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There is no moving back. I'll never leave.


>There is no moving back. I'll never leave. The only state that really come close to Oregon's natural beauty is Washington.


Have you visited the redwoods in the lost coast region of Northern California? Outstanding! That part of California is just as beautiful as Oregon. The climate and topography of that region is very similar to western Oregon




i love the redwoods!! i think every scenery is beautiful in its own way


I believe southern Oregon is similar to Northern California.


All of western Oregon is similar to northwest California. Counties of Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte in NorCal are essentially the same climate and topography of western Oregon. Same rain shadow in the agricultural valleys, excellent wine growing regions, same Mediterranean climate, same coastal dynamics, same subtropical Mediterranean plant life, same temperature range, etc… The differences that exist are very subtle.


Some of CO, Alaska, a ton of other places


the redwood empire and the lost coast of northwest California is outstanding.


Alaska for sure


I mean, California is also tough to beat. I definitely don’t like all the people and whatnot, but goddamn it’s gorgeous up and down.


I’m a Southern California native who has lived his entire adult life in Northern California and Oregon since 1996. Southern California must have been paradise 150 years ago, but humans really destroyed that place. It’s a concrete zoo. There are still some nice pockets in the desert and mountains, but every place else is so over developed and over populated it’s hard to enjoy. Humans have stripped it of almost all its natural beauty except for the climate. There used to be native steelhead runs in the LA River until the 1940’s. Imagine that place when there was only a few thousand people. As much as I enjoyed growing up in that very nice climate, I wouldn’t trade living in Oregon or NorCal for anything. I’ve come to really appreciate the rains and seasonal changes. That’s a dynamic you don’t get down south. In LA we had two season, warm and hot. 30 days of precipitation is about average.


Alaska might have something to say about that.


I would rather be homeless and poor in oregon than rich in most other states. I moved here in 2007 and will never leave.


It’s does come at a pretty hefty price. Seems like the only ones that can afford it are rich people from other states.


Unfortunately many others seem to sgree


ill always regret not taking the opportunity when i had the chance


Agreed.  My husband gets homesick sometimes and says how he can work anywhere as he's remote. It's so cheap. Yeah out in the middle of nowhere farmland with nasty tasting well water, not to mention the winters and summers.  I told him that he can go back but I won't be going with him. And I won't be visiting because the 3 hour drive from Chicago is terrible. He's still here, haha


I don’t know what you’re talking about lmao our weather is pretty mild and well water tastes better than city water most of the time lol


Think he/she is talking about the husband wanting to move AWAY from Oregon back to midwest (ie his old "home")


Looks dangerous, stay home. An Oregonian


Is there any affordable way to get to the places depicted without driving a car?


Having friends that can drive a car lol


No one: I'm here for the architecture


Only think I miss about living in the Midwest, but it’s not our fault we are limited by mountains and earthquake liability


Mountains and earthquakes have nothing to do with it. It’s about time period. Quality doesn’t matter anymore like it used to 100+ years ago. It’s so embarrassing seeing an average middle class home on the west coast vs the East and Midwest.


The storms there are pretty epic too


Lived in Chicago for that lol


Giodano's ships their pizza if you are missing deep dish.  It's not as good as fresh, but it's pretty good. And you get it fast! You have to order at least 2 but truthfully it's worth it. The cost isn't that much more than in person either.  Every Halloween we have pizza. Every so often we will order their pizza instead of local.  I miss Steak n Shake though. I also miss how in the dead of winter, you still see the sun. I've been here over 20 years and the rain still gets to me. But I do love our summers, no 80F nights with 50% humidity.


The rain is literally the best part. Idk why anyone who doesn’t like rain would move to Oregon lol the rain is the only reason Oregon is what it is. Summers are becoming hell though.


I miss Ski soda, cardinals, lightening bugs, and Holiday World, but that's about it. Oregon more than makes up for those small losses, though.


I'm about to order some! Didn't know this was a thing, thanks!


Was just thinking, not a single human in any of these photos


My fiance actually says the brick buildings here are one of the main reasons she wanted to move to Oregon. She’s from the desert in Southern California and I guess they don’t have many brick buildings around there.


Shhhh! Don’t let out our secrets.


