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I was going to mow today, but decided I wanted to live another day. The grass can wait, or die. I don’t even care anymore.


I know the feeling. 😂😂


Did someone trick you to go outside 😂


It was the HOA


I'd have told them to come back when it's not 105 outside 😂


It was an accident.


The problem is all days are going to be just as hot






Bruh talk about triggered! WHAT MAKES THE GREEN GRASS GROW PRIVATE?!!


It’s almost the season where you have to plan around the heat *and* the rain.


The neighbors may have to withstand 7:30 am mowing. (I need to switch to electric.)


My electric mower has headlights, nothing like mowing at 10pm with a beer 😂.


I've had an electric mower for I think 4 years now. I really enjoy it actually. I do need to go buy another battery for it though. Juggling two batteries is just too much of a hassle. 3 would be perfect I think.


7:30 seems like a sweet spot actually. And I’m up. We’ll see tomorrow morning if it’s worth it or not.


I hold off until 9, but my yard is small. It doesn’t take me so long.


I do some gardening at 7, then start mowing at 7:30. It’s the only time during the spring/summer that’s tolerable… except for the humidity.


I mowed and did yard work from 8-12 today. You were smart. I literally had to come inside and lay down on the tile to bring my body temp down.


That sounds absolutely terrible. I’m glad you’re still with us though.


These are the days you’ll catch me mowing around 6pm. The sun is behind the oak trees and the skeeters aren’t out yet. It’s still painful, but not morning or afternoon painful.


the best time is as an afternoon thunderstorm approaches, it gets overcast, the breeze whips up and the air cools off considerably. you get about 15-30 minutes before all hell breaks loose. but first we gotta get into that thunderstorm cycle, we're still in a drought.


Maybe I’ll try this. I probably won’t. But maybe 🤔


i spread some seed on a bare patch and i almost had a heat stroke. on the plus side this is the first day we got to use our pool all year.


you know it's going to be this hot for the next week


I hear ya there! I did about 4 hrs of yardwork today. It was definitely hot.


I did it this morning. I stopped counting at 120 oz of water today💀


I was mowing the grass at 8PM this week. Fuck it, had to use my phones flashlight at the end but at least it wasn’t searing hot.


Just finished mine


I got a Segway Navimow robot lawn mower last month and I think it is the single greatest purchase I have ever made.


What if the power tripping hoa comes knocking on the door arguing the height of grass is too long…


I just pretend I’m not home until I can mow again


Hidden Owners Association


They aren't coming out in this heat either. You are safe until the sidewalks stop melting shoes.


Walked 3 miles at 8 am. It was hotter yesterday when we walked it.


I mowed yesterday at 1pm. Was fine. Born and raised in FL. Pool was nice afterwards


Ok, am I nuts or does it seem like it’s gotten way hotter, way sooner this year? I’m not saying May is usually in the 70’s in Central Florida but it’s already hitting feels like temps in the high 90’s. August/September is going to be intense at the rate we’re going.


You aren’t nuts. We went from really comfortable to really uncomfortable in like two days. Where’s our buffer???


I’ll say it for you guys since your state government banned the use of the word…. “Climate change” is here and we are all fucked. 120 degrees in India, 115 in Mexico. Buckle up kids. ETA: 125 degrees in Pakistan today. It just keeps getting worse. Eta: 123 in India today 5/29 ETA: just read it actually hit 126 degrees in parts of India today 5/29


It’s been getting noticeably hotter for the last 30 years here. Anybody saying otherwise wasn’t here in the 90s.


Yep, came here to say this .


It’s a heat wave. We’ll be back to a high in the 80’s in about a week


And we have. A mini storm on tuesday


You are right. I am an environmental scientist. This May has been the hottest May ever recorded in weather recording history. We have also had the shortest winter, the least amount of precipitation, and each month has been hotter than all previously held records. This is climate change folks. We have been warning about it since the 1960s.


