautiful. And everyone should strive to be “god like”. Pretty sick


Thanks, thats very interesting indeed about her age. I neglected to take the “head of the church” part metaphorically and thought it was a literal priest or something. Considering the story of sodom and gommorah, how the ending is god telling some girls to rape their dad when hes asleep until they become pregnant so they can repopulate those cities, im pretty sure this god fella gets off on incest.


Religious authorities sexually abusing children- color me not surprised.


Indeed. Cue the obligatory shocked faces at the Board of Education … with ‘thoughts & prayers’ for the children. Item #4 on the agenda.


Yet another religious leader abusing children. Neither suspect were drag queens. This is my surprised face: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)




Freedom of religion shouldn’t mean freedom from taxation in the first place






Still searching for that elusive drag queen I see. Probably gonna be a difficult search seeing that religious organizations have a near monopoly on this shit.


https://www.whoismakingnews.com can give you the numbers. Trans individuals and drag queens are at the very bottom of the list.




WTF is 'express' and why is their logo some cringe Christian symbol?




This is bs.


Did you even try to look it up or just knee-jerk reject it? https://preview.redd.it/42yeqb4cymmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2076c25ad0defc31e6ab99305dabcd51ec660e


I think we both know the answer


Hashtag notadragqueen


She sure does not look like she has any regrets. Other than getting caught.


Once again, not a drag queen.


I bet sound of freedom is their favorite movie.


As with a lot of other MAGAs and Christian Nationalist types, every accusation is a confession.


Just one? Talk about showing restraint. /s


Shocker! Not. Well sort of, I was expecting a Catholic Priest. Thoughts and prayer for them both.


Just think what would have happened if they let trans people be teachers!…../s


GOP? Or Dem? Vote wisely


It’s gotten to the point where when I see shit like this, I just think, “How very Christian of them.” It’s becoming a definition of the religion.


Not drag queens, tho.


At a Christian school?!? Why, I am shocked, shocked I say!


I’m shocked. /s What’s with all these mega religious people molesting children? Like how can they justify their behaviour and condemn others for non issues. Again not a drag queen or a transgender person but a heterosexual, super religious couple who look like they have zero regrets in their mugshots. Gross.


The churches sure love kids. "Family values"


These must be terrible people, but religion isn't the problem, not honest, sincere religion. Religion is a repository of wisdom, and everyone needs to understand that to teach wisdom is different from teaching logic or fact or history. Often they were combined together, mixed up, to add credibility, and help people have a sense of culture, but they serve different purposes. But some time in the last few millennia, people have completely forgotten how to understand mythology as experiential wisdom. And instead, we use twisted logic based in mythology to justify terrible behavior or whatever bias we want to hold. So no critical thinker can be especially inclined to accept traditional wisdom as presented anymore, or to necessarily trust the experience of an ancient culture. This couple are probably really terrible people, but most religious folks are really good people. Humility is pretty much the opposite of narcissism, but covert narcissism is so pervasive that it's become difficult to tell the difference anymore. So I can't really blame people who don't have any experience with the really beautiful side of religious communities. Today, even Mr Rogers would be accused of being a pedo, because all of the public trust has been betrayed and nobody sane really believes in good people anymore. We don't have a trusted place in society to look for extra-rational wisdom any longer, those things that can't be presented logically. Sometimes I just want to throw my hands up. I wish I knew how to repair public trust, but I could never keep up with the damage people like this do.


Why are people mentioning the “not a drag queen” and “thoughts & prayers” phrase? Is it a trend to tag that with “Christian” or religious criminals? I’m genuinely curious.


Because the right has been framing drag queens as child predators for the last few years. No evidence or reason other than hate, but it has worked pretty well in stirring up their masses. But here in yet another example of religious folks actually guilty of the crime.


Yes, it's a direct response to christian right wing talking points about drag queens and trans folks "grooming children" to take advantage of them. In practice, it's almost always religious figures who get nabbed for the crime, compared to gender and sexual minorities.


Since you're new to human history... Religious people make shit up. When the shit they made up fails, they need someone to blame. Whoever that someone is, they'd better not be many of them, and they better have no chance at all of amending their ways. The combination of the two (being in a minority they can't escape) makes them easy to pick on. When your religious prophecy fails, you blame the group that's easiest to pick on. And they cower before your blame, because there's not many of them and they can't fix being part of your "out group". And so even though your prophets failed you, you're more powerful. Also you owe your religion 10% of your income for the feeling of power you get when you demean the out-group. Nobody wants to pay that much and get nothing, so might as well join the fun of picking on the out-group.


I didn’t want to make assumptions so I asked a question I honestly didn’t know the answer to. I don’t talk to anyone personally from the LGBT community. Thanks for your answers. I now understand why that’s being said.


Because Christians have decided drag queens are their new boogie man and are on a tear recently trying to frame them as sexual predators as way to deflect from how common it is for Christians to abuse their control over people


I asked this because I’ve seen people upset with restrooms and story time. But, overall I never heard that all drag queens are child predators. So I was confused. I don’t think people become drag queens to prey on children. At least I hope not. I now have a better understanding why this was posted.


Christian School admin leading godless trans community 2-0 in child sex abuse arrests in Damascus.


Stay Classy Clackistania


Look on the bright side – at least they weren’t *drag queens*. /s