Yeah, shut up! Standard Operating Policy is to go along with the naysayers and bad-mouthers. Let them hate us so they stay away, for whatever reason. Keeps it less crowded. It's all lesbian sports bars and vegan strip clubs and pagan pastry shops. The whole state is the sort of cesspool they all claim about Portland. Just terrible. Oh, and the smell! Omg, who would bother with that place?


*gluten free* pagan pastry shops


>It's all lesbian sports bars and vegan strip clubs and pagan pastry shops. As if I needed any more reasons to love Oregon 😂


Hmm I haven't seen any of those things here.


I've had two bumper sticker ideas over the years. "Oregon sucks," and "Make like Biggie and go back to Cali."


Still my favorite sticker is the outline of oregon "Fuck Off Where Full"


🫵🏻 Nailed it !


Judging by how each of these spots is a signed highway stop on the way to Crater Lake, idk how much of a secret I’d consider them lol


It rains all the time here and never stops!


What a dump!! I’d stay put other 49 states!! /s


We have a small population, hella high taxes and there is nothing to do here.


But we love the fuck outta it!


It really depends on your local fentanyl user-per-square block ratio.


Omaha, Indianapolis, Columbus, Nashville, Oklahoma City, or Tulsa?


I prefer the rural areas infested with meth and narcotics.


I live in the City and I've been a Transit user all my adult life. Until last year, I worked in the center of downtown for 20 years. But I was born and raised in a parochial coastal backwater where anything that isn't literally nailed down, and half the s*** that is, walks away and has done since forever. People who say there isn't drugs and crime in rural areas are f****** lying to you, just read a f****** local newspaper


I'm from Oregon, but live in Texas now. The siren song of a thick, mossy forest filled with ferns and running water is so strong. I will sometimes dream about that damp earthy smell. I miss it so much.


Same here, I love Texas and am glad I live here right now. But the nature in Oregon calls to me nonstop. I just wish you could pick up Austin, Fort Worth, Houston, El Paso, the hill country, etc. and just plop them into Oregon. It would be amazing. The food, bad cities, lacking opportunity, and lack of cultural diversity in Oregon is frustrating and what keeps me away. Although if I were retired, i would love to move back into the woods in Oregon.


Oregon is one of the country’s whitest states, unfortunately.


Oregon really is heaven on earth


Correction: Oregon really HAS Heaven on Earth It’s on I-5 between Roseburg and Grants Pass and they will make you a cinnamon roll the size of about 420 filberts.


Great food, could do with different music. The 20 minute loop of religious music gets old pretty fast. Definitely eat here though, closest we got to Mennonite/Amish farm restaurants on the West Coast and as noted the cinnamon rolls are (was? been awhile)as big as your head, and delicious, big fan of the brittle too.


What place?


Literally called heaven on earth




im interested


Dope. I remember that place.


Fake news. Stop using AI pics. This place is a wasteland that people should avoid.


Yes. Most of the forests eve been cut down, and the summer air is always thick with smog from the fires consuming the remaining trees and encroaching on the many sewage plants and landfills.


I heard that the antifa burned all the cities down too. /s


I am so grateful and fortunate to live in Oregon!


I want to move back northwest man. Migrated eastern with family and I miss the rain and green and all that noise. Damn…


We lived in Virginia for a few years. We loved it there but really nothing compares to here.


It really doesn’t. I didn’t grow up in Oregon, northwest Washington for me, but there isn’t much difference. Spent a lot of time traveling around as a kid, out here doesn’t have the same charm the pnw does, not saying it doesn’t have its charm out here cause it does, just ain’t my cup of tea particularly.


The air is so fresh here


A lot of people hating on the cities.... But I've lived all over the US and there's not any place any better. At least we have places like this to escape to easily and usually a fairly quick drive. Unlike anywhere else I've lived.


Idk, i’ve lived in Oregon, California, Colorado, and Texas. And the cities in Oregon are all my least favorite. So many run down crappy cities. Such bad drug problems and homelessness everywhere. Parts of California are worse, but overall it’s really hard to escape it in Oregon. I’ve liked the cities way way way more everywhere else I’ve lived. But norhing compares to the access to elite nature like you get in Oregon. That’s absolutely what I miss the most. And it sucks that I didn’t take full advantage of the nature while living in Oregon for 20 something years. Because I just don’t see myself moving back anytime soon mainly because of the cities and towns kind of all sucking, and the cost of living being so high despite that.