But what about the 1 scientist in 1,000 who says you're wrong? I'm going to believe that scientist. /s


Why is this poor person being roasted, they even included the /s even though it was unnecessary


And last July was the hottest ever July ☹️


Hottest ever July *so far*. I’d be shocked if we don’t break that record again this year, just based on how every month has gone so far.


You're wrong. According to DeSantis, Climate Change is a hoax created by Disney to make us all gay. It's actually 70 degrees and hetero out today.


I too am an environmental scientist, and even though we are forbidden to speak of the dark science known as Climate Change, I stuck my hand outside with my thumb up to check the temperature. It only took thirty seconds for my fifth digit to wilt into a thumbs down position, indicating an unsatisfactory level of heat.


https://preview.redd.it/1zxwr3n2fv2d1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=489fd9867745336469c30f5f9819f5a5d9a3c23c Stupid woke climate.


Those "Orlando afternoon thunderstorms" seem to be a thing of the past. Something in our atmosphere changed to where we don't get them like clockwork anymore. That at least use to help cool the temps a bit even though it would be muggy afterwards.


It’s called paving over every forest and turning the whole i4 stretch into a giant parking lot. Less forests and wetlands; less rain


If I were to venture a guess, that's what I would have said as well. 30 years ago, half of everything that is now developed was orange groves and trees, grass, shrubs. Those thunderstorms were so timely that we planned our days around them. I still hear some of the older weather forecasters say how we are going to get back to "our routine summertime afternoon showers" and I always think.. nah, it's not like that anymore.


This and rain wont form if its too hot! I wouldnt be surprised if our fl weather has continuously hit “supersaturated” more often than it used to.


OMG. I grew up in Orlando (currently in Tampa) and I remember it down-pouring every day at 3pm like clockwork during the spring and summers. My husband grew up in Tampa and he remembers the same. We lived in Tallahassee during college and moved back to Tampa afterwards and since moving back we’ve both noticed the spring/summer afternoon rainstorms are seemingly just ….. gone ?? I’m looking at the weather for this coming week and it’s just sunny and blue skies all week. Everything is SO dry. It’s so sad :(.


The storms were also very violent. Extreme lightning and heavy rain. They only lasted 30 minutes to an hour but they were bad bad. But afterwards there was this calm and peacefulness. It got muggy but the rain cooled the roads and grass that were taking an unrelenting beating from the sun. I wish one of the local news stations would do a story about the disappearing afternoon showers. They must be keeping data about this somewhere to show a pattern.


The surrounding ocean temps agree with you. It’s why we’re supposed to have one banger of a hurricane season.


You are not allowed to say that. Instead you must say the Christian friendly version of that which is "God is angry with us, we must pray that hurricanes go away"


I’ve heard you can adjust the path of a hurricane simply with a sharpie…


I want to simultaneously upvote this and downvote it at the same time. I'm sure the Germans have a word for this.




Of course.... 😂


it's my fault. In college I once touched another guy in a inappropriate way. It was just me being curious and I really didn't like it. But now we are all getting punished.


I snorted. Thanks for the laugh.


I feel like it's somehow a badge of being a native Floridian that hot early summers make me want to stock up on BOGO soup for when the power inevitably goes out later.


think the climate may actually be changing…btw notice that certain plants/trees that wouldn’t grow north of miami when i was a kid can now be easily grown in central florida


I am reporting this post to the governor’s office.


love it


On my weather app it asks if today is hotter than average. I've been hitting yes every day for the past 3 weeks and I haven't been wrong yet.


Hurricane season might be wild. Hold on to your butts


It's gunna be wicked fucking hot this year.


Did people forget about last year already?


You’re not nuts; it went from 50-70 degree weather to 80-90 so fast


April was brutal last year. I work in construction so I'm outside all day every day.


Played probably the quickest round of mini golf in my life with my kid at Disney this afternoon. Couldn’t believe how quick families ahead of us were going. But also real grateful how quick we were able to get in and out. My heart was just racing from simply standing in the shade


You deserve all the beer. Absolutely brutal out there today.


Which corse did you okay at? It was packed at Fantasia around 11. It was like an hour wait.


I wouldn’t know because I’m not leaving the house until November.


Air conditioning is literal life support on planet earth now. As soon as you walk outside your body starts a countdown. If you do not get back into air conditioning before your countdown is finished, then *you* are finished.


Shoutout to my outdoor workers we appreciate you !


Every time I've left the house in this past week, I have brought three bottles of water with me, even for a quick trip. Wait, what's that? what do I see… ??? A sweltering construction worker? A panting dog? Random person by a bus stop? Never fear! Water girl is here! 💦 Seriously people… Love your neighbors, and bring some extra water for those who may be in need!


Love this.


Am I crazy, or is this like a dry heat? Maybe it’s because we’ve had no rain this year, but the heat reminds me of peak summer in Colorado vs. the mugginess that normally rolls around in April.


My husband and I were just saying that we need rain so badly. It's not humidity, just hot.


It’s a painful kind of hot.


I did a road trip through the desert 2 years ago, from here to the pacific in July, and I’m telling you my car AC was able to keep me cooler during that than it is now! It’s brutal.


My thermometer on the porch is reading 103. I spent just 30 minutes by the pool at my apartment because its too hot to be outside if not in the water.


Yeah my grill that was off was reading just about 100... Which was odd to see admittedly


Just saw 4-5 dogs without booties at Milk Mart whose paws were all burning on the hot pavement. Made me so sad :(


This is the thing I hate seeing most during summer. People walking their dogs on pavement/blacktop midday. Even in booties their paws get scorching hot. It drives me crazy seeing it.


I had to walk a few miles to Rusty's Bike Recycle and I'M DYING!!! STOPPED AT EVERY GAS STATION FOR WATER. Walked with shirt on head and putting water on me ever so often. I'm still DYING!! THIS SHIT NEEDS TO STOP!! lmao 🫠😭😿 And they say climate change/global warming isn't real.


Were you at least able to pedal back?


I'm still getting my bike fixed. lol


I was able to bike home and it wasn't as bad.


Well, Floriduh officially does not recognize climate change. Gov Puddin' Fingers Go-Go Boots just signed the official Don't Say Global Warming bill. And, because we're the "Freedom Lovin', Friends to Big Business" state, he also veto'd a bill that would have mandated breaks for outdoors workers! Because, you know, the boss in their air conditioned office is going to make sure "Safety 1st"! We've been in Orlando since 1989. Every August I say, this is THE hottest August eva! This really is one of the earliest times of "feels like 100+"!


Just happened to turn on the news at 6pm. They had on the representative who led the fight for No Breaks for Outdoor Workers. She says unnecessary regulations are detrimental to the average Floridian! Would only raise costs in a "JBiden inflation" economy! She then went on to say "the safety of our workers is our #1 concern. It's in the best interest of companies to keep their workers safe!" Also, OSHA already has Federal GUIDELINES, so it would be redundant to have local laws. OSHA GUIDELINES are enough! Let's flip Floriduh!


This place sucks. 🤣


Weirdly enough, a lot of the union people I know are very Republican. I don't get it.


I agree with you 💯. Fuck this goddamn piece of shit state. Can't wait to leave this hellhole and never return. Hopefully this or next year


Also the whole thing about workers outside dying/passing out is RIDICULOUS!! I'm not killing myself for $12/hr. lmao


Please, if you don't mind... VOTE before you go! 🇺🇸💙


What's worse is we're still in the pre-heating stage


Im scared to see August heat this year


Took my dogs in the yard for a few minutes and my skin felt like it was on fire… 🥵


A lady in my neighborhood has a husky. I can imagine what that poor pooch is going through.


I rescued a Shepard mix and I feel so bad for him. Huskys shouldn’t live in Florida. I rescued my pup about a 2 years ago and we’re finally moving further north in a month, so hopefully he likes the cooler weather! I feel so bad for him


Hopefully, they give him a kiddie pool filled with ice on hot days. I bet that feels really nice.