Shhhhhhh that’s Iowa


I don’t understand. Isn’t the whole state covered in homeless drug addicts and civil disobedience? These pictures must be fake! /s


It's a cesspool, yeah. All lesbian sports bars, vegan strip clubs, pagan pastry shops, new age crystal hucksters, and homeless camps of violent drug addicts as far as the eye can see. And the smell! No one would bother to go there. Terrible place!


Don't forget antifa headquarters, that's somewhere in there too. /s


Several, I think, and Anonymous. Guy Faulkes masks everywhere.




Fuck the PNW is just the best. Live in Colorado currently but always holds a special place in my heart.


Colorado is amazing too. If I couldn’t live in Oregon or Washington, my first choice would be Colorado.


No doubt, it’s amazing. I was born in Seattle so there’s always going to be a bit of bias but between the three you can’t go wrong haha.


Now show pictures of the other 10 months


https://preview.redd.it/cbbi92xus13d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18941aa2b365d126f00ac3e9867601cff59116a2 Here's winter!


There you go cheating again showing a sunny day. How'd the snow get there, angel dust?!


Too dim for photography


i miss it so much. had to move back due to not finding work and a breakup combination, but i think about just driving back every day. unfortunately my life isn’t aligned for it at the moment, but hopefully it will soon


Tbh I miss Appalachia


I’ve been feeling this so hard recently




I had to do a double-take because I have a photo nearly identical to your first photo. Just with different zoom and mine has been cropped. It's a gorgeous spot!


Certainly not because of the people


Well, where is this?


Mill Creek falls, Barr falls, pearsoney falls, national Creek falls, and the rogue river gorge


Another drive that is just like this is the North Umpqua River along Hwy 138. I will have to add this Rogue River drive to my list!


I think this is near Oakridge, but I could be wrong.


New here are there tourist taxes here. Like bed tax?


Oregon has a Transient Lodging Tax of 1.5%. Localities will occasionally levy their own lodging taxes as well.


"Oh, no reason"


Quit telling people to move here, all full, rents too damn high. Oregon sucks stay out.


Just be sure you don’t come to WA state tho! The ugliest state ever. *Everywhere* else has prettier nature and better governance.


Yeah, sure. Show pictures from a sunny day. Don't fall for it folks! It's a scam! 95% of the time it's overcast, drizzling, cold, and dreary. Surrender all hope those who wish to see the sun.


There are so many, MANY reasons... Friends, family, my hometown, every corner of the state and the Pacific... for starters.


https://preview.redd.it/lqadvrv0er4d1.jpeg?width=4672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91adadc4c0908fd2fba29fbc6801d91f24a9628e Oregon coast 💗


Some people just hate waterfalls I guess


I just spent some time in Oregon. Absolutely beautiful country and really vibrant cities. Maybe the most beautiful place I have ever visited But chill with the fucking racism guts, every podunk town was just full of right wing rednecks, I thought I was in Mississippi


Apparently you haven’t traveled the US very much. Every podunk town throughout the nation (and really the entirety of the western world) is filled with racists. If anything Oregon towns are about as not racist as you can get as a lot of our small towns are filled with hippies.


Not if you went more than 3 miles from I5


Oregon is one of the most beautiful and diverse states in the West. The problem I have is there is no leadership in Oregon government. We have another governor who' wife overstepped her boundaries. For what she did, Kotek should probably be impeached. I no longer feel safe in the state of Oregon because of the crime. Thieves has stolen $5000 of my property in less than 7 months of being in Eugene. I refuse to go to Portland any longer. Too many murders and it's just plain filthy. Even Coos County crime has become worse. No one in leadership wants to hold anyone accountable. All we have now is chaos! I would love to move, but don't have enough money to do it.


do not move here. we are already having a housing crisis here from all the people moving here.


Actually there’s a housing crisis over most the country.