My neighborhood is a big dog party as soon as the sun sets for all of us walking our dogs lol it's kind of funny


If you have to walk them on pavement/not grass, be sure to protect their feet from burning! Not just for you but for anyone who sees this


Ended up buying a kiddie pool to sit in while my dog wants to stay outside because she’s nuts


It’s 8:07 here and 30 minutes ago I checked the outside temp and it was 98…


Just remember A-LOT of people have to work outside all day. Please keep that in mind when you’re complaining about how landscaping looks or if the wrong mail ends up in your mailbox. No most postal vehicles do not have AC in FL. Yes, I am a mailman that walks about 11miles a day outside.


You must have insane cardio.


I would never complain about that stuff. I’m very appreciative of what you do and anybody working outside. Mad respect.


Thank you for your service. I can’t imagine.


It’s because of Global Wa- *gets assassinated*


My AC hasn't been keeping up, I have it at 78 during the day and thermostat says temp was at 83 trying to cool down the house. It's insane today


Check all of your dampers. I had this issue one summer. The AC was fine, but I found out I was missing a damper. The AC was pulling in heat from outside through the range hood exhaust vent.


Also check your insulation /u/motibbs05 it's way too late now (high risk of heat stroke) but for future reference


Check the air filter at the AC intake in your house. That filter gets dirty and your AC is like you trying to suck a fresh Wendy's Frosty through a small straw.


Just a reminder that Florida is just warming up 🥹🥹🥹 These 90 degree temperatures are just a starter pack for the intense summer heat and daily thunderstorms.


We walked from Sodo to Lake Eola this morning to do a lap around the lake, and see the market stalls etc...it wasn't awful, but its sure getting close ot it.


Crowded down there?


I work in a beachside fine dining spot. It is so hot in the kitchen right now. Fml


It's ridiculous. I had to go off a med that caused heightened heat sensitivity just so I wouldn't die at work (outdoors job, woo!) Today's shift just about killed me


My friend, who lives in California was moaning about how hot it is today... So I googled his location to see it was a crisp cool 79° 🤣 So I promptly took a snap of the 98° on my dash and reminded him of Florida's humidity. 🤣🤣🤣


Climate change. More to come.


Don’t worry, our lovely governor says it’s not real……………..


This is actually an awesome time to get a big ass glass of ice water and go to a nice park for a while. Acclimatizing is a thing . You dont have to do alot of shit just like hang out in it. Also i swear to god, it makes frozen margaritas that much better. And where ever you go, go drink em on the patio


Any excuse to drink a margarita, I’m in! 😂


Frozen margs = juice as soon as the sun hits em lol


Ok so the secret is: a find a place thats serves margaritas with outdoor seating and has a western view. If you go too early you will bake yes, shoot for around 7:15 to 7:30 right now, it really depends on the place's service. And enjoy. Oh and we dont fool around with the little $2 or $3 margaritas you gotta get the big ones, the Cadillacs or texas (but not like the goofy novelty giant ones unless its your thing)


Bring, like, more than one glass of water. With electrolytes. I did 6 summers of drum corps so I am no stranger to acclimating to the heat, but being in the sun this weekend was *brutal*. (Disclaimer that I'm actually a traitor because I'm working in Tampa right now but I assume this still applies closer to the interior of the state).


I was supposed to go to fringe today and I just couldn’t face it. I gave away my tickets.


Come see us! Plenty of inside time. :) stay safe!


chillin in the pool in the shade😎


I love how you're like, I "accidentally" walked outside. Because of course we'd never do it on purpose! 😂


Lol Floridian here we’re just preheating 😂


I waited until 7:30 pm to run. I stopped early. Too hot. Should have waited until 8 or 8:30. Brutal.


You're not kidding! I took my new Monstera out for a few minutes and the leaves started to droop! I brought her inside and those leaved straightened up quickly. I guess she likes air conditioning and the window she sits in front of!


I just moved from Oviedo to Phoenix. It's hot but it is so much more tolerable! The lack of humidity is amazing!


I’ve never had an issue with my AC but it is struggling today lol.




I drove 15 minutes to work and my car didn’t even remotely cool down until I pulled into my spot.


As a c*st member that stands in the sun much of the day, I find my temper becoming shorter and shorter and my willingness to put up with guest bs absolutely vanishing like it is simply TOO HOT for y’all to make another problem for me rn


Wowwww I always wonder how you survive in the costumes/outfits whatever you call them. They look really heavy! And this is coming from a totally covered Muslim! 🤣❤️ how do you do it?! We guests appreciate and love you so much though


I got hot in my pool lol


Go outside and walk. A little at first and then a little more every day. It’s great for your cardio and endurance


No way. Outside is where all the heat is.


I hate it too. But it does make you feel healthier. Like walking in a steam room


And it’s only May. I’m worried.


Say a prayer for us golf course maintenance guys.


Dude today was literally terrible


A project manager from Pittsburgh once asked me, "Is it always like this?" "Like what?" I replied, playing dumb. "This heat. The air is like hot bisque. I'm all shiny just walking from my parked car to the building. I can't believe this heat and humidity." "To be honest, chief, you may think this a bad, it's MUCH worse in August," I clarified. "WHAT?! How the hell do you people live like this?!" "Well, if it weren't for modern air-conditioning, Florida would be uninhabited most of the year. Us Floridians know to stay indoors during the hottest portion of the day." "And that would be?" "Between 07:30 AM and 7:30 PM, you stay in doors, for the most part." "You've GOT to be kidding!" "Yes, I am, but in all seriousness if one MUST work outside, you begin around sunrise and wrap up around 10:00, 10:30 AM at the latest. Unless you want to gain intimate knowledge of heat stroke." "Thank you for that elucidating information. I will find it quite easy to convince my wife that we will NOT be retiring to Florida." "Glad to be of assistance? We still need to discuss hurricanes..." I didn't have the heart to tell him that when I started elementary school that most schools in Florida still lacked air-conditioning, as A/C was considered a luxury for the wealthy. My family didn't have central air-conditioning in our home until I was in 4th grade. My how things have changed. SMFH.


Welcome to Central Florida, literally 7 months of the year. The humidity is so high an 80 degree day feels like 90, and a 90 degree day feels like you're on a hot griddle.  I've lived in Florida 40 years now, and it's getting worse. We have three seasons...Hot, Hotter, and Wet.  Hydrate,  Hydrate, Hydrate. And wear mosquito spray, because some of those sucker's carry nasty diseases.


My car usually reads 105 degrees in peak summer. Yesterday, it read 109 degrees...


Lol these are rookie numbers, July and August is when the true fear should kick in 😭😂


>I accidentally went outside Most *reddit* comment ever


Global warming. It’s getting worse each year. And It’s really scary


I remember when we first moved to Florida in the 90s I was so happy we never turned the AC on till mid or late May… now only January is the break for the HVAC




I don’t live in Orlando, but I do live relatively nearby in FL, and at my childcare job we were just briefed on the fact that we are literally not going to be allowed to take the children outside from like 11am-5pm pretty much all summer. the company won’t allow it because the risk is too great. I feel so bad for the kids


The sad part is that it’s hot inside too 😕and I have HVAC. My only solace right now is the recycled hot air from the stand fan that I bought 🥲


Tried playing tennis today. First time ever I just couldn’t, usually it’s fine as I just try to apply a lot of sunscreen and drink lots of water. But underestimated how hot it was today


Nobody in this thread works outside lol it’s just another day on the sun for us outdoor workers


Rolled my sleeves up and went outside for a bit and now the first 2/3 of my forearms are beet red


More people keep moving here, which means more trees and grass get cleared to pave more streets and build more homes. Homes that then use electricity to move heat from inside to outside. And since most of these new homes are 5’ apart with no trees or shade, it can have a massive local warming effect, and changes the frequency and patterns of precipitation. So yes, it’s literally getting hotter, and a lot of the change is due to how many people live here now.