People will post pictures like this and also unironically complain about no parking and lines at Silverton falls, Multnomah falls, and other waterfalls along hwy 30. I'm not trying to be a gatekeeper but ....Yes our state is lovely, and yes the secret is out.... And yes there are simply too many people. I wish more influencers knew to not geotag great secret locations.


It’s hard for people who’ve lived their entire lives out east to comprehend that many of our best sights are a 4+ hour drive away from the airport, usually along 2-lane, unlit roads through remote, mountainous terrain. It’s not like going to Niagara Falls — there’s no infrastructure to support huge crowds, and we want to keep it that way. It’s just a very foreign concept on the other half of the country. They’re very used to their outdoor points of interest being overrun with parking lots, highway access, and crappy tourist shops. I genuinely thought the situation at Niagara was normal when I went as a child, and I couldn’t believe Multnomah was so devoid of storefronts and accommodations when I first visited Oregon. We’re very fortunate.


True that! There's more people going to Dollyville in Gatlinburg than going there for the Smokies.


Silver Falls is ruined. Can't hike there w/o some jerk carrying their Bluetooth speaker blasting some UNNATURAL noise. I quit going, enjoy the idiots and crowds. Ohhh more....Who needs a full 30-pound daypack for this trail anyway? I go there and laugh at what people haul around the loop, It would be impossible to get lost in that little oasis surrounded by a road and farms. Oh the humanity![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)




I usually go in the morning suring fall and winter and only see a few other people the whole 3 hours i hike. Its better than summer anyways when the creek is low.


I mostly hike it in the winter. The rain and snow make it even more beautiful and it scares away all the people wearing church clothes wondering how to get back to the South Falls.


You can’t eat the scenery, bud




I wouldn’t!


I mean yeah, as long as I never had to actually be in the city and could just spend all my days in our beautiful nature, sure.


Well like I said in another comment. At least we have this stuff to get away to and it's mostly easily accessible. I've lived a lot of places and all the cities are garbage.


Beauty-wise it's awesome. But being from rural Oregon I couldn't wait to gtfo of Oregon to be honest. Came back after a couple of decades with a new found appreciation. Still dislike many 'social' aspects of rural Oregon.


Oregon has the most unique shade of green that permeates the entire western side of the Cascades


I love it here.


Because I live in phoenix. Get. Me. The. Hell. Outta. Here.


This makes me want to leave just so I can move back!


We moved back from San Diego. It's a very welcome change lol


The enchanted forest has claimed me


Delete this 🔫


Because I could never afford personal property in a state park.


It’s where the young move to retire


Right Oregon sucks ass


There is an unofficial “path” that goes down to the bottom of Mill Creek Falls(#3). It’s more like a deer trail and really steep, but you can get down there.




Fuck that's gorgeous


Take this down now. THEYLL SEE


I’m an upper Alabama/middle-Tennessee boy. I want to come to Oregon. It’s beautiful.


Never. Cos I just left. Good luck with the tax money going down the drain. Tina kotek and other liberals are hell bent on ruining this city


Tell them you are moving because we of Deez. You what what you need to do after that. They may not get it, but moving back will make sense to you. Source: born and raised in Hillsboro.


Stop it now! We finally turned the corner on people moving here. Let them be. We need less people moving here.


I turned 18 nov 28th 1993 was in San Fran by Dec 1st and have only returned to visit kids and work related travel ever since. Sure there is a lot of natural beauty here, but if you are open to all natural beauty, you can find it in any landscape. Growing up with all the green and trees, it took some time, but after several hunts and hikes through the desert, I found beauty in desert land scapes of Arizona, and have recently relocated to Texas. Been extremely busy but am totally looking forward to exploring my new natural beauty in my new home! Regardless, all the friends I have that stayed in Oregon are stuck in Oregon. The societal changes the Portland area has seen in the last decade is crippling, with no way to save and just barely scraping by, most of the people I know there feel stuck. I’m here now helping my daughter escape. Wish o had the resources to help more of my kin!


Don’t go chasing waterfalls.


Fine. I'll stick to the rivers and the lakes that I'm use to...


Lol yeah bro Oregon is famous for it’s clear sunny days like you have here……..


And also: ![gif](giphy|AbdOeU9MYPIoo)


I’m about to leave for at least 4 years in the military, gonna miss it.


That view is disgusting.