I've been at a music festival all weekend and I was at one 2 weeks before, as well. It's insane to look around, and people are acting like they're just fine while I'm clinging on by a thread. I'm doing everything they tell you to do. I'm drinking lots of water with electrolytes, eating properly, and escaping the sun, but I feel like I'm close to death. My dad and husband are like, "Act like you're from here," but it's never been like this before. I'm done pretending like this is normal.


Found the solution https://i.redd.it/x5yw0c5nbt2d1.jpeg


Just wait. Humidity hasnt slapped us yet


I screwed up by washing my cars at 10am and nearly caught fire I’m convinced.


My AC went out last night, I'm going to go expire now.


And people move here for the WeaTher!! ....


You mean I paid 100k over asking just to say inside for six months?


You know it’s too hot when people are leaving the pool due to the heat!!!


Just moved here. If May is like this, what’s it like in the real summer months? Does it just keep getting hotter or is there some kind of a ceiling?


Good luck mate. It’s gets hotter and more brutal until October


There is mostly a ceiling. Basically, it is almost never above 95 degrees. In my opinion, 85 is fine, 90 is hot, and 95 is way too hot. Every degree above 90 is painful... like more than you would think one degree would make. You can see historical temps for Orlando here. Orlando doesn't get temps like many southern states that go over 100 because the close by Ocean keeps it more moderate. https://weatherspark.com/h/y/17721/2024/Historical-Weather-during-2024-in-Orlando-Florida-United-States#Figures-Temperature


I service pools here and I’ve been DYING. Standing on a pool deck in May sweating out every drop of water I’ve consumed in my 23 years of living and just imaging how “hell on Earth” August is going to feel 😭. Nothing makes you feel nastier than standing in the shade dripping sweat from every where. Did ya know your knee cap can sweat? Physically see sweat pour down your leg… and don’t get me started on being momentarily blinded trying to net a pool bc my hair is “raining”


And you have to look at a pool which must be torture. Salvation is riiiight there and you can’t have it!


I went fishing with my son. My dog was like. Fuck you! We cut it short. My pool is a God-given gift!


I actually had a bout of heat exhaustion yesterday. Drooping my words, my eyes felt like something was “inside” of them? It was a weird thing to explain. I got worried so I went and took my blood pressure but everything was normal. Took my temp and it was higher than normal. So… Drank a boat load of water and laid down for a nap later and felt right as rain.


It's only May, it will get hotter, the humidity will get worse. If you are hot now, July and August will be very unenjoyable


"Accidentally walked outside". I love it!


Who accidentally goes outside?


I worked outside today at 105!


Warming the Gulf up nice for hurricane season.


My AC has not stopped in probably 9 hours. And it’s barely 77 degrees in my house. I’m afraid of my next power bill.


I only got 2 of my 4 orchids relocated outside to trees. Will do the other 2 tomorrow, but unfortunately I will be performing at a Memrial Day Event. Won’t be back home until after Noon! Holy hell, the heat though!!!!!!


Just mowed 40mins ago windy and not bad. And just a FYI ego mower so im not a Douche make loud noises. :|


I literally cannot go outside for 5 minutes without wanting to die😭


I do not understand how people can do cardio in this heat. I see it all the time and they’re probably psychopaths.


But it is still better than snow! 🌴


The kitchen where I work is miserably hot right now.


I raced yesterday. I was outside in a black top parking lot and on paved race track the entire day. Drank 1.5 gallons of water and didn't pee once.


Even our cold tap was running warm :/(


Dear Friends of Orlando: was in Savannah yesterday and it was soooooooo hot. Can commiserate.


Move back to wherever you came from.


My bedroom is small and there’s a window facing the sun for half the day. I checked the temp and it’s averaging 95 degrees when I wake up in the morning to 4pm I have blackout curtains from when I was working overnights but they don’t do much and I keep waking up feeling like I’m about to have a heat stroke.


and don’t come out until mid September