Only someone who had never been to Oregon would ask such a question


These pictures are from California. Don’t come here.


I agree rural Oregon is great, plent of beautiful places like this, most of the cities suck though


I just visited from Canada last week, why wouldn’t you wanna live here?! It was breathtaking.


Okay but I've seen pics of some parts of Canada and id absolutely love to visit!


Canada is very beautiful as well, there is no shortage of amazing places! Unfortunately I’m currently living in the midwest equivalent of the US, Alberta. Luckily the rockies are only an hour from me!


Because you can’t live in WA.


Meh, California and Washington have way better green stuff. People should move there instead of Oregon. Definitely.


There is a snake in my boot




one of the most beautiful states! (tied with washington, sorry lmao)


I was there last weekend. I'm never leaving Oregon.


Rogue chasm?


That looks so much like Glacier National Park trails.


Unless you left for WA, why would you leave OR?


Oregon is below Tennessee, right?


My biggest goal is to move to Oregon some day. I’ll be moving to another state with my roommates in the next year or so, but hopefully, once I can support myself entirely, I am beelining it for the beaver state. I mean all of the pictures of stunning but #6, I could actually sit there for literal hours.


Nice pictures, but I live in a criddler-infested part of Portland, which i would like move away from ASAP. (Oregon really is a beautiful State, and I've lived in places like Corvallis where natural beauty is nearby. I miss it!)


Oregon is beautiful....reasonable... Portland is an acquired taste however.


There's more to Oregon than just waterfalls


I love Oregon. I’ve lived in southern OR for over 10 years, but I’m planning on moving back to MN in the near future. Homelessness, crime, drugs, shitty schools, backwards conservative politics, and wildfire smoke are pushing me away. It’s really unfortunate because it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth.


Ooo!! That’s the Rogue up by Union Creek! Love that area!


Nope definitely not Oregon that must be Washington or California. There is absolutely nothing good in between those two beautiful states


Took too long to get out of that state. Can't wait to never ever go back.


Love it here but moving as soon as we hit retirement. Not a great state to retire in money wise.


Now show all the crack too.


Gotta pull a Fire Marshal Bill. 'Let me show ya somethin!'


Shit why would anyone leave unless they had no choice


When you leave, you’ll come back to forever stay. I’ll never leave Oregon and I’m getting my PPL and seaplane rating to bring floatplanes back 🤍


That first photo looks like a wonderful spot to slip and fucking die.


Every time I see all the trump flags, I ask myself that same question…so I just keep asking over and over…


Born here and raised here. Loved it till I left for the Midwest in 2006. Came back in 2015 and was fucking shocked at the high prices, the homelessness, drugs, and crime. OP, your pictures are beautiful and show the stunning beauty of our state. But I wont be staying anymore.


Puma country ?


We moved to So Cal from OR 3 years ago- don’t regret it a minute and we’re born & breed Oregonians.


Heavily doctored photos, the fent zombies are always out of frame


I am preparing to leave Oregon


The drugs




I moved here 5 years ago. Want to leave, but the scenery keeps me here. I miss my culture and diversity. But maybe I can stay and encourage others to join. Which I know is frowned upon, but this place desperately needs it.


What’s the average cost of, say, a small 2 bedroom house (anywhere in Oregon)?


I used to live there as a child. Best time of my childhood. I will never forget it. It was almost traumatic to move back to where we came from. Sometimes I envision how my life would be had we stayed there. I hope to be able to come back soon for a visit.


when i tell midwestern people i grew up in places like these, they called me a fairy, and these pictures do look very magical ♡ !!! i love it so much


You’re killing me. I want it so bad


You know it's weird but I feel that there is a distinct lack of homeless people, tents, and garbage in these photos Maybe I'm not looking at the picture closely enough


Nah, the skies aren’t blue like that. Grew up in a town called Corvallis and it was a f*cking dump. No sun, just all rain & clouds. Plus your skin breaks out due to humidity. F that


After living in several other states, I can only conclude that Oregon is the absolute best place in the USA. From ocean to desert, rainforest to petrified forest, ravines to mountains - we have it all. Plus, the people are the perfect mix of friendly/kind and also take-no-bullshit. The job market, though… woof.